When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 186

Chapter 181: Borrowing The Holy Grail?

Chapter 181 Borrowing the Holy Grail?

The long line set out, descended from Mount Abif, and went back along the road where it came.

Although the big cart full of gems was missing, the number of people in the team became even larger.

Ishtar, Mustard Hinako, and Gu Mo and others also set off together, because they are already allied with each other in the same camp, and it is naturally not good to continue to stay out of the way as before, and they should also go to the Warcraft front. Convergence, but also to prepare for the next.

“Actually, you can go back to Uruk in about a day…and it won’t be delayed, you don’t need to worry too much.”

Riding on the back of the captured angry lion-like beast, Gu Mo looked at Ciri, who was a little gloomy, and said so.

The witcher girl nodded, but she still looked a little listless, looking a little frustrated.

Because before setting off, Gu Mo originally planned to have her directly activate the teleportation technique to teleport the people from Mount Abiv directly to the vicinity of Uruk, but the result was naturally a failure. Just as Ciri currently has no way to accurately locate the ability to travel through other worlds, the positioning transmission within the world is not very good.

In the world of witchers, teleportation is also a very strategic spell, and many warlocks master this spell.

However, Ciri has only received part of the magic training, and has not systematically practiced and mastered this teleportation spell, and since then has been between time and space, relying on the magic in his blood to continuously travel through worlds, but It’s all random crossing, completely by luck.

And being chased by the Wild Hunt, he really didn’t have time to practice any magic.

During this time, in order to train her to become a qualified navigator, Gu Mocai deliberately let the witcher girl begin to regain her knowledge and skills in this area.

It’s just that the progress is not too fast, and it can even be said that the effect is very small, and Ciri is naturally a little lost. Gu Mo didn’t think there was anything. Since he couldn’t pass it, he would just take the soldiers back by land, and it wouldn’t take much time.


Grabbing the reins of the angry lion under him, Fujimaru Rika clumsily drove the beast back slowly, and quickly landed at the back of the team, keeping pace with Gu Mo’s mount, and then said, “I last night…”

“Have you seen that goddess?” Gu Mo said calmly.

“Senior, do you know? The goddess appeared, but she left after a while. It seems… seems to be curious about us, and also praised our efforts so far…”

The red-haired and orange-eyed girl was stunned for a moment, then nodded hurriedly, and at the same time, her eyes were a little subtle looking at the small black dots in the distance, it was the goddess Ishtar driving her divine boat galloping, By the way, cruise back and forth over the team on the ground.

Occasionally, one after another can be seen falling from the flying boat, and then there is a rumbling muffled sound at the end of the horizon. The huge bombardment and the firelight rising into the sky intuitively show the power of the arrow of light.

The noble goddess naturally does not want to march on land, and the mustard hinako who signed a contract with her is also treated by her to sit on the ship of the gods with her… and it is precisely because of the reconnaissance and round-trip inspection of the goddess in the air , Basically no Warcraft can get close to the team.

Without even seeing the shadow, he was already blown to pieces.

“But at the moment it’s just curiosity and praise, but I don’t plan to help you, right?” Gu Mo continued to ask.

“Yes, that goddess seems to be more gentle and talkative than Miss Ishtar, but in the first contact last night, there was indeed no desire to help us…” Fujimaru Rika nodded. head, said softly.

Even though Ishtar was so far away, Ishtar definitely couldn’t hear it, but she still lowered her voice subconsciously.

“This is normal, even the goddess of the jungle may not be optimistic about us, but she has a very bright personality and is willing to admit defeat, so she promised to accompany us to make a scene. But the goddess is diligent and serious, but somewhat negative. Goddess, she is not optimistic about us at present, and naturally she will not give up her idea…”

“Then what should we do, senior?”

“Just go with the flow.”

Go with the flow? Fujimaru Tachika nodded with a vague understanding, then glanced at the little black spot on the horizon, and asked softly, “The goddess and the goddess Ishtar…”

“It’s a sister relationship, a relationship between a naturally stupid sister and a careless and stupid sister…” Gu Mo knew the question she wanted to ask, but he didn’t think much about it, and gave a statement that he thought was very appropriate.

Fujimaru Rika and Mash looked at each other and saw the doubts on each other’s faces.

“Biankyo, did you find anything?”

And Gu Mo also took the reins of the angry lion and came to the witch’s side. He had noticed from just now that Kikyo seemed to be a little worried, and had been looking into the distance, frowning tightly.

“…No, just a feeling.”

The shrine maiden glanced at him, pondered a little, and said so softly.


“Well, I can feel that something is approaching this world, very close… It should be the divine body of the **** you mentioned is approaching.” The witch frowned, her perception was originally a strength, and After obtaining the body of a goddess, the perception of the environment is greatly improved.

So she could feel the omen of some kind of storm coming, but it was hard to describe what it was.

“It should be Tiamat that I told you before, the goddess of creation was exiled to the inner imaginary world, and now through the collapse of the foundation of human nature and the power of the Holy Grail, he has returned to this side of the world. , it just hasn’t shown up yet.”

Gu Mo nodded in approval, the witch should feel the oppression brought by the mother goddess, even if she has not completely returned to the world on this side, she is undoubtedly very close.

is like a huge shadow emerging from the surface of the water, even if the giant beast in the abyss has not yet revealed its true colors, it is enough to make people feel depressed and frightened.

Next to   , Fujimaru Rika, Mash, and others were terrified. The communication from Chaldea was also silent. After all, it was an inevitable thing and could only be faced.

Probably only Miss Tamamo pouted, and Ciri’s eyes flickered. The essence of the former is after all the cruel Nine-Tails Hime, who only cares about the people she cares about, and doesn’t have so much fraternity. For some reason, she is not familiar with Chaldea.

The latter also has the same plan. Although the witcher girl is also very kind, if it is really impossible, she can only open the portal immediately to help organize a strategic retreat. With this idea in mind, Ciri felt that she You have to think about the way back for the people on your side.

“The day of destruction is coming soon…”

Gu Mo also sighed lightly, looking at the far end of the horizon, where the morning sun was rising, and it was glowing red.

Red as ominous as blood…


By the time we got back to Uruk, it was already nighttime.

The group also went to meet with King Gilgamesh. Although the latter was very busy, they still took time to meet them, but they were not so enthusiastic, they had a feeling of bossy… Gu Mo said this early. There is mental preparation, so there is no uncomfortable feeling.

After all, he is the supreme king of this era, and he not only has rights, but also undertakes corresponding obligations.

Although he still has the stinking problems of being rude, rebellious, etc., but this sage king who has done his best to exhaust himself on the throne is actually very good, and it is difficult for Gu Mo to have any ill feelings towards him, at the same time. It is even more doubtful that Gilgamesh has three people.

After all, when I was young, when I was young, and at this stage, it seemed that they were three completely different people.

In the temporarily established Chaldean embassy, everyone discussed the tasks just given by King Gilgamesh. There are mainly two, one is to go to the Persian Gulf Observatory to conduct water quality surveys, and the other is to go to the southern city Elidu brought back the legendary artifact——

Marduk’s Hand Axe.

“…That is the legendary weapon that defeated Tiamat. Although it is said to be a hand axe, it is actually dozens of meters long.” Merlin still had a sassy smile on his face, but his tone was full of It’s nerve-wracking, “I guess I can’t help with this task.”

“…It’s really useless.”

Anna next to    murmured. She was wearing a hood at this moment. Ever since she was deceived by this magician of flowers, she had always had a bad impression of Merlin.

“That can’t be helped, it’s a weapon made by God, and human magic will be bounced off.” Merlin exaggeratedly complained to himself, “I’m just a Caster, if magic doesn’t come in handy, I can’t. Let me help carry that axe that is bigger than a mountain.”

It is said to be a hand axe, but it is actually a giant-level weapon at all.

What can he do with his little arms and legs.

“So I’ll go to the Persian Gulf Observatory. Just because of the information given by Mr. Gu Mo, Wang has given up the idea of looking for the destiny tablet, and my previous mission is over…” The magician of flowers But he didn’t want to be lazy. He really couldn’t do another task, so he could only go to the Persian Gulf.

“In that case, let’s go to Eridu. Isn’t the southern area the realm of the goddess of the jungle?” Fujimaru Tachika’s mind was quick and he made a quick decision, “It just so happens that we are going there too, that one. Doesn’t the goddess want to see me, maybe she can help us carry that god-made weapon.”

“This is also a way, but even the Goddess of the Jungle was drawn over all of a sudden. The progress of the plan was far beyond expectations. With this one joining us, our chances of winning… um, it’s a big increase.”

Merlin said with approval: “It’s that King Gilgamesh is going to have a headache again. Many plans have to be adjusted overnight. Some orders have just been issued, and he has to send someone to chase them back.”

“What, why only the goddess of the jungle and not me? Wouldn’t my joining greatly increase your odds of winning?”

Ishtar narrowed her eyes, and her eyes flashed with dangerous light. When she followed everyone to see Gilgamesh, she was angry again, and that hateful guy pretended to be generous and said permission. She went back to live in her own temple…

That was originally his own underground palace, why should he allow it!

The goddess who was originally unhappy is naturally even more unhappy now. She is obviously the strongest goddess, isn’t she, shouldn’t she be the most eye-catching one!

“It’s natural, it’s natural, now that Ishtar has become a friend, it’s the key to the final decision.” In the Chaldean communication, the laughter belonging to Dr. Roman sounded, the good man hurried out to smooth the game, and complimented the goddess by the way. My lord, although that was their idea in the first place—

“No matter who comes, you won’t lose! Calling Mesopotamia the strongest is not a joke, Miss Ishtar is definitely the strongest!”

“Hmph, count you acquaintances…” The black-haired girl nodded smugly, her fair and slender neck lifted up gracefully like a swan.

“That’s right, Miss Ishtar’s bull of the sky is definitely the strongest means in our hands.” The simple Matthew nodded again and again, praising him.

“…Yes, yes, you understand quite well, if you use it, it should be the last resort, oh hehehe.”

Ishtar’s body suddenly froze, and then he laughed so dryly with some guilty conscience.

“Speaking of which, what about Mr. Gu Mo?” Fujimaru Rika didn’t notice Mrs. Goddess’s sudden guilty conscience, but suddenly realized that an important person seemed to be missing.

“He went to the king and said that he had something to discuss.” On the other side of the table, Kado Hinako, who was sitting quietly with the witch and the others, raised her head and said this calmly.


“You want to borrow Uruk’s mug?”

In the brightly lit palace, the young man on the throne frowned and looked at Gu Mo below, sneered at first, and then said aloud: “It’s really courageous, but it’s okay… Let’s not say anything else, I think Want to know what you want to do?”

“Naturally, it’s to reshape the body.” Gu Mo didn’t hide it, he spread out his hand and stretched out his hand to hold his chest. “This body is still too weak to cope with the next catastrophe.”

“Well, you are now a pseudo-servant based on a human body…”

Gilgamesh rested his chin with one hand, leaned on the armrest beside the throne, and looked at the man below.

“The immortals over there are just like the gods, and the scale of existence is too different. There is no way to descend as a Servant. You can only transfer the split spirit to a very similar human being, and then come as a Servant…”

“So now you want to use the power of the Holy Grail to reshape a fairy body so that you can exert full power?”

(end of this chapter)

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