When I Abandoned the Protagonist

Chapter 228

Chapter 225: It Turns Out That I Am The Protagonist (21)

Sui Yihuan’s eyes turned away from her unremarkable facial features, which could only be said to be Zhou Zheng, and anyone with a discerning eye could know the difference between Su Mingxiu’s disguised face and her own appearance . But I don’t know why, Sui Yihuan couldn’t even tell the truth.

She has clearly made up her mind to draw a clear line with the other party, so that Su Mingxiu will not be contaminated with a trace of the dark world. But now it seems that she seems to have overestimated her acting ability.

Seeing that she was silent, Su Mingxiu had a lot of experience in abuse stories, so she took it on herself, “Oh, your honor does not answer, is it because of greed, I want both , so neither of them are willing to offend? What kind of loving people.”

While speaking, the man who was sitting by the bed used his bloodless fingertip to reach out to hook the other’s chin, but the Demon Venerable raised his hand and grabbed it without hesitation. The force was so tight that Su Mingxiu’s fingertips could not advance half an inch, nor could it touch her hair.

Afterwards, Sui Yihuan, whose expression was as cold as Xuanyi’s, moved a few pale fingers along Su Mingxiu’s wrist and caught her pulse.

The cultivator who responded quickly wanted to withdraw his hand immediately, but was not allowed to withdraw. Because the other party’s movements were too tight, he didn’t find any information he wanted.

The two looked at each other silently, and after a while, the figure standing beside the bed moved first, the jet-black robe was like rolling waves, and rushed to the shore in an instant, slapped the hunting target firmly.

Su Mingxiu couldn’t resist her sudden attack. In the past, in many worlds, she seldom had such a weak time.

But it was only tense for a moment, and then I relaxed again, feeling fresh, and there was interest in the eyes.

“It’s a little easier to start with—”

She stared at Sui Yihuan intently, her lips opened and closed, and the breath she exhaled was nothing like what a decent cultivator would say, “I don’t like heavy ones.”

“Uh…” Sui Yihuan was pun by her words, which evoked the pictures that were buried deep in her memory.

Damp fishing village huts, houses that undulate with the waves, and those sweaty, red-faced temperatures.

Her breathing changed, but she tried her best to turn her attention away to check Su Mingxiu’s pulse. Looking at her, “What’s in your body?”

Blinking her eyes slowly, Su Mingxiu responded slowly, “I’m hungry.”


But the person sitting on the bed took back the things, but only got up slowly, walked slowly to the table in the distance, and took out several dishes in turn—

Includes several plates of delicate pastries, culminating in a jug made of ice crystals, still emitting a mist, and sometimes the aroma of spirit fruit.

Sui Yihuan was still standing in front of the bed, as if he had lost his sense of smell, and didn’t even glance over there. Or Su Mingxiu said in her direction, “Can’t you come over?”

“I don’t like Xiujie food.” She responded coldly.


Su Mingxiu thought that she ate happily before. In the six months since they were separated, Su Mingxiu had no desire to eat, and she was able to do all this because she was thinking of Mo Yuan. Who would have known that it was difficult to meet each other, but the other party didn’t give any face.

So she was not obsessed, just lowered her eyes and said slowly, “I don’t like to be alone when I eat. If you don’t eat, then I should continue to be hungry.”

The silent figure in front of the bed finally moved.

A moment later, Sui Yihuan was sitting opposite her, and when her eyes were slightly closed, the light driven by the magic stone in the room fell on the side of her face and shone around her eyes, like a wipe With a layer of dark eye shadow, while the facial features are deeper, it seems that there is also a little sadness between the eyebrows.

Sui Yihuan ate something expressionlessly, then looked up at Su Mingxiu tiredly and asked her silently: Are you satisfied now?

But the cultivator just raised his hand to pick up a piece of duck meat and handed it to her lips. After she ate in, she moved her chopsticks towards other dishes she had never tasted in turn. When Sui Yihuan finished eating them all, she felt that it was not enough, so she changed a pair of chopsticks to pick up the sweet cake next to her and sent them to the other side again. .

Sui Yihuan, who was inexplicably fed for a long time, pursed her lips this time. Because I have experienced too many things in Moyuan, and I am not as patient as before, I have become a little angry now, and I no longer play this kind of game with Su Mingxiu. A little, lowered his voice and asked, “Have you had enough?”

Su Mingxiu put the piece of cake she kissed into her mouth with her backhand, chewing it slowly, the corners of her lips curled slightly, just looking at her, not speaking.

Afterwards, the cultivator repeated the old trick, changed a piece of dessert, and wanted to feed the other party – then she was grabbed by the unbearable Demon Venerable The collar around her neck was pulled into her arms, low The voice of drinking became hoarse, with a three-point order and three-point anxiety and a four-point helplessness of being forced to the extreme, “What exactly do you want to say?”

The distance was so close that Su Mingxiu could smell her.

It was cold and bloody.

But the person who was held in his arms didn’t change his face at all, just blinked, “Is your honor worrying about me? I thought you didn’t know what it is to worry about others in your life. taste.”

Su Mingxiu’s words are too rich, but only the two of them understand. This refers to the game that Sui Yihuan did half a year ago, controlling thousands of demons, including Su Mingxiu.

Sui Yihuan let the decent watch a good show, controlled Su Mingxiu to turn against her in full view, killed the demons, and stabbed her, everyone saw Suiyi Huan fled in a hurry, only the victor stayed where he was, using this battle to clear his charge of colluding with the demons.

Actually, it was not cleaned. If Su Mingxiu’s realm was not high enough, she would have let those decent people use the soul searching technique thousands of times.

Besides, if she really believed in her, she wouldn’t deliberately arrange for her to come here this time and trick her again. Rather than relying on Su Mingxiu to bring back reliable information about the demons, it is better to expect her to be at a low level at the moment, and something happened to be eliminated…

Ten thousand steps back, if Su Mingxiu is really pure-minded, based on her unclear relationship with Sui Yihuan, if she can hurt this Demon Venerable, right Jiuzhou is a good thing.

She knew that she was completely calculated by Jiuzhou, and she knew all the risks of this trip, but Su Mingxiu was still worried and couldn’t help but want to come…

The Demon Abyss is too dark, she is afraid that the little girl who refused to accept the identity of the Demon Race and felt guilty for accidentally hurting her will be eaten here with no bones left.

Some people, if they don’t seem to be standing still, it means that everything is going well and well.

—But all this, they could have done it together. In the end, Su Mingxiu could only be alone in those peaceful times, exhausting his imagination, and dared not stop guessing about another person’s experience in Moyuan.

Sui Yihuan’s expression changed and changed, but in the end she just closed her eyes.

Afterwards, those **** smells that had only been floating around Su Mingxiu indifferently and refused to approach, suddenly enveloped her, making people shiver, and the icy kiss fell. on her lips.

The next breath, the tingling came.

They seemed to have returned to that stormy fishing village, exchanging **** kisses in a silent, lightless room.

Sui Yihuan suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils turned an unidentified blood red, and he refused to speak in an orderly tone, “Tell me, what is in your body.”

Blue veins suddenly appeared on the forehead of the person she was holding in her arms, the whole person seemed to be strangled by the throat, and the body trembled very lightly. Because of the resistance of bloodline power!

Su Mingxiu’s eyes were empty, and he spit out a few words weakly. But there was no sound at all, so Sui Yihuan had to lean down and put her ear to her lips, “Say it again.”


The small hexagonal snowflake was suddenly grabbed by the teeth!

The teeth that had passed the earring had already reached up to the earlobe with heavier force.

This time the trembling character was changed.

Sui Yihuan’s ears were filled with the other’s moist breath, her red eyes were absent for a moment, and she forgot to breathe. print.

Where are the pets she brought back? Obviously a wolf in the wilderness, she did not miss any opportunity to control her prey, her hunting relationship was reversed, and her fatality fell on the opponent’s mouth.

“Did I forget to tell you?” The tone of the person who imprinted on her also became fierce, as if this would impress her enough: “I hate being tampered with the memory the most. , and most hate being controlled by others.”

Compared with the power of Heavenly Dao who was able to control all things in the three thousand worlds during the prosperous period of Heaven, Sui Yihuan’s awakened demon bloodline control power, in front of Su Mingxiu, is nothing more than that.

Her memory is like a sieve, it has been riddled with holes and broken by the way of heaven Tampering and erasing in different worlds makes these past pictures of her, like failed paintings, poured layer after layer of dark ink by the painter to vent his anger.

But Su Mingxiu has worked very hard to clean up these stains. She tried her best and tried her best to wipe off those excess covers and restore the original appearance of this beautiful scenery .

In the end, Sui Yihuan also picked up the paintbrush and carefully removed this beautiful scenery, even if there was herself in the scene.

—Su Ming embroidery will never be tolerated.

In the fishing village of Shisanmen, she was not cautious enough, and all her emotions were used to worry about each other. That’s why she was hit, but that trick could only make her forget it for one night.

After the night, she remembered everything.

As for now, no matter how Sui Yihuan’s ability is a life-and-death existence for other demons, in short, for her, the same tricks won’t work.

Relying on the outbreak of this short-term improvement in realm, Su Mingxiu pressed the Demon Venerable beside the table, regardless of the small table that was shaky because of their movements, and those that were about to cool down Yes, it hasn’t been touched very much, each of which is a delicious dish that she has carefully made and studied for a long time.

Looking at those red eyes that were no longer frightened by the exposure, Su Mingxiu rarely ended the scene first, and before she was gone, she had the leisure to accompany the Demon Lord to stage a stand-in stalk. With a smile, the action of suppressing the other party is fierce: “I’ve been thinking… Was it because I was too gentle that night and left you too much energy, so that you had enough energy to plan how to leave me? .”

“I should treat you hard and hard, no matter how tired or sleepy you are, you can’t rest, so that you don’t have the strength to move a finger, cry without the strength to cry, only red look at me pleadingly-”

“Is that what you like?”

“If it is, I will make it up now, and it should be too late.”

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