When I Abandoned the Protagonist

Chapter 205

Chapter 202: They Who Can’T Be Thrown Away (21)

It is never the shadow that eats people, but the same kind.

Those figures in black suits gathered around Por, waiting for her order, and then they could move towards the target she ordered.

Although their boss asked not to hurt anyone, but according to the investigation, this person named Rong Rong had no threat and could easily be subdued.

To live a normal life, I suggest you go to a psychiatrist first, Boer, and then consider robbing me.”

While she was talking, someone in the same attire walked behind her. It’s just that compared to the black suits that Po Er found temporarily, Tang Yiyi obviously used people from the security company. Looking at the large bodies of those people and the suspicious protrusions under the clothes around their waists, people couldn’t help but suspect that these people were Not all are equipped with something that subway security machines cannot pass through.

Speaking, she sneered lightly, thinking of the experiences of Rong Rong and Tang Yiyi that she had investigated in this short period of time, her eyes became particularly ironic.

It’s even better that you don’t need to go to great lengths to maintain the relationship, you shouldn’t come to the square to find this kind of existence, you go to the countryside, those starving wild dogs are just right for you. ”

She was sarcastic about Tang Yiyi’s strong desire for control in his relationship.

But as the core figure of their topic whirlpool, Rong Rong just looked away calmly, probably because getting along with these people is not in the form of memory backflow, but through mobile phone chat records and conversations Raiders of the system.

So I didn’t have the patience and dormancy with them for a long time, and I didn’t get the pleasure of teasing them, and now I’m not interested in watching them bite dogs.

The waves emerging from the music fountain overwhelmed the waves, piled up to the end and collapsed into fine rain and mist, and the beams of light cast a colorful effect. face.

The characters surrounded by swords and arrows from both sides, Tang Yiyi and Bo Er have a momentary look of Rong Rong.

But soon, they found that the people who showed such a different kind of charm at the moment were not looking at them both.

She is looking at…

The star.

Yu Wu.

The industry under Tang Yiyi’s name also involves the entertainment industry. Therefore, she also knows a little bit, and the background of this big star Yu is not simple.

Since she entered the circle, it has been smooth sailing. Now she is able to stay in the first line of the entertainment circle, and she still belongs to the kind with few black materials and scandals, and she has strong capital to **** her.

“How about you?”

They saw those gleaming eyes fade away. And that moment of surprise did not become mediocre because of the disappearance of the light, as if the world would not be shaken by the collapse of seafood or the desolation of the four seas in the next moment.

“You also brought so many people to use force against me, or did you think of other ways to make me submit?”

Yu Wu looked very complicated.

Her identity is doomed that she cannot be as unscrupulous as Po Er and Tang Yiyi. But she just didn’t understand, what was the reason for her loss?


In the end, she just gave such a pale answer. But his eyes kept facing Rong Rong, and he said softly, “I just want an answer. Have you ever had a good impression of me even for a second since the memory you mentioned was restored?”

She thought that Rong Rong would reject herself categorically.

Unexpectedly, the other party thought about it very seriously for a while, and there was neither emotion nor desire in his eyes. But the heartless answer still spewed out from her lips:


She said, “I thought about it, not a second.”

In the process of thinking about this issue, Rong Rong even thought of Su Mingxiu next to him, when facing these roles. No matter how the other party was dressed or what he looked like, he never gave her the slightest surprise.

Yu Wu stared at her quietly, his eyes were like tiny bubbles emerging from creatures in the ocean, rising from a bottomless place, praying that he could touch the light of hope before disappearing.

After a while, she only heard her say: “That Tang is always too controlling, so you can’t get along; you don’t like that famous Impressionist artist because he has a crush on you. Some illegal thoughts, so what about me, where did I lose?”

In fact, Rong Rong didn’t have much memory of getting along with her, and she brought Rong Rong the least crisis in the Shura field.

It stands to reason that Rong Rong shouldn’t be as annoyed with her as if he hated others. But after thinking about it carefully, Rong Rong was able to say: “Too narcissistic; I feel that my charm is invincible, everyone should be around you, you can’t understand why others don’t like you; I also like to seek certain excitement, I don’t even care what the people around me think…”

Even though she met a lot, Rong Rong actually listed several of her shortcomings in one breath.

Yu Wu’s expression changed from surprise at the beginning to silence at the back.

I even vaguely doubt life.


The health ginseng merchant who was walking the dog near the square was attracted by the movement of the dogs. She had seven or eight dog leash stuck in one hand and released it from the palm of her right hand. One, because it is too leisurely, it has attracted the attention of too many passers-by.

But she didn’t care at all, just pressed down her cap with her left hand, “Huh? Are there any acquaintances nearby? Let’s take a look.”


In Yu Wu’s shaky sight, Rong Rong tilted his head, “Have you been hit? But you shouldn’t think so, because—”

My reason for rejecting you.”

There are thousands of excuses for not liking someone.

But if you like…

Rong Rong maintained a calm mask all night, when he caught a glimpse of Su Mingxiu watching a play with his arms in his arms, and the corners of his lips were still in an interesting arc, he couldn’t help but stiffen for a moment.

She pulled away from the atmosphere of the Shura field after realizing it, and her heart was beating in disappointment and guilt.

Rong Rong didn’t dare to think about Su Mingxiu’s half-truth and half-truth reaction when he was confronted with these people just now, and he didn’t dare to face his own being shaped by the game. , Now completely in front of Su Mingxiu’s ‘scumbag” character set.

The three who have been paying close attention to her, of course, quickly noticed her stiffness, and looked at the people who had been standing beside her since just now.

Not only has the incomparable appearance, but also the temperament… is also unique.

The person Rong Rong likes…

Is it her?

Just when they sank and were about to understand the details of Su Ming’s embroidery, Yu Wu, who had been communicating with Rong Rong, asked very lightly:

“Then what about the person you like? What’s your reason?”

Too many.

Every time Rong Rong talks about Yu Wu’s shortcomings, she finds in her heart that she can find out one of Su Mingxiu’s advantages, and even at the end, after she has finished talking about Yu Wu, she finds that in the bottom of her heart The book about Su Mingxiu has just opened a few amazing pages.

There are too many…

She pursed her lips, but only said, “No reason.”

Rong Rong said: “If I fall in love with someone one day, it may be a glimpse, or it may be a love for a long time, but no matter what kind of moment makes me tempted-”

“None of them need a reason.”

When she was afraid, fearful, lonely, and swaying, in fact, her heart had quietly made a choice, and it implicitly stopped half a beat for the other party when she first met.

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