When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 66:

Gathering the qi of Wuji kendo on the blade, and then slashing, if coupled with the special power of a fatal blow and the attack method created by Yongye's own profound kendo cultivation, it has a huge lethal sword qi in a short distance. .

Day and night, in this world for more than half a year, more than 200 days and nights, constantly practicing kendo, combining Wuji kendo and fatal blow, the stunt born is instant flash.

This is Yong Ye’s strongest strike. The high-speed slash breaks through the range of ordinary swordsmanship. It is his fastest and strongest strike at the moment. Even if it is an elephant that is slamming head-on, he can score without hindrance. for two.

He put his hands on the ground and saw that he was about to be annihilated in two. When the slash was about to come, he opened his mouth to the maximum.


A huge amount of purple light waves collided with the instant flash of Yongye.

The sword energy that twisted the atmosphere and the colored light waves violently collided.

The extremely dense sword qi cuts the light wave, but because of the strongest blow of this start, it is only a start. exhausted.

When Yong Ye failed to make more resistance, a large number of light waves were cut off, such as a terrifying shock wave, which directly lifted the floor tiles on the ground and hit him directly.

Yong Ye, who was panting because of the flash, was blown away like a leaf, flew backwards at high speed like a cannonball, and then fell in a parabola, hitting the street from behind in mid-air.

Mie felt the threat of death from Yong Ye, and decisively launched the strongest blow with Yong Ye, who wanted to win with one blow.

There was no tedious and long duel, just one blow, the battle between the two sides ended in the defeat of Yongye, and the non-scientific mutant Kabane won.

Although... After the victory, she was also unable to maintain her standing because of the exhaustion of her energy, and was unable to pursue Yongye who flew far away.


Ever since he practiced kendo and held a sword, Yong Ye has never suffered a defeat in a single fight, he has never lost to anyone one-on-one, and no one has ever defeated him one-on-one. With a talent for swordsmanship that can be reached by humans, for some reason he seems to be a natural fighting genius.

In this way, even if it was precarious, he couldn't help showing a hint of self-restraint, and he couldn't think of the possibility of losing in a one-on-one duel.

But now, he finally tasted the taste of fiasco, one-on-one fiasco.

It was also the first time to use him when he was founded. The instant flash that he was proud of was defeated, and his pride was also defeated.

When Yong Ye, who was unconscious and fell in a pool of blood, opened his eyes again, his eyes were bright red.

The world seems to be enveloped in this bright red.

Because I don't want to ignore the disciple who trusts me like before, and stand up in front of the monster, but I am defeated by a blow, even if the blow is not easy for the incarnation of the monster, even if It was because he successfully delayed enough time in the confrontation stage, which really made him unable to laugh.


Yong Ye supported the lead-filled body with trembling hands, forced himself to get up from the pool of blood, and slowly observed his body.

There are corpses all over the place, the ground is full of blood, and the air is filled with a lot of disgusting odors and stench. The only thing he can be happy about at this moment is that at this moment, all he can smell is his own blood.


This is the third time I have written a testimonial, and there are actually no good testimonials...

We know that many people started watching from the Templars, and many people are chasing after all three, thank you very much for your support...

Many people have said that our book and the style of the Templar are not suitable for dirty customers... Well, we are also very clear about this, so the results have always been only in the middle and the street...

I clearly know that this style is not in line with the filth, but after the death of the Templar, I will continue to do this one... The next book, maybe it will be a compromise with reality, and it will be written in a conscience that conforms to the trend of the public. Most of the results are Good sales. Meat, Lily, Transformation, Xiao Huangwen, etc. Otherwise, the results will be a lot better than other books on the theme of the moon...

Oh, by the way, the title and introduction of this book are very simple, so I always want to change it. If you have any good ideas, please post them here or write them in the book review. If possible, it is best to match the essence of the book content. touch…

By the way, I thought of four, I feel good, I think I can post and vote.

When the Sword Saint comes

non-heroic juggernaut

Anti-hero Juggernaut in the second dimension

anti-hero juggernaut

...Well, we know, with our godlike talent for naming names, I'll probably be complaining again later...

In the end, this book does not have full attendance. In addition to being free, don't vote for the blade. If you can, please ask for a reward, a subscription, and a recommendation...

Last but not least, I would like to remind you that we only publish one chapter by habit, so no matter how many words we have, we will combine them into one chapter…

Please know that the price is directly proportional to the number of words. When the number of words is large, the price will increase. This is not something that the author can control. Chapters three and five...

Chapter 70 Do you still remember the people who were killed by this sword?

"That...monster...what's going on..."

Thinking of extinction, Kabane, the core of the fusion group, completely violated science, and the light wave attack that violated common sense than his sword energy, Yong Ye couldn't help but feel that he couldn't understand it.

He looked down at the thing he was still holding tightly at the moment, the enhanced long knife was instinctively blocked in front of him as a shield, and then the light wave weakened by the flash was shot into four sections, and the knife in his hand was connected to the handle of the knife. The blade was less than twenty centimeters left.

It is actually not accurate to say that the instantaneous flash weakens the light wave. In fact, the flash is to cut the light wave, so that the part aimed at the eternal night is scattered to both sides, and the knife in his hand is buffered, so that he is not directly affected by the shock wave. Light waves shattered.

However, why do you know that the knife has broken four knots?

That was naturally because the broken blade was all inserted into Yong Ye's body under the impact of the force.

Yong Ye's body had three broken blades inserted, and his body had already been polluted by a large amount of blood, and it was still infiltrating outwards.

But he has no way to care about these things for the time being, he cares more, what time is it now? How long has he been unconscious?

It shouldn't be too long, after all, if it were a long time, the blood on his body would have already drained.

I just don't know what the current situation is, where is Shou Fangzhong, and has Jia Tiecheng left the fortress?

"...Now...what is...the situation...?"

Because of tinnitus, he couldn't hear the sounds around him at all. Yong Ye couldn't judge what was going on at all. All he could see were corpses and flesh and blood.

The doubts could not be answered, the corpse could not tell him the answer, he was at a loss for words, but he had no choice but to start healing himself first.

Avoiding the wounding blade, he pulled out the broken blades one by one regardless of the blood gushing out of the wound. Then he immediately meditated cross-legged, mobilized his body energy to reconnect the broken blood vessels, and repaired the internal organs that had been damaged by the light waves. , Naturally... With limited energy, he can only prioritize the most critical organs and parts, and then stop the bleeding.

After about ten minutes, the bleeding stopped, but Yongye also stopped meditation and treatment at the same time.

Because he knew that this place was very dangerous, and he couldn't use all his power for treatment. He had to leave enough power to escape from here, and even using all of it would not be enough to completely heal his injuries.

Sitting on the ground for a while, the pale Yong Ye staggered to his feet and walked towards the station. He knew that even if Jia Tiecheng left, Ban Heng would leave a motorcycle for him.

However, the further forward, the body becomes heavier and heavier, and the dizziness is very uncomfortable. This is a very obvious symptom of excessive blood loss.

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