Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 20

Chapter: 20

After humans became capable of bipedal walking, they managed to acquire two kinds of weapons.

One was the two hands capable of wielding tools.

Instead of sharp teeth or claws, they now had long tools to attack other animals from a safer distance.

Throwing objects like stones for long-distance attacks allowed them to hunt animals much larger than themselves.

The other weapon was their newfound endurance to run long distances without stopping.

Rather than instantaneous speed, humans utilized this remarkable endurance to chase down animals until they were worn out.

This also significantly expanded their territories, as they could roam much further.

And so, with these two weapons, the population of humans—that peculiar species—skyrocketed.

At first glance, this might seem like a good situation, but unfortunately, reality can be a harsh mistress.

An overcrowded population leads to problems like limited food, cramped living spaces, and so on.

To deal with their burgeoning numbers, some groups started to kick members out of the pack.

Well, it’s only natural. They hadn’t even begun farming yet! The fruits hanging from trees weren’t exactly plentiful year-round, and success in hunting was far from guaranteed!

And let’s not even talk about the chances of encountering a dangerous predator during a hunt. Losing prey or even one’s life could definitely happen!

Sure, if they got lucky, they might snag a two-for-one deal on prey! But those instances were as rare as finding a needle in a haystack; usually, it ended with them giving up on the hunt altogether.

Anyway, those humans expelled from their groups began to scatter across the world.

Some couldn’t endure the harsh conditions outside and lost their lives, but not every human met such a grim fate.

After all, life is all about adapting and changing!

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When I first created slimes, I ensured they would often undergo various mutations and evolutions.

And magic? Well, that’s just a little something that reacts to one’s will and brings about change.

Combining those two results in creatures that just climbed out of the ocean—like lizards—transforming into colossal dinosaurs. Like, who wouldn’t be surprised?

“This change is a bit unexpected,” I mused.

I stumbled upon a group of humans settled in a chilly forest.

There were about fifteen of them. Not bad for wandering humans! Luckily, it seemed they were thriving despite the cold, thanks to a wealth of prey in their environment.

But, of course, that’s not the interesting part.


But wait—Giant humans!

These towering beings were two to three times larger than your average human.

I can’t figure out if these guys have a habitual tendency to grow at the slightest opportunity. Seriously, it’s perplexing!

Their massive size meant they required a ton more food, which might make it tough to keep the group going… But aside from the cold, their environment seemed rather generous, so maybe it was no big deal.

Watching giants uproot trees to use as clubs and hunt large animals? Honestly, they looked more like monster versions of humans than actual humans!

Watching their antics, you’d think intelligence was a myth in this group.

Does having a massive, powerful body eliminate the need for brains? Or is it just that they’ve channeled all the evolutionary effort into growing bigger?

Whichever it is, it doesn’t bother me much. Those giants bring their own flair to the mix!

Oh, and it seems that nearby animals have started growing in size too—probably under the influence of these giants.

Perhaps the judgment is that being huge, like the giants, is a better survival strategy than being a puny creature that can get squished by a single blow.

Seeing a deer the size of a giant genuinely freaked me out. Spoiler alert: the poor deer’s head met the business end of the giant’s wooden club!

For wildlife surviving in the savage wilds, sheer weight and size could be sufficient strength, but the food they required to maintain all that mass is a different story—good thing the numbers are low.

I wondered if unleashing such colossal beasts would create chaos. Yet, surprisingly, it seems they haven’t spread too far—likely heavily influenced by their environment.

What was I looking for again? Ah, search search. The concept of animals growing larger in colder environments… Bergmann’s Rule, right? Animals tend to get bigger in chilly climates? Anyway.

Not sure if the same rule applies in this world.

Back in the age of dinosaurs, spirits didn’t exist, which granted a universally warm environment. Perhaps what I’m witnessing now is a result of the diverse environments created by spirits.

Anyway, that’s enough giant-watching for now. I should move on; I can’t stick around here forever!

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Giants are a sub-race that boasts a size three times that of a normal human.

They might be a tad dim, but they’re capable of basic communication, and hey, if you sweeten the deal, you can get some fantastic work out of them!

But, one must tread lightly. Never ever anger a giant.

When they start tossing rocks and swinging trees, it’s a sight to see! Even dozens of veteran adventurers would struggle to take one down.

However, a somewhat civilized giant can become a splendid companion, shattering obstacles in the adventurer’s way.

Many have sought the formidable strength of giants, but alas, all those attempts have ended in failure.

The reasons are many, including their strong attachment to their homeland and their inability to fully unleash their strength if it gets even slightly warm!

The biggest issue? Their intelligence, namely the failure to grasp long-term contracts.

Honestly, it would be rather strange to find an army that utilizes giants—unless the god of wisdom decided to sprinkle a little wisdom on them!

– A Guide for Adventurers Exploring the World.

Chapter on Sub-race. The Giants

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Humans scattered across the world, desperately searching for a way to survive.

Primitive races that could be considered human first popped up in three locations: the north, east, and southwest of the continent.

Those giants I saw earlier came from a group that branched off in the north.


“Chill out!”

I grabbed the back of the neck of a bipedal giant cat trying to take a chunk out of me.

Maybe it’s because I’m wandering around in human form, but these wild animals keep taking swings at me. It’s quite the nuisance, I assure you!

If I were to wander around in dragon form… well, let’s just say it would create a bit of a ruckus!

It might be annoying, but there’s no avoiding it.


“Those eyes won’t convince me to let you go,” I told the bipedal feline creature.

A large cat on two legs. Its front paws are changing to resemble human hands.

Really giving off some suspicious vibes!

I mean, if monkeys could climb down from trees and become primitive humans or giants, who’s to say other animals can’t evolve into something like humans?

Lizardmen used to be dinosaurs but turned into human forms simply out of their admiration for dragons.

It’s not bizarre for other animals to be inspired by humans and change.

And what do I have in my clutches? A fuzzy bipedal giant cat!

In other words, a cat beastman!

The term “furry” springs to mind. Hmm. Quite the peculiar situation indeed.

And it’s not just the cats; there’s also the beloved werewolves and creatures sporting cow or pig heads scattered throughout the world.

What if these bipedal animals push humans out and take over the land? It’s slightly concerning!


With those overly bright eyes gazing up at me, the humanoid cat seemed to plead for mercy.

I may not get scratched or bitten, but I worry a little about what might happen to other humans.

Their intelligence is still at the level of beasts, but if they keep evolving and become as clever as humans, they might just start causing trouble!

With a small sigh, I decided to toss the humanoid cat far away.

If humans evolve just a tad more, I’ll have to drop them a little gift.

I prefer to steer clear of direct involvement, but I also can’t watch humans decline and be overrun by other creatures.

This is still a world with dragons and lizardmen, but humans should remain the main focus.

Imagine a world where various sub-races harmoniously coexist with humans as the main players!

Hmm. What would be a great first gift?

I managed to make a quick decision.

It’s crystal clear what humans need right now.

Alright, time for me to become this world’s Prometheus.

Let’s gift fire to humans!

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