When Heartthrob Omega Wears Into the Present World

Chapter 28

Chapter 27 – She Saw The Light

By the time Luci finished cleaning up the house, it was already late at night, and it was raining lightly outside the window again.

She drew the curtains to completely isolate herself from the outside world.

The mobile phone on the table was vibrating non-stop. She sat on the sofa to take a rest, picked it up and took a look. It was in the group of the crew, and everyone was chatting.

[Go watch TV, sisters! Go watch TV! 】

[Golden Ling Award live broadcast, Mr. Chi was nominated for Best Actress again, if he wins again today, it will be the third time he won the Golden Ling Award Best Actress! ! That’s awesome! 】

【Wow, Mr. Chi is too good. This is the most authoritative award in the industry. The competition is fierce. It’s hard to win once. It’s unbelievable to think about it three times! 】

【Ahhh! I’m coming I’m coming! Isn’t it just a teacher Chi in life! Teacher Chi, go! 】

【what time is it? You don’t have to work tomorrow? 】

Bai Hua jumped out and said something, and the group fell silent immediately.

Lu Ci smiled, glanced at the TV, and found the channel that broadcast the awards ceremony live.

The stars attending the event are walking through the red carpet one by one, and are led by the host to appear on the stage.

Luci rested his chin, quietly watching those glamorous stars appear on the stage.

After looking around, she didn’t recognize any of them.

Just feeling a little bored, I suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Chi Shuang didn’t wear a dress, but simple private clothes, a white shirt tightly buttoned to the top, legged jeans, and a beige windbreaker. She put on light makeup, her complexion was ruddy and glowing, but her eyes were slightly red, showing a trace of fatigue.

It must be because the schedule is too tight and there is no rest.

The host handed the microphone to her, then immediately stepped aside, keeping a distance of more than one meter from her.

When Lu Ci saw this scene, he couldn’t help laughing. It turned out that these people knew that one meter around Chi Shuang was a restricted area.

The host seemed to know that she was rather indifferent, and didn’t interact with her too much. He just asked some simple questions that only needed to be answered with “ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmah!”

Lu Ci looked at the two hosts deliberately, and after seeing Chi Shuang leave, the two of them were secretly relieved, which made Lu Ci amused.

It seems that her Teacher Chi is really ‘notorious’

As Chi Shuang entered the arena, the camera couldn’t take the infield, and for the next half an hour, actors entered the arena.

Lu Ci watched patiently, unwilling to miss the opportunity to see Chi Shuang every minute.

After all, it was a surprise for her to see Chi Shuang on TV.

After the actors entered the arena, the camera finally cut into the infield.

Lu Ci sat up straight and searched carefully in the field, but the black mass of heads, at a glance, was full of unknown people.

The host made a speech on stage, and the awards ceremony officially began.

The camera scanned the guests present one by one from right to left, but did not see Chi Shuang.

Lu Ci frowned, wondering, given Chi Shuang’s coffee seat, she should be sitting in the first row, a very conspicuous and easy to find seat.

Just as the camera panned again, Lu Ci took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw Chi Shuang’s nameplate in the first row, but he was not on the seat.

Lu Ci was a little disappointed, and could only watch the actors patiently on stage to accept the awards.

Before I knew it, an hour passed.

In the middle of the night, the sound of rain outside the window gradually became louder. Lu Ci stretched his waist and came to the window to take a look. The sound of rain was mixed with low-pitched thunder, which made people feel a little uneasy.

She drew the curtains tighter again.

Suddenly his legs softened and he leaned against the window sill.

Oops, the fever season is here.

The hotness in the body is raging, and this attack is even more ferocious than the previous two times, not even excessive!

Lu Ci took a deep breath, and the knuckles that clasped the window sill were faintly white.

She pinched her fingertips, bit the tip of her tongue, and then simply bit her forearm to force herself to stay awake.

She looked at the TV, and the winners were still chattering about their mental journey.

She wanted to see Chi Shuang, she wanted to take another look at Chi Shuang while she was still awake, just one look, even if it was just a slight glimpse of the camera, a silhouette would be fine.

Lu Ci stared at the screen intently, praying that Chi Shuang would get into the mirror soon.

The rising desire kept pounding her consciousness. She opened the window to let the cold wind pour into the room, and the cold raindrops fell on her body, patting non-stop.

She curled up against the wall with her arms crossed, her body trembling uncontrollably. She didn’t dare to open her mouth, for fear that she might uncontrollably make strange noises.

This familiar, uncontrollable feeling frightened her.

[Come here, come to the master. 】

The voice that made her tremble suddenly exploded in her ears!

Lu Ci shook suddenly, his face turned pale.

[Tell the master, what are you the master’s? 】

Lu Ci pursed his lips tightly, gritted his teeth, and his eyes gradually became dark.

“Hmm…” An uncontrollable moan escaped from his lips.

Lu Ci raised his head, his face was flushed, his eyes were filled with tears, he opened his mouth unconsciously, his lips opened and closed slightly, his pink tongue was about to move, and his chest heaved rapidly.

【Come to the master, the master will love you very much. 】

“Hmph…” There was another soft hum, Luci bit the tip of her tongue, the **** smell in her mouth made her nauseous, she retched several times in a row, and tears rolled down her eyes.

[Come here, give me a hug from the master. 】

Lu Ci’s body moved, and then retreated.

[Is it cold? The master’s embrace is very warm, come here. 】

Lu Ci stared forward dully, her eyes blurred, in a trance, she saw Chi Shuang standing in front of her, with a soft smile on her lips, she opened her arms to her.

Luci also stretched out his hand to her.

【come over. 】

The ‘Chi Shuang’ in front of him took a step back.

Lu Ci leaned forward and knelt down on the ground.

【Come. 】

Luci followed the voice and wanted to get up and walk over.

[Climb over here. 】

Lu Ci paused and stopped.

[As soon as you climb over, the master will hug you. The master warms your hands and body, and the master will hold you tightly in his arms, loving and pampering you. 】

Lu Ci touched the ground with his knees, leaned forward, and slowly put his palms on the ground.

The figure crouched down and held out a hand to her.

Lu Ci stared at that hand with red eyes, his throat moved, he just wanted to get closer, closer.

She took a half step forward with her left leg and stopped.

She shook her head, constantly reminding herself in her mind, no!

【Are you uncomfortable? 】

Luci nodded.

【Want it? 】

Lu Ci hesitated for a moment, shook his head, tears fell on the ground, and broke into several petals.

【Come. 】

“No!” Lu Ci resolutely uttered a word, clenched his left hand into a fist, and firmly dug his nails into his palm.

A playful smile came from beside his ear.

Another wave of climax came, Lu Ci unconsciously raised his body, and uttered a series of soft groans, the strange feeling on her body made her go crazy with discomfort!

【Want it? 】



[Don’t hold back anymore, you can’t control your body, omega is born to play with. 】

Lu Ci shook her head, her right hand that was supporting the ground trembled violently, and there was a burst of severe pain in her wrist, so painful that she couldn’t exert any strength, and with a pop, her elbow was pressed against the ground.

Lu Ci wanted to stand up, but couldn’t get up. She felt the woman’s high heels stepping **** her back, and the heavy weight on her body made her unable to move.

She felt her body begin to lose control.

She felt that her consciousness was fading away, and she actually thought, just like this, obediently obeying the woman’s arrangement.

As long as she can give herself a warm embrace, as long as she can give herself an inhibitor so that she doesn’t have to endure such suffering, what else is wrong?

Isn’t every omega like this?

Shouldn’t they be born to face this?

Just one posture, how uncomfortable can it be?

It’s just to make some noise to make everyone happy.

Lu Ci’s consciousness gradually collapsed, and she didn’t even notice it.

Her trembling left arm slowly bent down, and her elbow touched the ground.

“Next, we will announce the winner of this year’s Golden Ling Award for Best Actress.” The host’s voice came from the TV.

In an instant, Lu Ci’s consciousness was pulled back!

She was horrified to find that she was posing in that position, and tears were streaming down her face. She finally knew that she really couldn’t control her body!

She turned her head to look at the TV, all she could think about was Chi Shuang.

If she could see Chi Shuang, she might have the motivation to carry it through, she would definitely be able to carry it through, as long as she saw Chi Shuang, just one look, one look!

At this moment, Chi Shuang was like a straw to her, a life-saving straw!

“The actor who won the Best Actress Award at the 23rd Golden Ling Award, she is—”

late frost…late frost…

Lu Ci silently recited Chi Shuang’s name in his heart.

“Chi Shuang!”

Lu Ci smiled knowingly, dragged his tired body, and moved to the side of the TV, wanting to take a closer look at her Teacher Chi.

“The winners are invited to come on stage to accept the awards.” After the host’s words fell, the audience applauded.

But surprisingly, no one came on stage.

“Teacher Chi, please come on stage to accept the award.” The host said again, looking towards the audience.

When the camera came to the audience, the actors looked at Chi Shuang’s seat one after another.

A figure walked up from the side stage.

The audience applauded.

Lu Ci stared at the figure closely, and when she saw the figure from afar, she recognized it immediately, it wasn’t Chi Shuang, it was Jiang Fu.

Jiang Fu stepped onto the stage and bowed repeatedly to the audience.

“Seniors, I’m really sorry. I’m Chi Shuang’s assistant. Chi Shuang has already left the venue early because she is unwell.”

“I am very grateful to everyone for your recognition of Chi Shuang’s acting skills, and thanks to her predecessors for their support and encouragement. She will definitely continue to work hard to present more good works.”

“It’s rude to be absent this time, and I sincerely apologize again on her behalf.” Jiang Fu bowed deeply again.

Jiang Fu’s humble and respectful attitude made it impossible to fault her, and the artists in the audience responded with applause.

Watching Jiang Fu walk off the stage holding the trophy, Lu Ci’s tears fell to the ground.

She really wanted, really wanted to see Chi Shuang.

The awards ceremony drew to a close, and the host delivered a closing speech.

With trembling fingers, Lu Ci turned off the TV.

Her embarrassed appearance and her empty eyes were reflected on the dark screen.

The light in the living room was clearly on, but she felt that the surroundings were dark and she couldn’t see any light.

Lu Ci curled up on the ground, she thought she had been lying there for a long time, but when she looked at the time, only five minutes had passed.

She heard a voice whispering in her ear.

[This night has just begun. 】

Yes, her fever period has just begun.

But she was exhausted, she had thrown away her helmet and armor, and she had no fighting spirit.

Looking at the fruit knife on the table, she had an idea.

That thought flashed through my mind.

When she came to her senses, looking at the knife in her hand, she flicked her hand and threw the knife away.

No, no.

She hasn’t finished filming that movie yet.

The entire crew, the hard work of hundreds of people, cannot be ruined by her.

She wants to carry it over, she wants to go back to the set, and she can still see Chi Shuang! Still see you!

While her body regained some strength, Luci supported the wall and returned to the bedroom, took out all the quilts from the cabinet, went to bed, wrapped herself in the quilt, and warmed the quilt with her body.

When the climax hit, she bit the corner of the quilt, recalling what happened in the crew during this period, some happy, some sad, almost everything could not avoid Chi Shuang.

She thought of chatting with Chi Shuang for the first time in the film crew.

Chi Shuang taught her a lot about yurts, but finally asked her why she was avoiding her.

She thought of the first time riding a horse, the horse lost control, Chi Shuang rushed out to help her hold the rein, and said to her, “Don’t be afraid of her, trust her, she won’t hurt you.”

she remembered… um…

Desire gradually invaded her consciousness, and she even felt that Chi Shuang’s face gradually became blurred in her mind.

She thought of Chi Shuang feeding her puffs, the cream was so sweet.

She thought of Chi Shuang pretending to help her apply the medicine and secretly kissing her fingertips.

She thought of the way Chi Shuang looked at her, those eyes were full and reflected her.

Lu Ci’s breathing gradually became heavy, and he frowned tightly, trying desperately to recall what happened with Chi Shuang.

But those things seemed to be getting farther and farther away from her, she couldn’t remember anything, she couldn’t remember anything.

Desire surged up, and her body was very hot, but she felt cold, so she wrapped the quilt tighter.

Her mind was in chaos, she wanted to think about Chi Shuang, but she couldn’t remember, the memory she wanted to forget flashed past desperately.

She heard a woman’s voice keep coming to her ears. She buried her head in the quilt and covered her ears, but she couldn’t stop the voice no matter what.

【Xiaoci’s bark is really nice, let the master hear it a few more times】

[Is it hot? Go get that whip back, the master will give you an inhibitor]

【Um? Have a fever again? The top omega is really sensitive, but the master doesn’t want to give you inhibitors today, how can you please the master? 】

【Xiaoci’s mouth is really tough, she won’t beg for mercy, can she? Then the master can only give you a catalyst every day, until you beg for mercy, okay? 】

[Excessive use of the catalyst will make the body extra sensitive. Does Xiao Ci enjoy this feeling? Um? You see, it’s really shameless. 】

Lu Ci got up from the bed, stumbled to the bathroom, turned on the shower head, and the cold water hit her body, making her a little more awake.

Her eyes were empty, and she stared at the fruit knife lying on the floor of the living room.

Her throat twitched slightly, she hesitated for a while, then slowed down, stood up against the wall, and walked over step by step.

She knelt down on the ground, picked up the knife, and pulled it out with difficulty.

The blade was glowing with a cold light, but in her eyes, this was the only light she could see.

Only at this moment did she realize that what she wanted was not thoughts, not love, not being loved by others, but relief, just relief!

There was a knock on the door.

She didn’t hear it, and her fingers lightly slid across the blade, bringing out a string of blood beads.

“Xiaolu? Xiaolu are you there? I’m Chi Shuang, Xiaolu?”

Chi Shuang’s voice came from outside the door.

She was indifferent.

“Little deer? Deer speech!”

Chi Shuang slammed the door hard, Lu Ci was startled by the sound, the knife in her hand fell to the ground, she immediately picked it up, and looked at the door vigilantly.

“Luci? Xiaolu? I’m Chi Shuang, I know you’re here, you open the door! Xiaolu!”

[Deer speech? what are you doing in there What are you doing with a knife? Lord, master! Lu Ci locked herself in the dormitory alone, with a knife in her hand! 】

[Deer speech? You open the door for me! What do you want to do? Rebel? Who gave you permission to do things that hurt your body? 】

[Xiaoci, don’t do stupid things! Can you open the door? 】

[Lu Ci, don’t do stupid things. 】

[Lu Ci, your mother is here, open the door, don’t you want to see her? 】

[Xiaoci, it’s your mother, open the door quickly! 】

“Fawn? Fawn!”

With a “bang”, the door was knocked.

Chi Shuang outside the door gave a hand.

She could feel that Lu Ci was behind the door, and she could feel that the vitality of Lu Ci was fading little by little, and even the special fragrance on her body was gradually fading away.

“Xiaolu, you are not loved by no one, I love you, I love you!”

“You are not a plaything or a slave, you are a human being, a person with thoughts and opinions! You can have your own life, you deserve love, you don’t have nothing, you have me!”

“Don’t do stupid things!!”

“They don’t want you, I want you!!”

Chi Shuang slammed on the door, desperately trying to call Lu Ci back.

Lu Ci leaned sideways against the door that was being knocked loudly.

She once opened a door.

But the people behind the door pushed her into a deeper abyss.

For a full ten years, she could not see a ray of light.

To this day, she still bears the scars that that person gave her.

That is her dearest and most beloved person.

“Little deer…Little deer…”


Suddenly, she seemed to hear Chi Shuang’s cry.

The voice was so helpless, so sad, it made her feel bad.

She raised her hand tremblingly and landed on the doorknob.

[Baby, it’s mom, mom is here, why did you make yourself like this? Open the door, let mom see, let mom hug you. 】

She flinched and withdrew her hand.

“Xiaolu, can you trust me just once?”

Lu Ci remembered that when she learned to ride a horse, Chi Shuang said to her, “Ride slowly, and I will follow you.”

Later, she really followed behind him every step of the way.

Can you trust her?


Lu Ci looked at the doorknob, bit his lip, and put his trembling hand on the doorknob.

With all the strength in his body, he gently buckled down.

With a click, the door opened.

Chi Shuang was thoroughly drenched by the rain and was in a mess, but immediately ran over and hugged her tightly.

Chi Shuang was still crying, crying very sadly, as if she was hurt and in great pain.

She pressed against her cheek and forehead, she snatched the knife from her hand and threw it far away, she pulled her wrist to check carefully, she hugged her, and cried into tears.

Luci raised his head and looked at her.

At this moment, what she saw was not Chi Shuang.

It was a beam of light.

Slowly melted in her cold heart.

A ray of light pierced through the mist and dispelled the darkness in front of her eyes, pulling her back to the bright world bit by bit.

The author has something to say: woo woo woo, is it because I cry first that you stop scolding me QAQ

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