When the Style of the World Changes [End Times]

Chapter 111 - Conquer the new favorite

“Cough…cough…” Su Yan didn’t expect Xie Yun to be so crazy outside, she used the fire/dart/tube directly, and she couldn’t dodge for a while, and was buried under the rubble.

Fortunately, at the moment of crisis, the bloodthirsty vines automatically protected the master. The vines stretched out and surrounded the city, and a takraw ball firmly protected her, so she was not injured. It was just that the gap between the takraw **** was large, which could block the gravel, but not the dust. , So Su Yan was still choked and coughed.

“Xiao Yun’er… Xiao Yun’er! Xiao Yun’er, where are you? Xiao Yun’er!” As soon as she climbed out of the ruins, Su Yan hurriedly looked for Xie Yun everywhere.

She moved many gravel away with her bare hands, but she couldn’t find Xie Yun everywhere, so she couldn’t help being so anxious that even her voice brought a trembling cry.

“Cough cough… I’m here.” Xie Yun slammed away the boulder that was pressing on her body with a palm. Although she was not seriously injured, she was also disgraced and embarrassed.

She lowered her head and patted the dust on her head and body as she walked towards Su Yan.

As soon as she saw Xie Yun, Su Yan hurried to her side and pulled her up and down to check: “Xiao Yuner~ are you alright? How can you be so cold, cruel, ruthless, and unreasonable, do you know that Under your impulse is my endless worry, I am really afraid, I am really afraid that I will lose you, why can’t you take into account my feelings.”

Su Yan stared sadly at Xie Yun’s face with a pair of autumn eyes, her expression was bitter, her eyes filled with tears, and her words were filled with resentment. Even though her whole body was filthy with dust, it only added a touch of embarrassing beauty to her without harming her. Beautiful face.

Being stared at by such a pitiful woman like a heartless man, Xie Yun said that she was under a lot of pressure.

Helpless, she could only hug her cousin who had been stimulated by her and became ill again, and apologized softly: “I’m sorry, cousin, it’s all my fault, and I made you worry about me again, but I’m really sorry, I There’s no guarantee there won’t be a next time, but I’ll definitely take care of myself.”

Su Yan stretched out her hand and hugged Xie Yun back with great strength, as if she wanted to rub her into her body: “I don’t want Xiao Yuner’s apology, I just want you to stand in front of me, No matter what Xiao Yuner does, she doesn’t need to apologize to me, because…”

Su Yan’s lips came close to Xie Yun’s earlobe and whispered, “I only care about you.”

I don’t even care about myself, I only care about you!

Seemingly hearing Su Yan’s implication, Xie Yun pursed her lips and hugged Su Yan tightly, she wanted to say that cousin doesn’t have to be like this, you still have your own life…

But I don’t know why, facing such Su Yan, these words of consolation can’t be said, how can they say it?

Those words that are kind to her may be a sharp knife to Su Yan. How can she hurt her cousin who cares about her so much?

She can only pray that her silence today will not harm Su Yan tomorrow.

The two of them came out to look for mutant beasts, not to express feelings, so they hugged each other for a while and then Xie Yun and Su Yan separated to find the mutant beasts that were still alive.

Xie Yun walked to the remnants of the zombie monitor lizard, used ice to condense a long stick, and kept stirring in the pile of mutilated black and red flesh, looking for something.

Even if it is dead, the flesh and blood of the poisonous zombie monitor lizard is also full of poison. As soon as the popsicle touches the flesh and blood, it will be corroded and turned into a pool of ice water. As the popsicle got shorter, Xie Yun could only keep condensing ice crystals on the front of the popsicle to lengthen it.

After rummaging for a while, the popsicle in Xie Yun’s hand didn’t know whether it was the one she had condensed from before, or it was a new one that she kept condensing.

Finally, the stick in her hand “ding…” touched something hard and crisp. With a look of joy on her face, she hurriedly stirred the stick and pulled the piece out.

A small piece of mixed flesh and dust couldn’t tell what it looked like. Xie Yun pulled it away from the corpse of the monitor lizard before freezing it with a layer of frost.

She took a popsicle and knocked **** the small ice cube, and the frost case made an exception, revealing a gem with a dreamy purple glow inside, which was actually a third-order poison-type crystal core!

Xie Yun bent down and picked up the crystal core that she had cleaned on the ground. She wanted to show it to her cousin. If she liked it, she would give it to her directly.

But her eyes suddenly swept to the bracelet wrapped around her fair and slender left wrist, which was reduced from the supernatural weapon – ice whip, and then thought that this was given by someone, and she didn’t seem to return the gift, then People seem to have a series of abilities that are poisonous.

Xie Yun looked at the ice whip bracelet on her wrist and the crystal core in her hand. Finally, she took out a small velvet gift box from the space, put the poison crystal core inside, and put it in the space. .

In the distance, Su Yan was still looking for the mutant beast that wasn’t dead yet, but she didn’t notice Xie Yun’s actions. If she were to know that her family’s hard-working cabbage was unknowingly beaten by someone’s pig Yes, it will definitely explode, the kind of explosion that explodes in place!

After collecting the crystal core of the zombie monitor lizard, Xie Yun got up and called out three Samoyeds and the prince, and asked them to help find other mutant beasts that were still alive.

Mutant dogs have sensitive noses after all. They spread out and searched everywhere according to the owner’s orders. This pet shelter is so big, and the size of the mutant beasts is not small. Soon everyone will find it.

For a time, there were people and dogs clap on the ground everywhere, and Su Yan also found a few mutant beasts that were still alive in another place.

She directed the bloodthirsty vines to carefully extend into the ruins with vines, propping up a temporary safe space for these mutant beasts, and then she climbed inside and dragged them out one by one.

Xie Yun found the mutant cat in a triangular space smashed by a boulder. It was curling up inside, one front paw was bent unnaturally, and the hair on its body was scorched in several places. He stared at the outside world with his golden eyes open.

“Maomao~ Come, come here…” Xie Yun squatted down in front of it carefully, stretched out her hand to it, trying to lure it out.

“Meow~” The injured big cat didn’t have any affection for the culprit in front of him. Seeing her reaching out, he shrank back despite the pain.

Seeing this, Xie Yun frowned, but she didn’t regret doing it in order to end the battle as soon as possible. It’s not that she doesn’t have a gentler way to deal with the zombie monitor lizard, but it will be troublesome and waste a lot of time.

They only have three hours, and it’s been almost an hour or two now. If they don’t rush back as soon as possible, Ouyang Su will definitely wait for them for the sake of their strength, and won’t let them miss out with the big army. collection.

But Xie Yun was also very anxious about rescuing her family, so she finally chose this more extreme method to solve the problem as soon as possible.

The big cat repelled Xie Yun a bit. In order to coax it out, Xie Yun took the kitten out of the space, which was not hurt at all, held it in both hands, and placed it gently beside the big cat.

As soon as the kitten came to the big cat, it would like to rub against the big cat’s body. The big cat took the kitten into his arms, stretched out his tongue, licked the kitten’s body, and smoothed it.

The kitten let out a comfortable “meow meow~”, and that tender little milky voice could simply melt everyone’s heart.

Xie Yun looked at the warm scene in front of her, her eyes softened a lot, but when she thought of her family members who were in deep danger, the light in her eyes dimmed a little.

“Would you like to come with me? I will treat you well.” Xie Yun once again extended an inviting hand to the big cat.

The big cat looked up at Xie Yun, and her embarrassed figure was reflected in her two large golden eyes. What it felt from this powerful human being was a sincere kindness, but an inexplicable sadness.

The emotion was too complicated for the big cat, a beast, to fully understand.

But in a strange way, it still slowly put its other intact paw into Xie Yun’s outstretched hand, and with the strength of her grasp, while holding the kitten in its mouth, it stood up slowly and with difficulty.

When the big cat slowly moved out, the triangular space behind it lost its support and suddenly collapsed.

At this moment, Xie Yun realized that the structure of the triangular space was actually very loose, and the reason why it didn’t collapse before was entirely because the big cat used gold-type abilities to reinforce it.

When the big cat left this place, it also took away the output of the ability. Without the supporting stones, it can only become a more broken ruin.

When the big cat stood up, its injured leg naturally bent inward and limped forward. The kitten noticed the abnormality of the big cat and struggled to jump to the ground.

The big cat seemed to understand what the kitten was going to do, and obediently found a relatively flat surface to lie down, let go of the kitten on its mouth, stretched out its front paws, and obediently let the kitten do what it did.

The kitten climbed onto the big cat’s big head and followed the big cat’s body, which was too large for her, to its injured front paw.

I don’t care if stepping on it directly like this will hurt the big cat, so I carefully climbed to the place where the big cat was injured, and the whole small body squatted on it.

The big cat’s face was wrinkled in pain, but he still endured the pain and didn’t move the injured front paw, for fear of shaking the kitten above it.

Xie Yun quietly watched the scene in front of her, neither stopping nor helping, wanting to see what the mystery was between the two cats.

She saw the kitten lying on the big cat’s leg curled up into a small ball, the milky white body stuck to the big cat’s front paw like a hairball, and the body gradually began to emit a milky white light. The light was warm and had a soothing healing effect.

Even when Xie Yun looked at her like this, she felt that her irritable heart was gently embraced by a pair of warm and soft big hands, soothing her restless heart.

At the same time, she was also delighted. She didn’t expect this kitten to have healing powers in addition to magic powers!

The big cat valued it so much, not only because of the close relationship between the two cats, but also because the kitten’s talent is really powerful.

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