When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 74

Chapter 73: Peeping In The Dark

Chapter 73 Secret Peeping

The desolate and remote unfinished buildings are not a good place to go.

Empty buildings, without any decoration, are transparent under the moonlight, like pigeon cages, and they are gloomy under the night.

In the desolate construction site surrounded by the unfinished buildings, it has turned into a tragic battlefield, and the surrounding air has become extremely gloomy. At the entrances and exits of the buildings, the air is like some kind of turbid sludge. , became viscous and substantial.

The dark…

is like a dark sea, and no one knows how many monsters are hiding under the darkness.

They are like tides, gushing out from the dark shadows, like in the darkness where no light can be seen, there is an unknown dimension space connecting to another world, and it seems that they are densely distributed in this world. , only now that they have crossed a certain boundary, they have shown their bodies.

can be seen, and is also connected with the material world, and can interfere with each other…

Therefore—can also be killed.

It shone like a huge laser beam, and at the moment of sweeping, the black pressure floods collapsed one after another, like the tide used to fight ghosts, how fast they come, how fast they are swept away, and how fast they refresh, It directly determines the efficiency of someone brushing monsters.

It’s just that most of them are monsters with no intelligence and spirituality, stupid and turbid. In addition, they are composed of huge and mixed negative emotions. Naturally, most of them follow the characteristics of the essence of emotions.

Just like anger, greed, resentment… All these, but there is no rational existence.

Therefore, they are naturally inexhaustible, especially when the number is very large now. As a powerful mob, they don’t know what to fear, and they only have the “food” that smells delicious to them. Swallow all the meat with the belt.

In order to compete for the food in front of them, they would even kill each other. Before the sword light of the Ninety-Nine Weapons could reach them, many of them had already been beaten to death or injured themselves…

So, how can we expect how much wisdom and rationality they have.

Because of this, no matter how Gu Mo wields the snake sword to kill, these large numbers of monsters and monsters are still coming in waves, and the number has not decreased at all, on the contrary, there is an increasing trend.

Of course, this is a good thing…

Gu Mo thought so, at least as long as he can still support the high consumption, this is a good thing. The more you come, the higher the efficiency of your quick brushing, although now you can’t see the attribute panel at all. It showed, but he just felt that the life level experience progress bar was slowly and firmly increasing.

Little by little, but increasing every second at least.

This also made him think about this every time, the boring feeling brought by the boring repetitive and monotonous work was also washed away all at once, which made him quickly regain his spirits.

I always feel that there may be a pleasant noise in my ears at any time. Maybe in the next second, the dog system prompts that his experience is full and can be upgraded… How can this not make him full of motivation! Although it is very boring, but all the experience packs are in front of you!

Anyway, as long as you can see the positive feedback, there is no problem at all, isn’t it the liver? This can be a big deal, and he is full of liver… Gu Mo didn’t reject this question at all, he could pat his chest and say that he likes this kind of liver.

It can only be said that the game is addictive. You can know the progress of the upgrade, and you can actually see that your labor efforts have improved. The reason why many people lie flat is because they can’t get positive feedback and can’t see it. When I get to the progress bar, I don’t even know if the effort will pay off.

No matter how hard you work and how hard you try, it seems like a bull in the sea without a trace. A lot of time and energy are invested in it, but in the end, nothing can be achieved. This kind of example does not mean how rare it is, and naturally many people can’t afford it. The idea of hard work came.

At this moment, Gu Mana, who was able to get positive feedback because of the system, was full of energy.

He has ninety-nine weapons in one hand and a guardian spirit in the other, both offensive and defensive.

While not needing to deliberately defend, he did his best to farm monsters, and the high-speed and efficient speed of clearing monsters was still not as fast as the attack of ghosts and ghosts. All the reasons were because of the yellow spring water tank behind him. This time It is not directly poured out, forming a permanent world, or simply opening the cover.

—The “Yellow Spring” inside is slowly evaporating, but the effect is almost the same.

For the ghosts and ghosts, they have already formed an instinct, and once they perceive the breath of the Yellow Springs, they will immediately gather. Because every time the passage is opened, the undead will gather, so they will know over time that every time there is a yellow spring atmosphere, it is the time to open a buffet.

This is enough.

At the moment, it is not the opening of the wind cave, nor the passage of the world of the dead appearing in the human world, but there are still undead attracted, and the same ghosts and ghosts do not think rationally, but follow their instincts and flock to prepare for the meal… and then Because of this, it became Gu Mo’s feast.

This world is probably like this, small fish eat shrimp, big fish eat small fish…

Gu Mo whistled and cut out the sword light in his hand. At the same time, the outline of the white scorpion was looming in the dark night, flickering occasionally for a moment, like a thunder light falling on the ground, like a dream, and its long body spread. The dragon can’t see the head but not the tail, only the fine scales reflect the cold moonlight.

When ordinary people see this scene, they will probably feel that they are dazzled, misread or hallucinations. After all, in the air with nothing, how could there be an incomparably huge snake body suddenly circling? Although there is often only a momentary interlacing of light and shadow, the outline emerges, and it is thrilling enough.

Under this deadly light, shadow and beauty, there is an equally deadly lethal power, like a sharp white light, the whole body seems to be composed of pure and impurity-free light, and the infinitely shining sword bursts out The terrifying light and heat are like a fiery little sun in this dark night.

At the moment of sweeping away, within a range of more than ten meters, the densely packed monsters were squeezed like a tide, but they were instantly slashed by the sword light like a huge laser beam, and then all of them evaporated like salt water under the high temperature. clean.

may be because their level is too small and their strength is too weak, but this is also related to the complete overflow of the attack power of the ninety-nine weapons.

Even if they were replaced with ordinary ghost units in Niwang World, it is estimated that they would be able to slash them all cleanly with one stroke. But before this prominent edge, it was no different from paper paste, and it was smashed into pieces like a hammer smashed tofu.

All monsters and monsters are monsters generated by the “fear” side of people. These monsters come from the dark side and dark emotions of the human heart. They are also completely different, so they are also very diverse.

Not only the appearance is strange, but even the innate innate abilities are often different.

Under such a huge base, it is inevitable that there will be some strange and strange numbers occasionally, which are generally more troublesome. Their combat power is not particularly strong, but they have a very troublesome ability to survive. Or it is huge in size and has strong regeneration ability; or it has a strange form of existence, seemingly independent but connected with multiple bodies, like the kind of conjoined babies.

But at this time, it often fails to play any role, because while being blasted once by the illustrious edge of Ninety-Nine Weapons, the violent poison also spreads on them. There is only one fate.

The white cockroach is different from other snake gods, because the general snake **** often belongs to the water virtue, but the white cockroach is more highly poisonous and is revered and worshipped by people. As a guardian spirit, the constant blessing effect it brings is also the same, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

When the Ninety-Nine Weapon is activated, what kind of guardian spirit’s attribute power is used to control the connection, and it will also affect a series of properties such as the Ninety-Nine Weapon’s strength, attributes, and effects, so Gu Mo has an awe-inspiring prestige in his hands. The snake sword is not only amazing in its own power, but also has an extremely violent poison attribute.


The power and use of the monsters also need to be consumed, but even if they are not killed on the spot, the violent poison of the white cockroaches will directly affect their own spiritual properties, and it will spread to the whole body as long as it is contaminated with a little bit. Decay, decay, wither, and die.

How amazing the regeneration ability, or possessing some weird talent, can’t change the result. The price of not being beheaded on the spot is more painful death, not being smashed and smashed neatly, but also being dragged to death by life and death.

Not to mention the fire of the knife, but also because of the enchantment of the net wrapping talisman, each knife is a real damage with a crit, and the knife itself also has its own poison attribute… It can be said that it is a hit, and the opposite side will be disabled even if it is not dead. After emptying the health bar, he was also put on DEBUFF.

Ninety-nine weapons are so domineering and powerful, Gu Mo feels that although he has not released a decent piece of equipment until now.

But the two ways of using the guardian spirit are like letting him get two pieces of golden legendary equipment early on, a weapon, and a piece of armor, and they are all types of growth… without getting the equipment with attributes, In comparison, it doesn’t seem to be a big problem.

“It can last for a while…”

Ignoring the roar of the wind around him, and the echoing sounds of ghosts crying, Gu Mo’s body mechanically repeated the sword-swinging movements that almost formed muscle memory, but he was feeling his own state in his mind, thinking about what was left of him. How long is the ridge time.

Dagu can transform into Diga, but it does not mean that Dagu is Diga, and the two situations should be considered separately.

The same is true for him. If he waits until the power of the guardian spirit cannot be activated, and he is the only one left here, I am afraid that a hundred lives will not be enough for the monsters and monsters around… So we must seize the time, and it is time to run. Just run away decisively.

However, the spirit was strengthened to 13 points, and in combination with the 13 points of physique, it did make him more durable, which was obviously better than the previous one.

Although his energy is still rapidly draining, whether it is possessed by the nine tails or the sword of the white pit viper in his hand, it is like a bottomless pit, madly devouring his physical and mental strength, as a price to build the strength the channel through which it flows.

Gu Mo felt a little regretful, but also looked around a little strangely, and found that Yato did not come.

He originally thought that after he noticed the problem, the poor **** would come over and have a look, and then if he could help himself protect the law, he could concentrate on attacking and not waste too much consumption on protection. It should be able to improve a little, at least for a while.

But I don’t know why, since the start of the war, Yato has no plans to come here at all… I don’t know if it’s just a matter of time, or if it’s wise to protect himself, and he doesn’t plan to join in such a dangerous act of playing with fire.


Just when he was thinking wildly, another wave of black and white monsters rushed forward.

Gu Mo didn’t think about it, it was still a mechanical and monotonous sword swing, and then at the moment when the black tide broke apart, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the group of ghosts and ghosts, coming with lightning speed. to his front.



Gently uttering a syllable, Gu Mo could only see a strange mask with an eyeball pattern, and then in the next moment, a distortion appeared in the air behind him, and the outline of the flame-like Pang Pang Jiuwei emerged, and then lightly Flicking lightly, it disappeared again in a blink of an eye.

gave the impression that something possessed on him waved his tail, and it seemed that he suddenly grew his own tail and flicked it gently.

In short, the shadow that was wearing the mask with the eyeball pattern that approached instantly was burned to ashes as it approached Gu Mo’s body quietly.

Then, he was blown away by the shock wave created by the Ninety-Nine Weapons and disappeared.

Even Gu Mo didn’t have time to see what it was. The demon power of the Nine Tails was too terrifying and huge. Just a random counterattack directly wiped out the thing that seemed to have planned an attack… Of course, it was also consumed at once. Gu Mo has a lot of energy.

Gu Mo was silent for a short time. He looked around, and all he saw were densely packed ghosts and ghosts. Although he could see the blood strips, the blood strips he saw in this case were also layered on top of each other. , It is difficult to distinguish at all, if there are any monsters in it that want to attack him, it is really hard to be careful.

The masked demon…

He tried to think back, but his memory was a little vague after all, and he couldn’t remember the specific details. The only thing he remembered was that this kind of thing seemed to be related to Yato’s “father”?

“This is really interesting, the son didn’t invite me, but I attracted Lao Tzu…”

As if nothing happened, he continued to sweep away the swarms of monsters, while looking in all directions as if nothing had happened.

But then, there was no more masked monsters and premeditated sneak attacks, as if it was just a test…

“It’s really weird… what’s the origin?”

Some lazy voices rang out in the dimly lit room. With the help of the moonlight outside the window and the bright city lights, although the lights were not turned on in the room, it was vaguely visible that its layout was relatively simple, and there was a desk, like some kind of student’s bedroom. .

“I don’t remember it at all, and I can’t figure it out… But he seems to be a guy who isn’t easy to mess with. I just wanted to see what happened to my incompetent son, but I didn’t expect to meet such a person.”

A figure was sitting by the window. Because the room was dark, it was impossible to see it clearly, so I could only roughly identify it as a young man. Even the voice was that of a high school student, with a faint smile.

“But it’s pretty good. I have something to do with Huang Quan… This one can make a fuss. Recently, I was worried about whether to find a hapless person as a scapegoat, and this person jumped out…”

He seemed to have something in mind, then turned to look at another silent figure in the room—

“Chi, go see Yato tomorrow too, tell him the situation on Bishamon’s side, and leave him in this city…”

“Understood.” The flat girl’s voice replied.

“That’s it.” The high school student-like person smiled and looked in a certain direction in the distance. “It’s a strange **** of war… But since it happened to hit my hand, let me give you a big gift.”

He had an idea in his mind, and he was going to add fuel to the flames, so that the chess piece that was destined to be used by him would make a splash next time…

As long as the eyes of the gods are attracted, and the taboo “Tian” mistakenly believes that the **** of war is the target of heresy to be excluded, then he will definitely do his best to deal with the other party… No matter what the result is, Taka Tianyuan’s energy He was temporarily restrained, and he could relax a little for the time being.

(end of this chapter)

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