When I Start Changing My Character’s Scumbag Status, Strange Things Started Happening To Me

Encounter With The Silver haired Girl!

'Say, are you free tomorrow? Of course you do. Meet me at SW Mall at 10 AM. And don't be late.'

"Man, this has took a really long turn."

Before going home, I went to the nearest bookstore to look some of the released mangas that exists in this world. Kurokawa already went home, being picked up by her maid with an expensive looking car. Then, before leaving, Kurokawa has already decided that I should accompany her tomorrow. I almost forget at the fact she's the daughter of a well-known family.

"Well, not that I have anything important to do tomorrow, so it's good."

Seemingly accepting at her sudden invitation, I decided to go inside in the bookstore. The place itself is pretty wide, and it contains any kinds of books, ranging from reference books, cooking books, entertainment books, and many more. The bookstore is filled with a decent amount of people, from kids, to a student, and a working adult. Fortunately, there's not much people here. I can even manually count them if I want to.

"I wonder if that title also exists in this world."

If this is world also the same world as mine, then the manga that I followed back in my world should also exist, right?

"Only one way to find out. Let's check the manga section."

Looking at where the manga section was located, I roam around the place, then eventually I have found it. It's located at the left most corner of the store. Thankfully, only a few people can be seen in the area. I then went to the manga section and start browsing.

"Let's see here. No. not here. Nah, What the heck is this?" A manga with a suspicious cover. I'll just gonna leave it there and continue looking.

At one of the bookshelf, I spotted a familiar looking cover. Hoping that it's the same manga that I've read back in my old world, I tried to grab the book.


As I was about to take the book, another hand has also reached the book. I take a look to see who it is, and it wasn't someone that I had in my mind



It was none other than my seatmate, Mochizuki Fuuka, still wearing her school uniform. Well, who would've thought I met my seatmate in the most unexpected way. 

I grab the book at the shelf and gave it to Mochizuki.

"You can take the book if you want, Mochizuki-san."

"Eh? But you found it first, Amano-san. I think you should take this."

"Nah, it's better if you take it. Besides, the book would be happy to be read by the hands of a big fan."

At first, she is hesitant to take the book but eventually, she takes it from my grasp. A bright smile can be seen as she receives the book, as if a kid has received a new looking toy. That's pretty cute, I thought.

The book she's holding has a cover with a skeleton looking character with an adventurer outfit, paired with a feminine character that wears what seems to be a lab coat. So, it does also exists here huh.

"So you also read this book too, Amano-san." she asked to me.

"No uh, I mean yeah but---" 

"I'm glad you read it too!"

As I was about to continue on what I'm about to say, Mochizuki-san then gets excited at my response. 

"The main character in this story might be really weak at first, but as the chapter goes, he's becoming stronger than ever! Oh, I really love the part he slays the dragon by himself! Though, it doesn't look like a dragon the first time I've seen it, but the book says it is a dragon. And we also don't want to forget his cute little partner helping him! Gosh he was so cute when helping the main character."

"Wait, hold on, you're going too fast." I told her. She then stops a for a bit and then slowly, her cheeks were turning red, seemingly embarrassed at her unexpected talkative mode.

"Ah, I'm sorry I talked too much. I was just so excited to see someone who the same book."

"No, it's good. I'm just glad that you felt that way. It's nice to see someone is also enthusiastic with something."

"Then, Amano-san, have you ever read this book?"

"Well I did read it but I only read the first three volumes of it." The book that Mochizuki-san is holding also exists in my old, which is good. I haven't read the fourth and the next volumes so I don't know really know what really happens right now. Though, the storytelling of the book is really slow flow, it has point out some unanswered answers in the book. It's not a really popular title, but it has sell quite a lot of copies. The last time I remember was that the first and second volume was sold at around 1 million copies back in my world, which is a lot.

"Ah, I see. It's unfortunate that you haven't read the other volumes. Oh, but if you would like, I could lend you the remaining volumes."

"Really? Then I'll take up that offer then."

We then continued to chat with each other, from Mochizuki's favorite manga, to my favorite manga, until we reached to the point where the topic almost seems random.

the two of us went to the counter to pay for the book that Mochizuki has in her hands. Only Mochizuki-san got the book though. I don't find anything that catches my attention, but maybe I'll change my mind and come back here and look again. It's getting dark, after all.

"Thank you for today, Amano-san. It's been a long time since I've talked a lot aside from my family. I've had the greatest time of my life."

"Sheesh, you really don't have to exaggerate that. And also, you're welcome. If you're gonna start a conversation, you can just to talk to me." I told her.

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind. Then, I'll going now, Amano-san." we then go to our separate ways

"Ah, I almost forgot, we should exchange Contacts, Amano-san." 

"Sure, why not?" I take out my phone and start exchanging info with Mochizuki. Her profile is that of a skeleton character.

"Amano Ryosuke... Is it fine if I'll call you Amano-kun?" 

"Yeah, I'm cool with it."

"Amano-kun. Amano-kun. Heehee." 

"Then, can I call you Mochizuki too then?"

"E-Eh? Uh.. I'm okay with it..."

"Then, Mochizuki." As I tried to say her last name, her face was dyed red. Is that really embarrassing?

"Ah that's right, Amano-kun, thank you for that suggestion that you gave a while ago, Amano-san." Mochizuki gave me a bright smile as she says that. for some reason. Ah, does she meant that butler suit I said during the meeting?

"Nah, it's no big deal. I just hope that everything works well in the festival." It's just a normal suggestion. I just want to a have smooth sailing when the festival comes.

"Then, I'll be going here now, Amano-kun. I'll see you next week!" she then went to the other direction, then watch she she fades into the crowd.

"Lately, things are getting strange. I just hope things won't get any more stranger."

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