When the Style of the World Changes [End Times]

Chapter 126 - Death of Professor T

Xie Yun’s heart didn’t fluctuate at the tragic situation of those people, she just raised her eyebrows slightly, turned her head and smiled at Su Yan who was not far away, with a happy meaning.

Su Yan responded to Xie Yun’s shy smile, but when his eyes swept over Li Moxuan beside Xie Yun, there was a trace of gloom. What kind of eyes other people use or how they look at Li Moxuan has nothing to do with her. Her family Xiao Yuner was upset. Since it was something Xiao Yuner didn’t like, she didn’t mind helping Xiao Yuner destroy them.

You see, those annoying things are gone, Xiao Yuner is happy now, isn’t it good?

At the same time, Li Moxuan felt Xie Yun’s actions in his arms. He followed Xie Yun’s line of sight and turned his head to glance. Just when he saw Su Yan’s seductive smile at Xie Yun, the alarm bell rang in his heart. There was a hint of vigilance in Su Yan’s eyes.

The eyes of the two met, and they were full of hostility toward each other, but when the eyes shifted to Xie Yun, they softened invariably.

“Isn’t it you who should be so embarrassed? You are still under your body, why didn’t you say that you were killed without taking off your clothes?” Xie Yun turned to Professor T and mocked.

“I’m going to die! It’s not all because of you! You murderer!” Professor T flew in mid-air, and when he heard Xie Yun’s words, he remembered the scene before him temporarily, and there seemed to be a faint heart behind him. She couldn’t help roaring furiously at Xie Yun who was below.

Hearing the word murderer, Xie Yun couldn’t help but be in a trance, the little girl’s voice in her heart suddenly amplified several times and echoed in her mind.

“No…don’t be afraid…”

There was a haze in front of her eyes, the illusory world gradually became clear, and her eyes returned to the familiar scene that had been haunting her.

In the familiar pure white space, there are sophisticated instruments. The teenager sat on the ground absentmindedly, covered in blood, and a Phillips screwdriver dropped at his feet. The tip of the knife was also stained with blood, and the little girl in front of him was completely naked. / Naked, but hugged him tightly and comforted him in a low voice.

Not far from them, there was a man with lost vital signs. He was lying on the ground, his clothes were disheveled, his expression was painful, his eyes widened unwillingly, several holes were stabbed in his back, and the blood was left on the ground. A pool of blood.

“Brother Xiaoxuan can’t be afraid…Xiao Yuner wants to protect Brother Xuan…Xiaoyuner is very brave…Xiaoyuner is not afraid…The bad guy is gone…So…” Brother Xuan can’t be afraid of Xiaoyuner Oh!

The little girl’s unfinished words echoed in Xie Yun’s heart, making her heart skip a beat. The young man seemed to feel the unfinished meaning of the words, and his body trembled, but his hands were still firmly clasped. The little girl in front of her buried her head deeper in her arms.

When the beast wanted to do that kind of thing to him, it was Xiao Yun’er, and only Xiao Yun’er rescued him, he… would never be afraid of Xiao Yun’er, and would never leave her!

He will never forget, when he was forced to lie under the beast, could not resist, and was about to be insulted, how gorgeous the flash of blood flashed before his eyes, and the beast’s The screams are… how exciting, how exhilarating!

‘People… I killed them! ‘ Xie Yun said in a daze, the memories that had been dusty for many years awakened again, even if not all of them were recovered, but this part of the sudden recall of things made Xie Yun feel deeply shocked.

So she… at the age of six, she had already killed someone?

However, she looked up at the tall man holding her in a protective posture in front of her, a strange smile flashed in her eyes, and she didn’t regret it at all!

‘But I was also saved by you. ‘ The deep voice that sounded from the bottom of my heart made Xie Yun smile even deeper.

‘Kill him, he caused the tragedy of this world, and it should end now. ‘ Xie Yun sighed.

‘As long as you are happy. ’

Just when Li Moxuan wanted to kill the zombie Professor T in one fell swoop, a fiery red figure suddenly flashed by the two of them, and then a huge magma fireball, like a cannonball, charged straight towards Professor T above the sky. go with.

“What are you doing?” Professor T’s roar came from the horizon, and everyone looked up together.

I saw a magma man with hot flames all over his body holding Professor T tightly. The high temperature on his body corroded Professor T’s body and set him on fire. Professor T was struggling in the air, but he couldn’t get rid of this. Crazy maniac.

“What! If you kill Aran, I will kill you too.” The magma man sounded like a hoarse smoky voice burned by the fire. When he opened his mouth to speak, there was a burst of anger.

This person seems to have completely magmaized himself!

“It’s Shao Bin!” Jiang Xu whispered, just when she was shocked and stunned, a long tongue suddenly hit the side, Jiang Xu only had time to turn her head to look, but couldn’t dodge for a while.

Fortunately, Ouyang Zhefei responded in time, pulled her into his arms, and shot the disgusting long tongue full of barbs, killing it.

Body Elementalization! When she saw that person’s appearance, Su Yan was shocked, and then a trace of regret flashed in her eyes. It’s a pity that the person with such a powerful talent actually burns her life for the beloved, so she did this. The most powerful move.

Elementalization of the body is a trick that every elemental power user will have, but this is a final trick similar to the self-destruction of the awakened. When the power of the power user burns out, it is when he dies. Yes, after this trick is used, the power is equivalent to self-destruction.

The only difference between the two is that self-destruction is the last trick that every awakened person can use to burn all jade and stone, and self-destruction is to detonate the energy of the whole body through the awakened person, detonating himself as a humanoid, and a short-lived huge explosion. force.

This move is powerful, but if your attack target can avoid it in time, or make an effective defense in time, it will not be of much use. It is equivalent to dying in vain.

The body elementalization can only be used by elemental power users. It is a continuous and powerful trick. As long as the person’s vitality has not been exhausted, he can maintain a clear consciousness and carry out the most powerful attack on the enemy.

In Su Yan’s previous life, Xie Yun was forced to a desperate situation. There was no way to do it. In the end, she resolutely burned her life and used her body elementalization to beat the zombie emperor Professor T to the brink of death.

In the final battle of her previous life, the strength of the zombie emperor Professor T was a hundred times stronger than now, and after ten years of the end of the world, his rigid head after turning into a zombie has returned to the flexibility of a human, not as stupid as it is now , are often influenced by their own emotions.

Relatively speaking, now this Professor T has not grown into the most powerful zombie emperor, and it is easier to be eliminated.

For Xie Yun’s sake, Su Yan didn’t mind the elementalization of her body to destroy Professor T, but now that Shao Bin had already started to act in advance, she was so happy that she didn’t have to kill herself.

After all, rather than being remembered by Xiao Yuner forever after her death, and handing her over to that nasty guy, she would rather live and grab Xiao Yuner back.

At this time, Shao Bin, who had burned his life force to gain more powerful strength, was like a crazy male lion, desperately attacking Professor T. He clawed on Professor T, bit his neck with his mouth, and stretched out his hand to smash the one behind him. Only the fleshy wings were torn down suddenly.

Professor T let out a scream that resounded through the sky, his face twisted, he stretched out his sharp claws and scratched at Shao Bin fiercely, but only grabbed a handful of hot magma, and instead scalded his sharp claws.

Professor T, who lost one wing, could no longer maintain his balance in the air, and there was a madman attacking him frantically. In the end, he could only fall to the ground unwillingly.

A look of hatred flashed in his eyes, Professor T’s thoughts moved, and Shao Bin suddenly felt the pressure on his body doubled, his whole body was almost crushed into meat patties, and by looking at Shao Bin’s distorted face, he could know how much pain he was in.

Feeling Xie Yun’s grip on his hand tightened, Li Moxuan’s brows moved, and the space where Shao Bin and Professor T were together was suddenly imprisoned. In this imprisoned space, their actions were not affected at all, but T The professor couldn’t use the slightest ability, but Shao Bin could.

“Thank you…” Shao Bin looked back at Li Moxuan gratefully, and thanked him in a hoarse voice.

This thank you is not only to thank Li Moxuan for helping him, but also to thank Li Moxuan for not interfering too much in the battle between him and Professor T.

The revenge of his lover’s death… He wants to avenge it with his own hands!

Then he turned around abruptly, waved his iron fist, and slammed it at Professor T’s head. Professor T was naturally unwilling to be beaten. He resisted desperately, but he was originally just a researcher who was not industrious, and Shao Bin passed through. Strictly trained bodyguards, and Professor T’s abilities are still limited, although the zombie’s body is tyrannical, but facing this magma man, he only sees his body being melted by fire little by little.

“Bang! Boom! Boom!” The sound of the body hitting the body with force continued to sound, Xie Yun stood indifferently beside Li Moxuan, and looked coldly at Professor T’s head being smashed, his brain burst, and blood was flowing.

The nightmare that ruled her and Li Moxuan ten years ago was the source of despair for the entire human race, and he deserved it when he was beaten to death in the end.

Like other zombies, no matter how powerful Professor T is, and his head is smashed, he cannot die any longer.

It was not until Li Moxuan released the confinement of the space that Shao Bin woke up from his madness. He stopped attacking and looked at the head under his hands that he had almost beaten into meat sauce. He slowly got up indifferently and opened his mouth to Professor T’s body. , spit out a magma fireball.

The fiery fireball fell on Professor T’s corpse, and it burned until it turned to ashes.

Looking down at the pile of ashes below, Shao Bin turned around and walked to Xie Ran’s side, leaned down, hugged him gently, looked back at Li Moxuan, and said lightly, “Throw these monsters to the base. Inside!”

The rough and hoarse voice carried determination and a hint of relief. Li Moxuan followed suit. The huge mental power spread out around him, and rolled up the monsters created by Professor T, and threw them all into the empty building. in a one-person base.

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