When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Clairvoyance Ex (Fog

Chapter 35 Clairvoyance EX (Fog

The Onmyoji wearing a high hat seems to be a very young man, handsome in appearance, wearing a dark blue tone onmyoji hunting clothes, and his bearing is quite extraordinary.

The woman dressed as a samurai is valiant, with sharp eyes. Even when she is sitting opposite, she does not forget to stare at herself with scrutiny.

Gu Mo glanced at the two of them with a very calm expression, because before he came to meet the guests, he had already made guesses and was mentally prepared, so at this moment he was not surprised at all, but he behaved very dull. His eyes swept over the heads of the two, and unsurprisingly saw the IDs of the two.

—”Abe Seimei (100%).”

-“Yuan Laiguang (100%).”

Probably because he knew who the two were, so the corresponding IDs were displayed instead of just a series of question marks.

It’s really this pair of CPs, and they also took the initiative to come to the door… Obviously there should be no such thing in the original plot, so it really is because I messed into this story, which caused the spread of the butterfly effect? ?

emmmm, it doesn’t seem right. Although it is not reflected in this plot, Abe Seimei seems to be one of the masters, and belongs to Hidechiyo’s onmyoji teacher.

I originally thought it was a simple game design, but considering that Hidechiyo will travel to Heianjing in the future, he did deal with Abe Seimei of that era, and when Abe Seimei sacrificed himself to seal the three big monsters, it seemed that he did stay. A shikigami paper figurine was placed down to arrange what would happen after his death.

So is there any reason to think…that’s really the case? The paper figurines left by Abe Seimei knew about traveling through time and space, so in this era, they specially went to Hide Chiyo to teach him onmyoji, and at the same time, he was also secretly making arrangements to guide him through time and space in the future?

It was originally something that would happen, but it changed a little because of his own indiscriminate entry. For example, Yuan Laiguang also appeared. I don’t know if it was a paper avatar…

And not looking for Axiu, but looking for him by name and name, which seems to indirectly indicate that he is likely to participate in the battle of Ping An Mojing in the future…

At this point, Gu Mo’s eyes couldn’t help but become a little dazed.

What a wonderful thing, if my speculation is true, that is to say, in this dungeon world, the future self has been active in the previous era… When I am still a new player, I am still here. During the Warring States Period, while the strategy of reclaiming wasteland step by step, there is still a person who may have been an old fritter in the previous Ping An Magic Capital?

Even after he got the mental retardation system, his daily life has gradually collapsed, and everything in the world has long become magical, but this strange space-time phenomenon involving logical sequence and causal sequence is still a very puzzling problem. That’s it.

—Of course, it probably has a lot to do with his rhythm.

As the first dungeon of the Raiders of the Eight Classics, the level of this world is a bit too high. It is not something that a newbie like him should touch. Ordinary people have to face the wars, the chaos of the army, and the breeding of ghosts… High level It also involves various incredible powers of gods and Buddhas, traveling through time and space…

The resurrection brought by the protection of the gods, even immortality, these also exist, such as the way of magic can also be refined to an extremely terrifying level, such as making the spiritual appearance of gods and Buddhas return to the earth, such as alchemy to refine the human body The deduction is almost perfect, maybe the next step is to open the door of truth…

So it’s no wonder that he thinks it’s too magical. A newcomer who has just entered the game should go to Gran’s Forest to brush goblins, upgrade step by step, and wait until the character is formed before contacting the high difficulty book. This is normal. Rhythm.

“Lord City Lord? Lord City Lord?”

The man in the top hat on the opposite side originally had a gentle smile on his face, but when he saw the man in front of him looking at the two of them, his eyes were strange, and then he didn’t know what he was thinking, and his expression changed slightly. .

He gave a wink to the heroic female samurai next to him, stopping the impatient move that Minorai Hikaru wanted to make. Abe Seimei tried to call out a few more times and saw that the focus of the other party’s eyes shifted to himself again. Only slightly relieved.

Maybe it’s just that the other party just doesn’t know him and is simply distracted. Onmyoji thought so, and bowed his hands to the other party at the same time, and said calmly, “Master Gu Mo, it’s really rude to ask for a meeting this time… I’m rude… Ge Ye, an onmyoji who is home to all over the world.”

kudzu leaves?

Is it because of my mother that I took such a pseudonym for myself? Gu Mo nodded thoughtfully, and glanced at the ID on the top of the other’s head again. When he didn’t see it, the ID and the health bar were hidden, but when he concentrated, the information was immediately displayed. jumped out.

Oh, I didn’t expect it, I have seen you in the game, and you still want to pretend to yourself at this time?

It’s just that he didn’t make a sound on the surface, Gu Mo nodded lightly with a calm expression on his face and said, “It’s okay, let’s get straight to the point. Excuse me… Ge Ye, why did you guys come to see me? After all, I only came in the evening. Go to Lushan Castle.”

Abe Seimei’s expression was somewhat strange, he hesitated for a while, always feeling that the other party’s behavior seemed to know something. Especially when calling his own name, that weird look, as if he knew his real name but cooperated with him in acting.

But it shouldn’t… After all, the opponent at this time is still relatively weak, and he is completely an ordinary person. There is really nothing special except the guardian spirit, so it is impossible to know.

So after a little hesitation, he continued with that gentle smile, and decided to confess a part first: “Sir City Lord, in fact, we had a relationship a few days ago, when we were outside Daoye Mountain City, we were far away. You have seen us once, and you must have seen us at the time.”

After thinking about it, Abe Seimei thought that it should be because he was seen at the time, so now the other party sees the two of them coming to the door closely, and they are suspicious and feel that there is something wrong with the two of them.

This onmyoji made such an inference, and at the same time was a little helpless. If he knew that he would not go to the other two at that time, it would be better to wait directly at Lushan City… In that case, there is no need for this person to doubt himself and his wife. People, the negotiation will be much smoother.


Gu Mo stared at the two people on the opposite side. After a while, he nodded slowly and said nothing.

Have you met before? How come I have no impression at all, I can’t remember it at all… Wait, the two blood bars that I thought were wild monsters at a distance at that time, couldn’t they be these two guys? I really haven’t thought about it!

Sure enough, it’s easy to handle… Abe Seimei nodded lightly, he showed a brisk smile, and continued to consider his tone and said: “Actually, we didn’t meet by chance, but just to see you, Lord of the City, mainly. It’s to confirm one thing.”

He intends to change his strategy, explain around this misleading point, explain why he and others do this, and in short, win the trust of the other party first.

“Oh, what is it?”

Gu Mo nodded calmly, as if asking with patience and interest.

“Before the next explanation, please allow me to sell it first… Lord City Lord, do you know Onmyoji?” Abe Seimei said, the smile on his face was as gentle as before.

In the current Warring States period, the imperial power has declined, the samurai class ruled the world, and the Onmyoji has gradually disappeared from the stage of history. But for a long time in the past, during the Tang Dynasty, it was learned from the yin-yang theory and the five elements theory by sending Tang envoys, and then gradually became popular in Japan. Onmyoji, but it is a hot profession.

The nobles and nobles need to obtain spiritual peace and social security from the Onmyoji, and the common people also obtain the comfort of hard life from the Onmyoji. Moreover, in the period of ignorance, retreating and treating monsters and eliminating curses all needed to rely on the spells and techniques of Onmyoji, which can be said to be the spiritual pillar of the entire country.

Abe Seimei threw this question because he wanted to use this as an entry point.

If the other party believes in the power of Onmyoji at this time, then everything is easy to say, but if the other party is more skeptical, he will show a good hand, showing that he really has real materials, and can also lead to the next step logically. ‘s speech.

It’s like divination by yourself, predicting that there will be big changes in the future, and the other party is a man of destiny, destined to save the world or something, so the two of you will find him and want to help him. Has the power to change everything… blah blah, something like this.


“Onmyoji? Of course I know, there is no SSR in this game.” Gu Mo continued to nod.

How could he not understand this, he is too familiar with this.



Strange silence.

Abe Seimei opened his mouth and seemed to be stunned. He was rarely seen like this, and even Gen Laiguang, who seemed to be a little hot and impulsive, couldn’t help but take a few more glances at this moment.

But at the next moment, he suddenly laughed bitterly, sighing and shaking his head again and again: “So, Mr. Gu Mo, you really know everything, I thought you were joking…” He didn’t know what he was thinking, and he was a little annoyed. He tapped his head with the fan in his hand: “It’s obvious that you have already pointed it out so clearly just now, but I still don’t believe it, it really makes you laugh.”

On the other side, Gu Mo, who was just about to explain that it was a joke, swallowed the words when they reached his lips.

He had an embarrassed and polite smile on his face, but the thoughts in his mind quickly turned, what, what, what is this person saying, why can’t he understand a word?

“So, Mr. Gu Mo, the clairvoyant things you once told me turned out to be true…”

Abe Seimei looked at Gu Mo’s eyes with some approval. He only felt that they were clear and bright, but he couldn’t see anything special, and that was what made him even more amazed.

“I was born with eyes to stare at the world, and I can see through the future… It’s really unimaginable to be so blessed, and I’m still ignorant.”

emmmm…Clairvoyance? Looking through to the future?

Gu Mo blinked, he probably understood something, what did his future self say to this great Onmyoji in the past? Including settings such as “Clairvoyance” and the statement that “Onmyoji doesn’t have SSR”?

Previously, everything about himself traveling through time and space, the butterfly effect, etc., was actually speculation. Although he had a certain degree of foresight, he was generally limited to the ins and outs of major events, and he was not able to grasp the details of the past that had been ignored. Many, you can only rely on your own understanding and clues to make correlation speculation.

Because the time span in the game is too large, there is no way to show everything in detail. The interval between plot tasks is as short as a few months or a few years, and it can often span a span of ten years or decades.

Occasionally there are some side missions interspersed in the middle, mixed with some fragmented clues and information. Only when they are combined can they be able to associate and speculate about a general idea… So Gu Mo has used his brain with all his strength at this moment, but he can still only have a conjecture, based on the clues he has grasped. It’s possible, but not entirely sure.

But now, Abe Seimei’s statement is a very strong evidence…

“It really makes you laugh, but that’s fine…” Abe Seimei sighed, then laughed again, “This way, Laiguang and I don’t have to worry about how to explain our own origins, and it’s something that you can accept. Well, to be honest, it’s a real headache.”

“Actually, it’s nothing. You are all famous people. If you use the same name, you will be criticized. It’s better to use a fake name.”

Gu Mo still has a lot of things he doesn’t know very well, but he still follows the other party’s words according to the general idea. Humans are prophets!

“That’s right, but Laiguang and I didn’t plan to show up in front of people…”

Abe Seimei shook his head.

“We are just a paper-man shikigami with a shred of spirits in his life. Although we retain all the memories and cognitions of the original body, we are not complete strangers, and this dazzling eye has been hundreds of years of time, even if we rely on The spirit stone is cultivated, and the state is not as good as before…”

He said casually, and pointed at himself and Gen Laiguang next to him with his fan:

“We can’t do anything anymore, we can only do as agreed, while the current paper avatars are still ok, try to teach you some things, before the seal of Byodoin is loosened… Well, I only have Onmyoji that can do it. , Laiguang, she also has some unique skills, I hope you and Lord Hidechiyo don’t dislike it.”

The heroic female samurai snorted softly, but it was also by default, it was a closed loop—

I and Seimei taught these two people wholeheartedly, let them grow up quickly, and finally, under the guidance of fate, they solved the three big monsters that I and Seimei could only seal and deal with…

And also under the guidance of fate, they grew up and went back to the past to help themselves and Seimei’s original body, so when the two of them knew it, they would find a way to leave the paper figurines, and in turn help them grow in the future.

(end of this chapter)

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