When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: It’S All A Fox On The Mountain, What Did You Tell Me About Liao Zhai

Chapter 8 It’s all a fox on the mountain What did you tell me about Liaozhai

Gu Mo didn’t know if he was feeling scared, disgusting, or…was afraid of that disgust.

It’s really hard to tell after all—

Do you feel scared intuitively, or just because of nausea…

Of course, he didn’t want to discuss this meaningless issue. Anyway, he absolutely didn’t want to be touched by those things. Even if he knew that all this was his own mental hallucination and imagination, just think about the disgusting chrysanthemum-shaped mouthparts, all kinds of Slimy liquid slime…

It’s so sunny, Akita dog! What about the fake one, being so disgusting, he must have been unable to eat for several days!

Today was already bad enough. I didn’t find the restaurant, and I don’t know if it was my own problem. I guess I’ll have to eat those common and unappetizing foods later… If it’s still a few days If he can’t eat anything, this is going to kill him…

“I finally know why most mentally ill patients are getting worse and worse…”

Gu Mo gritted his teeth and rushed forward. The alien monsters behind him were extremely vicious and chasing after him. The sound of roaring and roaring was shocking. Feel the hair stand on end.

Relatively speaking, I can still recognize that this is actually a delusion, but I still feel such a huge pressure… So it is conceivable that those who are seriously ill, completely regard their brain supplements as real, and completely accept the distortion What a terrible nightmare is faced by people with a world view.

For them, it is probably living in a completely broken and twisted world, full of real dangers.

And because everything comes from their own hearts and imaginations, there is absolutely no escape, no escape, and naturally they will drive themselves crazy little by little under the increasingly severe mental pressure.

—Is it true that you will be like this in the future?


The low roar behind him was close at hand, and Gu Mo, whose thinking was a little divergent, turned around subconsciously and glanced at it, just in time to see a huge open mouth of blood coming towards him, the chrysanthemum-shaped mouthparts wriggling, and the inside was densely packed. Sharp teeth and surging slime…


His face turned slightly green, and he was so disgusted that his entire scalp was numb, and the speed that had already reached the limit suddenly miraculously increased a bit again. Pulled forward a position.

—It was also just right to let the abyss behind him take a bite!

There was a railing in front of him, Gu Mo didn’t turn his head, his speed didn’t decrease at all, he accelerated his run and took off without thinking. The school is inside, but he can’t allow him to think too much at this time. After all, there are no obstacles outside, so racing on the spacious road must be unavoidable.

Both feet landed firmly, and the slight impact force was completely removed by just bending his knees slightly. He took a slight breath and opened his legs again and rushed out! Fortunately, he found that his current physical fitness seemed to be very abundant, and he didn’t feel very tired, as if he could continue to run for a while.

Maybe it’s because of adrenaline secretion, he thought, it’s like playing a game like VR somatosensory. When the information received is very realistic, he can already deceive the brain to a certain extent and make the body respond. Excited reaction.

An angry and eager low-pitched roar came from behind him, and the evil-shaped monsters followed closely. Although they had just opened a wave of distance, they were quickly approaching again—

The breath of the living makes them greedy and violent, unable to calm down, eager to devour everything they can grab…


There were several fierce roars suddenly coming from the front. Gu Mo was still running and distracted attention behind him. The moment he noticed the movement, he also looked forward subconsciously, and then the whole person was startled.

Two ferocious big dogs, one black and one white, flew out of nowhere, and they were not particularly big, but the hair on their bodies seemed to be in the dense special effects, glowing with energy reflected light, and their momentum was extremely amazing. Compared with those ferocious deformed monsters, it is not inferior, or even better.

However, they don’t seem to belong to the same camp of those vicious monsters, but are opposite to each other. The two big dogs are like two lightning bolts, one black and one white, rushing straight past Gu Mo’s side and rushing behind him. , with a clear goal, Qi Qi slammed his head into the group of monsters behind!

Like a spring thunder, the speed is so fast that it is almost invisible, which is already beyond the level that the optic nerve response ability of ordinary humans can capture.

Gu Mo also couldn’t see exactly what happened, and heard the sound of tearing one after another resounding, and then black blood splattered!

The group of deformed monsters flew through the flesh, their limbs were torn off, and their bodies were torn apart…

Fuck, where did the dog come from? !

“Come here!”

A low shout sounded in front of him, and Gu Mo turned his head in astonishment, only to see a man wearing a dark blue turtleneck jacket and dark blue wide-leg pants, with a spiky head and short hair, appeared on the road ahead at some point in time. The teenager who looked like a high school student, with a cold expression and a sense of urgency, was waving to him again and again.

Without thinking at all, Gu Mo quickly approached over there.

He has a lot of doubts, but this point is not too important at this time, even the disgusting monsters and ghosts behind him have come out, so if his own delusional speculations make up such an inexplicable person at this time, how much can it be? .

It would be better to say that while Gu Mo was relieved—at least he didn’t have to be in close contact with those cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods—at the same time, he became a little curious.

He wanted to see how weird his out-of-control thinking would go this time, and how the next thoughts and brain supplements would unfold… Frankly speaking, this is a very strange idea, and it even gave him a kind of My current schizophrenia is a bizarre feeling of two distinct parts.

After all, he believes that all the scenes in front of him are fictionalized by his own mental thinking, and at the same time he is curious about what will happen next, because he does not know… That is to say, he subconsciously feels that a part of his consciousness has already been developed. I don’t own it, so I can’t control my thoughts and thoughts.

—Isn’t that the source of the sense of division?

“Who are you? Why are you here?”

The dark blue high school student with a ruthless temperament quickly looked up and down the person in front of him, and asked in a suspicious tone. The special-level curse is very important, and this person is obviously not a student of this high school. He suddenly appeared here at night, which cannot make him suspicious.

“Me?” Gu Mo blinked and said seriously, “I was just hungry at night, so I came out for supper.”

Inside and outside the words, there is a smell that I just came out to make soy sauce.

No problem, that’s all.

“eat supper?”

The high school student’s brows suddenly became high. This area belongs to this school. There is no village in front of the surrounding area, and there is no store in the back, but there is indeed no commercial street… Then, this person said that he came here to eat. supper?

“Can’t you pass by here?” Gu Mo shrugged and spread his hands.



The high school student frowned tightly. He carefully discerned the expression on this man’s face, and always felt that something was not right. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you can’t go out to eat supper at night, and it doesn’t mean you can’t pass by here, but when you come out at this time, you have to choose this place to pass by, which brings some suspicion.

And the most important thing is that the other party obviously looks like an ordinary person with no magic power, and he has no magic power and breath, but… how does this look like an ordinary person?

After getting out of danger, he quickly calmed down, his speed was obviously abnormal, and his expression was too calm, his tone was too confident, and his face was neither red nor panting…

It’s just that his whole body, from his expressions to his movements, is full of doubts!

Because there is one thing to know, that is, ordinary people cannot see the curse spirit under normal circumstances, which often means that once they are involved in this special state of affairs, they will be extremely shocked and fearful and cannot accept it. After all, the worldview of the past has been shattered, and reason has been shaken to the point of crumbling, and the whole person is numb…

But what about this person in front of him?

Although he just turned around and ran away when he faced the curse spirit, he really couldn’t see how terrified and desperate he felt, because ordinary people were involved in such a special situation, how could they be so sincere calm? No matter how thick the nerves are, it won’t be so outrageous.

The only possible explanation is that this person is not the first time to face the curse spirit, so it is very likely that he is a person in the magic world… In this case, he has to pretend to be an ordinary person, appearing here at this time, is it suspicious? Isn’t it big enough?

At this moment, the movement on the other side has disappeared.

However, the two ferocious big dogs had already solved the problem neatly, and they tore the spell spirits to pieces in three strokes and five divisions. The whole process took less than ten seconds.

His fists clenched slightly. The high school student turned to look at the teaching building not far away and made a decisive decision. He said in a deep voice, “It’s too dangerous here, you follow me!”

The super curse is still in the building, and if it is dragged down, there may be problems. He has no time to argue with the other party here, and it is unrealistic to cross-examine carefully, so let’s just be direct—isn’t this person trying to pretend to be an ordinary person, then he will put it away. The other party is treated as an ordinary person. It is so dangerous here, it is better to let the other party follow you.

On the surface, it is to protect the other party, but in fact, it is able to keep this person by your side and watch it at any time, so as to prevent small actions in places where you can’t see it.

As for whether there is any danger…

The thought of    flashed through his mind, and he was passed by the black-clothed high school student. Anyway, his teacher must be nearby.

“Oh that’s fine…”

Gu Mo nodded politely, he could do whatever he wanted, anyway, he was already rotten… ah, no, he was already lying flat.

It’s just that Gu Mo agreed so quickly, but the high school students who were staring at him with sharp eyes were stunned for a moment. , it can’t be fixed for him.

After a short silence for a second, he gritted his teeth, turned quickly and ran towards the teaching building over there: “Follow me!”

Gu Mo followed closely behind him, feeling a little hard. The opponent’s speed was indeed a bit fast, but the teaching building was not far away, and the distance to run was not too long, so there was no pressure. He hung tightly behind the other party, looked at this mysterious cold-faced boy, and asked curiously:

“Speaking of which, what’s your name, little brother?”

“…Fu Hei Hui.”

The cold-faced boy was silent for a while before answering.

Volt? This surname is a bit rare. Gu Mo watched the font on the cold face boy’s head change from a question mark to a more specific display—

“Fu Hei Hui (97%.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, trying hard to recall whether he had come into contact with relevant information in this area during this period of time.

They all say “thinking every day and dreaming at night”, and there is a saying that “people can’t imagine things they haven’t seen before”. In short, it shows the essence of human imagination, and it also shows that imagination also needs logic. Whether it’s brainstorming, divergent thinking, or seemingly inexplicable dreams…

In fact, it is often because of previous exposure to relevant information, unknowingly leaving a certain impression in the depths of consciousness.

It’s just that he couldn’t remember it for a while, Gu Mo thought about it, and then asked, “What are those things just now? It’s the first time I’ve seen this kind of thing.”



At this time, I remembered to pretend to know nothing, is it a bit late? And this acting is a bit too clumsy… Fu Heihui slandered in his heart, obviously he was very calm, but he just pretended to be an ordinary person who saw strange things for the first time.

took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “These are curse spirits, creatures that are gathered together by the magic power radiated by ordinary people. You can think of them as a curse formed by the negative emotions overflowing from human beings…”

(end of this chapter)

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