Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 39

Chapter: 39

Alright. It seems like we’re all set for the martial arts tournament to pick the great warrior. Now, what’s left is the archmage.

Since the archmage needs to have an understanding of magic, should I do some research before I say anything… or should I drop hints that I’m going to pick someone early?

Let’s at least mention it. I’ll say that I’ll choose the most talented mage among the lizardmen as the archmage. Going forward, I’ll convey my messages through that chosen great shaman.

The great chieftain, the great warrior, and the archmage will check and balance each other out while working together to keep the lizardmen in line, right?

So, the great chieftain has a bloodline succession, the great warrior changes every year, and the archmage… will stick around unless someone more talented pops up.

Okay. That should work.

“And I’ve become interested in the magic you possess, so I’ll give the title of archmage to the lizardman with the best magical talent, and I’ll communicate through that child.”

[What? Aren’t you going to pass it on to me?]

“Aren’t you the great chieftain? You already have plenty… Do you want more?”

[No! I’m sorry! Please forgive me!]

Not that I’m angry or anything. Hmm…

“You already have a lot, so be satisfied with that. Once we choose the kid who will become the archmage, I’ll share the details.”

[Understood. We’ll prepare thoroughly for the festival. But may I ask a question?]

A question?

“What is it?”

[What if… hypothetically, the great chieftain, the great warrior, and the archmage are all held by one person… What happens then?]

“One person?”

Hmm… Isn’t that nearly impossible?

But if it did happen… wouldn’t it be pretty interesting?

Combining the lineage of the awesome lizardman leader, the skills of the top mage, and the might of the strongest warrior into one person.

If all those factors came together, we might just end up with a real lizardman hero, right?

“If that happens, that person will become the lizardman hero and my representative.”

Whether it’s possible or not, it feels like a fun scenario to leave on the table.

Who knows? Maybe such a lizardman… may actually show up.

[Got it. Then, as you ordered, we will hold a competition to find the strongest lizardman during the festival. Please keep an eye on us.]

“I’ll look forward to it.”

Alright. That’s all done! Now, all that’s left is to wait for the festival and keep researching magic!

Now, let’s check out what kind of magic those lizardmen created…

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Magic is the general term for techniques that borrow the power of spirits and bestow it upon the body.

Lizardmen, who are naturally close to nature, initially could interact with spirits but lacked the magical power to control them effectively.

To fix this, the lizardmen used magic to grant the power of spirits directly to their own bodies.

At first, they borrowed speed and agility from the wind spirit and sturdiness and weight from the earth spirit. This initial form of magic was pretty simple, allowing even the magic-poor lizardmen to use it, though the effects were quite weak.

A major shift in this magic happened with the appearance of the archmage.

Chosen by the Creator Dragon God and able to hear its voice, archmages began to evolve magic in incredible ways.

Instead of borrowing the power of spirits, they started bestowing the spirit itself onto their bodies.

By trusting the spirit and offering part of their bodies, the lizardmen could maximize the spirit’s power using minimal magic.

This type of magic is called spirit possession.

Spirit possession shows a massive difference from previous magic, and spiritual interaction with the spirits is key to it.

Spirits naturally want physical forms, and if you recklessly offer your body to one, you might end up having them take it over.

So, by forming a close bond with the spirits first, and only after reaching a level of intimacy that stops them from snatching your body, can one use spirit possession magic.

Thus, the heart of lizardman magic lies in cherishing interaction with spirits and treating them like friends, which is totally different from the elves’ spirit magic that binds spirits via contracts—

“Wait a second. You sure make it sound like elven spirit magic is bad.”

“But it is, isn’t it? Unlike elves, we lizardmen accept spirits as friends!”

The elf frowned at the female lizardman, who was decked out with shiny ornaments.

“Our contracts with spirits are sacred rituals made with mutual consent! Not the wishy-washy friendships you have!”

In response, the female lizardman got defensive and raised her voice.

“Wishy-washy friendships? We’ve built friendships with spirits strong enough to entrust our bodies to each other without any problems! Totally different from the cold, heartless contracts of the ruthless elves.”

“Vague friendships instead of clear contracts? Where’s the weirdness in that? Who even invented such nonsense?”

“The one who taught this possession magic was the Creator Dragon God! Disrespecting the great Creator Dragon God is a no-no! Creator Dragon God, please forgive this person’s ignorance!”

Just then, the door swung open, and a silver-haired girl with dragon horns poked her head inside.

“Huh? Did you call me?”

“We didn’t. But we mentioned you, so it’s kinda the same?”

“Oh, really? What do you think about this honey candy made from the flowers that lizardmen boast about?”

“Yum! It’s delicious!”

The silver-haired girl munched on the honey sweets.

“There’s plenty, so feel free to sit back and enjoy them. But don’t fill up on candy; we have dinner later. Got it?”

“Uh-huh! Thanks a lot!”

After retracting her head, the silver-haired girl closed the door, and the elf, witnessing the exchange between the lizardman and the girl, sounded incredulous.

“Hey. Aren’t you just openly favoring that child?”

The lizardman replied like it was the most natural thing ever.

“Huh? Well, she’s the Saintess of the Church of Life, and look at how cute she is! What’s not to like?”

“That’s true, but your attitude is totally different from with the others. We’re all part of the same hero party!”

“Hmph. Of course! The others are all flirty women who might try to seduce you at any moment!”

“Sure, that one lady is a bit alluring, but even so, saying that in front of her comrades is a bit harsh. Besides, if we’re talking about attractiveness, that dragon priestess of hers is nearly the most beautiful in the world!”

The lizardman raised an eyebrow, looking skeptical.

“Hmm… Are you sure you’re not into women?”

“W-What?! What are you talking about?! It’s a fact that she’s attractive! I do not have a thing for girls at all!!!”

“Hmm… Let’s just leave it there. Anyway, being a priest of the Creator Dragon God and an archmage, I see no reason to view the Saintess of the Church of Life poorly! If anything, I have a good impression of her!”

The elf tilted her head and asked, “What’s the relationship between the lizardmen’s tribal god and the Church of Life? There doesn’t seem to be any connection?”

“Hehe, this is why elves lacking theological knowledge are a problem. It’s because I believe that the Creator Dragon God and the Goddess of Life are the same being.”


“It’s a bit of a minor belief even among lizardmen, but it’s what I hold true.”

“The idea that the Creator Dragon God and the Goddess of Life are the same entity? Isn’t that a bit far-fetched?”

“But the more you dive into the actions of the Creator Dragon God and the Goddess of Life, the more similarities you find! From creating this world and filling it with life to calling the Saintess of Life the Dragon Priestess!”

“Huh? Did you call me?”

The silver-haired girl peeked in again.

“We didn’t call you. Well, we did mention you, but we weren’t summoning you.”

After that, she pulled her head back in.

– Records of One Hero Party’s Adventures

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