When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 209

Chapter 203: Guess Stores & Ideas

Chapter 203 Guessing Shops and Ideas

Leaning on the back of the computer chair, Gu Mo thought seriously.

In this situation, if he hadn’t traveled by himself, it would probably only be the case where the silver achievement badge affects the rate of change of the world line… Of course, I dare not say that there is no other possibility, but at least the information he has at present does not have this aspect. clues point to.

shook his head, he continued to search the Internet, and found that the game corresponding to the previous dungeon still existed, and it seemed that there was no obvious change in this regard.

And if you continue to trace back, the dungeons that were involved earlier have not disappeared, and it seems that nothing has changed… So, the reference standard for the rate of change of the world line is the record uploaded by yourself? Records not selected for upload will not be overwritten?

emmmmm… Maybe not necessarily.

Gu Mo sighed a little tangled. The current information is not enough to make a judgment. For the time being, we can only guess like this, and then we need to do an experiment.

Finally, he browsed the comment section of the latest records. His eyebrows trembled, revealing a very subtle expression. The achievement badge related to “Legendity” changed from copper quality to silver quality. The rate of change of the world line may still be a very small value.

But… it is a very wonderful thing reflected in the corresponding changes.

“Update! Why not update! TNND! Why not update!”

“It’s going to be a month, how about the third episode? Without Miss Miko, I’m going to die…”

“Don’t keep thinking about your third episode, the last series of the Warring States Trip has not moved up until now! It’s probably an independent studio, something trouble happened…”

“How can this be the same? Well, that’s the end of the first season. This series has only been updated for two episodes and has stopped moving! Could it be a cut in half, don’t…”

In the latest comment area, someone was fiercely urging and complaining, followed by a series of discussions. The number of floors was as high as 700 or more. The latest reply was even four minutes ago, making Gu Mo a little ashamed. Even more embarrassed after browsing it.

Speaking of which, it seems that there is only a copy of Nioh World, which is relatively complete and uploaded, but it is only what he thinks is “complete”——

From the Ziming Cherry Blossoms in Thirteen Cherry Village, the first sight under the moon…

All the way to Meinong Lushan City, the Viper God Realm and his party…

It ended just before he left. It can be said that he worked hard. From the records that lasted for more than a month, he cut out more than ten episodes, and barely managed to finish one season. The other Warring States Tour that followed was only released for two episodes. After all, he also had a lot of things to deal with at the time, and his mentality became a bit random…

So I didn’t think about it too much, and after that, I let Ciri open the door to explore the next dungeon, and I didn’t come back until now. Originally, this is nothing, because in the original world line, this is the tepid fan creation, or the kind that has long been out of breath and no enthusiasm.

But now it’s completely different…

Now it seems that there is a feeling of being out of the circle, what should I say? Probably in the current era of overall rottenness, there is a tendency to be elected as the light of the industry. He took a look and found that many people are even taking this to diss the current industry and ridicule the rotten state of the industry…

Although the truth is such a truth, the main body of Gu Mo’s account is not an independent studio with dreams, and the works released are not works that pursue dreams, but actual experience records, at most , It’s just a general editing.

Effects are not special effects…

An exterior is not an exterior…

Sincerity is naturally not sincerity… Uh, or it can be said that it is actually the most sincere? After all, I personally traveled to another real ancient world to photograph the local customs and customs at that time, and present the real stories that I have experienced. Is there anything more sincere than this?

Thinking like this quickly revolved in his mind, Gu Mo smiled hehely, and closed the web page on the computer. He had a general idea.

But he will be able to practice it later, and he has to prepare before then… He wants to see if this is the case, whether the records uploaded by himself will cause changes in the world line, at least in the macroscopic picture of the real world. Changes should still be observable.

Speaking of which, I seem to have forgotten something, so it seems a little strange to come back this time…

As he remembered it, he opened the system panel and browsed the refreshed store page. This is still quite important, and he cannot let go of every possibility.

First of all, of course, the sign-in reward. By convention, it is usually a consolation prize of 2,000 game coins, which is a painless mosquito meat. However, there seemed to be a critical attack today. The moment he clicked, a bright silver light burst out, causing Gu Mo to narrow his eyes unconsciously.

Is this a jackpot?

I hope to be able to give something useful.

After the light dissipated, the pattern displayed in the grid frame was a blueprint-like thing. See the note below:

“Orbital Habitat Technology… um, why is it such a thing, does this encourage me to rush out of the earth?”

After reading the name, Gu Mo tilted his head, stretched out his slender index finger and scratched his cheek, as if he had drawn a strange reward again.

It’s just that it’s not directly giving the corresponding physical reward, but a knowledge design. According to the description, it is still about the technology of building an orbital space station, but it is obviously not the technology at this stage. After taking a closer look at its annotation, he found that this thing is quite Advanced, it is definitely a product of the era of true interstellar civilization.

It is not a manned space station that can only carry a limited number of astronauts and complete the same limited scientific research work, but a large-scale and basically self-sufficient living station. It is like building a small city on orbit. It is an artificial ecology. The crystallization of architecture.

“It seems interesting…”

Gu Mo squeezed his chin and gave such an evaluation, but although it is very interesting, it is obviously very difficult to transform this design into a real thing. Even if it is thrown out regardless of the consequences, the power in the real world cannot exist. Reproduce it in a short time.

Even if the great powers do their best to concentrate resources…because even if they thoroughly understand this precious design, there is no way to immediately solve practical problems, such as the constraints of production capacity and space transportation capacity.

Since it is difficult for even state machines in the real world to do it, then as an individual he naturally…

——emmmmm, looks like I’m thinking this can work?

Gu Mo put away this unusual sign-in reward with a thoughtful look.

Then there are the refreshed daily specials. The first item is a robot that looks quite pleasing to the eye, which makes him feel a little familiar. The main part is a slightly oval torso without a head or just this head. , there are three mechanical arms distributed on the front side, left side and right side of the main body respectively.


The domestic servant robot designed by General Atomics International has a built-in 238B nuclear power core and self-maintenance module certified by Calpower. The personality matrix is designed to be very precise in order to adapt to the home environment. It can efficiently recognize the user’s verbal commands and execute them. various complex tasks.

However, because it is a household model of Mr. Handy, not Mr. Fighter, the combat efficiency is relatively poor.

Gu Mo remembered why he felt a little familiar, and immediately took a closer look with a little interest, and then looked at the price, the price of a bronze key plus two million game coins… Some strange pricing, it turned out to be Is it possible to mix and match premium and common currencies?

I bought it decisively!

is quite interesting. Although it is a housekeeping robot for civil use, it is still very valuable in Gu Mo’s opinion, at least in terms of its performance.

As the system deducted the payment and settled, a brand-new Mr. Handyman with a silver-white polished steel shell appeared in his inventory without any warning. the second item.

It was a strange contraption, the core of which was a helmet with various cables attached…

Game cabin?

Gu Mo’s first reaction was this, but then he realized that he was thinking too much. This is actually a learning device. After putting the helmet on the subject’s head, he can use the biological and spiritual principles to simulate all five factors that affect the body. This sensory electrical signal sends a lot of information to the brain.

In this way, pre-set language, logic, movement, and even information such as character and emotion can be entered in a short period of time.

To put it bluntly, this is to quickly install the operating system, as well as various drivers and application programs for the computer, the brain, thus skipping the long-term experience of life. And because personality and emotional information can be input, it is also a brainwashing device in a sense.

Gu Mo was a little tangled, but after hesitating for a while, he still chose to buy it. Even if he just studied its working principle, it might be able to help his application of spiritual power.

The painting style of the last item is finally not full of sci-fi style, otherwise he would probably think that the time-space signals that the system has recently searched for are the world on the technology side.

It was a quaint stone box filled with gold coins. The gold coins seemed to have skulls and crossbones on them, showing a strong sense of ominous…

Aztec’s cursed gold coins, those who take the gold coins without permission will be cursed on the gold coins, their feelings will gradually disappear, and under the illumination of the moon, they will turn into skeletons… It seems to be Fantastic items in Pirates of the Caribbean?

But what does it mean to you?

Gu Mo looked at the price casually, and was a little surprised to find that this box of gold coins actually required two silver keys. You must know that price often means quality. This curse that he subconsciously despised seems to be quite unique. of.

Now he is interested in research, so he simply bought it.

He bought all the three items refreshed today. He only has one bronze key and one silver key left. It’s a pity that no legendary item has been refreshed. He clearly has a legendary key now.

So even though he has gained something, Gu Mo is still a little indifferent.

stood up, he walked to the window and stood still, quietly looking at the community and city scenery outside, at this time, he seems to have the confidence to live in the real world…

Do some small movements, a little toss?

(end of this chapter)

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