When the Style of the World Changes [End Times]

Chapter 156 - base open

Somewhere in the northeastern countryside, in a dilapidated house, a family of four hid together in a crumbling hut. Homemade earth guns guard the surroundings and protect the wives and children at home.

From time to time, one or two roars of zombies could be heard from outside the house. Upon hearing this sound, the little girl who was about to fall asleep was always jolted, suddenly woken up, calmed down by her mother’s gentle comfort, and fell into a drowsiness again. in the situation.

Their eldest son had been tinkering with an old radio, making it screeching.

“Yaosheng, don’t keep messing with that thing, what if you attract zombies?” The host reprimanded his son dissatisfied.

“Dad, I’ll fix it soon, you wait.” The boy turned a deaf ear and continued to fiddle in front of the radio with the tools. Suddenly, he didn’t know what he got, and the old radio suddenly burst into sparks, frightening him. The teenager fell back and looked at the radio with a frightened face.

“I’ll let you stop it, look, it’s broken.” The host looked at the radio and said distressedly, but he didn’t dare to leave the window, for fear that if he was negligent, some monster would suddenly pop out and hurt him. family.

This radio was his favorite collection before the apocalypse. Even if he was fleeing after the apocalypse, he was not willing to throw it away. As a result, it was broken by his eldest son this time. How could he not feel distressed, but in comparison, his family was more important. .

So he just said something to his son angrily, and then went back to the window to guard the surroundings.

Suddenly, after another spark exploded, the radio actually started to make a sound: “Zizi…Zi…Hello everyone! We are the mysterious base in J City, Zizi…From today, our base will be fully opened to the outside world. The mysterious base has complete facilities and generous benefits. Those who come to defect can receive free food for the first seven days, zizi… Everyone can have a job opportunity, even if you are an ordinary person, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can also use your own hands. , get survival supplies, support yourself and your family, zizizi…Welcome all survivors to come to the mysterious base, the specific address is the suburb of J city…zizi…Hello everyone! We are…”

With the intermittent sound of the radio, the host and hostess of the house were both excited, and the host was suddenly unable to be vigilant. He immediately knelt down and crawled to the radio and listened carefully to the information inside. Ecstatic smile.

“Dad, if this base is really good, let’s go to this place too. Anyway, the two of us are strong and diligent, and we can pull the two babies to grow up.” The hostess of the family, Zhou Cuihua, was excited. road.

They also have a survivor base in the northeast, but it is too dark inside. It is too difficult for ordinary people to survive. Once again, his father was pulled to be cannon fodder. After he almost died, he came back with his wife. The child leaves that base.

But the family of four, except for the youngest daughter, who is a wind-type superpower, the others are ordinary people. The youngest daughter is only six years old. Even if she has supernormal powers, she does not have much attack power at all. It is not as good as her mother-in-law. Can you fight.

It is really difficult for the remaining three ordinary people to wander outside with a young ability user to survive in this apocalypse. In the end, they still have to find a base to rely on, but where is a reliable base so easy to find.

“Yaosheng, go find a pen and paper, copy down the address of this base, and we’ll go there and have a look.” Zhou Darun, the male owner of the family, thought about it for a while, and finally made up his mind to fight for it. There is not much food left, and now there are more and more monsters outside. If they don’t find a safe place to hide, their whole family will die.

“Okay!” Zhou Yaosheng agreed, not knowing where to collect a pen and a piece of old paper that still had some ink left, listen to the radio broadcast, and record the address with hope.

The family didn’t waste too much time. After putting away their few food and luggage, they quickly went out and got into the car to leave this dilapidated place.

Thinking of them receiving radio messages like this, they were ecstatic, excited, dubious, disapproving, suspicious, and scornful. No matter what their reaction was, most of them headed towards the mysterious base with hope.

“Minister Xie, you need to deal with these documents.” A secretary placed a large stack of documents on Xie Yun’s desk.

“Okay, wait a minute, I’ll deal with it right away.” Xie Yun nodded, picked up a document quickly, opened it at a glance and read it ten lines at a time. After confirming that there was no problem, she wrote the handling comments at the bottom and signed it.

“Minister Xie, the management and deployment staff of the warehouse that stores instant noodle materials needs you to arrange it.” Before the documents were read, another warehouse management staff in blue work clothes came to Xie Yun, and asked Xie Yun for work in a quick and clear tone.

“Just look at the arrangement. No corruption is allowed, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude.” Xie Yun said directly without raising her eyes.

All the materials in the warehouse are registered and put into the warehouse. There are countless people watching them during use. They are afraid of being swallowed. Anything missing will be easily discovered, and no one dares to embezzle, Xie Yun said. This sentence is just to authorize this manager, and by the way, it’s just a shock to those who have floating minds.

After successfully obtaining authorization from Xie Yun, the manager stepped down with satisfaction and went to deal with those restless people.

“Minister Xie, a large number of survivors have come to defect to the base, and the kitchen is working overtime to provide free meals for the survivors for the first seven days. There are too many new survivors, but there are not enough cooks. Please order Instructions.” A chef-like person hurried to Xie Yun and reported breathlessly.

“Post the task directly, summon people who can cook in the base, and ask them to come and help. Those who participate in the task will be rewarded with three points a day for their contribution.” Xie Yun quickly made arrangements.

Just as she was talking, all the documents in her hand were processed, and she immediately sent all the documents back to the sub-secretary who had been waiting on the side, and asked her to send the documents to various departments.

The work here is finished, and there is another pile of work waiting for her there, which almost drowns her whole person.

“Minister Xie…” “Minister Xie…” “Xie…”

Countless jobs flew towards Xie Yun in huge quantities. She was so busy that she couldn’t get someone to help share the burden, because the entire logistics department was crazy, and her deputy department had been busy for a long time. Except for their living materials management department , the medical department and the arms department of the other two major logistics departments are also busy hitting the back of their heads.

Although a large number of survivors poured into the base, they had nothing to do with the people in the Arms Department. They were responsible for the supply of weapons for combat, but who made the Ministry of Life and the Medical Department so busy that they were understaffed and went to other people’s houses to help them.

An interesting thing happened at that time. People from the life department and the medical department almost fought to rob people. Afterwards, people couldn’t help but complain, making them seem to be robbing relatives, and they were also drunk.

Outside the gate of the mysterious base, there is a long queue. Countless people have to enter the isolation room on the side and be isolated for 24 hours after strict insistence at the gate. Because the isolation room is limited, those who cannot Those who arrive can only sit outside the door and wait for the people inside to be healed. Only when there are vacancies can they go in and isolate.

Although this is a waste of time, it is to ensure the safety of the base, and no one will complain.

The Zhou family of four ran all the way from the northeast to J City, and finally reached the mysterious base with all their hard work. Although the process was a bit hard, fortunately the family can still live together. As long as people are alive, life is still a little bit. hope.

Through this experience, their little daughter also gave them a surprise. Her wind power has actually risen to the early stage of the first order, and she has some good aggression, which also provides the safety of their family. certain guarantee.

With the joint efforts of the family, they can come to this base with hope intact.

At this time, their family was lining up in the long queue, and a fence was erected not far behind. Behind the fence were people queuing up. There were many soldiers in military uniforms and armed with firearms patrolling solemnly.

Prevent zombies from smelling human and running over to make trouble. At the same time, it also prevents people in the crowd from being infected with zombie virus. After mutating into zombies, they attack other people. Once someone turns into zombies, they will be killed immediately without letting them hurt. other people.

“Ah—! Don’t, don’t kill him, don’t kill my husband!” A woman’s sharp cry sounded, attracting the attention of countless people.

There was a sudden uproar not far away. With the roar of zombies, countless people screamed. Stay away from the person who turned into a zombie. The soldiers patrolling around immediately rushed forward and pointedly pointed their guns at them. The new zombie was a headshot. Suddenly, the roar stopped, and the zombie’s body fell straight, and the dead couldn’t die any longer.

Seeing that the crisis was over, the people in the same place immediately lined up again. Only the woman with her dead husband squatted beside the corpse, crying sadly. People watched all this indifferently and were indifferent.

This is the end of the world, cruel and ruthless. Although the woman is pitiful and sympathetic, her husband’s life is so insignificant compared to everyone else’s life, as long as she sacrifices her husband, she can exchange for it Other people’s lives, who wouldn’t be willing to do this business?

No matter how long the long queue is, it will always come to an end. The Zhou family patiently queued for two days and two nights, and finally it was their turn to check.

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