When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 612:

Suddenly thinking that the other party was the kingdom of knights who had escaped, and those things were probably burnt to the flames, Yongye was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Just take a shower first, I'll find a way to get dressed."


There is no way to resist Yong Ye, who is an adult. Although there are many objections to this proposal, he still obeys Yong Ye's words, walks into the bathroom, and closes the door carefully.

Hearing the sound of running water in the child's bath, Yong Ye wouldn't be very happy, but he was worried about how to solve this problem. In the end, he walked out of the room and went to the main hall, and asked the priestess to help buy the children's clothes.

Just at this time, the elderly Pope with white hair happened to be in this hall. He didn't know what to tell the priest to do, and when he noticed Yong Ye, he talked to the priest for two more words and walked over.

"Yongye, I heard that you... brought back a girl?"

"Well, it's the princess of the kingdom of knights who perished half a year ago. I have some friendship with the king of the kingdom of knights, so I plan to take care of her."

"Really?...Although I used to want you to have a pet to cultivate your sentiments, but raising a child..."

The Pope frowned, thinking about the feasibility of raising a child forever, but finally shook his head.

"Try not to die. After all, it's a life. It's not good for outsiders to know that the chief paladin raises a child to die."

"...Don't say such unlucky words at the beginning. You said it as if I would die if I raised something."

"Don't tell me... I really feel that way."

Even though he didn't use honorifics to Pope Yong Ye, the Pope didn't care. Since strength and status are linked, he just smiled and shook his head and left.


(PS: Regarding what Doomsday is doing, the combat power of this fan is explained.

How should I put it... It's rather strange, Lilia, the strongest hero, takes half a day to kill a dragon, and three days and three nights for the nearly hundred ancient spirits, but she can defeat the earth **** Honghubo alone, and then kill the star **** Alcoa. (Lilia is not good at group battles because of the holy sword characteristics.)

In the plot, there is no brave Lilia, the strongest quasi-brave, William, who can continuously use the seven forbidden spells of subjugation level, and can turn two or three kingdoms into scorched earth overnight, and the black candle prince who beat him fell into a deep sleep. petrochemical.

It can only be said... The brave and quasi-brave are not really very powerful, but because of the nature of the holy sword, it becomes stronger when it is stronger, and it can even be strong enough to rival the **** of the earth. It's also something that defeats the strong by the weak.

Among them, the holy sword is a weapon that can reverse the powerful strength of the opponent's contact with the sword body. The stronger the opponent, the more powerful the holy sword can be. Therefore, it can attack the dragon and even kill the star **** and the earth god. (Star God Ai Luke has no resistance and defense at all, and it is basically impossible to win.)

And William is not really strong enough to rival the gods of the earth. It's just the setting here. Anyone can use the forbidden spell. As long as he can read the spell, he can hang a forbidden spell and it can be wiped out. He used seven but survived. Now, the price is petrochemical sleep and serious injuries...

The magic power setting here is an existence that is inversely proportional to the vitality. The weaker the vitality, the greater the magic power, and vice versa. Therefore, the living beings with strong vitality cannot use that magic power, so for example, ogres and reptiles have no effect on survival. The longing golden fairy has huge magical power, and there are some loopholes in it, so I won't say it... It's pointless to say it.

Chapter 2 Ghost Swordsmanship

The Pope's remarks made Yong Ye seriously ponder the feasibility of adoption after the Pope left. Although he felt strange about the term pets... But overall, there seemed to be no difference, and it was still possible. Get free labor, even if he has a lot of free labor in his own right.

However, there are still some inconvenient places in the church. Every time you want to go out, there will be a lot of people greeting him politely and asking him where he is going. s concern.

So... When Lilia was still taking a bath, Yongye officially adopted Lilia in the official documents, and used Lilia as an excuse to go through the procedures of moving out of the church and changing her residence to a high-end residence near the church.

Since the Paladins themselves should theoretically live in this sanctuary in order to deal with possible attacks, there are cumbersome procedures, but it can be done with his daughter as an excuse to forcibly ask to move out in a few days, and he just needs to wait. Well, the church people will arrange the furniture in the new home, even towels and toothbrushes will be ready.

After returning to the house, he knocked on the bathroom door with the most versatile white skirt that the priest had given him, and put the skirt on when the girl inside reached out her hand through the door.

After Lilia changed her clothes, Yong Ye said that she was going to adopt her. The girl who couldn't resist the adults could only choose to smile and nod, and... She didn't hate this, there was nothing special to refuse. reason.

After nightfall, the wind and rain gradually increased, and the thunder became closer and closer, and the roar was loud and frightening.

But in the warm room, Yong Ye didn't hear anything outside the window and only read the books of sages. With the help of lamp spar lighting, he studied the most advanced skills in this world.

He was also the strongest first-generation hero at the beginning, and he left behind the stunt "Blast Slash".

It has been half a year, and he has already mastered this combat skill, but... but because of the missing part, he has no way to use it. Occasionally, when he is free, he will study it like he is now, trying to make up for it.

On the edge of the luxurious king-size bed, there was a young girl who shrank into a ball and trembled every time there was thunder.

Yong Ye glanced at the girl who shrank into a ball and sighed helplessly.

"I said...are you so afraid of thunder?"

"Lao...Lao, you're worried, but it doesn't matter...I'm fine."

"Aren't the children tired of putting on airs?"

"...what are you talking about?"

These blunt words made Lilia tremble, and then she turned her head and smiled again.

"If you don't know the expression other than laughing, you can try to cry. If you can't cry, it's okay to ask me to help you, so...do you want to help?"

While speaking, Yong Ye shook the March of the Dead, of course...not that he wanted to chop her with the March of the Dead, but just slapped her **** with the scabbard of the March of the Dead.

"Lord Yongye, you..."

"Do whatever you want. There's no need to act. I'm not interested in watching dramas, and I won't be happy to see you miserable and sad. I'm not that twisted yet."

Not intending to listen to her, Yong Ye interrupted her directly, and turned the page again to study the book, looking like he had been transferred from a Paladin to a scholar.

The **** the side was stunned by his words, and just stared at him blankly, that is, on this night, Lilia suddenly realized it.

Are you really sad? Is it really painful? Really desperate? Really angry? Really hate it? It doesn't need to be said that it definitely exists. Those feelings still exist in her heart, but... She has no idea where it came from.

She even forgot what she was thinking when she looked at the fire that burned the kingdom of knights on the night six months ago.

And this is all because those adults have repeatedly interfered with her, and persuaded her with expectations, "You should be like this, you should be like this." These words, which have been repeated countless times, have now overshadowed those at the time. memories and thoughts, even her own thoughts.

Since she was born, Lilia has been trying her best to conform to other people's behavior, and now she has been asked by Yongye to be herself, but she has no idea what she should be like.

If you want to cry, then cry? So... is it time to cry now? Yes...should cry...she has every reason to cry, but...she can't cry.

Not knowing how to cry, the girl showed her best smile to Yong Ye.

Then... Yong Ye grabbed a pillow and threw it away without looking at it, hitting the girl who was laughing more ugly than crying.

The girl whose face was smashed fell to the ground from the edge of the bed with her face upside down. The back of her head slammed on the wooden floor, making a "dong!" sound, and it hurt a lot just listening to the sound.


She fell off the bed and slammed her head on the ground. Although the back of her head hurt a lot, the girl didn't cry because of the pain, but inexplicably, she hugged the pillow that smashed herself and began to cry gradually.

This is the first time Lilia has cried since she can remember. Since she was sensible, she could neither cry nor make trouble, but this first cry was quite inexplicable, at least she didn't know why she was crying.

"Right, this is what a child looks like, although it's a bit noisy, but...well, it's not a big deal just now."

Putting down the book and walking to Lilia, Yong Ye smiled and touched her head, which made Lilia stop crying, and for the first time knew that the hand of the person in front of her was also warm and hot.

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