When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 630:

boom! He slammed into the ground with a bang, and regardless of his injury, he immediately used Alpha Raid to escape, but... the enemy completely kept up with the speed of Alpha Raid.

Weapons collided with each other, and the sparks flew everywhere.

Yongye's temporary speed is very fast, but it is only temporary. Next, he can only use the speed increase brought by the wind step, like a ghost, with an ethereal feeling, rushing towards Cui Ninghou.

Although Yongye really intends to delay the time and wait for Lilia, whose strength can be strengthened according to the opponent, to come back, unfortunately... Lilia's movement has not been small, it feels that it is difficult for them to decide the winner in a short time, and the opponent is not at all. I don't intend to delay time with him.

He took a big sword that was bigger than his own, and the ground under Yong Ye's feet exploded with a roar.

The loud noise and shock wave exploded, and a huge amount of sand and dust churned. In an instant, Yong Ye and Cui Ninghou were blocked by the heavy dust curtain, and the earth shook violently like an earthquake.

The sound of tearing the air could be heard, followed by a burst of flashes.

Marquis Cui Ning swung his sword many times, and with a steady stream of powerful attacks, he knocked Yong Ye, who was weary of defense, into the air again.

And the nearby mountain, facing the aftermath of the attack, also burst like a blast, and a large amount of sand and gravel rolled down the side of the mountain, burying the eternal night that flew under the mountain.

It was quiet for a while around.

"As a human, you are really strong... No, you don't seem to be human? You seem like an immature fallen person?"

Cui Dinghou finally did not attack this time, but hesitated, wondering what was going on in Yong Ye, because the vague aura was not very good judgment, he was also anxious to protect the master, and he never Carefully judge what's going on.

But at the moment of confusion, the landslide caused by the collapse of the mountain exploded.

Yong Ye stomped on the ground abruptly, scolding the feet that seemed to be about to tremble as they flew out of the soil layer, and charged at the armored giant again.

The Earth God stood there, like the incarnation of despair, with a speed that he couldn't reach. Even if he used the wind step, the speed of the giant was far superior to him, and it was so fast that he was ashamed.

The strong hot wind and cold air burst, the impact of the atmospheric shock pierced through Yongye's body, all kinds of amulets had completely collapsed, the metal of the armor was twisted so much that it pierced into the flesh and stabbed him, and even twisted to the original flexible. The joints become fixed.

But even so, he was still trying to resist the overwhelming power of the opponent, using all his strengths, hoping to reverse the offensive.

The quasi-heroes Kaia and Navitri, because the enemy was so powerful that it was useless to sing the Forbidden Spell, quickly evacuated and went to the side of William's support, intending to help William's team defeat Lord Black Candle, and then Let's go to defeat Hong Hubo together, and finally deal with the strongest Cui Ning Hou.

Yong Ye, who was dragging Marquis Cui Ning, was left at the scene, lifted the dead to march, and summoned the puppets stored inside.

The white-boned behemoth and the flame dragon crawled out of the ground with an earthquake-like vibration, but the white-boned behemoth had just opened its mouth to accumulate strength, and the Marquis of Cui Nail just when it was accumulating energy, relying on its speed far superior to it, With a single sword, the relatively slow-moving white-bone beast was cut in half.

Even Yanlong, although the action is much faster, can be dissected in a few rounds. The carefully cultivated Ruiweisi and the Frost Guard, but it took a while to delay Yongye for some time. Like the quasi-hero who challenged Cui Ning Hou at first, he was completely killed.

While Cui Ning Hou swung his sword to destroy the Frost Guard who had lost both arms and shields in the sea of ​​​​fire, he violently threw his fist into the side of Yong Ye.

Taking a blow from the front made Yong Ye feel that the lungs were extremely oppressed. The air in the lungs was evacuated for a while, and at the same time, it flew out like a thrown golf ball. It kept hitting the ground but kept bouncing. It smashed a lot of trees and rocks, and finally smashed onto the mountain without much kinetic energy, and slowly slid down.

You chase after each other, repeatedly losing, chasing, fighting, and losing again. During this period, Yongye has fought with Marquis Cui Ning several times, but in the end, they were all defeated without any suspense.

And now, Yong Ye is in a desperate situation again.

Faced with an overwhelmingly powerful existence, it means that no matter what, there is no way to turn around. Although it is difficult to resist, Yongye's body gradually becomes like a piece of rags.

The speed is too fast to resist, the force is too large to resist, slashing through the flesh and breaking the bones.

I don't know how many ribs were broken, and the left arm had been pierced, and I felt a severe pain as expected. Amidst the scattered blood, my right leg seemed to be almost cut off, and my belly and chest were all broken. Losing blood, half lying on the edge of the mountain, the whole person lost his voice like a broken puppet, only the blood continued to overflow from the gap of the paladin armor, flowing happily on the ground into a pool of blood.

"I really admire your perseverance. I am afraid that such mortals can't find five fingers in the world. They can fight against me with weak strength until now. As a reward, I will give you... a death without pain."

Marquis Cui Ning's divine power and killing intent shrouded Yong Ye, who fell to the ground, and even made a strange sound like a burst of air.

The more you fight, the more Yong Ye can find out that he can't fight against the opponent's strength, and the gap in strength is so desperate.

But... he didn't give up.

There was unbearable pain all over his body, so severe that he almost fainted in an instant, the pain made him unable to breathe, and he felt his throat burning even when he was breathing.

But his heart has not yet yielded. He has always hoped that he could protect others with his own hands and that he would be able to protect others, so he would not let Marquis Cui Ding leave from his side.

And... he has not experienced this level of pain, he will not lose to pain, let alone succumb to fear and death.

He shivered from the ground, propped up his broken body, which was theoretically impossible to get up, and staggered to his feet. He staggered toward the giant 100 meters away, and even now, he still did not give up.

Every step will leave blood. Although the lower half of the severed right leg is still in pain, it cannot be controlled freely. The severe pain caused by the forced movement instead hits like a tide, but he doesn't care. Just gritted his teeth and used the metal armor that cannot be easily bent at the joints as a crutch for his right leg.

"...one more time...now, it's time for the real contest...to win."

Standing up again, Yong Ye, who was walking towards the giant, with unyielding brilliance in his eyes, looked like a challenger who had returned with strength, which surprised Cui Ding Hou.

But the actual situation, if you look at his body, no matter who he is, he will classify his behavior as meaningless stubbornness, no... It is not good to say that stubbornness is not good, and the right leg should obviously be broken, what is it? How did you get up? This behavior has exceeded the scope of brute force, right?

Chapter 8 The Great Destruction - Incarnate God-killing Devil

"Recalling the preface, your will is a rare treasure in my long life. In order to show respect, I will let you die a little more honorably, so as not to damage your will."

His body was not completely uninjured. He also suffered some minor injuries in the face of Yongye's counterattack. Marquis Cui Ning, who also had some scars cut by sword energy on his armor, inserted his big sword into the ground, and his thick fingers were drawn out of thin air. The fingertips depict original spells that are not the original mantras that have been adapted by humans trying to reproduce their phoenix scales and claws.

It was night now, and the sky was once again covered with dark clouds from afar, covering the moonlight, but with the completion of the incantation, the dark clouds were dispelled in an instant, and a silver beam of light shot down in the sky.

The moonlight, which dispelled the dark clouds, was like a spotlight aimed at the wobbly Eternal Night, and the light gradually condensed and concentrated, and a shape appeared, turning into a silver-white spear composed of moonlight.

Corresponding to the size of Marquis Cui Ning, this is the spear used by giants. It is huge and full of majesty. Even at the height of ten thousand feet, Yong Ye feels the pressure that it is hard to breathe.

"Farewell, strong man of mankind."

When Yong Ye was trying to maintain his body, the moonlight spear standing high in the sky fell with the index finger of Marquis Cui Ning, and together it impacted a circular wave of diffusion, which descended from the sky.

"...It's a terrible spear, so there's no way around it."

Not caring about the gun of the sun and moonlight, Yong Ye spoke with blood-smelling lips, time seemed to be paused, the darkness behind him seemed to be swallowing light, everything suddenly became dim, the stars in the night sky. It was devoured one after another, only the moon was resisting, leaving a faint brilliance.

On the ground, a lifeless wind blew.

The atmosphere is gradually filled with a match for the gods of the earth, and there is an unparalleled sense of oppression.


When the power of the bloodline was liberated, Yong Ye's wounds healed in an instant, the armor also collapsed, and a scorching pain suddenly appeared all over his body, followed by a mutation in his body, which would represent an unknown dark red The wings of light stretched out from behind him, and an unprecedented force swelled in his body.

The dark red light wing, like the material composed of energy, has a completely different appearance from the angel's wing, and it can even be said to be the opposite of the white as snow angel's wing. It is undoubtedly a close relative of the devil, and even itself is the devil's wing. .

The gun of the moonlight fell rapidly, and just like this, it hit the eternal night standing in place.

--boom! ?

Under the loud noise, dust covered the ground for several kilometers.

But in the next instant, the demon wings fanned, the storm appeared instantly, and the dust was completely dispelled in an instant.

The earth was sunk by dozens of meters, but in the center of the severely subsided earth, Yong Ye completely blocked the Moonlight Spear with the devil's wings, and appeared in front of Cui Ning Hou intact, making Cui Ning Hou's face finally A change has occurred.

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