When I Abandoned the Protagonist

Chapter 83

Chapter 81: C Position In The Fish Pond (16)

“Hard to coax?”

Su Hui repeated her words, not understanding what she meant at all, and even suspected that she had heard it wrong.

Has Su Mingxiu coaxed her?

When she was at Neptune Entertainment, Su Hui followed her agent to watch some film and television works, and she saw the young couples in it. The so-called “coaxing” is to give each other something they like, and for the sake of it. He apologized for his attitude, and then promised some good oaths.

Did Su Mingxiu give her anything?

Candy studs still on her ears? This is obviously what she wants to come, and it is not at all that the other party sincerely holds her in front of her.

Apologize? Not even exist.

Su Mingxiu doesn’t seem to think that she only needs to be nice to her from beginning to end, even if it’s just a very simple dish, she wants to take into account the tastes of many people around her.

Su Hui is just one of the many people she has to take care of.

As for good promises…

Su Hui lowered her eyelashes and looked at the woman who was pressed into the bed by her, her black hair spread out like the expensive satin of the human world, and her deep eyes were more beautiful than the most beautiful obsidian in her collection Be nice.

But such an amazing person doesn’t even bother to give her a false, whitewashed lie.

Not to mention promises.

Su Hui was suddenly reluctant to continue thinking, so he repeated his previous words: “Can I continue to charge tuition?”

“Uh…” The emotions in Su Mingxiu’s eyes gradually changed. She didn’t know what she was thinking about. In the end, she didn’t push Su Hui away, she just smiled and said, “Okay, you Come.”

Su Hui took away her kiss, as well as the air in her mouth and lungs, Su Mingxiu never pushed her away and accepted her completely.

Until the hem of the student’s clothes was rolled up, revealing her graceful waist, she was still relaxed, almost facing Su Hui with a tolerant attitude of total acceptance.

The silver-haired merman realized what he thought in front of the mirror just now, and branded the cold kiss on the many secret places hidden in the clothes.

The cool fingertips are also buckled on the fabric between Su Ming’s crotch. She exerted a little force, not sure that Su Mingxiu would not be able to wear these sports shorts again.

But… hesitant.

She is like an addicted player of an unknown adventure game, she can’t wait to get the reward for the final clearance, but she is worried that the treasure chest in front of her is the last thing she can get.

If I opened the chest now…

What other rewards can she take?

The top predator in the sea, who has always had a vast world and a predatory nature, has learned to restrain himself vaguely in this vertical and horizontal desire.

There is only this one-of-a-kind food. If you don’t prolong your satisfaction, you will get this reward. Next time, will Su Mingxiu give what she wants?

Or, with her efforts this time, is it worth such a reward?

I hesitated.

She was struggling with her instincts, and she didn’t even know why she didn’t dare to continue.

Su Mingxiu can naturally feel the change in her. It is true that she did not expect that she had already sacrificed for this sake, and the other party actually stopped—

She narrowed her eyes slowly, “Why, no?”

You don’t want her to teach, do you?

Su Hui did not understand the sneering in her words, but hesitated. The two were silent for half a century.

Su Ming Embroidery: “…”

She exhaled softly, never reminding Suhui what kind of opportunity this stupid fish missed.

Before the bedroom door was opened, Su Mingxiu put her foot on Su Hui’s crotch, kicked him off the bed with light force, and sat up.


The door was opened, Annie had a sweaty towel hanging around her neck, her short hair was particularly messy and wild, when she walked in, she saw Su Mingxiu, the first sentence was: “You finally woke up. .”

Then a voice: “Huh? I remember you don’t sleep in the bottom bunk?”

Su Mingxiu sat cross-legged on the bed, and slowly responded to her: “Well, I fell off the top bunk just now because I was too sleepy, so Su Hui lent me her bed to lie down for a while.”

“Ah, are you all right?” Annie sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her without thinking, and asked very caringly.

Su Hui frowned.

Animals are obsessed with their own territory and are very repulsive of foreign breaths. Su Mingxiu doesn’t care, but this person will never do.

So she leaned on the bedside expressionlessly and told Annie: “You get up.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Annie got up, but instead of leaving, she squatted in front of the bed and looked at Su Mingxiu, “Are you feeling unwell? Do you need me to ask for leave for you?”


Su Mingxiu didn’t tell her that she hadn’t slept all night and was so sleepy that she made up for sleep during the day. I looked out the window now, and felt that it was getting late, so I stretched my legs out of bed, prepared to go to the kitchen to find something to eat, and then went to prepare for the stage for the second round of performances.

Su Hui followed her out subconsciously. Annie had planned to come back to take a bath, but she hadn’t figured out the state of the two of them. Now, seeing them go out together, she followed up reflexively: “Are you going to dinner?”

“I’ll come with you.”

Su Hui hadn’t figured out whether to open or not to open the treasure chest by himself, but was interrupted by Annie’s arrival, and was forced to choose not to open it.

Now I feel a little unhappy, seeing her coming, although I haven’t heard the “light bulb” in the human world, I already feel that she is an eyesore.

So she suddenly said instead of Su Mingxiu: “No.”

As soon as the words came out, Su Mingxiu and Annie both looked at her, Annie in particular was outspoken, thinking of what to say:


She looked left and right: “Did you two think about a two-person world?”

Because they had already left the dormitory, the live broadcast footage belonging to them had long followed, but as soon as Annie’s words came out, the live broadcast room was full of shocks.

Program Director backstage: “…”

He lit a cigarette sadly, thinking that he had already transformed from a romantic variety show, why is Ji Qing still surrounding him in this show? Does the audience remember that this is a talent show?

[wooo-what a two-person world, let’s hear it]

[It’s really not that I look at people with rotten eyes, sisters, don’t you think Su Hui and Su Mingxiu are really weird? Today Su Hui went to Su Mingxiu’s class to learn her dance, and just returned to the room early, what are these two doing? ]

[One person’s blood book, ask the program team to install the camera in their bedroom! ]

[What kind of bicycle do you want, I will tell you upstairs, they both do, really, I am under the bed]

Su Hui is thinking about the word “two-person world”, and it feels very pleasant. Human culture is really broad and profound.

Thinking like this, she was about to nod her head when Su Mingxiu smiled and interrupted: “What do you say? I’m just a little tired today, and I don’t want to think about what to eat, so I plan to make do with it in the cafeteria of the show. , aren’t you afraid of getting fat? Are you sure you want to eat with us in the cafeteria?”


Annie hesitated, Su Hui also froze.

Never thought that Su Mingxiu, who loves cooking so much, would not want to cook today. The cafeteria of the program group only serves vegetable and fruit salads recently. Because last night just caught a wave of students who were hiding snacks and had a significant weight gain.

And the salad was without any sauce.

The more Annie thought about it, the greener her face became, especially since she had already experienced the taste in the cafeteria at noon, and now there is still the fragrance of grass on the tip of her tongue.

She took a silent step back.

“I… even starve to death, so thin that I only have spare ribs, and I will not walk into the canteen of the program group again and say goodbye.”

Su Hui still followed her, but did not forget to stress to Su Mingxiu seriously: “I don’t eat grass.”

Su Mingxiu was walking, turned her head to look into her blue ocean, and said jokingly, “Oh? But didn’t you enjoy eating kelp once?”

“Seagrass is fine, but not on land.”

“Why? Because it’s not salty enough on land?”

[What kind of kindergarten chat hhh]

[Seeing this, everyone must understand that this wave of attack and suffering is already obvious]

In the barrage discussion, the two of them went to the cafeteria, because Su Mingxiu likes to be self-sufficient, and the whole show, from the cafeteria aunt to the back kitchen chef, no one didn’t know her.

Seeing that she didn’t enter the kitchen today, an aunt asked her with a smile, “Huh? Master Su, you won’t be cooking today?”

Su Mingxiu responded with a smile, “Yes, I’ve been on the show for so long and I haven’t tasted everyone’s craftsmanship.”

“Hey,” Auntie waved her hand instantly: “What kind of craftsmanship can this be called? A bunch of young and beautiful girls are tired every day, but your boss doesn’t let us cook, and only gives this vegetable leaves, It hurts me to see it.”

[101You are so brave, you dare to release this kind of content…Aren’t you afraid of being scolded? ]

Su Mingxiu heard her aunt’s words, waved to the staff behind her, and motioned them to move the machine away, lest the director come to trouble everyone.

The next second, the live broadcast room turned into a long-range shot. Su Mingxiu didn’t know what to talk about with the aunt at the window, and after a while, she detoured into the kitchen.

More than ten minutes later, she brought out a plate of sashimi and a bowl of salad, handed the sashimi plate to Su Hui, and took the salad to the corner table and sat down.

Su Hui was opposite her, took a sip, and found that the fish was not the freshest, so she couldn’t help being a little disappointed, and said to her: “There is a kind of fish that is particularly delicious…”

The sharks are not like humans, they give various names to the ingredients. So Su Hui couldn’t name the species of the fish, but she remembered what the fish looked like, so it was hard to say more.

Su Mingxiu was eating salad. Seeing her talking more, she realized that her mood was indeed better than before, and sighed in relief in her heart, but did not interrupt her face. Listen quietly.

So Su Hui described the appearance of the fish under her gaze. Because she took advantage of her expression at the moment, she found that only her own appearance was reflected in these deep black eyes, and her mood improved unknowingly.

After she finished speaking, she suddenly continued:

“Will I catch you next time?”

[Grab? ]

[Just searched, this is a deep-sea fish, are you sure you want to use this quantifier, treasure? ]

[So cute, does Suhui know how to fish or cast a net? ]


It is also a pity that Su Mingxiu couldn’t see the bullet screen, otherwise she would definitely answer these people: No, her family contracted the five oceans.

What seven continents, die of laughter, the back garden of the sharks.


She responded in a good mood.

Even the favorability…

Called back slightly.

Only -60 left.

Su Mingxiu finally saw some hope, and felt that this fish… It seems that it is not as difficult to coax as she imagined-

Su Hui also thinks that Su Mingxiu is very good recently. take special care of her.

Until the second round of performances, Su Mingxiu’s stage performance surprised everyone.

The first is Su Hui, and the second is Anne.

Many audiences found that Su Mingxiu’s singing skills were very similar to Su Hui, and even the vocal tutors at the scene were full of praise for her and praised her on stage for her great talent.

But she looked at Su Mingxiu on the screen, her eyes focused and her applause louder than when she took the first place.

—Anyone can see how much she cares about Su Mingxiu’s achievements.

Paulownia, Annie and Wang Zhi also had smiles on their faces. When Su Mingxiu’s results were announced, Annie gave her a hug and Wang Zhibi gave her a thumbs up.

Paul Tong looked at her with a dark complexion, although he also smiled and said congratulations, but there were too many emotions in his eyes.

Looking at the “99” above her head, Su Mingxiu couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed.

Besides, Annie’s favorability rating is 95, Wang Zhi is 90, Su Hui… Recently it has become -20.

I feel that she is very close to the completion of her task.

Su Mingxiu thoughtfully thought about the final mission of the system, and felt that she might not need to wait until the third round of performances, and she should be able to retire.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously looked at Su Hui across the team, and the silver-haired merman also met her gaze, trying to see what she meant when Yuchi Xiao on the stage was already announcing other content-

The last 20 players were eliminated this time.

At the same time, the top seven can have their own mv recording, which is also related to water.

But all teams need to compose their own songs and dances.

The news came out one after another, not only the players, but the audience also didn’t know whether to cry first, or to breathe for the harshness of the third round of assessment.

The women’s group program has never been so rigorously assessed… Actually asking the contestants to create their own songs and dances? Write your own lyrics?

The mv recordings of popular players have been left behind by everyone—

Annie grabbed Paulownia and Su Mingxiu immediately and said without thinking, “Let’s be a team?”

She wanted to try rap in the next round, but this is devilish difficulty, who wants to challenge herself?

Let’s win this round!

Su Mingxiu raised her brows, not in a hurry to respond, she turned her head and saw Su Hui passing through many people surrounding her, walking towards her: “I want to join you.”

She spoke without question.

Annie looked at her and suddenly said, “I can choreograph.”

Paul Tong smiled and rolled her eyes: “I can write lyrics.”

Su Hui thought of the training he received at Neptune Entertainment, and dropped it coldly and lightly: “I can compose music.”

Wang Zhi and her team looked here not far away, wondering what they were hesitating about.

[Wang Fried Combination This is…]

[If other s players also join, the concubine will die without regrets, luxurious lineup]

[Su Mingxiu: Let me think about what I know hhhh]

Su Mingxiu who accidentally turned on the Shura field switch: “…”

She really wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to cooperate with friends or Suhui. But thinking that they are all C-positions on this stage, and each of them is a very assertive type, I don’t know what the effect of their grouping is for a while.

It is very likely that 1+1<0?

And when there was a conflict in the team, Su Mingxiu didn't want to be the glue, but she managed to eliminate Su Hui's inexplicable negative value of favorability.

So she slowly raised her eyebrows, "But I don't know anything, or—"

"Who said that?" Anne would never let go of her treasure.

Paul Tong smiled and put his hand on her shoulder, "Be confident."

Su Hui looked at her seriously, "You can cook."

That's right.

The atmosphere of the team that was in full swing suddenly cooled down, and the players of other teams looked shocked.

Although Su Mingxiu has long known that her job is a chef, but after watching her two performances, do you still only use her craftsmanship?

[hhh I'm speechless]

[Listening to Suhui is better than listening to it]

[Am I the only one who is looking forward to who can be the C position on the next stage? The peanut and melon seed bench is ready, you guys hurry up and start honking! ]

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