When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Add Another Eye

Chapter 29 Another Eye Addition

At night time.

The night shrouded the Meinong Plain, and the entire Inaba Mountain City also entered a relatively quiet night from the busyness of the day. Every family fell asleep in the quiet darkness, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. It is the most important part of this era. Universal rhythm.

There are only a few houses that can emit candlelight. After all, whether it is candles or lamp oil, ordinary people cannot afford to consume them.

In ancient times when productivity was backward, lighting was really a luxury. Even in China, there are many related stories circulating, often allusions about scholars who thought of various methods for reading because their families were poor and could not afford oil lamps. Wait.

This is the case in China, let alone in this island country.

However, in Tokichiro’s longhouse, the candlelight was extravagantly lit tonight. In the lobby, by the reflection of the firelight, Saito Michizō raised the dagger in his hand in memory, his fingers trembled slightly, he lightly pondered the blade, and looked at the word “Show” engraved on it.

“It’s this…it’s this…”

He seemed a little absent-minded and muttered to himself, although it had been more than ten years since the separation, he was no longer the leader of the Chu Yeya clan, but successfully relied on strategies to capture Meinong and became a famous and important prince in the world. . But no matter what, this short knife he will never admit wrong.

Because this is the past self, the fragment of Chu Yeya’s blade that was used, part of the legendary sword left by the samurai in the early days.

If he was very sure before, then Saito Michizo has completed the final confirmation. He turned his head suddenly and looked at the black-haired girl who looked exactly like Yilong. Another daughter of many years!

Really are…

is really good! I didn’t know if I would see each other again in my lifetime, but I didn’t expect the surprise to come so suddenly that he was not prepared and caught off guard!

Even though he has always been famous for his untrustworthiness and ruthlessness, so he is called “Mino’s Viper”, his heart is in chaos at this moment.

This man with a smooth forehead, a full beard, and a domineering appearance took a deep breath, tried to calm himself, and squeezed out a kind and kind old father’s smile, facing the somewhat overwhelmed black man. The haired girl asked:

“Fuka Yoshino… no, your mother, she… is she okay?”


Hearing the words, the black-haired girl was stunned for a moment, and her face suddenly became a little sad.

She opened her mouth, but in the end she just lowered her long eyelashes, but was unable to say anything.

What I recalled in my mind was the unforgettable scene when I was young. The red-eyed man with a tin stick suddenly broke into his home… At that time, the young Hidechiyo didn’t know anything, and he fell in a pool of blood with his mother. among.

After the red-eyed man succeeded and left, the mother, who had only one breath left, resurrected her with the power of the short knife and all the magic power, and asked her to live no matter what, she must live strong, and then Xiangxiaoyu died.

After that, the young Hidechiyo carried her mother’s wishes and commitments to her, and lived alone. She lost a lot and lost her ability to speak, but she only remembered the name her mother left to her. Whenever someone asked his name, he would answer by showing the word “Show” on the knife left by his mother.

It has been like this until today.



In the silence, the air becomes dull little by little, and sometimes, silence itself is a kind of answer.

“That’s right, I see…”

Looking at the girl’s sad expression, Saito Michizane seemed to have aged many years in an instant. He understood something, and after a moment of silence, he sighed. Although the girl didn’t say anything, but he was as smart as him, how could he not understand what was going on.

That woman is no longer in this world…

He felt very strange and didn’t feel surprised, only that it was so clear. After all, in this war-torn world, people and ghosts are dying in large numbers every day, plus it’s more than ten years. No news, he had already accepted this possibility.

But the sadness couldn’t be suppressed. He turned his head again, and looked at the short blade in his hand with some fascination. He seemed to fall into a strange state of nostalgia for the past. As if everything happened yesterday.

It’s weird, it’s been more than ten years…

He just stared at it in a daze, and after a while, his eyes brightened unknowingly, and it seemed to be crystal clear.

Die, die, die…

At this time, Tokichiro, who was standing a little far away, was trembling with fear. He didn’t have time to sigh that Mino’s pit viper actually has a tender side, and that this man whose heart seemed to be made of iron and stone would have such a human expression. But for the first time, I felt that my scalp was about to explode, and I felt that I had seen something I shouldn’t have seen!

He looked around tremblingly, and found that Miss Axiu looked sad and lowered her eyes, while Brother Gu Mo was watching calmly. The people of the great world are indeed people from the upper kingdom of heaven…

But, at this time, these are all irrelevant. The only information that Tokichiro filtered out of it was that he seemed to be an “outsider” in this room…

It was over, he lowered his head like a conditioned reflex, stared at the floor, never dared to raise his head again, his heart was full of bitterness.

I hope that I can be fooled, I hope the three people don’t care about this detail, I hope he won’t react to it later, feel ashamed to be tearful in front of an outsider, and then wake up in the middle of the night and let him be dragged out of the house and beheaded now…

When Tokichiro prayed to God and worshipped Buddha, Saito Dozo slowly recovered, and his thoughts returned to reality, but those memories of the past were still flying around in front of his eyes, disturbing him. thinking ability.

Mixed sorrow and joy, unable to restrain himself, not only the joy of seeing his other daughter again, but also immersed in the sadness of the death of his beloved, unable to extricate himself.

Efforts to restrain his emotions, the man looked at his daughter, remembered that she could no longer speak, and suddenly felt more sad and guilty, even if there was nothing wrong with him, but compared with his other daughter’s life these years, look at The black-haired girl in front of her obviously doesn’t know how much she has suffered…

Saito Dozo immediately felt that he was going to be overwhelmed by that guilt feeling.

“It’s been really hard for you over the years…”

His voice became a little hoarse, but it was very powerful, as if it was not just comforting, but also a kind of guarantee to implement his own will, “Axiu, my daughter! From today on, you don’t have to be like before. Just like I promised your mother to take good care of Yilong, I will take good care of you too!”

Toujiro, who lowered his head and didn’t dare to look up, listened to this, and couldn’t help but envy for a while, he knew it would be like this, but it was also expected.

The black-haired girl raised her head in amazement.

“That’s right, we’re going back now, this old man is going to let everyone know about this great good thing, yes, we must let the whole Minong know…”

Saito Dozo muttered to himself, then took a breath, and then immediately reacted, and continued to laugh heroically as if to cover it up, he waved his hand and greeted a few people eagerly, his eyes still only locked On Axiu’s body—

“Hahahaha, today is really a good day, let’s go, Axiu. Let’s go home first, then go home and talk about it! By the way, you’re hungry too, I’ll have someone prepare…”

He suddenly remembered that Tokichiro seemed to have only entered the city in the evening. Maybe they walked all day and probably didn’t eat anything, so he immediately became concerned about it.

At this moment, Saito Michizō is not like the Mino Viper who is known for his ruthlessness, but more like an empty-nest old man who is finally looking forward to his children coming home… The heavy sense of guilt and indebtedness makes him extremely hopeful that he can give this lost man The daughter of many years makes up for something, no matter what it is, as long as he can do it, he will do it.

However, Hidechiyo didn’t seem to know what to do about Saito Michizo’s performance, and she looked around in a dazed and subconscious manner.

—with a slight sense of help.

She also knew that this is indeed her father, and everything can be matched… But, but, this is really too sudden, she is completely unprepared, there is no way to accept such a sudden development at once, whether it is the other party The enthusiasm shown at this moment is still the arrangement the other party said.

—Let the whole Mino… know?

—and going home… How could she take that castle tower as her home all of a sudden? !

So even though Saito Michizō was very excited and extremely hopeful, but at this moment, her heart was full of subconscious resistance and rejection.

“Cough, three Daoists, listen to me first…”

At this time, Gu Mo finally stood up and smoothed the game. He coughed softly, put his hand into a fist and placed it on his chin. Seeing that the attention of the two of them was diverted, he continued to talk in a leisurely manner. .

“That’s right, I understand your feelings, but have you ever thought that all this is a bit sudden? Axiu didn’t know about it before, even if she knew that you were her father, but to her, you were also Very unfamiliar, someone I just met today, do you want to give her some time to get used to it…”

There is no way to accept it immediately, this is normal, and he doesn’t want to see the girl in such a difficult situation.

Anyway, it’s enough to know this matter, and it’s good not to leave any regrets in the future, but you don’t have to force it to accept it immediately, anyway, there is still time… Besides, even if Axiu can’t accept it immediately, can Saito Dosan be able to deny it. thing?

Impossible, so – in fact, the result is not bad.


“…who are you!”

Saito Michio looked at this hairy boy expressionlessly, and after staring at him for a while, he suddenly asked so rudely, his eyebrows raised.

For no reason, he thought this guy was really annoying. He actually called his precious daughter so close. Is Axiu also called you?

This is because the pearl of the palm, which has been lost for many years, has been recovered. The strong joy and the heavy guilt are intertwined, and the effect of compensation psychology makes Saito Dozo want to double make up for Hidechiyo. Vigilance and resistance, and the young man in front of him seems to be the hateful guy who will take Axiu away…

– So just in an instant, he felt that Gu Mo’s face became disgusting, and it was not pleasing to the eye.



Too, you didn’t remember Ganqing at all, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Gu Mo maintained a cracked smile on his face: “My name is Gu Mo, it’s Axiu…”

“Okay, don’t say it… I remember it!” Saito Dosan waved his hand impatiently, interrupting his words roughly, this kid is really annoying, and it’s still a show! He took a deep breath and glanced at some girls who didn’t know what to do next to him.

But even though I hate it, if it’s what Ah Xiu likes, then I don’t want to be too arbitrary and rude…

He just wanted to make up for his responsibilities and be a good father. If he just met Axiu and ignored Axiu’s thoughts and acted according to his own preferences, it would only make Axiu sad. The opposite is true.

glared at Gu Mo, making the latter inexplicable, and then Saito Dozo once again showed a very gentle and amiable smile, and said to Hidechiyo:

“Well, it’s because of my father’s lack of consideration… We’re not in a hurry, we’re not in a hurry, let’s go according to your idea, Axiu, and we’ll talk about it when you’re willing to accept it… But why should we go back to the Tianshou Pavilion first? I can’t let you live in a place like this.”

He seemed to be asking the girl’s opinion carefully, and at the same time glanced around. The longhouse could only be said to be clean, but it was nothing to ask for.

He was also used to living a hard life before, so of course he didn’t think there was any problem, but it meant that he had no problem, but he absolutely couldn’t accept that the pearl of his hand, which he regarded as a treasure, stayed in such a place.

Hidechiyo is still a little hesitant, but she has such a personality that she is easy to talk to strangers, let alone the father she just recognized. Since the other party is willing to take a step back and express that she doesn’t like it, everything can be negotiated , then she is not good at being stubborn.

Saito Michizō, who successfully persuaded his daughter, burst into a wide-eyed smile, and hurriedly walked ahead to lead the way, and at the same time did not forget to give someone a vicious look again when passing by.

“You… come together, keep up!”

This pit viper seemed to be reluctant to leave such a sentence, then walked out without looking back, and said diligently beside the black-haired girl with a smile, as if it was urgent. Seize every moment to make up for family affection and mistakes.




Tojiro, who was motionless in the long house, finally wiped the sweat on his forehead. His face was a little pale, his legs were a little weak, but his eyes were relieved. It seems that the three people did not plan to care Things that go wrong in front of oneself.

But after the panic was over, excitement followed, he couldn’t hide his excitement and looked at the young man beside him with envy in his eyes: “Brother Gu Mo, you are really lucky, you have a relationship with Miss Axiu, The three Daoists will definitely treat you differently, you will definitely rise to the top, and then…don’t forget about me, Uncle!”

“emmmm…adding the other eye?”

Gu Mo frowned, as if it was true, that bad old man seemed to be normal to others, even when he looked at himself, he seemed to be staring at himself.

(end of this chapter)

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