When Heartthrob Omega Wears Into the Present World

Chapter 35

Chapter 34 – Finished

Its daybreak.

Chi Shuang slowly opened her eyes, feeling her throat was tight, her voice was a little hoarse, and she coughed twice in a low voice.

A gentle hand caressed her throat, “Is your throat uncomfortable?”

“Huh?” Chi Shuang looked sideways, met Xiao Lu’s concerned eyes, “Morning, cough.”

Lu Ci got up and poured her a glass of warm water, and fed her to drink.

“I’ll let Sister Fu buy some lozenges for you later.” Lu Ci touched her forehead, but luckily she didn’t have a fever, it should just be that her voice is hoarse.

“En.” Chi Shuang replied, leaning on her shoulder, belatedly remembering how hoarse her voice was, and glanced at her faintly.

Lu Ci understood, smiled lightly, pulled Chi Shuang to rest her on his lower abdomen, and gently stroked her hair with his left hand.

“what time is it?”

“Don’t rush to get up, the rain hasn’t stopped outside, I guess I won’t be able to shoot again today.”

Chi Shuang nodded and closed her eyes.

Lu Ci stared at her profile and saw her brows slightly raised.

“A Shuang? Is something uncomfortable?”

Chi Shuang glanced at her.

Lu Ci pursed his lips and chuckled, “No way, who made my Ah Shuang so attractive.”

Chi Shuang’s slender fingers clenched the corner of the quilt tightly, and buried her face.

“Okay, don’t be angry.” Lu Ci patted her on the back and coaxed her gently.

“Aren’t you wearing clothes yet? Sister Fu will be here soon.”

“A Shuang? Are you really angry? Huh?”

No matter how much Lu Ci coaxed him, this person did not respond.

But she never expected that the man’s face buried under the quilt was showing an irrepressible and triumphant smile.

It turns out that lying down is so comfortable…

Even wanted to lie down again.

Lu Ci put his hand under the quilt, and patted her lightly, “Get up, rascal.”

“Don’t wait any longer, I won’t cover for you when Sister Fu breaks in later.”

Only then did Chi Shuang reluctantly get up.

Lu Ci helped her dress, and she hung on Lu Ci again in a blink of an eye.

“Okay, okay, after breakfast later, I can let you hang out for a while.”

Chi Shuang just gave up.

The shooting in the morning really failed, and the two were dragged by Bai Hua to play against each other.

The two sat side by side on the sofa, holding the script and facing the lines.

Just as Chi Shuang finished reading a line, Bai Hua frowned and looked at her.

“What happened to your throat?”


“…” Lu Ci pursed his lips and subconsciously lowered his head.

“Uh…it’s nothing, I’m a little dumb.” Chi Shuang cleared her throat, took a sip from the water glass beside her.

“Here.” Bai Hua took out a lozenge from his pocket.

“No director.”

“Eat it, this works.”

Seeing that she couldn’t evade, Chi Shuang had no choice but to take it.

I ate it under Bai Hua’s gaze, frowning at the pungent medicinal smell.

“Is it that bad?” Bai Hua glanced at her, the phone rang, she glanced at it, got up and went to answer the phone in the bedroom.

“Is it delicious?” Lu Ci looked at her from the side, saw her disgusted face, and frowned along with her.

Chi Shuang nodded.

“I’ll try it.”


Lu Ci glanced back, and hearing that Bai Hua had no intention of hanging up the phone, he leaned close to Chi Shuang’s mouth, poked the tip of his tongue, pried her lips open, hooked the candy, brought it into his mouth, and took the candy hooked into the mouth.

“Hmm…” Lu Ci retched while covering his mouth, the smell of this medicine was too strong, like a freshly brewed traditional Chinese medicine, but it also had an inexplicable sweetness, it was unpalatable!

Just as Lu Ci was about to return it, the bedroom door opened.

! !

The two looked at each other, bad!

“Where are you going, ah, it’s time for a small speech, this is your line.” Sitting across from the two, Bai Hua picked up the script and looked at it, then looked up at Lu Ci.

Lu Ci tried his best not to spit it out, but the candy was in his mouth, so how could it be possible to read the lines like this without revealing his secrets?

Lu Ci was quick to wit, pointed at Bai Hua’s throat, got up and went into the bathroom.

“What’s wrong with her? She also has a sore throat?”

“Maybe… it was infected by me.”

“Hey, two coquettish girls.”

“…” Chi Shuang lowered her head and said it was dangerous.

The rain stopped at noon, but because the site was slippery, the shooting had to continue to stall.

The two of them stayed in the room, having a play, flirting and cursing, it was very pleasant.

The next day, as soon as they arrived at the set, the two felt a tense atmosphere.

“You two are here, hurry up and put on makeup for them.” Bai Hua urged the staff.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Ci looked at the makeup artist.

“Don’t mention it, it’s not bad weather, it’s always postponed, the progress can’t keep up, the director is in a hurry.”

Lu Ci came to a sudden, these days she was so tired of being with Ah Shuang, she almost forgot that she was here to film a movie.

After several days of high-intensity shooting, the two of them didn’t even have time to rest. When they returned to the hotel every night, they were exhausted. They would lie on the bed and say a few witty words, flirt with each other, and then fell asleep in each other’s arms.

This state of beating chicken blood lasted for more than a week.

Chi Shuang counted the days and thought about it, but what she was looking forward to was not Lu Ci’s feverish period, but her finale.

At this moment, Ah Qin was lying in Ah Ning’s arms, with a peaceful smile on her lips, her bright starry eyes slowly closed, and never opened again.

With trembling hands, Aning stroked her hair, eyebrows and eyes, and finally settled on her pale lips.

At the end of this story, Ah Qin knew that Ah Ning was poisoned by Gu, so he took her while she was unconscious, introduced the Gu insect into his body, and then lied to her that he had found the antidote for her.

Aning finally relieved the burden and met her frankly, but her health deteriorated, but she always pretended to be a normal person in front of Aning.

In the last period of time, she has been paving the way for Aning, hoping that after her death, this grassland can become her reliance and protect her like herself.

Finally, she closed her eyes in Aning’s arms.

Chi Shuang looked at the little deer in her arms. Although she knew it was filming, she still couldn’t help but feel sad. She didn’t hear the director yelling. Tears fell on Lu Ci’s lips like broken beads, and slid into the into her mouth.

Lu Ci opened his eyes and looked at Chi Shuang’s red eyes, even his eyelids were tinged with pink.

“Don’t cry.”

Chi Shuang leaned over and hugged Xiaolu a little tighter, ignoring the surprised gazes of others.

“Okay, Ah Shuang, it’s all right.” Lu Ci stroked her back, patted her lightly, and coaxed her softly.

“Congratulations on the completion of Lu Ci.” The assistant director shouted, the staff immediately applauded, and someone brought up a bouquet of flowers.

Lu Ci took it, and bowed a few times to everyone, “Thank you for your care during this time, I have caused you trouble.”

“thanks, thanks.”

“No trouble, Miss Ci has worked hard!”

“It’s all hard work.”

Lu Ci smiled, and then looked back at Chi Shuang, wondering if she didn’t come out in the play, or if she was really sad.

Lu Ci was taken back to the hotel by Qiu Ling to pack his luggage.

Chi Shuang was left on the set by Bai Hua because she still had filming tasks.

In the room, Qiu Ling helped Lu Ci take out the clothes from the closet and fold them carefully.

“Look at what else is there, don’t leave anything behind.” Qiu Ling warned.

Lu Ci sat on the sofa, looking at the gradually empty wardrobe, feeling full of reluctance.

She looked at the small bed, as if returning to that night when Chi Shuang ran out of the bedroom with red eyes and said to her, “I had a nightmare, I want to hug you.”

When she saw the bed in the bedroom, she thought of Chi Shuang softly pulling the hem of her clothes, and crying to her, “Please forgive me…”

“Xiaoci? Why are you giggling? Let’s go.”


It was almost evening when Chi Shuang returned to the hotel.

When she got to the door, she didn’t dare to open it, she was afraid of seeing an empty room.

“I heard from Qiu Ling that she contacted Xiaoci for a good variety show, so she has to go back and finalize it.” Jiang Fu guessed that the person had already left, and sighed.

“Why don’t you make a video call to her?”

“Xiaoshuang, don’t be like this, won’t you still see me after you go back, please bear with me for a while, after you finish your job, can I push you back from the follow-up itinerary?”

Chi Shuang nodded and managed to pull herself together.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, the room was really empty, there was not a single piece of clothing left in Lu Ci’s closet, which made her feel sore.

Sitting on the sofa for a long time, I still can’t relax.

Jiang Fu patted her on the back, comforting her, she knew the feeling of parting too well, especially when the two were in this kind of passionate love period, if they separated suddenly, there would be a big gap in their hearts.

Chi Shuang was suffering, when she suddenly raised her eyes and glanced at the bedroom.

“What’s wrong?”

Chi Shuang went straight to the bedroom and pushed open the door.

“Little crying bag.” Seeing Chi Shuang’s red eyes, Lu Ci chuckled, and opened his hands to her, “Come here, give her a hug.”

The two hugged each other tightly, and even Jiang Fu felt a little moved by seeing it. She gently closed the door, turned around and made a video call to his wife.

“Why didn’t you leave?” Chi Shuang asked.

“Will I leave without saying goodbye? Can you have some confidence in me?”

“Okay, stop crying, how many tears have shed today, little crying bag.”

“I’m not.”

“Well, before you say that, at least wipe away your tears first?” Lu Ci smiled at her, but secretly wiped away the tears at the end of her eyes when she couldn’t see her.

Chi Shuang held her hand reluctantly to let go.

“I’m not leaving tonight, I’ll be with you.”


At night, Chi Shuang held Luci in her arms, and glanced at her from time to time, as if she was afraid that she would lose her, it’s a precious baby.

“If you don’t go to bed obediently, will you wake up tomorrow?”

Chi Shuang hugged her even tighter.

Lu Ci also put his arms around her waist and snuggled up to her.

The two of them didn’t do anything too intimate, they just hugged each other like this, as if hugging the whole world.

After a sleepless night, the sky turned white.

Lu Ci looked out the window, she hugged her all night, but still couldn’t hug her enough.

The alarm clock goes off.

Chi Shuang had never hated this voice so much.

“Get up.” Lu Ci sat up, helped Chi Shuang get dressed, and helped her cut her hair.

Jiang Fu deliberately waited until it was time to leave before coming in.

Lu Ci squatted down and helped Chi Shuang put down his trousers.

“Sister Fu, it’s cold here sooner or later, you can’t let her show her ankles.”


“She has irregular work and rest recently, and she must go to bed at eleven o’clock in the evening.”

“Okay, I’ll keep an eye on her.”

“When it’s hot at noon, you can give her less cold food.”

“Okay.” Jiang Fu responded with a smile, and from the sound of exhortations, she could feel how much Lu Ci cared about Xiao Shuang.

“She likes to read a book before going to bed at night, but always keeps the lights dimmed.”

“It’s not good for eyes, I know, I’ve reminded her many times, but she won’t listen.” After Jiang Fu finished speaking, Chi Shuang glanced at her.

“Really, I know.” Lu Ci glanced at her.

“I’ll change it.” Chi Shuang followed suit.

“Sister Fu, remember what I said. If she doesn’t listen, you can tell me.” Lu Ci paused, then looked back at Jiang Fu, “You are not allowed to lie to me with her.”

Jiang Fu was shocked by her menacing gaze, “Okay, I will report to you every day from now on.”


Lu Ci helped Chi Shuang straighten her collar, put it around her waist, and looked at her again, “Take care of yourself, huh?” The hand behind her patted lightly, as if warning.

“Okay.” Chi Shuang nodded in response with a straight face.

“Is this a promise?” Lu Ci asked.


“Okay, then I’m leaving.” Lu Ci stood on tiptoe, kissed the corner of her lips, and then turned and left.

The author has something to say: We, Ah Shuang, don’t accept it! She just wants to cooperate with his wife! If the wife accepts, she will attack, and if the wife attacks, she will accept!


There will be 2 updates around 9 o’clock tonight! ! !

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