When I Abandoned the Protagonist

Chapter 80

Chapter 78: C Position In The Fish Pond (13)

After the seven contestants who got S on the public performance stage finished recording, they returned to the 101 program group to participate in the second round of the program’s assessment.

The program group prepared three categories for them: rap, dance and vocal. Under each category, three popular and familiar songs were selected. The contestants ranked from high to Low free choice.

Of course, groups that are already full are not allowed to accept new members. This means that players with lower ratings will have fewer choices after the performance stage.

Among the members of class S, the first person to have the right to choose is of course Su Hui.

She chose a love song in the vocal category quite firmly.

After her, the other five contestants also chose different songs. If Su Mingxiu also makes a different choice, it means that the members of Class S will not cooperate with each other on stage this time.

At the same time, there are a total of nine songs, and at least six to seven are joined by players with S strength. This is also a guarantee… Although it is not absolute, after the first round of performance screening, there are strong players. People naturally stand out.

Su Mingxiu originally wanted to choose one of the remaining three songs. But the remaining one was vocal and the other was rap, and she felt hesitant for a moment.

This is the moment of pause, Annie, who has made her choice, suddenly waved her hand slightly: “Xiuxiu! Come to me! Our dance team is strong!”

The little dragonfly of the live broadcast flew over with the barrage.

[Good guy! Has it been robbing people since Class S? ]

[Yes, this amazing player should not be very good at rap. From her initial rating performance, her vocals are also average. She better choose dance. Now dance group has Annie and Wang Zhi. , although she is not familiar with the other one, but dancing is more suitable for her, right? ]

[Pull people to start! Wang Zhi, come on, ah, ah, I have a hunch that this must be a very strong help.]

[vocal also has a paulownia, she can join]

At the moment of the intense discussion on the barrage, Paulownia was chewing pink bubble gum, but suddenly a big round bubble was blown. After a puff, she suddenly said: “Mingxiu is also You can try vocal, your temperament is very suitable!”

Perhaps being amused by the players pulling their teammates, Yu Chixiao, who hosted the process, suddenly smiled and said, “If you want to try something new, rap’s mentor has been looking forward to your cooperation.”

But in fact, these three categories have their own popularity differences.

Although the vocals are very moving, they are a bit worse in terms of fast-paced rap and dance that can instantly explode the audience with their limbs.

The past talent shows also proved this, the most popular players are usually born in the dance combination.

It depends on whether Su Mingxiu wants to use her advantages to advance, or she wants to try a new direction.

Although she guessed that it is impossible for her to choose herself, Wang Zhi still echoed: “I really want to try your cooperation, do you want to consider me?”

So far, the players who are familiar with her have already thrown olive branches to her. Unconsciously, everyone turned their attention to Su Hui. After all, she is the only one who has not made a statement.

But the silver-haired merman only glanced at her at the very beginning, and then stood there with his eyes lowered, as if he didn’t care who would choose his group.

That is, when everyone was looking at her, Su Mingxiu suddenly moved, and she saw her walking straight towards the remaining group of vocals, standing at Suhui Between Paulownia and Paulownia.

Paul Tong was very happy with her choice. When the students of Class A were making their choice, she quietly turned to her side and bit her ear in a low voice: “I have heard the song you chose. , very good, if there is something you can’t do, you can ask me, or we can get up early tomorrow to do vocal practice together, how about?”

Su Hui’s ears and eyesight are so sharp that she can clearly hear what she said even if she doesn’t deliberately pay attention there.

I hummed in my heart at the moment.

Just an ordinary human, how can they be good at rhythm? Is she the only one who can guide others?

So she inadvertently leaned towards Su Mingxiu. She thought that her movements were not obvious, but in fact she was clearly seen by the live camera.

[hhhh Su Hui wrote all over his body: Come and ask me! ]

[Before, there were people who said that the two of them were not in a good relationship. Look at the performance of this stinky sister, it seems that the relationship is not good? ]

The audience also teased Su Hui’s reaction behind the camera. At this moment, Su Mingxiu’s answer to Paulownia’s voice had already sounded:

“Really? Great.”

“Uh…” Little by little, he moved back the upper body he leaned over.

[Ah! Su Hui is angry! Embroidery, please coax her! ]

[The cp I chased from the first issue to now must not be! ]

[As long as she is beautiful, I can do it! The gentle and delicate sister and the royal sister are also very suitable, you understand me and I understand you, women must be together]

Su Mingxiu did not know what kind of psychological changes she had produced during their short question and answer period. Anyway, after she finished talking to Paulownia, her eyes turned to the side inadvertently—

Seeing that the number on the top of the head has changed from -10 to…


“Eh…?” Su Mingxiu admitted that although her memory was vague, it seemed that she was blocked by some mysterious power.

But she knows she’s not a noob when it comes to emotions. Even so, she found it difficult to understand a fish’s mind.

“System, I remember she was still -10 just now, right?” Even when she saw herself wearing her gift, the fish even cocked the corners of her lips.

She rarely doubted her memory and asked the system for verification.

“Yes.” The system’s answer sounded helpless.

Su Mingxiu thought for a while, and vaguely touched the other party’s brain circuit. When she was about to turn around and ask if she could ask her for advice, she suddenly heard Paulownia say: “The necklace you are wearing today It’s so beautiful, it suits you especially, or a style I haven’t seen before, when did you buy it?”

In fact, when Su Mingxiu appeared today, many people stared at her. The players have uniform student uniforms, and they dare not be too competitive in front of the camera, for fear of offending the audience. Therefore, the makeup is very light, and the accessories are mainly small and pocket-sized.

In addition to Su Hui’s silver hair, the most dazzling thing in the audience is the red coral necklace around her neck.

“I didn’t buy it.”

Su Ming embroidered the tip of her right finger on her neck, trying her best not to look in the direction of Su Hui, and smiled meaningfully: “A child gave it.”


[Children? ]

[As we all know, talent shows are closed training camps, and the general players have no chance to contact the outside world, so… Which one of the remaining ninety children is the child? ]

Let’s rule out Paulownia first! ]

[I have a wild guess…]

[Wouldn’t it be retrospective? I feel like this coral necklace…like something she could give. ]

When the audience in the live broadcast room was transformed into a detective, the retro look that also heard this answer was not very good.

All her attention was on the word “children”, so she couldn’t tell what kind of tone Su Mingxiu was in when she said this.


Does it mean that she is still young and not like an adult?

As the thoughts in my mind go back and forth, Su Hui’s complexion changed and changed, and the numbers on the top of his head were also constantly changing, but they were not undulating like waves, but…

Slowly, slowly descend.

All the way down to -30.

Su Ming Embroidery: “…”

She is now certain and certain that the idea of this fish is definitely not something she can keep up with.

The grouping that lasted for a long time finally ended, and all ten groups went to the small room specially prepared by the program group.

There is only one week left until the second round of performances. The top priority is that they must select the group leader and C position of each group.

Su Mingxiu originally wanted to paddle, but she was promoted to be the team leader by the public. When she got the team leader’s exclusive badge, she had a premonition that her paddling plan would have to be postponed. .

To the surprise of others, they originally thought that according to Su Mingxiu’s strength, they should definitely run for the C position, but she didn’t move at all. Instead, he pondered the vote among the other candidates very seriously.

At the same time, Su Hui, Annie, Paul Tong and Wang Zhi were all successfully elected as the C position of this group.

Su Mingxiu was the first to walk out of the classroom. But members of her group have long heard of her cooking skills, and now their sanity is tottering between a brand new playlist and lunch.

I don’t know who took the lead first, but in the end they all rubbed out.

When Annie and the others came over, Su Mingxiu would have no place to stay.

“Xiaoxiu is so popular—”

Annie’s tone was a little sour.

Paul Tong smiled beside her, and sighed inexplicably: “If anyone is with her in the future, they must pay attention to her.”

Wang Zhi only smiled but did not speak.

Su Hui, who has always been in the finale, suddenly said, “Who can watch her?”

[Ah, I smell vinegar]

[Does this scene look like four predecessors were present at the same time and saw Su Mingxiu looking for a new lover? ]

[Obviously it was four incumbents who met, I wanted to ask her for an explanation, who knew that I came and found out-..-she has other fish]

[Man, I got excited by what my sisters said]

Su Mingxiu suddenly felt a chill behind her.

She originally planned to cook a lot of fried rice, but now she looked back and found the four people who came at some point, and then looked at the current team members around her, she suddenly had A strange feeling of guilt.

When the fragrant fried rice was distributed to everyone, Paulownia used a spoon to move the sausages, peas, corn, carrots, and shrimp in the fried rice, and sighed inexplicably: “Mingxiu always seems to be Love the rich side dishes.”

Annie didn’t know whether she understood or not, “Yeah, I’ve never seen her make only one flavor.”

Wang Zhi scratched her chin lightly, as if she felt that the smell of fire-medicine was too strong, she wanted to lower it, but she didn’t know where to start, so she had to say: “But she can do it very well. good to eat?”

The word “dinner” was bitten very hard, like a metaphor for something else.

But from the favorability of the top of their heads, Su Mingxiu can clearly feel—

Paulownia at 70 o’clock is in the fire, Annie at 65 o’clock is just simply agreeing, and Wang Zhi at 60 o’clock wants to persuade him to make peace.


-40’s back, as the only one who was arched on fire, she was angry.

Su Ming Embroidery: “…”

For some reason, she suddenly wanted to get the system that caused this situation out of her mind and beat her.

While she was silent for a moment, Su Hui sat in the middle of a bunch of old rivals, looking at the newcomers around Su Mingxiu, an inappropriate thought suddenly popped into her mind:

Such a human being cannot be taken seriously.

Have to find a chain to tie it up and close it, so that she can’t see other people every day after she opens her eyes and before she closes her eyes, so that she can always belong to… herself.

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