When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 325

Chapter 318: King-Like Treatment

Chapter 318 King-like treatment

in a trance.

is the subversion of the world.

The sudden noise appeared, and the decibel of the sound was directly raised to an astonishing level, as if it became real.

A burst of chaotic sound waves came, and Matou Sakura finally woke up like a dream.

“This…this is…”

This purple-haired girl finally managed to wake up a little from the shock of Matou Yanzhao being killed so neatly, but she still felt as if she was in a dream, filled with an uneasy feeling. Belief and a strong sense of unreality, and then she realized that she was no longer in the previous yard.

is on a large square——

Surrounded by a crowd of people, there was a lot of noise everywhere, and many people were red-faced, raising their fists and shouting something.

In the very center of the square, there is a high execution stand, with a wooden frame several meters high on it, and a thick axe with a trapezoidal blade and a slanted blade, as if you can feel the The terrifying atmosphere of the turbulent era, this atmosphere is chilling.

The purple-haired girl is naturally no stranger to this. When it comes to the French Revolution, the July Dynasty, the Brumaire Coup, the Declaration of Human Rights, etc., etc., people may not be able to remember how clearly. But things like the guillotine are definitely impressive and become an intuitive symbol.

The guillotine stands tall in the square…

The crowd cheered under the guillotine.

Looking at this very visual scene, the purple-haired girl subconsciously felt that she had returned to the historically crowded Place de la Concorde in Paris, and seemed to have smelled a vaguely **** smell. This is the condensed of a **** history.

“A mere **** dares to play the king…”

Faced with such a game of kings, the golden Servant naturally became completely furious, gnashing his teeth, and his tone became extremely cold. He really had an idea and came back two days early, but before he returned to Fuyuki City, he noticed the situation, and when he came back, he found that the Kotopo Church was in a mess.

Father died as a matter of course and couldn’t die any longer.

Under that enormous power, there are still parts that are not humanoid. It is hard to say that it is not a special provocation. It is like killing people and hanging the head to the public.

And the church’s underground darkroom was also dug out…

The sustenance that Gilgamesh has relied on for ten years, the human flesh battery imprisoned in the basement has also been erased and no longer exists…

—These are the focal points of his anger.

After all, to be honest, Gilgamesh has no feelings for Kotomine Kirei, and if only Kotomine Kirei died, he would not care so much. What really made him angry was that his own territory was invaded rashly.

Being invaded into the territory privately, being privately destroying property, being provoked by jumping face like this…

This is the most intolerable point for a madman who thinks he is the absolute king of the world, who thinks he is the absolute king of the world. He feels that he is slapped in the face! Therefore, when he found that the intruder did not cover up his whereabouts at all, he traced it all the way out of anger.

This hateful clown, this king must kill him! To relieve the hatred in the heart! !

With such violent thoughts in mind, Gilgamesh chased after Matou’s house and blocked the opponent. He thought that the next step was to play a cat and mouse, brutally kill the opponent, and vent his unhappiness and anger, but he didn’t expect it. The other party is not cowardly at all, but seems to be determined by him.

even made a guillotine for him, euphemistically calling it a “king’s game”…

How can this not make Gilgamesh more violent and crazy! !

At this moment, the red eyes of the golden Servant were more and more full of uncontrollable anger. He stared at the opposite, standing on the guillotine, looking at his youth with a calm look, gritted his teeth and said. :

“I’m absolutely going to tear you into pieces!!”

At the moment when the words fell, ripples and ripples seemed to appear in the void around him, and the moment when the strange flame-like energy rose, a large number of Noble Phantasms shone with dazzling brilliance, suddenly appearing in the empty sky.

In the next moment, the Noble Phantasms are sent out in groups, roaring down!

Like the torrential rain breaking, the rumbling sound is endless, and all of them are slammed on the execution platform, and the huge magic power rolls out, causing amazing explosions and shocks!

In fact, he doesn’t even look at the results, because he understands that it is not realistic enough to rely on the destructive power of pure Noble Phantasm to shake the foundation of an artificial world. So after Gilgamesh shot a wave of Noble Phantasms to suppress it, he immediately took out a golden key.

With a ferocious smile, he opened the treasure vault in the void with the key in his hand. He wants to completely smash the dignity of this bastard, and he wants to kill this inherent enchantment together with the opponent to the scum! !

The so-called inherent enchantment is the ability to imitate the spirits, and it is a subspecies of magic that “realizes fantasy”.

is the magic that embodies one’s own mental imagery landscape, rewrites reality with the “psychic imagery landscape” of the practitioner, shapes the mental image world of the practitioner, and makes the enchantment that the real world is eroded. The embodiment of the mental image scenery, that is to say, the inherent enchantment is to replace oneself and the world under the condition that the realm remains unchanged.

At this time, the size of himself and the world will be replaced, and the world will be completely enclosed in a small container. This little world is the world egg, and it has become the name of the theory.

In that case, it would be good to cut this world with the most ferocious power, and let this clown feel how far apart he is from this king, and what is despair…

With this thought in mind, Gilgamesh smiled contentedly and arrogantly: “Open the door of the treasure house, at the time of judgment, tear the world apart with my stray sword – clown, let you have a good look at it, Let’s be the things of the planet that was **** before the world was created!!”

declared so proudly, he raised his arms above his head.

In other words, he subconsciously tried to raise his arms above his head, thinking that he had made such an action and issued such an order.

It wasn’t until the next moment that he was shocked to find that he had lost his right hand.

The right arm holding the weird long sword broke away from the body and fell straight down. The incision was so smooth that it looked like a mirror. Peng Bai’s blood seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the problem, and after a pause, it gushed out like a spring from the fracture.

“Bring it to you!!”

The faint voice was long overdue.

At the same time, there was a ray of light that was rapidly generated in the void, directly connected to the body of Gilgamesh, who was so frightened that he didn’t even have time to respond. The ray of light was taut and straight. He firmly clasped it on the opposite Gu Mo’s hand.

——After the smoke and the flames dissipated, the execution platform was of course unscathed.

——The guillotine still stands tall, and the audience under the stage is still enthusiastic and can’t wait to see the king’s game going on.


The Servant in the golden armor hadn’t turned around from the shock of the broken arm just now. In the next instant, he only felt an incomparably terrifying force coming from the stretched straight filaments, smashing his entire body. The person was pulled up in an instant, and the whole body was pulled over at a terrifying speed like clouds and mists!

His muscles are pretty good, and he appears as an Archer. He has a rank of B, but only a rank of B.

But what about the other side? Judging from taking care of Mo’s ability to reach 70% of the main body at this moment, this is directly beyond the specification. It is not a panel that a Servant should have. Even with the blessing of a crown spirit base, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this level.

In terms of ability value alone, it is already an explosive panel. For example, in the aspect of muscle strength, even if you don’t use techniques like “magic release” to strengthen your physical abilities, you don’t use “magic strength” to increase your physical abilities, but just a little bit harder, it’s already at least dozens. An explosion of hundreds of tons.

In the face of such a ferocious force, there is no possibility of confrontation in the mere Jinli B!

Gilgamesh even felt that he was being dragged and flew out by a train, but unfortunately, in the definition of this situation, he did not have the super-weird power of Spider-Man to contend with, and was finally dragged fiercely. After a distance of several hundred meters, he fell viciously on the execution platform.

The severe pain made him groan, and the next moment, he felt that someone grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

“But… Damn!! You…”

He opened his scarlet eyes and roared furiously, but before he could finish speaking, he was slammed and slammed onto the execution platform. At the same time, he heard a click, and the remaining arm He was neatly chained to the side of the guillotine’s column.

Gu Mo didn’t give him any chance to resist. He wouldn’t let the opponent use the Noble Phantasm such as the Deviance Sword and the Heavenly Chain to have any chance to use it. Although he was confident that he could still handle it, it would be a little troublesome at most… But why is it so troublesome, wouldn’t it be better to just kill the other party neatly?

Obviously can be crushed in all directions, there is no need to fight back and forth, and he does not respect the so-called king of heroes at all, and has no intention of fulfilling the heroic name of the opponent!

His head was fixed on the guillotine, and it took a second to understand his situation. Gilgamesh suddenly trembled, not because of fear, but because of extreme anger. How dare this bastard… how dare to humiliate himself like this! How hateful! !

He couldn’t believe that he was defeated so fast, and he didn’t even have the chance to resist at all, so he ended up with such a result, so angry that he forgot himself, causing him to roar with tears in his eyes: “You— ”

stopped abruptly.

Only heard a “click”, the heavy knife and axe fell, and a big head rolled directly!

“You are the most unpleasant at this time. Let’s go on the road earlier, be more decent…” Gu Mo whispered to himself, then grabbed the head of the person whose angry, round expression was frozen at the last moment, and looked down at the revolutionary Demonstrated by enthusiastic crowds.

All of a sudden, there were applause, cheers, and applause like a landslide and tsunami!

This kind of movement has a kind of thunderous feeling. Countless people cheered and cheered under the guillotine, celebrating the successful holding of the game of kings again.

Immediately after—

Those resentments mixed in the crowd were resolved and gradually dissipated one by one…

(end of this chapter)

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