When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 95

Chapter 94: The First Thing To Do Back Is To Swipe The Store

Chapter 94 The first thing to come back is to brush the store

Gu Mo went down from the top floor of the unfinished building in the dim environment, but when he was approaching the bottom floor, he vaguely heard someone’s voice.

He couldn’t help frowning slightly. It was already close to two o’clock in the morning in the real world. Who would come to such a ghost place? Although there was a small group of gangsters working here before, he was also scared away by him. It’s coming, and it’s not even active at this point in time.

Subconsciously, he eased his steps.

If it was the previous Gu Mo, in the middle of the night, he was alone in this kind of unfinished building complex in the suburbs, listening to the sound of Ye Feng’s whining outside, and suddenly aware of strange noises coming from the originally empty building, pointing to Don’t have to be intimidated.

But now, he has no idea about this at all – not to say that he has already concluded that it is impossible to be a ghost or something, purely because he has no feeling of fear at all… After all, he just learned from the last one The world has withdrawn, and I don’t know how many such things have been beaten to death.

“… Next, the story I’m going to tell is called the School of Wronged Souls…”

Deliberately suppressed voices came from the floor below, as if pretending to be mysterious. Although such whispers were not at the level of whispering into the ear, they were not far off. If it weren’t for the fact that it was only one floor apart, then Gu Mo’s hearing might not really be able to catch it.

He stood at the entrance of the stairs on the upper floor, watching the flickering firelight below, listening to the young man’s voice mysteriously telling ghost stories, and occasionally sounding some suppressed exclamations and surprises from others At first glance, the expression of the whole person became quite subtle.

listened patiently for a while, and in the mixed conversation of those people, he probably understood the specific situation.

It seems that I have to start from before I enter the dungeon. In order to clear the field, I scared away the small groups that were active near this unfinished building group, but some gods and rumors have also spread out because of this, and now it seems to be a group of hormones. A surplus of young men and women come here in the middle of the night in search of excitement.

“I’m so busy…”

Gu Mo sighed lightly, but he missed his previous days a little, but although he was quite free before, he would not do such a thing, and would rather stay at home and play games.

Open your eyes and look around, using your own spiritual vision ability to confirm that the surrounding environment does not have any strange breath, the real world seems to be really an ordinary, unremarkable world… especially For Gu Mo, who has begun to master special energy, he can feel the lack of “reiki” in the real world.

As if the eyes were born to see, and the ears were born to hear, after transforming into the first energy form that was unique to him, he seemed to have a mysterious sensory perception, and the whole world was different. He could roughly feel that there was some strange energy floating between the heavens and the earth.

And although he has only just transformed into extraordinary power, Gu Mo can probably feel it. Maybe special energy should be like this – it can be obtained by the transformation of vitality, or it can be supplemented by drawing external energy.

The external energy mentioned here refers to something similar to the life force of the world. It is difficult for Gu Mo to describe how it is. He can only say that it is probably the nature of such a feeling.

In the Warring States period, he did not have special energy, so he did not know what the world was like. In the previous copy of the modern gods, it was the first time to feel this kind of feeling, no A clear comparison, it is difficult to understand what level it is.

It was not until now that he returned to the real world that Gu Mo suddenly realized that he, who had just adapted to the aura environment, was now like a fish fluttering on the shore.

If the previous hospital could only allow him to make a preliminary judgment, then now it has basically confirmed the general situation of the entire real world. There is almost no aura at all, which is very consistent with the reality that there is no miracle or magic.

He no longer stopped, but walked straight downstairs, the sound of brisk footsteps resounded in the empty and silent building, which seemed abrupt and ethereal.

After all, it is an unfinished building. It just built a frame, and it has been abandoned until now. There is no decoration, it is as empty as a pigeon cage, and it is located in the suburbs, and there is not much popularity around it. The sound will be amplified, and it will appear strange for no reason.

It’s just that Gu Mo didn’t hide his footsteps at all, and on the floor downstairs, there were seven or eight young people surrounded by a bonfire in the empty hall, but they didn’t seem to notice it, and they were still alone. Talking about their own ghost stories, several other people held their knees and listened with bated breath.

The place where they sat around was a certain distance from the stairs, but not too far. Gu Mo came down from above and saw their figures at a glance, but of course he had no interest in joining in the fun, so he didn’t say hello or anything. He stopped and looked at it for a while, then turned around and continued walking downstairs.

And just after the sound of his footsteps disappeared, another six or seven minutes passed, the young man telling the story finally stopped, looked around in satisfaction, and waited for the reaction of his companions.


“That’s right, I thought there would be some reversal in the end.”

“Can you do it, I thought you were joking!”

After a short silence, the companions had subtle expressions on their faces, chattering and chattering, and they all denounced his horror story as a joke at all, and their opinions were quite unanimous. shout.

“What are you yelling about! What are you yelling about! Isn’t that what you said before? Isn’t the murder caused by a steamed bun also funny?”

“Nonsense! That’s a horror story that I carefully prepared for several days and then picked out, okay! Didn’t you all get scared just now?” A slightly fat boy opposite looked unacceptable, angry that his friend was trying to escape Accusing, even opening your eyes and talking nonsense has to drag yourself into the water.



“Hey! Why don’t you guys talk anymore? Did you just applaud me just as a courtesy?” Noticing the sudden change in the atmosphere, the slightly fat boy seemed to think of something, and pointed at the group of plastic friends in shock. This fact cannot be accepted.

“This… It’s good that everyone knows something, why say it…”

Someone smiled awkwardly and tried to fool around with a haha.

“Okay, okay, everyone is just having a good time, there’s no need to be so serious… I just took a photo of Ah Quan, do you want to take a look, or who’s turn is it, let’s start directly?” The cute girl in the bunny-eared soft hat took the initiative to round the field and waved her mobile phone at the same time.

From the very beginning, she was filming everyone’s performance, and naturally the boy just now was also filming.

“Let’s take a look first, see if Brother Quan is on camera…”

“That’s right, let’s learn and learn, if mine is too ugly, I’ll take another photo…”

“Me too……”

A group of people flocked to the girls and watched the shooting as before. They were not video broadcasters, but they were also not the kind of people who often stayed up in the middle of the night and went to the abandoned buildings in the suburbs to tell ghost stories. It was a ridiculous experience to remember.

Although it was just noisy, it came over with a slap on the forehead. In the end, I didn’t find any evidence of haunting here, and I was so bored that I didn’t know what to do, so it developed into a long night of telling ghost stories here… But It was also a very interesting experience, and of course it must be recorded.

“… Next, the story I’m going to tell is called the School of Wronged Souls…”

The video started to play, and a clear voice came from the mobile phone, and the group of people couldn’t help laughing.

Only the young man named Ah Quan is not too comfortable, but he doesn’t care too much. After all, he has seen other people’s videos just now, and he knows that everyone is the same. , don’t take it too seriously.

However, it didn’t take long to play, and there was a strange noise in the video.

“What sound?” Someone asked with a frown.

“It seems like… footsteps?” Others listened carefully, and found that in addition to the sound of the story, a footstep slowly appeared.

is neither light nor heavy, from far to near.

It seems that a footstep sounded from upstairs first, walked down slowly, then passed this floor, and walked down again… It was a normal thing, but everyone couldn’t help looking at each other, only to feel At the same time, my heart fluttered.

After all, in this empty and unfinished building, except for them, where did other people come from? They have completely checked it before it was dark. Every room on every floor is like this, and there is nothing left out. …how could someone else come down from the upstairs.

And at that time, everyone was sitting here, and the stairs were over there… It’s impossible to say that you can’t hear it, you can see it at a glance.

“Wait, wait…here…isn’t something photographed?”

A girl’s voice trembled, and she stretched out her finger tremblingly, pointing to the corner of the phone screen.

Everyone looked intently and saw that at the corner of the shooting angle, it was facing a part of the stairs. Because of the angle problem and the problem of hand shake, it was not possible to capture all of it, and it was not particularly clear. However, you can definitely see a pair of feet coming down from above, and then pause there for a while before turning around and disappearing at the edge of the screen.

Hearing the rhythm of the footsteps, he seemed to be going downstairs.

This time it’s even more creepy – just now, they were sitting here talking about ghost stories, but they didn’t know that an inaudible footstep sounded in this empty floor, and then there was something they didn’t see Walk down the stairs slowly and stand there watching them for a while…

This kind of association is almost instinctive, and even the picture and sound appear in their minds.

From the moment when I noticed something was wrong, the atmosphere became terrible and silent, and at this moment, the fear of squeezing finally broke through the rational suppression of the brain and completely transformed into a high decibel——

“Ah ah–!!”



Outside the unfinished buildings, Gu Mo, who had already walked a long distance, turned around and looked at the buildings behind him with only empty frames like pigeon cages. Did he hear something just now? Loud screaming sound?

Did something really happen? Or is the ghost story told too emotionally, and a group of young people were scared?

squinted his eyes and looked at the real estate behind him for a while. He felt that it should be the latter. He shook his head helplessly, shrugged his shoulders, and continued to walk back along the road. There is still some distance from here to where I live, and it is also relatively remote, so it is difficult to get a car.

Gu Mo also didn’t want to leave any obvious traces, so he decided to go back at night.

Speaking of which, he is indeed going to start moving. He has been thinking about such a thing before, but although the funds on hand have increased a lot, he has not been able to reach a very comfortable level in the house, so he will temporarily Shelved.

And after this dungeon, before he knew it, his funds also broke through to the level of seven figures… Sure enough, “game currency” is the least valuable thing, especially killing monsters will drop it, The faster you brush, the more money you will accumulate.

is still able to withdraw and use it…this is quite interesting.

It didn’t take too long, Gu Mo returned to his residence. He saw that the security guard was replaced by Uncle Zhang at the gate of the community. After a few conversations, he heard that the old man Ding was too old to do this job. Yes, I quit this job a few days ago.

That’s fine, you’re already so old, it’s nice to be at home and enjoy yourself…

Gu Mo didn’t worry about anything, and he dealt with it a few times. The main reason is that although Uncle Zhang is a rare person in this community who doesn’t like to talk much, he is also a little curious about why he hasn’t seen anyone for so long. It seems that the first time in half a month The first time I saw his appearance, I couldn’t help but inquire about what night shift job he was looking for.

This gave Gu Mo a sense of crisis, and he was more determined to move out as soon as possible. This community really couldn’t stay.

Back home, he checked whether the enchantment talisman he set before going out and other things were triggered. After confirming that there was no problem, Gu Mo felt relieved and stood in front of the mirror in his bedroom again.

He opened the store page that can only be used in the real world, and he checked the daily refresh. After all, he now has the largest sum of money since he entered the pit, and three golden keys. Naturally, he feels rich and powerful. .

The first is the sign-in reward. Today, as always, 2000 game coins were given. For the current Gu Mo, this kind of sign-in reward is no different from issuing “Thank you for your patronage”.

But he didn’t expect this at first, but decided to check the refresh of daily specials.

There are still three brand-new items displayed one after another. The first one is a giant sword that looks very large and heavy. The sword body is faintly red in the dark, and the words displayed below are “Xuan Tie Heavy. Sword”, which sells for one million in the system’s currency, and doesn’t even require a key to buy it.

——Could it be that Dugu seeks defeat?

Gu Mo thought about it and pondered a little, but finally passed it. If the “Dougu Nine Swords” that Dugu seeks to defeat is here, he will also decide to buy it, but if it is only this black iron epee… it will not have much effect on him.

If the amount needed is less, he wouldn’t mind buying it for collection, or using it as a spare material, but if the price is 1 million, it would be unrealistic to take away all his current net worth at once. It’s not a particularly magical material, so he naturally chose to give up rationally.

The second item is a glittering skill badge——

“Swordsmanship (Shushan Xianjian School.

The price is a silver key.

Gu Mo’s eyes lit up all of a sudden, and the image of a sword fairy in white clothes fluttering and out of the world was sketched in his mind in an instant. That face is his own… Being strong is a matter of version, being handsome is a matter of a lifetime, and Isn’t Jian Xian both handsome and strong? !

But without rushing to make a choice, he looked at the third item next to him.

It was a small piece of crystal clear and translucent fragment, the whole body showed a clear pale pink, but it was faintly blooming with blue and purple light, which seemed to contain a strong spiritual power.

——”The Jade Fragment of the Four Souls”.

– The price is a bronze key.

(end of this chapter)

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