When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 622:

The first time I saw such a strange creature, Yong Ye was also a little surprised, and subconsciously took a step back, and then instinctively kicked the faceless **** the side of her head with a whip.

The faceless girl's head plunged directly into the rice field on the side, stirring up a large area of ​​muddy water, which was accompanied by a child-like cry that was different from before.

In order to avoid someone pretending to be a ghost and wanting to study living creatures, Yong Ye still kept her feet for the time being, and didn't directly kick her head, which allowed the faceless woman to make a sound again.

Although... Yong Ye is very curious about how she made her voice without shutting her mouth?

Confused, Yong Ye pushed aside the rice, relied on the special effect of the armor with a large number of talismans inscribed, and stepped directly on the water like stepping on concrete, reached out and grabbed the faceless girl... No back collar, the same Can only hold her calf.

Then, just like pulling a carrot, he pulled the faceless girl who made the cry of a child out of the mud and lifted it upside down.

"That... can you talk?"

"Hey~! Woohoo ah ah ah?"

"...It looks like it won't."

The nameless girl... It may be a girl, but because she has no facial features and can't tell her actual age, the faceless girl hugged Yongye's leg, her nails grew abnormally, and it grew five or six centimeters at a time. At the same time, he was constantly grabbing Yong Ye's legs.

Unfortunately, the paladin's armor was too strong, the fingernails were scratched, and no trace was left, but the crying became more intense.

"Is this one of the ghosts in the legend? Is it too weak? Sure enough, it can only scare ordinary people."

The hilarious scene of this very scary-looking faceless woman made Yong Ye speechless and looked down at the gymnastics bottoms that she presented outside instead of the panties, like a thong-like tutu, after thinking about it. , and simply threw the faceless woman in his hand to the side of the road.

The Faceless Woman flew out in a parabola, and then slammed into the center of the road like a salted fish. You can feel it just by listening to the sound. The strength must not be light. Ordinary people should not be able to get up, but this ballet dance The woman who stood up staggeringly stood up again and charged towards Yong Ye directly.

Originally, Yong Ye wanted to put a hand directly on her face and press her to the ground to study this creature carefully, but just as he stretched out his hand, the face of the faceless woman split from the middle, revealing a Like a lamprey full of fangs, the giant mouth that occupies three-quarters of his face swallowed his palm in one bite, and the mouth full of fangs immediately bit down.

"...Is this really a R-rated horror movie?"

Looking at the lamprey who swallowed his own hand... No? Faceless Girl, or... Ballerina, Yong Ye was inexplicably stunned, not very able to figure out what the situation was and why such strange things appeared.

But think about it seriously, this kind of thing is a curse after all. The huge backlog of curses in the whole world will produce bad things, that is, the things that human beings fear in their hearts. climb up.

As for why you want to dance ballet... Maybe you are a ballet lover in front of you? This strange movement is caused by strong obsession. You must know that there are all kinds of strange dances in this world, and this world has begun to be abnormal, so it is not surprising that all kinds of messy things will appear.

Looking calmly at the ballerina who knocked off her own teeth but was still chewing on her armguard, Yong Ye spread out her five fingers to support her mouth so that she could not chew on her armguard, and was swallowed by the inside of her mouth. He fixed her head with his hands and pressed her directly to the ground.

After hesitating for a moment when he pulled out the long knife with his right hand, Yong Ye cut off the struggling ballerina's head, stopped her from exercising, and finally collapsed on the ground.

Although I thought about dissecting her, but taking the deceased's marching gesture, Yong Ye felt that it would be better to let the militia and the guards come later, let them dissect and tell him the result.

Putting the knife into the sheath, he crouched beside the rice and wanted to wash his arm armor full of saliva, but... before he could reach out his hand, suddenly something appeared in the rice field that was not there before. I don't know what was in the rice field. the sound of walking.

Ordinary people may not understand what is going on, because it has exceeded the lighting range of street lights, and the moonlight in the sky is only a crescent crescent, and it is blocked by thin clouds and cannot provide much light.

But Yong Ye, who has night vision ability, can see that there is indeed something walking in the rice field, and it is... a baby.

In the sparse rice fields, there are strange babies with bulging eyes. Their mouths are split under their ears, lying on the ground on all fours, dragging their umbilical cords that have not been cut off, and crawling towards Yongye.

"...Are all the abandoned babies around here resurrected? And there are burial sites for abandoned babies nearby...?"

Even in Yong Ye, looking at these weird babies in front of him, it is inevitable that there will be a chill on the back.

A night wind with the smell of corpses blew, and he quickly noticed a lot of footsteps around him. When he looked around, he found various types of corpses, scattered here and there, some on With fresh soil.

The scenes of this midnight trip made Yongye finally know why the staff of the inn said that they should not go out easily at night, and specially reminded that the cemetery of the village was nearby.

The corpses in the cemetery will come out at night for activities, right? But why not look for someone else as if to look for him specifically?

Yong Ye looked into the distance with confusion, and accidentally discovered that the residential houses were protected by a curse. If he guessed correctly, it should be the standard amulet that eliminates the breath, which made most living corpses destroy the house. as an ordinary obstacle.

It stands to reason that with so many living corpses, the garrison and militia should clean them up. After all, it is easy to clean up just living corpses, so why not do it?

Yong Ye, who was in chaos and calm, turned a blind eye to the ghastly corpse when the living corpses surrounded him, and instead thought carefully about all kinds of possibilities.

Before he could get close, he quickly thought of those possibilities, because this relatively closed countryside is different from the city, most of the living corpses that come out at night are relatives of this village, and people are all sentient beings, even if the corpses are affected by Cursed to become a living corpse, but they still can't bear to kill their relatives. The big deal is not to go out at night. As for the people passing by, they are probably just apologizing in their hearts.

"How do you say it, the world is so big that there are no wonders."

After figuring out the situation in general, Yong Ye was helpless at first and then didn't plan to hang around in this place, and just went back to have a rest before rushing on the road.

The sharp blade was unsheathed again, and the remains of the relatives that the villagers could not bear to kill fell to the ground in an instant. After a while, no matter whether it was a baby or an old man, only two pieces of rotten flesh were left.

Leaving the corpse on the ground, Yong Ye returned to the inn, and left the next day, and a few days later, someone arrested the captain of the garrison and the captain of the militia.

The war between human beings and all the other races in the world is still going on, and the monsters and ghosts are still in chaos all over the world. Occasionally, in the wheat fields outside the imperial capital, you can still encounter long-haired beauties in white clothes, um... The back is beautiful but the front is the female. It looks very scary, and it also uses illusions to make blood and human hands come out of the ground.

Of course, these things may be very effective for ordinary people, but if you choose Yongye as the target, you are obviously looking for the wrong person, and Yongye will directly use it as wheat field fertilizer.

Occasionally, a ghost girl with blood and tears will suddenly appear behind her, and Yong Ye can also appear in the opponent's spiritual space at the moment of moving, and quickly turn around to perform a sword-drawing slash, relying on the damage of Wuji Kendo to the spiritual body, tearing it in half. .

In the world where the aggression of monsters is intensified, the quasi-heroes and various warriors who are fighting against foreign races on the front line also have rotations. After all, if they are too tight, they will collapse.

On this day, it was time for Lilia and the others to take a break, and a group of guests came to Yongye's office in the church.

Headed by Lilia, followed by six quasi-heroes, there is no doubt that this is the team led by Lilia, and these quasi-heroes have been introduced to him very quickly.

No, no, not all of them are quasi-heroes. For example, in Lilia's introduction, the little man who can't be found without wearing a white robe that mopped the floor, the blond boy named extremely middle-2, is a spell master whose combat power is not inferior to that of quasi-heroes. --Swan Kandel.

And then... The one who Yong Ye had met once, according to Lilia's introduction, liked the gentle elder sister, but was too timid to accept a woman's courtship—William Kemeixiu.

Appearance and behavior are the same as monks, without weapons, let alone urging magic power to stand on the front line only with unarmed punches, recognized as a strange man and an extraordinary martial artist, but may be **** and single in his fifties——West Ergramo Mott.

Long silver hair and a cowboy hat, a woman in her twenties, an explosive demon who already has a boyfriend—Amisha Holdwin wears well-forged armor to protect her body, likes cute boys, and looks like only two In his teens, but actually in his forties—Kia Gotland.

A popular lover with too many lovers to count—Navitri Tigozaco.

"...Really, a good team."

Lilia's introduction made Yong Ye a little at a loss as to how to evaluate it. Just looking at the twitching corners of the mouths of these people in front of him, he knew that they must be dissatisfied with this introduction, but it was hard to say anything in front of Yong Ye, the parent.

After all, it was first secondary school, then there were those who like gentle big sisters, then gays and exploding demons with boyfriends, and finally aunts in their forties and public lovers.

Although the introduction is very bizarre, it seems that they are picking on their faults, but Yong Ye doesn't bother to care about these little things, just curious about their intentions.

"...Then, Lilia, why did you bring your team to me? Do you want to choose a good mission? Or do you want to go to the front line? But your mission is mainly arranged by the Holy Ministry, right?"

"But you influenced the Holy Ministry."

"Don't talk nonsense, I am a noble Paladin, how can I influence the Holy Ministry that I can't fight?"

Yong Ye shrugged and looked innocent. Although he did consciously go to the Holy Ministry to let the Holy Ministry Bishop adjust their tasks, he just didn't expect Lilia to know it so quickly.

"Noble paladins don't call themselves noble, and if it wasn't for you, how could we deal with cemeteries that only need ordinary soldiers to clean up on the last day of our vacation, and are covered in rotten flesh and stinking. Living corpse!"

"Well... Maybe it's because there are not enough soldiers? After all, the front line is tight now, and it's just a matter of convenience. Why are there so many opinions? If you are dissatisfied, you can go to the Cardinal to complain to the Holy Ministry, don't come to me, I don't care about those things. "

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