When I Start Changing My Character’s Scumbag Status, Strange Things Started Happening To Me

New Life Starts Something Wild

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you fire up your old video games, attempt to load a saved progress you can't quite recall, and suddenly find yourself immersed in a chaotic scenario? Picture this: you're playing an open-world game you haven't touched in ages, and upon selecting a saved progress from the Save Section, you discover you're now underwater, engaged in who-knows-what.

Today, I experienced a similar surreal scenario, but this time, it unfolded in real life. Why, you ask? Because I find myself in one of the oddest and bewildering situations imaginable: I'm in a hotel room with a complete stranger—a random girl I have no knowledge of. It sounds crazy, doesn't it? But hold on, it gets even more bizarre. I seem to have entered the world of a visual novel game, one that I haven't played for months. Allow me to provide a brief context.

The game in question is "Shattered Hearts," a school life visual novel where you assume the role of Amano Ryosuke, a delinquent character tasked with pursuing three girls in a rather questionable manner. I won't delve into explicit details, but let's just say his actions are unspeakable. Surprisingly, by the game's conclusion, the other girls discover his deeds and, instead of shunning him, they accept him. Ryosuke takes full responsibility, and eventually, the three girls end up carrying his child. At least, that's what I gathered from a dedicated online forum. Yes, I read the spoilers, but it didn't deter me from continuing the game.

Because of its rather bizarre story,, many hardcore VN players tried to play the game and oh boy, it was a glorious moment to see its sudden boom of popularity. What adds to its popularity is that the one of the illustrator behind this game has also contributed to various wholesome and vanilla games. This revelation came as a shock to those who followed the artist since his less well-known phase.

Now, you may be asking how I came to find myself in the world of this specific visual novel game after months of not playing. If my memory serves me correctly, I reached a moment where I had opened every path to the true ending—something involving intimate relationships with other characters, though the specifics lack me. The room I'm currently in closely resembles the game's background, with its brilliant reddish-colored walls and luxurious furnishings. Returning to my current situation, I seem to be laying down on a big bed.

"How on earth did I end up here?"

While contemplating the possibility of being reincarnated in a supposedly fictional world, a tall feminine figure enters my field of view.

"Ah, you're already awake, Ryo-kun. Thanks for spending the night with me. It was a delightful experience~~"

She appears to be a woman in her mid-20s with shoulder-length hair, dressed in office lady attire. Wait, did I engage in "that" with her? Glancing at myself, I realize I'm without any clothes—well, there's my answer.

"Well, as long as you're happy, then it's good for me," I respond to her, trying not to betray my confusion about what just happened.

"Fufu. I'll be heading out now, okay? Oh, right. I left a little surprise for you on the table~~" she mentions before making her way to the front door and eventually disappearing.

"And there she goes."

More importantly, what time is it?

"Ah, that's right, phone. Where did Ryo-san put his phone?"

I get out of my bed, butt naked, looking everywhere as to where my phone is, if this guy had any. Then, at a chair, there's a small bag that I would assume it's mine, and I take a look inside.

"Ah, here it is. Ughh, that's a lot of girls he sleeps with, damn."

This first thing I look at this body's phone is the gallery, which is full of girls all nudes with me beside them. Of course, he's one heck of a guy, a delinquent that is. I then check my phone's time and date.

"September 20, 20xx. Monday. 8:45 AM. Damn, even if I go to school, I'm already late at this time."

I wonder if he does this everyday? The game didn't show any of Ryosuke's background story. 

Next, I check his RINE past messages. His recent chatmate was that woman from earlier, judging from the icon message.

"Let's see, her name was Shirokawa Reina and..."

Yeah, I'll just pretend I didn't read all of that.

"Yep. It was way too much for a virgin guy with a virgin eyes like me. Well, not the body, but the soul."

I went and change myself a pajamas that the hotel provides. Then, I quickly went back to the bed.

"Sigh. I'll just gonna stay here for a while. It's been one heck of a day."

I'll just gonna think on what to do after all of this events that's unfolding in front of me.



It's already evening and without anything to do in particular, other than going to school tomorrow in order to get some of my unanswered questions answered, I decided to treat myself a dinner. Thanks to Reina-san's "gift," I could definitely buy somewhat a decent food. 

"Thank you and come again!" The clerk thanked me after I bought a bunch of foods and went outside. Burger, fries, and some coke (no not the illegal one). The place was packed with people and I don't see any empty table.

"I'm getting hungry, I guess I'll stand here for a while."

I take a big bite of the burger. The juiciness from the patty is extravagant.

"Man, when was the last time I ate a proper food?"

Before I was reincarnated, I was a broke college dude whose three meals consists of noodles and canned goods. Fresh meats and veggies is expensive. Life was tough back there. 

"If the people from above did this, then I swear I'll cherish my second life." I said as I look above my head. A cold, dark sky covered with small white dots can be seen above. You can't get this kind of opportunity everyday so I should starting changing myself for good.

"Mmfph, the food is great. Thank you for the meal." I gave my gratitude to my consumed foods and went back to my place. It's a ten minute walk from the city. It really is convenient when you live in the city, you can easily access whatever you need. The only problem that you face is money.

With my sunglasses, mask, and my hooded jacket, I look like someone who would kidnap a girl in the middle of the street. There's a reason behind this: I don't want to bump someone in the city that knows about me. Ryosuke was a popular guy in the streets, especially at the bar section. 

"Uwah, that girl. What is she doing here? Wait, isn't that Kurokawa-san?"

At the distance, four men surrounded one tall, looking girl with shoulder length dark-colored hair, and also wearing a casual clothes. The girl in question is my schoolmate and one of the heroines in 'Shattered Hearts.' More importantly, what is she doing out here, in the middle of this dangerous place?

"Hey, you lookin' hot tonight lady. Whaddaya say ya come with us?"

"Yeah, we promise we'll you have the best time of your life hehehe."

The men who surround her tried to catch her attention, but even with all of that sweet and luring talks, she doesn't reply to them. 

"I uhm, am looking for my way to go home." she sheepishly replied with the tall guy. Most likely it's the leader of that group.

"Then we'll guide you after we're having fun! Come on, we promise we won't hurt you." The tall guy forcefully grabbed the girl's hand and drags her to his buddies.

"Fuck, this is bad. At this point, they're gonna do something bad to her."

I really don't want to be seen by someone, especially the heroine. But I'm going to regret it when I leave her like that. Guess I have no choice.

I slowly walk towards the heroine, pretending to be a bypasser. I just need to grab her hand and pull her away from those dudes.

"Can you run?" as I am beside her, I whisper to her.


I instantly grab her other hand and pulled her away from the group.

"Hey wait, that's ours!!"

No matter how much they shout, I didn't look back, as well as the heroine.

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