When I Abandoned the Protagonist

Chapter 232

Chapter 229: It Turns Out That I Am The Protagonist (25)


Facing Su Mingxiu’s eyes full of love, Sui Yihuan seemed to be moved at last. This clam shell, which has been tightly closed since she entered the Demon Abyss, has been waiting until At this moment, he dared to relax a little, opened his shell slightly, opened and closed carefully, and spit out small strings of bubbles.

Su Mingxiu still had a hesitant look in her eyes, wondering how much she planned to say or hide. But Su Mingxiu is a greedy person, what she wants is unreserved.

So when I heard this word at this moment, I quickly added, “It’s okay, I’ll give you time, you can think about it.”

“What we have to do now is to catch the three little mice that ran away first.”

Master Demon Venerable breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

That is, when she was bewitched to speak just now, the secrets in her heart reminded her one by one how much she had hidden, such as a rich vase with a narrow mouth and a wide belly, too little can be spit out , she didn’t even know which one of the less important ones to choose to explore Su Mingxiu’s attitude.

Now Sui Yihuan is like a prisoner who has been temporarily sentenced to probation. I am just glad that if I can accept the sentence later, it will be later, so I hurriedly respond to Su Mingxiu’s words, “You just said you know. Where are they? Where are they?”

Su Mingxiu suddenly mentioned another thing, “It is rumored that there is a secret treasure in the Buddhist sect called the Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda. It is the place where the great power of Buddhism has passed away since its founding.”

Although I don’t know why Su Mingxiu mentioned this treasure, Sui Yihuan still followed her words very cooperatively, “Yes, it is said that every elder in the Buddhist sect passed away, All the relics made will be offered in this pagoda. Therefore, this pagoda is also the most important treasure of the Buddhist sect, which also receives the incense of the disciples.”

“More than that—”

Su Mingxiu looked at the black veil hanging in the house with a half-smile, not knowing what to think, the corners of his lips showed a bit of sarcasm, “The tower of the sky and the ‘Reincarnation’ of the underworld are both innate spirits There is also a little-known beauty about utensils. All disciples of Taoism, regardless of their cultivation level, if they can enter it and undergo the test of the 33rd heaven, their cultivation level will be improved when they come out, and the highest level can reach the earth immortal and become Jiuzhou. The strongest place under the ascension, in a single thought, can make all the sun, moon and stars in Jiuzhou fall.”

“Uh…” Sui Yihuan’s pupils dilated. She originally thought that Moyuan was isolated from Jiuzhou for ten thousand years, and the forbidden spell secret technique was considered rare, but Jiuzhou still had such a trump card.

Fortunately, she was astonished, but it did not affect her normal thinking, “So…how do you think the Buddha sent them to the 33rd Heaven Pagoda? Why them?”

What is special about these monks? From Sui Yihuan’s point of view, compared with himself, who was already riddled with forbidden spells, those three people were just ordinary, even those who were not even cultivated by Nascent Soul. Why did Jiuzhou place such high hopes?

Good question.

Su Mingxiu thought that if she hadn’t passed through the previous life, she didn’t know that Tiandao already had a unique will, and she would be equally confused now.

But since knowing that Xiao Xingwei was chosen as the protagonist this time, Tiandao has not been in her ear for so long…

According to her battles of wits and bravery with each other in so many worlds, Su Mingxiu probably knew that when this guy was quiet, he was preparing to hold him back.

Then they should be well prepared for this.

“I can’t say it right now, because the rules that bind me are weakened, but they still exist…” Su Mingxiu thought for a moment, then smiled at her, “Let’s go, accompany me to see a A profiteer, maybe after seeing him, I can tell you more things—by the way, what do you think about this Gu in my body?”

“I can only temporarily suppress its strength and make it dormant, but if I want to remove it completely…” Sui Yihuan is very unwilling, and now she has not taken her hand back from her wrist, as if as long as Hold for a while, and you can think of a perfect solution.

Su Mingxiu leaned over and kissed her forehead, “Don’t frown, let’s go, I don’t know what price He will charge for this gadget.”

Mozun didn’t quite know who she was referring to, so he just looked at her in confusion, not quite believing that under these nine continents, there was still someone who could easily solve the problem of both of them being temporarily absent. solution problem.

But out of trust in Su Mingxiu, she still nodded, “Okay, where is the person you said?”

Su Mingxiu pointed to the direction of the underground of Heishiwu. After making Sui Yihuan startled, she smiled and said the answer: “Deeper…under Huangquan.”

It is not easy to enter the underworld.

In the last life, Su Mingxiu was wanted by Mo Yuan in the name of assassinating Mo Zun after he escaped from Black Rock City.

Xiao Xingwei’s opportunity lies in the Buddhist sect, and her opportunity lies in the underworld. The reason why she knows that this “reincarnation of all ages” is a treasure is because her cultivation was forged in it through thousands of reincarnations, so her state of mind is unbreakable, even if time passes, even if her memory is lost, the temperament that has been polished thousands of times in reincarnation… Allowing her to ignore the barriers to cultivation and change her cultivation level as she pleases.

But this difficulty is not worth mentioning for the Demon Venerable—

Although the demon race is on the decline, but once as the overlord of Jiuzhou, who is as famous as the cultivator and the monster, the one-world ruler naturally has a unique way to open the gate of Huangquan, which is the “Fengshen” of Tianmo Jian”, has the power to cut through the void and the ability to formulate rules for one party.

When she saw it again, Su Mingxiu knew that her former master, the real demon, had probably fallen into Sui Yihuan’s hands.

But before the other party didn’t take the initiative to mention it, she didn’t ask any questions, only before the dark passage that was opened by the Divine Mirror, the same year old Yihuan looked at each other, and then the two Step into it.

Su Mingxiu looked at the people around her, and suddenly reached out to her, making Sui Yihuan startled, “What?”

“I’m cold, give me your hand to warm me up.”

Sui Yihuan, who is strong in her life, of course will not be deceived by her reasons. She still remembers the temperature of this person hugging her… Besides, with her current body temperature, how could it be possible to warm Su Mingxiu, It was almost warmed by her.

After realizing this, she tilted her head, raised a hand silently, and placed it in the other’s palm.

Sure enough, it was quickly covered by the scorching heat, but the man still said: “Not enough, what about the other one?”

“Uh…” Walking at the junction of Moyuan and Huangquan, neither ghosts nor other existences were seen. Between heaven and earth, it seemed that she was the only one.

Sui Yihuan was entangled in this darkness, and suddenly remembered when she was driven out of the world by demons half a year ago. At that time, she relied on Su Mingxiu’s thoughts to support her. to go out.

Now, with the person who has been missing all the time by her side, her invincible heart seems to have weakened suddenly, and it is difficult to have the idea of resistance.

It may also be that the hand being held feels a long-lost warmth. So she didn’t want to go back to the icy darkness, all in all… She silently gave her other hand to the past.

until the ghost fire lights up ahead.

A voice came before them all and arrived in the ears of the two of them, “There are two rare guests… one… The new owner of Moyuan is not busy with how to lead the demons back to Jiuzhou, why? Are you free to be a guest in my bitter cold place?

The other… Well, it’s a bit interesting, the cultivator who lost his luck in the past, the cultivator who lost his luck in the past has all gone, and you are still alive. ”

Sui Yihuan’s scarlet eyes turned around and quickly locked onto the other party’s location.

At the same time, Su Mingxiu also smiled and looked at the figure in the distance where the ghosts were hiding.

The blue and green ghost fires moved away to the side, revealing a figure sitting leisurely on a deck chair by the river. The tea in the hands of the person spilled half a minute.

Although the other party is dressed in plain clothes, the strength is incomprehensible. Especially the pair of golden pupils, the color is so dazzling.

No matter how ordinary people see it, it is difficult to guess that this person who cooks tea with Wangchuan water all year round is the king of hell, who is in charge of the reincarnation of mortals.

He glanced at Su Mingxiu and Sui Yihuan, and after a while, Yan Luo in the gray shirt changed his expression strangely.

It’s strange, he should be seeing these two for the first time. But I don’t know why, there is always an illusion that I have dealt with each other. But he did a quick calculation, but found no trace from the past or future.

“I should have met the two of you for the first time, but there is a strange sense of familiarity… I wonder if you two are here, why do you do it?”

Su Mingxiu smiled and replied bluntly: “Come and do a business with the King of Hell.”


The King of Hell has never heard of such an interesting intention, his golden eyes narrowed, “Master Mahayana, my business is not easy to do.”

“If the cooperation is pleasant, maybe I have a business here… Yan Wang is more interested in it.”

A feeling of chills in the heart.

The longer I stay here, the more numb I feel, as if I will be sealed in the ground three thousand feet below, and I will never see the sunlight again.

Since the appearance of the King of Hell, Sui Yihuan withdrew his hand and did not show any more affection with her. Su Mingxiu was afraid that she would feel cold, so she wanted to be quicker when she solved the worm on her body. , but did not expect that this profiteer’s appetite is really not small.

“This is the Golden Toad Saint Gu, which can transform cultivators below the tribulation period and turn them into the most obedient and obedient chess piece, and it is difficult to cultivate one for thousands of years…

I thought this transaction should be very suitable. ”

The man in the gray shirt put down the snow-white china bone teacup in his hand, and turned into a tattered, loosely bound, old book as a fan that was about to be scattered from time to time, and fanned himself one by one. With the wind, it seems that the yellow spring is too hot.

Su Mingxiu, who sat down opposite him, retorted softly, “It doesn’t matter how the previous Demon Lord and those demons, but I’m pretty sure that this one doesn’t want to set off a fire in Jiuzhou. war.”


The King of Hell put on a look of “although I don’t believe it, but I can listen to you more”.

Su Mingxiu looked at the dim ink of life and death on the old book in his hand, and wondered how the mortals whose life stories were recorded on it felt this, but said, “I have a nine An anecdote that no one knows about in the continent, I wonder if the King of Hell is interested?”

“Take a boring story to make a deal with me, you want to be a white wolf with empty gloves?”

“I haven’t heard of it yet, how does the King of Hell know that this story is boring? Maybe it is something that can bring some changes to the eternal underworld.”

“Uh…” After a while, his fanning stopped, and embroidered at Su Ming in a positive tone, “We must have met.” It is impossible to have such an understanding of one’s own habits.

And… he couldn’t deny that he was really interested in what this man was selling.

Three thousand feet above the mortal world, all things are heard by Heaven. But this blue and yellow spring, the underworld below 3,000 feet, is the king of hell, Su Mingxiu can feel that the inner demon oath she signed has been weak to the point of non-existence, so she opened her mouth first and said. : “I did have a relationship with Your Excellency, but… it was in the previous life.”

“Cultivators do not enter reincarnation. This rule is set by Heaven. Who can make monks have past and present lives?”

This is the first time Sui Yihuan hears the past mentioned by Su Mingxiu.

Even if it was just the tip of the iceberg, she was keenly aware that all this was real. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain where the strange cultivation of Su Mingxiu and the knowledge of the ancients and the present came from.

No matter how powerful a disciple is, they have only been practicing in the Hundred Flowers School for decades, and no matter how powerful a genius in Jiuzhou is, there is no such a Mahayana.

Su Mingxiu quickly finished talking about his last life in the underworld, and this experience really made Hades taste a lot from it. So he also understood what this cultivator really wanted to trade.

But where is the business?

This is obviously a gamble, a gamble that wants him to put all the underworld on it.

He finally understood why Su Mingxiu had such a bad luck. Because she has been abandoned by Heavenly Dao, if they fail in this move, there will be too many things to lose – and he does not want to let the underworld give Mo Yuan, who is also at the end of his anger, to be buried with him.

But the King of Hell narrowed his eyes, not knowing how long ago he saw the past, his golden pupils were slightly absent-minded, and even the scent of tea brewed in Wangchuan water could not bring him back to his senses.

But Su Mingxiu didn’t bother him, she also knew that it was a big gamble, and the underworld didn’t have to get on this dangerous train. But she knew that the chips she gave were really tempting.

If it can destroy the way of heaven today, then, who will decide the rules of Jiuzhou in the future?

As the underworld, you can only control the reincarnation of mortals. Except for the king of hell, a bare commander, there is no material available. It seems that time is stagnant here.

But this is the most terrifying place, which makes the underworld like the next magic abyss, the next place with no future.

But the profiteer is worthy of being a profiteer. Although he has been moved by Su Mingxiu’s new story, for him, this is the content of the next transaction—


The King of Hell looked up and down at Su Mingxiu with slight disgust. After seeing the spirit sword in her spirit platform, he showed obvious disgust.

Sure enough, only Jianxiu will be so poor that he has no other peerless treasures.

“If the already-born sword spirit is interesting, I don’t even like your spirit sword.” He waved his hand casually and said to Su Mingxiu, “This is the lowest price. ”

Sui Yihuan seemed to want to stop her, but Su Mingxiu raised her hand and held it down. Immediately, she called out her spirit sword from the spirit platform, and turned the shrunken sword around in her palm, clearly seeing through the holy Gu that had been clearly harvested from the seemingly loss-making business of King Hades. But there is no way, treat collaborators, you should really give some sincerity first.

She wiped her mark from the reluctant spirit sword.

When the Golden Cicada Saint Gu was taken out, sure enough, the spider disguised when it entered the flesh long ago disappeared.

The gray-shirted Hades let it fall into a deep sleep with slight satisfaction, and took it with Su Mingxiu’s spirit sword by the way.

He didn’t invite the two people in front of him to drink tea, he always poured his own drink, and after completing this transaction, he didn’t mention anything about the way of heaven and the follow-up.

Su Mingxiu didn’t mean to mention it again, as if a tacit agreement had been reached vaguely. Before leaving, Su Mingxiu glanced at the mist scattered on the banks of the Wangchuan River, and saw in the distance Exudes a crystal light, looking at the place where it is just an ordinary waterwheel—

That is “Reincarnation”.

“Don’t look at it,” Hades thought she was still imitating the sky-high cultivation level of the previous life, and impatiently made a move to drive her away, “You can’t afford that price.” Therefore, being stingy, it is absolutely impossible for him to let Su Mingxiu enter the practice again.

At this moment, Su Mingxiu thought about the price that she entered into it and negotiated in the previous life, and almost hollowed out several of her spiritual veins in Jianzong, so she tentatively said, “No Spirit stone?”

Hades: “…?”

He looked like he really wanted to kick this Su Mingxiu, who humiliated him with three liang of stinky money, into the Wangchuan River.

“Those who can open this golden wheel of eternity must have the consciousness to carry all the fates of the mortal spirits of Jiuzhou, and those who are not the most benevolent in the world cannot do it. Even the emperors of the mortal world cannot produce a benevolent prince with a genius in mind, such as you who only cultivate yourself. Dao monk, go back and forth wherever you go.”

Su Mingxiu also realized that his eyes were on Sui Yihuan.

The golden pupils were brighter than before, as if peeking at something in the void, after a while, Hades hooked the corner of his lower lip, “So that’s the case, this newcomer from Moyuan Your lord, it’s really interesting.”

He suddenly changed his mind and said to Su Mingxiu, “If she trades these emotions and desires, then give me a rib full of demon blood curses and countless forbidden techniques infiltrating the bone marrow, I’ll open the Golden Wheel of Eternal Life for you again, how about it?”

“Su Ming Embroidery?”

“Su Ming Embroidery!”

Blackrock Dock, in that dark room.

Sui Yihuan looked at the person who was not normal since she came back, and couldn’t bear to raise her voice to call her.

Now the aloof Demon Venerable was pressed against the bed by the monk, and even his neat clothes were torn apart, revealing a piece of snow-white dazzling skin.

She tried her best to stop her, she had no choice but to hold the black collar around Su Mingxiu’s neck, “Be awake!”

The black gauze curtains that were decorated around them had long been messed up by the pulling and pulling movements of the two when they came back. carpet.

What time is it?

This person…why still think about this kind of thing?

She didn’t dare to use magic to control the other party, but she didn’t know how to make someone stop, and now seeing those black eyes looking at her, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and softened her tone, “you…”

But it’s not over yet.

The lips are blocked.

The other party’s movements were extremely urgent, so there was no gentleness in the past, Sui Yihuan even felt that she would be eaten by her in the next second, and the cheeks that were originally bloodless also turned crimson, but Not embarrassed, just held back.

She vaguely felt that Su Mingxiu was very uneasy, as if she could only gain a sense of security from such an intimate matter.

So her breathing went up and down, and after a long time, she rarely gave up struggling, opened her hands actively, wrapped her body around the back of her body, and reassured her, “It’s alright.”

She guessed it.

Guess how Su Mingxiu said the so-called previous life, how the other party entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Su Mingxiu didn’t have what the King of Hell wanted, so… he gave him enough conditions to trade.

“It’s all over…”

She said so. After all, this time, Su Mingxiu did not agree to the quid pro quo of the King of Hell.


“It’s over?”

The person who was pressing on her heard this sentence, and the bottomless black eyes flickered, but it seemed to roll out even bigger waves.

Sui Yihuan thought that the pain that this incident brought her was only unknowing. But for Su Mingxiu, she felt that her heart was being delayed piece by piece.

Is it really over?

In the last life, she once forgot this person again and again, and then stood on the price paid by the other party again and again, thinking that she had climbed to the peak alone.

Afterwards, in those worlds where the other party only saved at the expense of the soul, he thought that he had won the battle with his own strength again.

Even if she goes back in time, she has not been able to change Sui Yihuan’s fate, and still makes the other party bear so much pain…

The words of Hades are still ringing in my ears.

If Su Mingxiu had been aware of the other party’s plan half a year ago, Sui Yihuan would not have become like this.

The phoenix that flew proudly from the sky and fell into her eyes when she first saw it, but because of her poor care, now her feathers have faded, and her bones are full of curses. And she doesn’t know anything, and she has to let the other party give enough trust.

Does she really deserve such love?

The story about the ghost and the dragon is still recalled in his mind, Su Mingxiu couldn’t help but wonder how the injured person in Heishiwu at that time held on to find Huangquan all the way ?

How did he give out all the emotions and desires of his life there, and dug out a rib, like a tattered and empty doll, walking back from the underworld to the magic abyss?

The rest of her will never return to the world.

What did she think when she saw the golden eyes of Hades and the ghosts floating in the underworld?

How can I conjure up such obsession?

Because I know I will forget all my emotions about her. So there is a moment where I hope there can be another form of eternity between the two of them?

Su Mingxiu didn’t dare to guess anymore, because every guess made her internal organs hurt, she suddenly stopped moving, just hugged the person, and buried her head on Sui Yihuan’s neck In a hoarse voice, he said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Is she untrustworthy? She didn’t even know about so many painful moments.

“How much pain are you, how much pain are you now, can you tell me? How can I empathize with the suffering you are going through every second…you tell me…what should I do… ‘ she murmured.

Sui Yihuan felt more scorching strength, dripping on the skin on the side of his neck, like a scalding fire, falling into the clothes on the shoulders in clusters.

In those scorching temperatures, there is love that she dare not touch too presumptively.

Su Mingxiu heard her little girl whisper:

“I am your rose, and roses will not hurt.”

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