When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 52

Chapter 51: Go Back

Chapter 51 Go Back

“Soul Core Box?”

Gu Mo looked at the small box in his hand and blinked. He recognized this thing, and the system also carefully marked the name of the item. At this point, the player’s own passive item identification function is much more reliable than the ID function, and he has a deep understanding of this when he almost capsized.

That is, although the function of item identification can’t go wrong, it is limited to only be able to work on equipment items with attributes, and it must be held in the hand, or in other words, there is physical contact.

—There are pros and cons to each.

He looked at the small box in his hand, and it felt like a very delicate jewelry box. Although it seemed to have many signs of wear and tear due to the vicissitudes of the years, he could still roughly see the noble wood and printing materials. The front of the cover appears to be a gilt-gold print of a bellflower.

That is, the “pentagram” symbol used to subdue demons and subdue demons. It is said that it was invented by Abe Seimei. Gu Mo has been practising the knowledge of yin and yang techniques during this period of time. onmyoji glance.

Gen Raiko’s soul core box has Abe Seimei’s Kikyo seal on it… Well, it doesn’t seem to be surprising.

It’s just that this isn’t something that belongs to Mitsuko, why should you leave it to yourself? And it still sounds like it was given at the right time? Wait, does it mean that you have to travel back to the Heian era by yourself now?

“It’s Laiguang’s soul core box, but it’s also yours, so she plans to give it to you now…” Abe Seimei chuckled, “The thing that is really left to you is in the box, what is it? I don’t know either, after all, both Lai Guang and I are just people who take care of it, you can take a look for yourself.”

He didn’t doubt anything, because when he was teaching the other party to practice onmyoji, he also curiously asked about “clairvoyance”, and the explanation he got was more in line with the situation he imagined.

It is said that only those who are born with such eyes can stand at the top of the magician, and must have the highest eye. And the past few people are all like this without exception, whether they are looking at the present, or looking through the future…all are the same.

But this is not without cost, just as beginners need to prepare in advance to use low-level onmyoji, how can such a high-level ability be used without any consumption, how can you use it as you want? Therefore, this talent cannot be activated all the time, and when it is used, it will naturally not say that there is still room to pay attention to those details.

Abe Seimei thinks this explanation is very reasonable. After all, if everything is insignificant and everything can be seen and seen, then there is no difference between a person’s past and future state.

This is absolutely impossible, so the other party still needs to learn, needs to grow, and needs to step by step from being weak now to being strong in the future. The past and the future are not two distinct stages, but they belong to a gradual process.

Therefore, he has been carefully teaching the other party to learn onmyoji during this time, and he doesn’t think that the other party does not seem to understand a certain detail of the future, which is a particularly important issue.

Gu Mo blinked and nodded clearly. He looked at the soul core box in his hand and probably understood what was going on. It should be that he was given this thing now, and then when he returned to the past in the future, It happened to be seen by Yuan Laiguang, so she also decided to give the soul core box to herself at this time?

emmmmmm, it seems to be another troublesome closed loop. It really involves time and space travel. The copies of the elements that are cause and effect are a bit mysterious. For ordinary people, there is really no way to explain or understand those profound time and space theories.

But this isn’t the first time I’ve seen it. In addition, I’ve been with these two shikigami avatars who have been given a split spirit for a while. Gu Mo’s psychological construction in this area has long been perfected.

He just nodded slightly, then stretched out his hand and beckoned to the heroic female warrior who was sitting under the tree in the yard, who was basking in the sun and didn’t know what to feel—

Very good, you are my master again.

Yuan Laiguang noticed something, glanced over here, then snorted softly, but withdrew his gaze but said nothing.

“The soul core box is a treasure that Laiguang used to use in the past. I also contributed to the manufacture, mainly to help her find a suitable spiritual wood and arrange a magic circle inside…” Abe Seimei seems to be remembering something look, said with a sigh.

Then he looked at the soul core box in Gu Mo’s hand and said:

“However, this dazzling event has passed for so long, and nothing can resist the scouring of the years. As you know about me and Lai Guang, our current body is just a paper figurine illusion, in order to keep it until this time. , and made a lot of preparations.”

“From that night in Heianjing to the present, we haven’t actually been walking in the world in these years, but most of the time we’ve been sleeping in the mountains, and only woke up not long ago to find you… So we also care about other things flawlessly, this soul core The box is also worn a lot, and the strength is already not as good as it used to be.”

The Great Onmyoji smiled and concluded: “It’s also helpful to you now, but if you really want to use it well, you should try to fix it… Well, if you can do this alone, then you are in This aspect of Onmyoji can be regarded as a real achievement.”

Gu Mo nodded lightly, looked at the things in his hands and said, “I know this.”

The soul core box is the treasure of Yuan Laiguang before his death. It can use the beheaded ghost cores in another way, so that the ghosts who died in her hands can be driven by her in another form, exerting the residual heat…killed by the enemy Die, and then die and work for the enemy. Really, the capitalists will cry when they see it.

However, the note in his hand shows that this item is indeed no longer of the same quality as before.

“Soul Core Box (Broken).”

“Origin: Under the sakura tree that is over a thousand years old in Tamba Oe Mountain.”

“Quality: Rare.”

“Effect 1: Put the ghost’s soul core into it, you can turn its desolate soul into a soul, and it can be re-summoned at an appropriate time. The specific level of the summoned object is determined according to the level of the soul core’s owner before life and the level of the summoner. (The number of soul cores that have been placed so far: 0/2).”

“Effect 2: Use the essence contained in the ghost core to supplement the user’s energy value. After each soul core is used once, it will take a certain period of time to cool down before the effect can be used again, and during this period, it cannot be summoned. ”

“Additional effect: Consume a certain amount of energy to directly capture a qualified target and seal it. During the duration of the effect, other effects of the equipment cannot be used.”

“Remarks: The soul core box is a treasure created by Abe Seimei who exhausted the essence of his yin-yang technique and handed it over to Yuan Laiguang. Laiguang will collect the soul core into this box for purification, and summon the spirit stored in it when he is beating demons. You monster, increase your combat power.”

A very good summoning item, but unfortunately it is really damaged a bit…

Gu Mo looked at the words displayed on the quality column, and thought so regretfully. The silver is already very dim, and only a faint silver is left. If it is a few years later, maybe even this last trace of silver will not be maintained.

This is based on… Generally speaking, based on what Gu Mo has seen and heard so far, it can be seen that in the division of the system, the grades of props are divided into four categories.

The most common thing is that it can be seen everywhere, all kinds of things on the bad street, because there is no special attribute and effect, this is a non-attribute item, at most one name is marked, it will not trigger the identification function, and there will be no additional attribute page. illustrate.

The second is the items that are really judged as “ordinary” quality by the system, of course not the one mentioned above… In the standard of the dog system, ordinary things should also have attributes and special effects, and things that are not in line with common sense, quality-related display The color is the texture and lustre of bronze.

Further up are the qualities of “rare” and “rare”, corresponding to the level of the lottery pool for silver keys and gold keys, respectively.

As for whether there are more advanced equipment items, Gu Mo can’t confirm for the time being, he can only guess that it should still exist, because the comprehensive evaluation of B level has already awarded the golden key, so according to common sense, above this At least there is still an A-level rating, right?

However, even between equipment items of the same quality, there seems to be a certain difference. There is no explanation for this, but it can be compared by the relevant color depth displayed by the quality. Of course, Gu Mo’s family is not rich, but there are a lot of common props that have been exposed, so this rule can be found.

Moreover, it was said that the skill badge he obtained not long ago was also a silver-level reward, but in the gleaming and unadulterated silver light, there was even a hint of gold… and the dimness of the soul core box in his hand. Silver, which seems to be oxidized and blackened by silver, is no longer in stark contrast to the bright quality display.

did not continue to stay in the dojo, and informed Abe Seimei and the two, Gu Mo also quickly left.

He returned to his room before opening the soul core box for a more careful and further examination. At the same time, he was a little nervous, full of anticipation and anxiety. He knew that this should be the key to solving his troubles, but he was also worried that it would not be, and he would continue to be so troubled.

The soul core box is indeed like a jewelry box, the interior is empty, and it is also a five-pointed star circle with a platycodon print, symbolizing the pure meaning of subduing demons and eliminating demons. The tops of the five corners correspond to a mosaic hole, which seems to be A design that put a jewel or something in it…

Gu Mo knew that this should be the place to put the soul core, but in this way, under normal circumstances, five and soul monsters can be stored at the same time, but now only two slots can be used normally, and the rest are due to the degree of damage. and temporarily lost its effectiveness.

In addition, there is only one paper crane in the empty box.

Gu Mo raised his eyebrows lightly. If it was the original fate, this box also seemed to be a paper crane, but it was a token between Gen Raiko and Abe Seimei… But now, although it is also a paper crane, But it’s what I left to myself.

He carefully took out the paper crane, smelled a faint aroma, and the corresponding annotation name appeared in his eyes – “paper crane.”

There is no more detailed appraisal page, so it is not an item that can be used, and there is no special attribute, which makes him sigh lightly, but probably because he did not expect too much, so the disappointment is not special. Heavy.

To be honest, even if you really use this inheritance mechanism to give yourself a super **** outfit or super skill in advance, you can’t actually play the desired effect now.

Just like the guardian spirit nine tails, that is a particularly powerful force. The power that you can use is actually just the tip of the iceberg… That is to say, you already have a powerful force, but if you can’t use it, it means you don’t have it. Still have to upgrade little by little, and gradually unlock part by part.

took the paper crane and looked at it carefully, he hesitated and gently took it apart.

Then at that moment, a cold voice sounded softly in the air.

“…don’t worry, just do what you want.”



It may be some kind of means of transmitting a message. Gu Mo has already thought of it, but he is still a little stunned, because it is not his own voice, but a woman’s voice. Although it is very pleasant to the ear, it is also as cold as a delicate spring in the mountains. Spring breeze in March.

Wait, maybe Axiu’s voice?

Thinking that this paper crane was passed down from the Heian era to the present, it belongs to the past for Abe Seimei and others, but belongs to the future for himself and Axiu, he suddenly thought of this.

should be the case, and there is no other possibility…

He secretly clenched his fists, and suddenly felt a big stone in his heart. It was because he couldn’t take care of it, and he couldn’t walk away, so he was so worried and worried about gains and losses… And now, although he still doesn’t know what will happen, but this The communication from the future undoubtedly made him at least not need to worry.

Heaved a long sigh of relief. He sat on the folded mat and looked at the huge white viper that surrounded him.

is really exciting, and then I must learn a lesson…

Fortunately, at the moment, there are no major problems, which is really gratifying.

the following few days.

Saito Dozo publicly announced about Axiu. So far, there is another princess in the Mino country, but for the time being, as for the decision to “let the country”, there is no sign… It’s not that he changed his mind temporarily. The promise was broken, but this matter is of great importance and needs to be figured out slowly.

Throwing such a depth bomb directly doesn’t do any good, it will only make Mino country shaken.

So he hoped to let Gu Mo hone his skills and make a name for himself bit by bit. After most people heard of him, he would implement his plan naturally… He was very pleased that the latter had a good reputation. I understand this very well, I don’t object at all, and I support it most.

Deeply understands the righteousness, knows the severity, and is a talent that can be created.

Hidechiyo has been hiding a bit during this time, and seems to always avoid people, and Gu Mo rarely sees her. He didn’t think too much about it, he just felt that with Axiu’s temperament, suddenly becoming Princess Minong, he must also feel that he was not used to it, and it was normal to be like this.

Besides, this is just the right way for him to move—

took a chance and gave a reason, he was going to go back to the old Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village on this day…

(end of this chapter)

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