Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: The First Hero – The End of the Adventure (1)

“And so the puppy that had turned into a monster regained its peace and returned to the warm embrace of the couple.”

The girl with the oversized glasses adjusted them as they had slipped down to the tip of her nose and shut the storybook she was holding.

“When I read these fairy tales as a kid, I just thought they were about good people getting rewards and bad people getting punishment. I never imagined they were actually related to real historical events.”

“Well, that’s the case for a lot of stories. In the fairy tale, the mischievous friend kicked the puppy in anger, but in actual history, it was different.”

“In what specific way was it different?”

The sleepy-looking girl said as if it was a bother, “You heard about it in class yesterday.”

“What I remember is that a war broke out and the small nation of Arcadia achieved a miraculous victory and began to grow its power.”

“Then you basically know it all. Go figure out the rest by yourself. I can’t be bothered.”

The sleepy girl let out a huge yawn and landed her head on the desk.

“What? Isn’t it interesting? The behind-the-scenes story of the fairy tales from our childhood?”

“Not really. I already knew about it.”

“Huh? When did you find out?”

“A long time ago.”

“What? Ugh! Why do you always get to know these cool things first?”

The girl with glasses puffed up her cheeks and complained while looking at the sleepy girl.

“It’s always like this! You always claim everything first! Wouldn’t it be fun if I could enjoy it too?”

“I don’t remember ever claiming anything first.”

“But you did! Even back home, you were the one getting praised by Dad! You got into the academy first too! That’s just not fair!”

“Well, then just do something that will earn you praises too.”


With a small sigh of resignation, the sleepy girl said, “Alright, I’ll add one thing that might interest you.”

“Hmm? What is it?”

The girl with glasses looked at the sleepy girl, eyes filled with curiosity.

“In the fairy tale you just read, who was the guest that took the dog?”

The girl with glasses tilted her head at the sleepy girl’s words.

“Isn’t that just a character in the story? Who could casually leave a god-like beast in someone else’s care?”

“Think about it, considering that backdrop was based on real history…”

“Erm… Since the dog was said to be the first beast-god, the one who could be trusted to take care of it… hmm…”

The girl with glasses counted on her fingers as she pondered.

“Back then, there weren’t many known gods, and there was no pantheon yet. Hmm…”

After thinking for a while, she finally said, “Could it be… the Goddess of Life?”


“Really? For real?”

“Who else would have done such a thing?”

The girl with glasses said, slightly annoyed.

“That goddess, why is she doing so many things? Whenever there’s an ancient tale, she pops in with, ‘That’s me!’ She has done countless deeds that are sung in myths.”

“Yeah, right?”

The sleepy girl added, her expression a strange mix that was hard to pin down.

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As I traveled with the hero, I was also keeping an eye out for a suitable partner for him.

And among the strongest candidates was the girl who I had previously revived.

“Surprisingly, she’s still not married.”


“I’m talking about that girl who seemed to have feelings for you back then. The one who lived in the village near the Temple of Life.”

“Didn’t that story end a long time ago?”

“Hey, it’s not finished until you get married and have kids!”

At my words, the hero made a face of disbelief.

“I have no intention of getting married.”



I stared intensely at the hero who was adamantly denying it and said, “Are you really, truly serious?”


I kept gazing at the hero in silence.

Just staring, and staring.

And then,

“You’re lying.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle softly.

“Well, I won’t comment on how you still hold lingering feelings. But you’ll still need to settle down and have kids.”

It would be super embarrassing if the original hero passed on without ever getting married or having kids—it’s basically a legendary trope.

And I feel like I’ve told this story before… hmmm.

Well, whatever.

“Then make a choice. Either deal with all the women who have come looking for news about the hero’s partner, or meet that girl who hasn’t married yet because she’s still holding a flame for someone.”

After hearing that, the hero took a moment to ponder before reluctantly saying,

“I’ll meet her once.”

“Finally, you should have done that ages ago.”

Satisfied with the hero’s resigned expression, I canceled the message I was about to send to the people at the Temple of Life just in case.

If he had said he wouldn’t do it, I would have sent the message right away. But it would be amusing to be swept up in the storm of women flocking in from every corner of the world.


– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

And so, I arrived with the hero at the village located near the Temple of Life.

What, you think my description of the journey was too vague? Well, we flew there, okay?

Since the hero had decided to go, we had no time to waste.

Once we reached the village,

“Ah! Welcome! It’s been so long!!”

The girl looked just as she did decades ago.

Upon seeing this, the hero opened his mouth in sheer bewilderment.

“Even after decades, you haven’t changed at all.”

“Hehe. Right? I’m not sure why, but I just don’t seem to age! And it’s not just me; everyone in this village hasn’t aged! I think it’s because we all got revived thanks to you, hero! Because of that, people around here say it’s a village blessed by the Goddess of Life! Oh, and we’ve heard so many stories about you! You are a true hero of humanity! Defeating counts of monsters and adventuring the world! Many pilgrims have been spreading tales of you around here, especially in this village close to the Temple of Life!”

Even after all this time, the girl’s chatter hadn’t changed at all.

“Oh, by the way! Since we have such an honored guest, as the village chief, I can’t just let you go unwelcomed! I will treat you both like royalty!”

“You’ve become the village chief now?”

“Yep! Even after my dad got revived, he stopped aging further but never changed his lifespan, so he passed away about 20 years ago.”

Hmm… 20 years ago, that sounds about average.

“Well, he was healthy right up until the end. It was a good death. A good life.”

If he departed peacefully without suffering, I guess it can be considered a good life.

The ones left behind might feel a bit sad, though.

“But what brings you two here? There are still people all over the world seeking the hero’s help.”

“I think it’s about time for the hero to start settling down.”

“Huh? Why would you say that? You’re the best hero around! Kids these days grow up listening to tales of the hero’s adventures and say, ‘Mom, I wanna be like the hero when I grow up!'”

At that remark, the hero broke into a small, wry smile.

Being admired by so many is quite a burden, but it didn’t look like he disliked it too much.

“There’s no big reason. I just feel like if I don’t start a family soon, it might be too late.”

“Oh my, oh my, oh my!!! Congratulations!!! You two!!! Really, congratulations!!! I was just suspecting, but it’s true! Oh my! Wow!!”

I can guess what she must be thinking.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t be the hero’s partner.”

“What? Why not? The hero may seem a bit extreme at times, but you two are around the same age, right? They say I can fool people with my youthful looks, but the Dragon’s Priestess seems forever young!”

At that, I chuckled softly and replied.

“It’s because I’m the Dragon’s Priestess that we can’t be together.”

“Oh my, oh my, oh my! A tragic love! You’ve been together for a lifetime but can’t seal the bond! Yet you still move forward for the world!!! This… is incredibly spicy! So spicy!! If this were a story, it would be a tragic romance that people talk about for hundreds of years!!!”

No, it’s not really like that. It’s just one-sided.

Well, I don’t really need to correct her misunderstanding.

“Think whatever you like. Anyway, I’m looking for someone to be this dude’s partner…”

“What?! The hero’s partner?! Seriously?! This news has to spread fast! We must find the best candidate for the hero! Did you come to me so I can help spread the word through the pilgrims? If so, you’ve come to the right place! With this village, news could make its rounds among all the pilgrims in under a year!”

No, I don’t need that; I can just send a message directly.

But I didn’t say that and instead quietly asked,

“How about you become the hero’s companion?”

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