When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 316

Chapter 309: Immortals Solve Puzzles

Chapter 309 Immortals solve puzzles

“Fairy! Fairy…”

A hurried voice came from the road not far behind.

But that large group of people finally arrived, probably because the journey was too hasty, one by one gasping for breath, and a group of hundreds of people flocked to the periphery of the village.

The villagers in the village also seemed to have discovered something, and looked over curiously. The shrine maiden Zaki also frowned slightly. Why did such a large group of people suddenly land on the island, and she didn’t realize it was coming. She subconsciously looked at the Taoist man in white who had returned to normal.

“You are here…”

Gu Mo also interrupted his thoughts, and calmly glanced back at everyone. He already had a decision in his heart. At the same time, he waved his hand to Miss Zauji, signaling to make her feel at ease.

Whether this group of people is only now aware of it or has been pursuing it all the time, there may actually be some things that are taken for granted. However, in fact, they probably don’t understand what price they should pay if they want to get what they need.

The so-called chance means chance plus fate.

In the end, you still need your own practice. Whether you can catch it or not is your own business. There is nothing to say, that’s all.



The scene quieted down, and the panting people held their breath tightly subconsciously, regardless of their blushing face, and the moment the eyes of the young Taoist on the opposite side swept over, their bodies were subconsciously stretched straight. They are very clear that the Taoist who is Yurun Shenxiu in front of them is the dragon just now!

Although it is very incredible, since they did not stay on the ship, but came along together, it means that they accepted the statement of Joseph and others.


When the pair of green eyes swept across indifferently, they instinctively felt the same sense of oppression, the exact same majesty as before.

Indifferent and cold and ruthless, when his eyes swept over, he could feel that his consciousness almost stopped thinking, just like before, as if there was a great **** looking down from the sky, staring icyly from the sky. own.

The language, whether familiar or unfamiliar, did not prevent them from understanding the meaning, just like the previous telepathic roar.

So at this moment, they naturally have no doubts!

“Xian, Xian Xian Xianren…”

As the leader of the crowd, the old man stuttered when he spoke at this moment. Although this suffocating coercion only flashed for a moment, it was scary enough, just like the biological instinct of encountering a natural enemy. Generally, he felt his body froze.

And because of his previous experience, he never thought that the immortal, who was originally calm and natural in temperament and approachable in speech, would suddenly show such a terrifying aura, which made people tremble deeply.

I was caught off guard by this sudden contrast, and I couldn’t help but feel fearful and sincere in my heart, subconsciously thinking wildly, worried that I had done something wrong, or that immortals didn’t like seeing so many people? At this moment, the old man was nervous and annoyed.

“I know what you’re after, but whether you want to stay on the island or not, it’s best to think carefully about this…”

Gu Mo didn’t think so much, just said lightly. He simply showed the sense of oppression that he could instinctively feel from his genes, and just proved himself to this group of people.

Of course, it is also possible not to do this, but there will always be people who have a clear mind, doubt the possibility of this, doubt the authenticity of that, and finally want to take the risk and make a big news… Now let’s be a little shocked and engrave awe into them In the instinct of life, it can save a lot of trouble.

Anyway, it’s a convenient thing, why not do it.

“I stay! I stay!”

As if they were worried that this was euphemistically persuading them to quit, the old man and the middle-aged man were the first to speak, with a firm tone, for fear that if he was slow, he would miss this opportunity.

And after they started, the same voice rang out from the crowd.

“Don’t worry, you have the right to choose, but I mean you’d better think about it…” The Taoist in white smiled slightly, and at this moment, everyone was like a spring breeze, as if the previous suffocation The coercion is just an illusion, but because of the strong contrast, it is even more impressive.

“I also know very well what you want, nothing more than longevity, nothing more than strength.”

“But understand one thing, not everyone can get them. I am not here to fulfill your wishes, I will only give you the method to get them. As for whether you can succeed through your own efforts, that is you It’s my own business.”

“So please think more clearly, before making a decision, you must know how to choose… If the bamboo basket is empty, it is probably not the result you want to see. Although I don’t force you to give up the outside world, but You should also understand the special features of this island…”

said this slowly, the Taoist’s eyes were scrutinized, and his eyes swept across everyone’s faces equally.

“Although I will adjust the time flow of this island in the future, it will not remain open to the outside world all year round, so consider it carefully.”



It was quiet, and many people opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

Recovering from the excitement, they also remembered the special features of this island one after another. This mighty existence did not intend to be extra kind to them, and would be their nanny, caring and meticulous service, able to Let them take care of everything easily, and they can get their dream harvest without paying any price.

The meaning of the other party is obvious, which is to tell them to know how to choose, and even if they stay, they may not be able to succeed.

This is not the same as what they subconsciously imagined at the beginning… But because of the look just now, no one dares to object, and they want to fight for their due rights or something. They can’t even think of such an idea. Up, I can only think very anxiously under this premise.

So——how to decide?

“I’ve made up my mind! I want to stay!” In a very decisive tone, the old man at the head said decisively.

At his age, he has few years to live. If he doesn’t seize this opportunity, he will really be buried in the ground. So what is there to hesitate about, besides, in the years of desperate pursuit, he has already made all the preparations.

And the middle-aged man who followed him naturally gritted his teeth and made up his mind to say the same thing.

They have persisted for so long, and it is no longer a matter of slap in the forehead and a fever, of course, it is impossible to hold back at this time.

But the others looked at each other, their faces struggling and painful, not knowing what to do.

“If you make up your mind, just go to the village to find a place to live, there are still quite a few empty houses…” The Taoist said indifferently, without any special performance, just looked around the other people, “Not yet. Don’t worry about it, but it’s best to make a decision as soon as possible…”

This is a kind reminder, the time enchantment has not been adjusted yet.

Compared with Penglai Island, the outside world still maintains fifty times the flow rate of time, so from the time this group of people entered the island and consumed this part of the time of infighting and desperate rushing, until this moment, the outside world has passed four times. more days…

If you don’t want to stay and wait for the game to release, it’s better to leave as soon as possible.



In the quiet atmosphere, there seems to be a feeling of nervousness spreading.

Different identities and positions give different authority to words, just like their simple words in the past, can make many ordinary people sleepless.

The same is true now. Although the powerful existence on the opposite side is very gentle now, like giving a kind reminder in good faith, it is also “urging” them to make a decision as soon as possible… Therefore, no one can ignore this pressure. Visible nervousness.

This is a great opportunity, but it seems that the price to be paid is too high. Everyone is rich and expensive. Can you really easily give up all kinds of enjoyment from the outside world? And there is not necessarily a result, if it is not successful, wouldn’t it be a big loss?

But I have to give up, but I am really reluctant to let it go. At the moment, being urged by the powerful existence on the opposite side is even more anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Almost everyone is in a hurry, and under the huge psychological pressure There are fine beads of sweat, and I don’t know how to choose.

“This, this… Mr., you, hello…”

At this time, there was a voice that pretended to be calm.

Gu Mo calmly followed the prestige, and the crowd moved out of the way. It was a woman in an elegant dress. She looked like she was twenty-five or six years old. She had a mature and pure coexistence, but her forehead was also red and swollen. , slightly spoiled the delicacy of her face.

But at this moment, she still tried her best to stand up straight, met his gaze, and stammered her mouth seriously.

“I… my name is Xin Zhen…”

She bravely introduced herself like this, but she still didn’t have the courage to look at the pair of star pupils, and subconsciously turned her head away, “I am… I am a representative member of the National Secret Service, mainly responsible for investigating the supernatural field. and other events…”

She introduced her identity, adjusted her breathing, and made her tone as fluent and natural as possible.

In the crowd behind, there is also a faint commotion, not only the consternation of those who do not understand the inside story, but also the representative members of other countries are preparing, and there are even teammates who do not even know her specific identity, but they will not be easily exposed. Come out, at present she is the famous brand negotiating on her behalf.

The next moment, there were also other people in twos and threes coming out of the crowd, also stammering to show their identities.

At this moment, there are showdowns, because the next step is to negotiate with the opposite side from a national standpoint.


The immortal opposite    let out a faint sigh, and looked up and down at the dozen or so people. He was not surprised, but he still asked indifferently, “So, what do you want to say?”


Xin Zhen tried her best to adjust her breathing, but she felt her heart was numb. She really wanted to restore the dignified and generous, neither humble nor arrogant when she was rehearsing, but as long as she thought of the true face of the young man on the other side, she was a sacred dragon god, which was impossible to see. The behemoth of the whole picture can’t help but even his breathing becomes disordered.

The more I think about that scene, the more I find it hard to breathe.

The more I remembered that sacred appearance, the more I felt that thinking would stop.

“I… let’s ask some questions, and hope to get your answers.” After saying those words with great difficulty, she looked at the young man on the opposite side cautiously as if she was waiting for a trial.

“What do you want to know?” the Taoist asked lightly.

Everyone looked at each other, and at this time, a blond man became a little bolder, and asked with a cautious and tentative tone: “You… don’t you know what we want to ask?”

“Oh, it’s really interesting, I just don’t think you like the exchange of mind-reading…” The young man across from him suddenly laughed and didn’t take it seriously, “But since you ask for it, then I won’t take care of you either. I’m in the mood, and I’m also in a bit of interest, so let’s talk about the question you all want to ask—”

Everyone froze in their hearts, but before they could say anything, they found that the mighty existence on the opposite side had continued to speak.

Gu Mo looked around, and said meaningfully and pointedly: “There is indeed a very knowledgeable side in this world, such as Taoism, magic, yin and yang, alchemy, etc. These all exist, only But they are all areas that ordinary people can’t touch…”

may not have existed in the past, but because of the appearance of such a variable, there are naturally more factors in this world now.

But under his restraint—

These things have not really spread out, and naturally belong to the realm that ordinary people cannot touch.

A dozen or so special members representing the governments of different countries opened their mouths, but also before they could speak, the youth opposite had already read their psychological activities again.

He looked at one of them and continued quite calmly: “They don’t exist anywhere else on this planet, no matter what you look for, you will only find some untruths and myths, because all of these are concentrated in Under my jurisdiction…”

Having said that, he looked at the other person and smiled softly: “Why is it impossible? Although I am indeed a Taoist priest, can a Taoist priest also learn other systems? There have never been any rules and restrictions in this regard, saying: It’s not allowed.”

This scene looks a bit weird, as if he was talking to himself, but from the rapidly changing expressions of the agents he looked at, he could tell that it was indeed the thoughts in their hearts that were accurately read. Existence is solving their puzzles one by one.

The others were both frightened and frightened. Only Joseph and Victor, who had been psychologically prepared, were indifferent to this. They had encountered this kind of thing a few years ago.

“No, they don’t exist, because there is nothing special about the outside world other than me… none of them, so you can’t find them anyway, not for other reasons.” The Taoist said slowly and continued to answer another question.

“Wait! It’s impossible!”

Seemingly hearing a completely unacceptable answer, a blond woman behind the crowd finally blurted out, she took a few steps forward emotionally, and waved her hands vigorously: “How can it not exist, like an angel, and the Vatican , our beliefs, these will definitely exist! How can only you exist here!”

is like a very devout believer who finds that her faith has been denied, and she can’t restrain her impulse.

“Maybe they exist in other worlds, you can think so, but they do not exist in this world…” Gu Mo looked at the woman calmly and said in a light tone.

“You! You…impossible!”

The face turned red and white, and the woman screamed: “It’s like the Wild Hunt a few years ago, didn’t it appear?! Doesn’t this mean that there are other extraordinary powers in the world? You…you are definitely lying! ”

seems to have grasped a powerful argument, and her faith has given her unparalleled courage.

The others seemed to have finally reacted, and subconsciously looked at the Taoist opposite, wanting to see what he had to say.

“There are only those wild hunters… but they were already killed by me at that time, right?” Gu Mo’s answer to this was a little cold, he lowered his eyes slightly and said indifferently.



In an instant, there was a dead silence.

The sound at the scene seemed to be completely dead.

Everyone’s eyes widened, and they looked at the seemingly gentle young Taoist opposite in horror, and a terrifying thought could not be contained in their hearts.

There is no other supernatural being in the world…

But there are various mysterious inheritances that implement ancient and modern Chinese and foreign concentrated in the hands of this existence…

Could it be… Could it be…

(end of this chapter)

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