When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 586:

"This big man... what should I do with it?"

Tiona was holding a big double-blade and seemed to have a headache for the white-boned beast. After all, it was such a big thing, and no matter how you looked at it, it was not easy to handle, and the attack power was quite outrageous. This is really...

"This big guy is obviously not an opponent who can compete head-on, so we can only aim at the magic stone for one-hit kill."

Finn gave his opinion as usual, but... everyone swept up and down the giant bone beast, but did not find the magic stone that the monster should have. It stands to reason that it is like the floor master that Ais defeated, the solitary king of the labyrinth on the 37th floor. .

LV6's huge skeleton monster Udeus, the black-boned monster has an unreasonably large magic stone in the center of the huge body, but this unknown white-boned monster...

"...Is its magic stone in its head? Or is it in some other skeleton, which is troublesome..."

Finn's expression is not very good. After all, this kind of undead monster is not easy to deal with. Some people will not die if they can't find the magic stone. Such a big one is really troublesome. Is it really only magic?

"You can only get on it, but don't get hit! There will be no powder left!"

"Wake up (Tempest)!"

Finn continued to issue orders, Dwarf Gris set up his battle axe and stepped forward, and Ais raised his rapier to stimulate magic, which opened the prelude to the battle.

All kinds of weapons and magic, galloping on the street shaking the air at night, the bone beasts that are under a lot of attacks, just trample, flick their tails, or short-lived light waves, plus powerful Frost guards to support them. Protect the slow-moving giant beasts, and let the first-level adventurers of the Loki Familiar, who have experienced many battles with monsters, be bruised and bruised.

If it is just a giant beast of bones, after all, it is too big and slow to move after turning into bones, a large group of them can find a way to quickly solve it, but the Frost Guard is also a tough stubble, and can create a huge ice wall Come out to protect the Bone Beast as a fort.

In addition...they were still on the side, just watching Yong Ye, so they had to pay attention, worrying about the attack of the animal trainer played by Yong Ye.

However, as time passed, they collectively dragged the Frost Guard and let Ais break into the Frost Guard's line of defense.

Ais further evolved with the only magic "Wind Spirit Run", and aimed at the head of the white-boned beast with the "Wind Spiral" attached to the Sword of Despair.

Judging by Yongye, Ais' "spiral of wind" should be able to shred the head of the giant beast of bones, but the speed of the beast of white bones is not as fast as Aisi...

Although he didn't want to do it himself, the giant bone beast was a good material for bombarding the Tower of Babel. He didn't want to be damaged by Ais, so...

When Ais was wrapped in the gust of wind and stabbed the white-boned beast with a sword, Yong Ye also turned into the wind, as if the whole person was melted into the wind, the figure became blurred, and flew from the eaves on the side, and sent a punch. Hit Ais in the stomach.

If there was no accident, Ais would be knocked away by Yi Punch, but... Somewhat unexpectedly, Ais, who paid attention to him, swiftly relied on Feng Lingji to change direction in the air, and aimed at him, The sword slashed.

There is no doubt that this is the first time that Aisi has used magic like Wind Spirit Sprint to deal with human beings, but what also surprised Aisi... Yong Ye immediately raised her hand and spread her palm, allowing a magic circle to be formed quickly.

"—Dark Barrier."

Yong Ye, who had some foresight about this situation during the flight, chanted in parallel when he punched, and when the situation changed, he naturally whispered the final incantation.

Translucent, a circular barrier made of pitch-black squares appeared in front of the magic circle and blocked Ais' wind spiral. The fierce wind constantly collided with his magic circle, and a hemispherical wind place visible to the naked eye appeared. constitute the shock wave.

Then... Ais's unexpectedly strong attack caused a crack in the dark barrier, and then shattered the barrier, brushed past Yongye, pierced Yongye's right cuff and caused a blood mist, and finally restarted. fell to the ground.

"... Sure enough, the march of the dead has weakened too much? Also... After all, these dolls are fighting, and the consumption is much higher than that of a quiet state..."

Looking at the sword marks in his right hand, which were almost visible to the bone, Yong Ye murmured while taking out the elixir and pouring it on the wound, so that his wound gradually began to heal, but the effect seemed to be much worse than expected for some unknown reason.

Fake and shoddy products? Still watered? Yong Ye couldn't help thinking about it, but he felt that it was unlikely.

"who are you?!"

She didn't hear Yong Ye's voice, and because she saw the appearance of magic, Ais instinctively thought that the person in front of her was not Yong Ye, because as far as she knew, Yong Ye didn't know magic, but...

"...Forget it, there's no point in hiding it any more... Destaguru should come back."

After being repeatedly questioned, Yong Ye couldn't find a reason why he had to hide his identity, so he simply took off the hood with cognitive impairment magic. Appearing, the white-boned behemoth digs the ground with its pale bone claws, and in a short while the soil layer overflows itself, and when it disappears from everyone's sight, it returns to the march of the dead, ready to wait for a while before using it again.

"…why are you?"

Witnessing the figure under the black cloak, Ais let out this murmur unconsciously from her thin lips.

"Why? Because I'm going home, is that reason enough?"

"But... a lot of people died!"

"The value of everything is different in everyone's eyes. Unfortunately, in my eyes, these people are not important enough to prevent me from going back."

Saying so, Yong Ye blocked her words first when Ais was puzzled.

"Don't ask me what it has to do with this matter. It involves confidentiality obligations and cannot be told to you. If possible, I hope you will step aside now and not waste everyone's time, because you can't block me."

"But your goal is obviously to destroy the Tower of Babel! How can we get out of the way!?"

"...I will help rebuild. With that Flame Dragon King, the deterrent can be stronger than the black dragon used by the Tower of Babel."

While speaking, Yong Ye pointed to the huge Flame Dragon King in the sky again and made a promise to Ais.

And this promise also made Ais shaken. She didn't know what to do. When her eyelids were slowly lowered by half with the sword in her hand, Finn came out again.

"How can we trust you? Trust a... city destroyer?"

"No no no, the city destroyer is not me, Enio, it's the underground guy."

Shaking his head, Yong Ye pointed his finger to the ground. Of course, he also knew that the other party didn't mean that, and just planned to reveal some information to them quietly. (In the language of the gods, Enio = city destroyer).

"Enio? What did you say?"

Obviously, he can't understand the divine language, and the information at this stage is completely lacking in Yong Ye, who has a lot of people involved in the underworld. It's completely a monk who is confused and confused, but... He has a hunch that this may be an important piece of information. .

"I can't disclose too many things at will. After all, I am a person who respects the contract."

Of course, it's not that he wants to be respected, it's just that he violates the contract and casually discloses the content of the dark faction and the underground forces.

"If you can, I hope you can go home wisely like in the dungeon. I can guarantee your personal safety, and... I don't really want to fight with you."

"The situation is different. Now this is about the survival of all the lives in the lower realm, and we have no way out."

"I've said it all, a stronger tower of Babel will be built, isn't it?"

"Sorry, I also said that a city destroyer is not credible."

"In other words... don't we have to talk?"

"Other things can be discussed, but this one, we cannot compromise."

Finn's tone was firm, and there was no room for recovery. Yong Ye could only shrug his shoulders and waved the Frost Guards back, before walking away.

Screams, roars, and a lot of sand and dust rolled up in the sky. With the flash of silver swords, lights and swords, some members of the Loki family would be cut down to the ground.

The sound of ding and dong swords colliding constantly appeared, and there were various noises everywhere, and sparks, blood beads and magic were scattered in the air.

Tiona's big double-blade slashed high with the sound of the fierce wind. Yongye deliberately didn't look at the expression of the Amazon girl, just focused on the battle and quietly swung the big double-blade away, and then turned around again. One kick kicked her out, then turned sideways to avoid her sister Tionne's recurve.

The werewolf Burt, who was running fast, glared at Yong Ye as if he saw the enemy. When Yong Ye felt very inexplicable, he flipped and kicked with all his strength.

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