When I Abandoned the Protagonist

Chapter 174

Chapter 171: Survive Three

Beixing heard from Chu Yinxi that the reward for this metaphysics conference was a dragon tendon. After hearing the reward, she was completely stunned.

I can’t help but doubt that the “era of the end of the law” that I have heard from Su Mingxiu these days is false—

She has already been praised by Chu Yinxi for drawing a five thunder talisman, so how can this metaphysics conference even come up with such a mysterious thing as a reward?

That’s it!

Dragon’s tendons!

In the legend, Nezha who pulls the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea will have to bear the consequences of flooding Chentangguan, how come to the modern age where the spiritual energy is thin, such a rare thing can be easily used in a game without even a lot of Take it out at the metaphysics conference that sets the threshold?

For a moment, Bei Xing suspected that he was not wearing a modern horror novel, but a fantasy fairy…

She wouldn’t be surprised if she could hear Xianle fluttering in the next second, and see the scene of a daoist surviving the catastrophe and ascending to heaven.


In Beijia’s garden villa, Bei Xing, who was tired of reading “Shuowen Jiezi”, looked exhausted, laying on the bed lazily and opening a video with Chu Yinxi. The book was still recording the relevant content, but now there is a question mark she involuntarily drew in the blank.

“Huh??” Seeing her dull expression, Chu Yinxi’s expression was a little tangled, as if she had something to say, but she didn’t know how to say it.

But Bei Xing didn’t notice this, but her expression was still in the air. When she realized that the awkward silence lasted for a long time, she came back to her senses and said to Chu Yinxi, “Okay, Thank you for telling me,” and then decided to hang up.

Beixing didn’t plan to go, I was worried that I was not good at academics and would provoke some big shots. But after hearing this reward now, I was eager to watch the excitement.


Chu Yinxi struggled for a long time. At the end of Beixing hanging up the phone, she couldn’t hold back and said softly, “I heard… um, you can use this as a reference, because It’s uncertain news.”

“You said.”

“I heard that the dragon tendon is a cursed thing, not only does not have the masculine power of the dragon family, but is full of curses. Therefore, in this session of the metaphysics conference, in addition to the need to come out on top, Only the power that can dispel this curse can get it.”

Ah this.

Beixing, who had just been brought by his father to feel the curse of the Pixiu, the fire that was eager to watch the fun was immediately extinguished.

What’s so great about dragon tendons? Laugh to death, I haven’t seen it in my last life anyway.

Beixing even the messy hairs on her head fell down, and when she actually hung up the video, she turned over on the bed and put the hypnotic book “Shuowen Jiezi” He threw it on the desk next to him and said to the air, “Why don’t I go to this curse conference?”

Su Mingxiu appeared from the elongated shadow of Table Mountain lights. Hearing that she directly changed the name of the metaphysics conference, she couldn’t help laughing for a moment, but only replied, “You have to go.”


North Star’s squinted eyes immediately widened.

Since Su Mingxiu planted a ghost in Su Jin’s body last time, she has vaguely had a special perception of the other party, and she can feel that Su Jin’s power is getting stronger and stronger —

In the case that both of them are one of the three souls of the Dragon God. If the power of one of the marriages continues to grow, in the end, the three souls fuse, and the independent will of the other two souls will also be completely fused.

She and Su Jin are destined to not be able to coexist. Dragon tendons also have powerful power. Completely ineffective.

Then her situation is particularly passive.

Beixing’s drowsiness was wiped out by the sentence “you have to go”, he sat up cross-legged, thinking of what Chu Yinxi had said two days ago, and the things he had been tested at previous metaphysics conferences , what to look at Feng Shui for Yang Zhai and Yin Zhai, dispel grievances in places where people have died, go to an old Heimiao village for a night tour, etc.

So she pulled the quilt from the corner of the bed, wrapped herself, and sincerely said to Su Mingxiu, “Actually, I don’t want to go, I mainly think about watching this metaphysics conference. It’s so dangerous to get up, and if something happens to me, who else in this world will love you like me?”

“No one burns paper for you on Qingming Festival, no one pays homage to you on Zhongyuan Festival, and no one sheds tears for you on Double Ninth Festival – thinking of this makes my heart pierce like a knife, you have missed the liveliness of the world, but You can’t even be a ghost!”

“I just lost a life that was precarious, but what you lost is your love!”

Su Ming Embroidery: “…”

It tastes good.

Hearing the exaggerated lines and seeing the acting skills that did not rain, she laughed angrily, and when she got close to Bei Xing, her voice became as tender as water, “Of course I I can’t bear to see you in danger, but I can go alone. It’s not because I’m worried that after I leave, some black snake will take advantage of it. Just because of her disgust for you, if it gives you pleasure, I can still go. If you hunt for souls in the underworld, I am afraid that she will let you live and die—”

“Don’t you want me to regret it, heartache, and even destroy the world for you?”


Beixing felt like he was about to spit out the bowl of Chinese medicine he just drank.

She didn’t expect Su Mingxiu to be an idol at all. Even reciting such a nauseous and second-class line didn’t make people feel the slightest bit of drama, and even those black eyes showed the madness of the villain’s world-destroying madness. Compared with this ghost, you are losing.

You never know how many skills a scholar has mastered behind the scenes.

Her expression became particularly weak, only her stubborn eyes were still moved by Su Mingxiu’s words, knowing that she had insufficient reserves of nonsense, she could only compromise weakly, “Since you have me in your heart, it is for your friendship, and I am also willing to go to the mountain of swords and the sea of fire for you. Isn’t it a metaphysics conference? I went.”

In fact, North Star’s heart is screaming wildly:


But Su Mingxiu pretended not to see that her words were wrong, and her eyes were also moved, and she even said that she was moved by Beixing’s determination just now, and decided to give Beixing before going to the metaphysics conference. She trained more, so that she could perform exceptionally at the meeting and finally win the championship.

The two big characters “additional training” are like a big truck, hitting the fragile little heart of North Star.

What’s more terrifying than this is that she found that these additional training projects were all in her dreams, and Su Mingxiu didn’t know where the inspiration came from, so she directly cast a large horror on her dream The game, only she can clear the level by consolidating her knowledge.

Otherwise, you will be chased by zombies, ghosts, and monsters in your dreams, and play the game “You chase me, if you catch me, I will let you hehe”.

North Star now finally knows why those who have provoked Li Gui are restless day and night.

When she woke up the next morning, she lay on the bed for ten minutes, her hands folded on her chest quietly, her eyes were empty, and her expression was very serene.

The day of attending the metaphysics conference is approaching day by day.

Beixing lived like a year, and when he was repeatedly tortured by Su Mingxiu’s devil training, he began to doubt whether he might have Stockholm Syndrome.

Otherwise, how could she have told a lie to this fiend a thousand times in the past few days, a little like she wanted to come true?

This day.

She thought of the weird divination dream that she didn’t clear last night, and she refused to close her eyes to fall asleep when she boiled her eyes as red as rabbits at three in the morning.

Su Mingxiu stepped out of the shadows, propped on her bed with one hand, and leaned over to look at her. In fact, she planned to give Beixing a good night’s sleep. But I didn’t expect that the child started to scare the eagle to himself, and couldn’t help showing a bit of a smile in his eyes.

“Aren’t you going to sleep?”

North Star looked at her from the bottom up, this bright and indescribable face, 360 degrees without dead ends, and thought of the terrifying levels she set in her dream, I don’t know this dead ghost Where did so many torture methods come from?

“How can I sleep without you in my dreams?”

Now her only way to decompress is to continue to torture each other with her affectionate lines package to achieve the effect of mutual harm.

Su Mingxiu has become accustomed to and numb after her high-voltage output these days, so she just smiled with a good temper, “How can I sleep?”

“You kiss me.”

The first time she took medicine before, she was also rejected.

Over time, she forgot the reward that Su Mingxiu had promised, and just thought that the other party didn’t really like her and didn’t want to have such an overly intimate relationship with her. Saying this casually at the moment is simply hilarious.

Seeing that Li Gui didn’t take a step closer, Bei Xing was even more excited, and even raised his hand to hug Su Mingxiu’s neck, and took the initiative to move in her direction, “Kiss me hard, let me go. I’m thinking about getting a good night’s sleep.” Then he continued to make up lessons in his dream.

Su Mingxiu was silent for a while.

In this dark night where only the bedside lights flowed slightly, her eyes were quiet like the water on the banks of the Forgotten River, silently containing the darkness.

She neither agreed nor refused, but continued to ask, “Anything else?”


Seems to be really not interested in this.

Who wouldn’t want to do a job that can make fun of a pretty girl?

Beixing’s mind even uncontrollably came up with many images of forcing beautiful beauties, so that the spirit of staying up late and a little sluggish was re-energized, and the pale red lips like pink roses were close to the ghost and pale The lower jaw, the voice became lighter: “And hug me hard.”

Su Mingxiu felt that the position of her heart, which had become cold and calm with death, jumped abruptly.

If her corpse is still there, it is estimated that Bei Xing’s few words can make Bei Xing bounce off the lid of the coffin board and sit up.

She couldn’t help laughing.

The laughter was neither high nor low, when Bei Xing hadn’t figured out what she was laughing for, Su Mingxiu stared at her lips, and calculated that she was drinking this Chinese medicine. I drank it for half a month—

It should be fine.

Thinking like this, Su Mingxiu was about to open her mouth to answer her urgent invitation that she didn’t want to wait for a second. Suddenly, a very strong demonic aura floated from the window.

The place where the demonic energy was released.

She pulled the quilt and snuffed out the little green bud that had just grown in her heart, confirming the fact that Su Mingxiu was not interested in her.

Such a straightforward invitation is unmoved, there is no way she can’t be this dead ghost, right?

Outside the villa.

Su Mingxiu looked at the face that was indistinguishable from her in the night, her expression was very cold, only the gray mist around her showed her unpleasant mood.

“Did I interrupt you?”

The demonic power of Su Jin leaked out, but compared to Su Mingxiu’s ghostly energy that can be freely contained, her demonic power is more like it is too much to contain, almost condensed into substance, like silk and satin The same fell from her hands and dragged to the ground.

The dangerous aura emanating from her body is unprecedented.

Su Mingxiu thought about it for a while, and then she understood that she should have gained a very important power tonight, but it seemed that it was too late to refine it.

And this look, there is still a trace of embarrassment, as if being chased by someone.

Before she could finish thinking, she saw Su Jin’s lips with a smile, recalling the fluctuating emotions of Su Mingxiu that she had just sensed, and said with a smile: “Don’t look so ugly, Le Viewpoint, I’m not here to tear you apart—”

“I’m here to join you.”

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