Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 130

Chapter: 130

Sudden gravity application. If your body suddenly weighs about 50 times more, your limbs are bound to be shattered.

Even if you have an immortal life, in a situation where you can’t move at all, you can’t do anything.

After sitting on the back of the guy sprawled on the floor, looking like a frog run over by a car, I said,

“If you really wanted to lift that curse, you should’ve used the method I mentioned right from the start, you know?”

“Ugh… method…? What method are you talking about?!”

Look at this guy. Did he seriously forget?

No matter how much his life was just suffering from the unfairness of all the gods, did he really forget the only way to solve that problem? Seriously?

I had explained everything from the beginning, and he just forgot it? Really?? Like, really for real?!?!

Ugh. The people of Arcad, who lost their country because of this idiot, must be feeling pretty sorry for themselves.

Well, it was indeed I who cast that curse.

But from now on, I won’t use such a curse again.

Only those directly involved will be crushed. No harm to others. The lesson I learned after a country collapsed and a lot of people suffered is this… the price is too high.

But I’m not some all-knowing, omnipotent god. It’s just how it is.

I let out a small sigh and pressed down even harder on the dude lying on the ground.

“Sister, was he the one you… cursed?”

The hero finally seemed to realize something.

“Is this the loser? The one who tried to hit on me the day I drew my sword?!”

Hit on me? Hmm. Yeah, it was definitely an attempt.

“So you recognized him too.”

“Of course! That day is still stuck in my mind after dozens of years.”

That must’ve been the day that flipped the hero’s life upside down. No wonder he remembers.

“Is that scumbag still alive?”

“Well, since the curse I put on him was an immortality curse, he can’t die.”

Other than that, he must’ve gone through all kinds of hardship.

“Immortality… is that really a curse?”

“I also cursed the land of Arcad, but that’s a different story.”

“Arcad? The country that existed before Arcadia was built?”

“Yep. This guy, as a prince of Arcad, abused his power and mocked the Goddess of Life and the Temple of Life, so I cursed the land as a punishment, so no life would be born there.”

At my words, the hero thought for a moment, shook his head, and said,

“I can see why a country that was once powerful and sizeable fell apart so quickly. But cursing the entire country seems a bit excessive, don’t you think?”

“But how could I just let someone who insulted the Goddess of Life in her temple slide? I do think I went a bit overboard, though.”

“The previous king of Arcadia would’ve been shaking in his boots.”

Ah, the king of Arcadia passed the throne to his eldest son and returned to the land of Arcadia for a peaceful life.

From what I’ve heard, he’s been taking care of some killer queen who has lived through a few generations alongside a beast god. Honestly, he’s old enough to kick the bucket at any moment.

I hear the queen is still doing well, probably thanks to the beast god, but I guess being favored by the gods really makes a difference.

In a way, the hero is also favored by the gods. Hmm.

“I was pretty worked up back then, but now I’m reflecting on it. From now on, if I ever cast a curse, I’ll make sure it’s only on the person responsible.”

As I pondered the mess I had made while listening to the groaning sounds of the guy beneath me, the hero’s daughter and her family entered the room along with a middle-aged woman I’d never seen before.

“Huh? Daughter, who’s that?”

“Oh, a guest! She said she needed to speak with you and aunt.”

A guest? For me and the hero?

I turned to look at the middle-aged woman.


The woman screamed upon seeing the man crushed beneath me.

“Is this guy part of your crew?”

The middle-aged woman looked back and forth between me and the dude underneath, clearly unsure of what to do.

Given that she was here looking for me, she probably realized I’m the Dragon’s Priestess. She’s probably at a loss, not knowing how to react.

But judging by appearances, this woman seems older than the guy underneath me. Hmm. Well, I guess it makes sense since he’s under an immortality curse.

“Take this fool and go. I don’t know what business you have with us, but it’s obviously a waste of time.”

After lifting the gravity that was crushing him, I tossed the dude with shattered limbs at the middle-aged woman.

His banged-up limbs started recovering rapidly, as if time was rewinding. The poor cursed soul who can’t die, even in death.

That foolish guy had completely forgotten the solution I gave him and insisted someone kill him instead.

While examining that pathetic man, the middle-aged woman knelt in front of me and the hero.

“Please! Please lift the curse on my uncle! I’ll do anything!”

She begged, with her forehead practically touching the ground.

What kind of relationship do they have for her to call him “uncle” and obsessively beg for the curse to be lifted?

“Who are you? What’s your relation to this loser that you’re bowing like that?”

In response to my question, the middle-aged woman spoke while her head remained pressed to the ground.

“He’s my benefactor. If he hadn’t helped me, I would’ve already died.”

“Hmm…? That fool helped someone?”

I can’t believe it at all. Him helping someone? I’d sooner believe the sun rises in the west.

“That’s hard to believe.”

He could find time to help others while not giving a hoot about his own mess-ups… Ah, did he forget?

Whatever, not like it matters.

“But it’s the truth! Even though Uncle was being hunted by others, he helped me!”

Hunted by others?

Ah! Now I get it. Being targeted by other gods probably made him seem like a calamity god everywhere he went.

If every time that fool showed up, there were storms, rainfalls, wildfires, and earthquakes, the locals would definitely want to chase him out, pitchforks in hand.

If he used his immortality to fight off the humans, he might’ve managed to fend them off, but that would only make things worse, not better.


“That’s a story from decades ago. On a cold winter day filled with snow.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

During that bleak winter when even the farmers’ crops failed and hunters and fishermen couldn’t catch a thing.

At that time, I was really sick.

My father, who was the chief of a fairly large village, was worried about me.

Even though I was sickly to begin with, that year my ailments were even worse—

“Wait, that’s enough.”


“I don’t want to hear the whole story. Just give me the key points briefly.”

Well, it’s probably just going to be a sob story about how hard it was, how that idiot saved her, how she managed to live because of it, and how much more suffering she went through afterward. Same old story.

Going on and on about stuff I don’t care about isn’t going to cut it. Short and straight to the point.

“But… there’s a story about how I met him, said goodbye, and our emotional reunion….”

“I don’t want to hear every little detail. Summarize the important parts, please.”

The middle-aged woman pondered for a while, carefully picking her words, and then spoke.

“Uncle saved me when my family abandoned me. When there wasn’t much food around, he couldn’t possibly feed a sick child like me who couldn’t work properly.”

Wow. In tough times, they just dump the kid they think is useless. That’s pretty harsh.

Seems she was born in a pretty unforgiving place where food was scarce. Such things can happen in those regions.

“At that time, it was Uncle who took me in. He cared for me as I was dying in the cold forest.”

Cared for? That fool? Are you sure you got the right guy?

“When Uncle placed his hand on my head, my health gradually improved. I didn’t realize what he was doing back then, but now I know he shared his life force with me.”

Life force…? Hmm… The guy cursed for insulting the Goddess of Life is messing with life force.

What a strange irony.

“After I got better, Uncle tried to send me back home. But I didn’t want to go back to that place. That’s when I clung to Uncle and insisted on traveling with him.”

The middle-aged woman paused to catch her breath, then continued.

“Uncle told me no. He said he had a curse from the gods. The gods’ punishment was raining down on him, and it would put me in danger too.”

The woman’s eyes were filled with warmth for that fool as she spoke.

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