When the Style of the World Changes [End Times]

Chapter 37 - 【Overhaul】Zombie Core

Take the elevator to go downstairs, patrol layer by layer, ignore the zombies trapped in the room, only clean the zombies in the corridor, and go to the next floor after cleaning.

After inspecting the third floor, he came to the second floor again. I wonder if the suppression of the zombie cat was gone, and Xie Yun encountered several zombies along the way.

Looking at these familiar and unfamiliar faces, Xie Yun raised the Tang knife expressionlessly and killed them one by one!

When the elevator reached the second floor, when the door slowly opened, Xie Yun heard a sound on the other side of the corridor, slipped her wheelchair over to check, but did not expect to meet her mother and the others by chance.

The small building is built in the shape of a zigzag, so the four groups of people who enter through the four doors have to go through a large section of the corridor if they want to meet, and the chance of encountering them in the small building is not so high.

Xie Yun was at the elevator entrance on the corner. She was planning to get out of the elevator and drive down the corridor in front of her. After patrolling, she continued to go downstairs, and her sensitive hearing heard her mother’s voice from the corridor on the other side. Stopped, hesitated for a while, Xie Yun controlled the wheelchair and slid towards the mother and the others, stopped at the corner, leaned forward with her upper body, put one hand on the wall, stuck her head out, and watched the battle of her mother on the other side. , she wants to see how mom and their workouts are doing?

She hid at the corner, and Zhan Jiajie and her party were in another corridor. If you didn’t look carefully, you wouldn’t find such a big living person hiding here.

After Zhan Jiajie and his party entered the small building, they saw that the corridor was silent, the clean tiles on the floor and the walls were still slightly reflective, and there was nothing. There was not a monster suddenly thrown out in their imagination, nor was there a corpse of stump limbs scattered all over the field, they were relieved and even more vigilant.

Sure enough, when they turned a corner, a zombie screamed and rushed up, and the stench of the corpse made them nauseated for a while.

Facing the grayish-white skin of the zombie, the eyes were so cloudy that there were almost no whites in them, and the yellow turbid liquid was still flowing when they grew up. Shi Yuan was better, Zhan Jiajie and Zhang Ma were so frightened that their hearts stopped.

Zhan Jiajie’s eyes widened in horror, recalling the horrible and disgusting scene in the morning, and reflexively wanted to scream, but unfortunately she was like a hen strangled by her neck, her throat tightened and no sound came out.

The zombie won’t let you go because you’re afraid, it swayed and attacked Zhan Jiajie and his party.

“Roar—” The big mouth that he tried to open finally tore the corners of his mouth, and the mouth that was almost cracked behind the ears was exposed, exposing its entire gums, and dark red blood spurted out. Appears hideous.

Zhan Jiajie, who was standing in the same place stupidly, was pulled aside by Shi Yuan. Zhang Ma blocked the zombie’s blow with the Tang knife in her hand, and was shocked by the zombie’s huge force to take a few steps back.

Shi Yuan protected Zhan Jiajie and took a few steps back, and together with Zhang Ma, firmly guarded Zhan Jiajie behind her. After being blocked, the zombies who paused for a while continued to approach them swayingly.

“The speed of this zombie is so slow!” Zhan Jiajie finally regained her senses and was frightened into a cold sweat by her stunned confrontation. She wondered if she had passed the critical point of fear. At this time, Zhan Jiajie was unbelievably calm, and her IQ was finally online. .

“Ayuan, trip it up.”

Hearing Zhan Jiajie’s instructions, Shi Yuan rushed up and swept the legs, and the zombie fell to the ground with a bang. The splashed blood made Zhan Jiajie feel pain for it.

“Hoohoho-” It seemed like an angry roar.

The zombies in the early stage have not yet mastered the human innate skill of “getting up”, and now they can only flutter on the ground like a turtle, crawling towards Zhan Jiajie and the others with perseverance.

“I’m going to be moved by its spirit.” Having said that, Shi Yuan still raised the gun without hesitation.

“Bang.” There was a slight sound, and the pistol equipped with a pistol easily killed this zombie. “Hoo~” At the end, she also pretended to be ‘beep-‘ and blew a breath at the mouth of the ‘gun’.

“It seems that these things are not only powerful, but ugly!” Zhang Ma said with a smile, and she was really relieved for the zombie’s strength. Shi Yuan didn’t speak, but she agreed with Ma’s words from the expression.

“I can’t say that. This should only be a zombie in the early stage. After the corpse transformation, it is extremely powerful, slow in movement, lacking in appearance. The bone hardness is still the same as that of a human, and the teeth and nails become sharper. After a period of time, they will It should evolve stronger, the speed may be improved, the bones and skin may be harder, the defense power may be increased, and it may even have the same awakening abilities as the awakened ones. If we judge them according to the current situation, it will be in the future. Gotta take a big somersault.”

Shi Yuan and Zhang Ma were silent for a while…

If Xie Yun knew about her mother’s analysis, she would definitely be surprised. Without him, her mother’s analysis results were completely correct, and basically said the evolution of the zombies in the future.

The next three people continued to move forward. They did not intend to open the room where the zombies were trapped for the time being. They just walked along the corridor and killed the zombies.

From the first floor to the second floor, there are three zombies in total. They were all alone one by one. The first two were beheaded by Shi Yuan and Zhang Ma, respectively. The third one was escorted by Shi Yuan and Zhang Ma, and Zhan Jiajie shot and killed them.

Zhang Ma was familiar with her abilities along the way. Sometimes when she rushed to the zombies, she ran too fast and almost missed the zombies. The second zombie they encountered was also killed by Zhang Ma with a knife.

Shi Yuan only relied on her own skills and weapons, and did not use her newly acquired abilities. Her powers have just awakened and are very weak. At most, she can only turn her fingers into knives to cut apples and eat them. As for chopping zombies? Or wash up and sleep!

When I got to the second floor, I didn’t know if I ran out of luck or something. They met two zombies, and they were two zombies that had eaten people!

Different from the three slow-moving snail-like initial zombies downstairs, these two are the real zero-order elementary zombies. Their speed is as fast as ordinary people walking, and their bones are stronger. Zhan Jiajie, an ordinary person, slashed him with a knife and injured him, but he did not hurt his bones.

For zombies, it’s not a problem unless the bones are broken.

In the face of these two more powerful zombies, Zhan Jiajie and the others did not directly confront them. Although they would not lose if they really wanted to do this, they were still too cautious when facing the zombies.

The group fought and retreated, and unknowingly came to the corridor that Xie Yun saw.

Finally, I figured out that these two zombies are just a little stronger than the zombies that just turned into zombies, and Zhan Jiajie and the others are more courageous. Shi Yuan and Zhan Jiajie dealt with one together, Zhang Ma alone dealt with one, and soon there were only two headless corpses left on the ground.

“Huhu~” Panting tiredly, Zhan Jiajie asked, “What time is it?”

“It’s half past twelve, ma’am. An hour has passed, we should go back.” Zhang Ma said, glancing at her arm.

“Then let’s go back!”

Looking at their mother, they just left a few zombie corpses there and walked towards her. Xie Yun quickly controlled the wheelchair and drove out: “Mom.”

“Xiaoyun, you are here, let’s go back.” Zhan Jiajie saw Xie Yun as soon as she showed up. She was a little happy to see her daughter and called her to go back with her.

Xie Yun was fortunate that she had dealt with the wound when she went downstairs, and the clothes were dark, so it was not easy to see the injury on her body, otherwise she would not have been drowned by her mother’s tears.

“Wait a minute, Mom.” Xie Yun slid towards her mother.

“What’s wrong? Is there anything else?” Zhan Jiajie stopped and waited for her daughter to come.

“These two zombies are already in the early stage of zero order, and they should already have crystal nuclei.” Xie Yun stopped at the zombie’s head and instructed Shi Yuan to take a dagger and dig it in. The red, red and white things flowed out. In one place, a bead the size of a grain of rice was picked out in no time. Then he repeated the same plan with another zombie head, but unfortunately nothing was found this time.

“Ouch-” Zhan Jiajie was disgusted by her daughter’s brutal behavior.

Shi Yuan handed the beads into Xie Yun’s hands with a nonchalant expression, while Zhang Ma turned her head and covered her mouth slightly, feeling nauseated for a while.

After a thin layer of ice was attached to the beads, the ice layer quickly shattered and dissipated. After being cleaned up, the beads are crystal clear and dazzling in the sunlight shining through the window.

Several women who were disgusted by the scene just now forgot their disgust and stared at this beautiful thing obsessively.

“What’s this?”

“Zombie crystal core. Generally, zombies who have reached the zeroth order have them in their brains. This can be used to improve their abilities.” Xie Yun explained.

“I can’t imagine it!” Shi Yuan exclaimed that such an ugly zombie could have such a beautiful thing in its head.

“Okay, let’s go back!” He threw a small flame and burned the two corpses on the ground. Xie Yun took the lead and went to the elevator. There was no need to inspect the first floor, so just go back.

After returning to the villa, the others hadn’t come back yet, so Mother Zhang made lunch first. Xie Yun stayed in the living room and listened to her mother about their experiences, while giving her some advice on fighting.

Xie Yun expressed that she could understand her mother’s first close contact with zombies, but it was not advisable. If there was no one to protect her mother at the time, then the consequences… Xie Yun was not sure if she would go crazy and destroy the whole Xie Yun. home estate.

Later, when they encounter zombies that are stronger than before, it is right to observe carefully, but if they have confirmed that their own side is stronger, they should start with the strongest, kill the enemy, and then do any research after they are killed. Don’t you see that many bosses are just too procrastinating, and why do you have to study first and then kill the pig’s feet, but you are killed first. ╮(╯_╰)╭

After listening to her daughter’s words, Xie Jia Mama expressed that she had been taught, and she would not be chaotic in the future, kill the enemy first and then talk about other things.

Hehe… Light wax for the person who will be killed by the witch in the future!

When the meal was almost ready, the rest of the people came back one after another. Xie Yun looked around, although the clothes were a little messy, but there were no scars.

Xie Yun’s eyelashes drooped slightly, silently letting go…

After dinner, so people sat in the living room and held a summary meeting. Tell your own experience, and then reflect on your mistakes during the battle. Xie Yun will give some suggestions and guidance to everyone’s behavior.

Everyone lives more or less and gets a little lesson or insight from it.

“By the way, Xiaoyun, we found this thing in the zombie’s head.” Xie Ran said, and took out two crystal clear beads.

“It’s a zombie crystal nucleus.” Xie Yun was not surprised at all.

“Zombie core?! What’s the use.” Xie Qi looked at his daughter curiously, and he knew it was a good thing.

“Improving powers, and making power weapons or charging new energy sources.” The latter two have not yet established a research laboratory and few scientists, and they can’t achieve it. The former is practical.

“Hi~” Everyone gasped, staring at the two beads with burning eyes.

“I still have five here.” Xie Yun took out the zombie crystal cores harvested on the road.

She doesn’t plan to expose the crystal nucleus of zombie cats. Awakened people who have awakened after the end of the world have to reach the first order to withstand the crystal nucleus power of zombie animals and plants. Now they can’t use it.

Different from the pre-apocalyptic awakening ability, the Awakeners can have a chance of genetic modification, even if they are only zero-order, they can withstand the violent power in the crystal core of zombie animals and plants. Although the awakened after the end of the world have not been able to get genetic modification, in addition to reducing the difficulty of awakening, they can still get a certain amount of physical improvement each time they move up a large tier, so after reaching the first tier, they can also use the crystals of zombies, animals and plants. Nuclear boost ability.

As for the nuclei of mutant plants and animals? That is, no matter what class of Awakeners can be used to improve their abilities, but mutant animals and plants generally have higher combat power than those of the same rank, so the Awakeners who can use mutant animal and plant crystal cores are all powerful. A person with a low power level.

Xie Ran and the others collected two, Xie Yun collected five, Xie Qi collected three, and Zhan Jiajie collected one, making a total of eleven nuclei.

“Zombie cores of this level are useless to me, except for the ability that my mother has not awakened. Brother, except for father, each of you has a zombie core, remove five, father is a space ability, we must improve space as soon as possible to install ours supplies, so the remaining six are for Dad to use. Do you have any opinions?”

“The crystal cores that Miss got are all Miss’s, I can’t have them.” Zhang Ma was the first to express her position.

“It’s better to keep Xie Yun’s crystal core by yourself! I’ll take out my father’s share.” Xie Ran said with a gentle smile.

“After the end of the world, money should be useless. These crystal cores are likely to be the currency of the future. Miss, you and your wife have contributed and should also participate in the distribution.” Shao Bin said.

Shi Yuan and Shi Li also nodded in agreement.

“No, the most important thing at the moment is to improve your abilities. After you have strength, you can have as many crystal cores as you want. Without strength, everything is useless.” Xie Yun answered firmly.

“I support Xiaoyun’s decision.” Zhan Jiajie smiled softly at Xie Qi and pressed Xie Qi who wanted to say something.

“Don’t worry, this is only temporary. It’s been too chaotic outside these days. We have to clean up the zombies at home first, exercise ourselves by the way, and then set off for the X City Military Region Base. During this period, the crystal cores we got are all First, it will be used to improve your abilities and expand your father’s space. After we set off on the road, the crystal cores that are hit by individuals will be owned by individuals, and the crystal cores obtained by the collective will be handed over first, and then distributed or used as collective expenses…”

Xie Yun didn’t know how dazzling she was when she talked about her future plans with excitement and confidence. Her strong personality made her gradually gain the recognition and trust of everyone in the team, and she finally began to form her own team and move forward on the road of the king…

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