When Heartthrob Omega Wears Into the Present World

Chapter 26

Chapter 25 – You Don’T Deserve Love

As soon as everyone finished work, the rain began to fall.

Lu Ci went back to the room, took a shower, heard the heavy rain outside, and went to the window to take a look.

The bean-sized raindrops crackled on the window, making her flustered, so she drew the curtains.

Lu Ci leaned against the head of the bed, rubbed his forehead, and kept thinking about the scene of Chi Shuang pounced on him to protect him.

Although she knew she was filming, she was still very touched.

She is greedy for Chi Shuang’s warmth and likes Chi Shuang’s smell, she wants to hug her more, but there is always a voice in her mind, “You don’t deserve to have love.”

Lu Ci felt a little dizzy in his head, glanced at the time, and thought about taking a nap before dinner.

As soon as I closed my eyes, my limbs felt weak, and my consciousness fell into darkness.

She felt that someone had pinched her hands and feet and put heavy shackles on her. The cold touch made her scalp numb and her back feel chilly.

“Deer Ci.” The woman’s low voice rang in her ears.

Lu Ci’s pupils shrank sharply, and her memory was pulled back to the dark years that she desperately wanted to forget.

“Why is your mouth so hard? Do you have to let me pry open your mouth and pull out your teeth one by one before you know what obedience is?”


Lu Ci was terrified, the surroundings were pitch black, she couldn’t see anything, but she could feel that the woman’s two hands tightly clamped her chin.

“Or do you think I won’t use that trick against you? Huh?”

“No…don’t…” Lu Ci’s eyes widened and he shook his head desperately.

There is light gradually in front of my eyes, and the seductive face of a woman is close at hand! Lu Ci wanted to hide, only to find that his hands and feet were bound and tied to the iron cage.

“Okay, then I’ll give you another chance.”

“Tell me, what should you call me?”

The woman looked at Lu Ci playfully.

Lu Ci bit his lip, with tears in his eyes, he shook his head at the woman.


“Go and call everyone, let everyone see how this self-proclaimed top omega is in heat.”

“no, do not want!”

The woman ignored Lu Ci’s pleas, took an injection, waved it in front of Lu Ci’s eyes, enjoyed her frightened look, and then injected the injection into the glands behind Lu Ci’s neck.

“Uh…” Lu Ci suddenly raised her head, feeling the sudden hotness in her body, and a strong desire that she had never had before constantly impacted her consciousness.

The woman unshackles her and sets her free for a while.

The girls and the people in black all gathered around, looking indifferently at Lu Ci in the iron cage.

Lu Ci held the iron cage tightly with both hands, his throat moved, and he suppressed it desperately, not letting himself make a sound.

The woman sat on the chair and looked at it with a smile for a while, “Take off her clothes.”

Someone walked outside the iron cage, reached out and grabbed Lu Ci’s white skirt through the gap, and pulled it casually, and there was a hiss.

Luci’s cheeks were flushed, and he covered the only bit of cloth remaining on his chest.

“Hmm…” A very light hum came out of Luci’s mouth, she opened her mouth unconsciously, panting heavily, as if the air around her was rapidly losing, which made her feel like she was about to suffocate. Panting, she made a strange noise, which she didn’t even realize.

“It sounds really nice.”

The woman’s laughter fell beside Lu Ci’s ears, like a thunderclap, and she realized that she had lost control! But…she couldn’t control her body’s desire for desire!

The woman walked to the iron cage and stroked Lu Ci’s face.

“Want it?”

Luci turned his head away and curled up in a corner.

There was a thin layer of sweat on her body, with a faint luster, exquisite curves, unevenness, and her small body shivering in the cold wind, which made people unable to help but give birth to a trace of affection.

“Come here, come to me.” The woman coaxed softly, and stretched out her hand to Luci.

Luci looked at her hand with tears in his eyes.


The body is being urged by a primitive instinct, allowing her to forget everything and move towards the woman bit by bit.

“Crawl over here.” The woman withdrew her hand and ordered.

Lu Ci was trembling, with his knees touching the ground, and crawled towards the woman step by step, tears pattered on the ground, leaving behind a string of water drops.


“Call me.” The woman gently stroked Lu Ci’s cheek.

Luci’s pink lips opened and closed slightly, his body trembled violently, and he unconsciously rubbed against the woman’s palm.

“Call me.” The woman snapped and withdrew her hand.

Lu Ci looked at her eagerly, opened his mouth tremblingly, “Master…”

“Hmm…” Lu Ci lowered his head and bit his lips hard, she didn’t want to! In no mood!

“Be good, Xiaoci, the master will give you what you want. The master likes you and wants to love you well. If you are disobedient, the master can only lock you in this cage and give you a catalyst every day.”

Lu Ci still lowered his head, his arched back trembling like chaff.

With a “click”, a teardrop, wrapped in a drop of blood, fell to the ground at the same time.

Luci bit his lip, using the pain to stimulate himself to regain a little reason.

She looked up at the woman, and called out in a low voice, “Master…”


“Then tell the master, what do you belong to the master?”

Lu Ci bit her lips tightly, and the woman pinched her cheeks to make her open her mouth, “Huh?”

“…Slave.” Lu Ci tremblingly said.

Only then did the woman smile contentedly, stroking the bloodstain on the corner of Lu Ci’s lips with her thumb.

Lu Ci slightly opened his mouth, and the woman saw it, and smiled even more, “The top omega is really sensitive.” As he spoke, he put his fingertips to Lu Ci’s lips.

Lu Ci opened her mouth, and the woman put her index finger in. She just showed an evil smile, but the next second, her expression became extremely ferocious!

“Ah!” The woman cried out in pain!

Lu Ci bit her knuckles fiercely, so hard that her whole body trembled, and her veins burst out!

Those eyes were so red that they ooze blood, and the tears flowing from the corners of the eyes looked like blood!

With a strong killing intent!

The woman grabbed Lu Ci’s glands with the other hand, and Lu Ci let go with a cry of pain, and his body instantly went limp, but those eyes were staring at the woman.

“Hang her up for me! Bring the whip!”

Lu Ci was hung up.

The thumb-thick leather whip fell on her continuously.

All that echoed in my ears were sharp and piercing sounds.

After a long time, the whipping stopped.

Lu Ci hangs her head, her arm hurts from being pulled by the shackles, she can’t do anything, her body is so numb that she can’t exert any strength.

“Deer speech.” Another woman came to her.

“Stop holding on.”

“Don’t you know who you are?”

“From the day you became an omega, you are destined to become everyone’s plaything. No one will love you, and no one will care about your thoughts.”

“Even if your willpower is strong, you can’t control your body.”

“You are not worthy of thoughts, let alone love.”

The woman paused and sighed.

“What are you still insisting on? Do you think your parents will come to take you back?”

“Have you never thought about why they sent you to this place?”

“Do you think they really don’t know what this Omega Education Institute does?”

“This place will not teach you knowledge, but will only teach you how to please alpha and how to become a qualified slave.”

Lu Ci tried his best and shook his head lightly.

“They…will come…”

“Mom, love me very much…”

The author has something to say: that year, Lu Ci was 16 years old and had just differentiated into an omega


Day six starts tomorrow! I hope you will support us a lot! Give me a comment to motivate me! !

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