Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 44

Chapter: 44

After Shamash handed down the code of laws to humans, crimes among them decreased a little bit.

Well, just a little bit.

It’s only natural. Just because a stone tablet with laws was given, doesn’t mean all humans suddenly have them memorized.

And let’s be real, it’s going to take some time to spread that info among humans scattered all over the world.

Still, seeing them kinda follow the rules after a clear standard was set, it’s clear how much of a mess it was back in the lawless days.

Anyway, the content of the laws handed to the human king got transcribed onto clay tablets by a bunch of humans and got scattered all over the world, arriving wherever human hands could reach.

Of course, it’s only natural that it was also passed to other races.

To the territories of the Lizardmen, to the realms of the Elves and Dwarves. The northern giants… well, they can’t read properly, so they must be listening to human gossip.

Also, since beastmen were living side by side with humans, the sharing of the laws with them happened almost at the same time. Just a little fun fact.

Um. Thanks to humans paving paths everywhere, if it gets delivered to humans, it reaches every nook and cranny of this world.

From the perspective of a ruler managing humans, it must be nice to not have to punish them with random trials. This means fewer excessive punishments and less execution of humans.

In a time when every single human is a valuable labor resource, it’s basically a win-win situation.

And making decisions and executing punishments without set laws must be exhausting too.

So, the first laws of humanity slowly, but surely, got integrated into the relationships among humans.

Well, for some races, it wasn’t that big a deal!

Lizardmen, Elves, and Dwarves valued their gods more than any laws and followed them.

The laws given by the God of Law seemed like rules that only applied in the human realm.

Of course, it makes sense. With a god they believe in right there, what good is a stone tablet from the God of Law? Gods are close by, but laws feel far away.

Still, thanks to a few words I dropped to Yggdrasil and Sagarmatha, the message that in the human realm, they should follow human laws made its way to the Elves and Dwarves.

Lizardmen? Well, Lizardmen are… hmm…

[The Creator Dragon God saw the God of Light arbitrarily deciding sins without a clear standard and got really angry, but the God of Light acted like she didn’t hear a thing.

The Creator Dragon God tried to convince her, but the God of Light kept ignoring him and repeating the same mistakes.

So, to punish the God of Light for her wrongdoing, the Creator Dragon God flexed some muscle.

For a moment, the world went dark.]

Can you believe they blew it up like that from just my few words?

[However, the Creator Dragon God forgave the God of Light and commanded her to weigh sins with clear rules.

Thus, the God of Light created rules for weighing sins and handed them to humans, which became the very first laws.]

It didn’t take long for a stone tablet with that written to be made.

Seriously… these guys are way too extra…

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Time just keeps on flowing.

The Lizardmen had their festival where a great warrior was chosen, and due to my blessing, he became a dragonkin, surpassing the Lizardmen. But honestly, it wasn’t that important.

I lit up the final winner of the martial arts tournament with dazzling light, and through that, I sprinkled some strong power on him to rebuild his body into something that surpassed Lizardmen… yeah, that was my doing, but hey, it looked pretty good!

The newly transformed dragonkin winner was stronger, faster, and bigger.

His scales became so tough that even sharp obsidian blades couldn’t scratch them, his nails could tear through anything, and his tail became strong enough to snap a thick tree in half.

Truly, he deserved to be called a being that surpassed Lizardmen.

Oh, and just so you know, no wings. He did grow some horns on his head, but wings would just complicate things.

If a random new organ appeared, it’d confuse the heck out of him!

And blessing the winner’s weapon was just a little bonus.

I thought about giving it an unbreakable blessing… but I already did that for the spear of the Lizardman Great Chieftain. Making several items with the same ability could get messy, right?

So, while I was reconstructing his body, I asked what kind of blessing he wanted for his weapon and tried to reflect his ideas in the process.

By the way, everything is set for just one year, so when the next festival rolls around, the blessing will disappear, and both the body and weapon will revert to their original state.

Of course! You can’t enter a martial arts tournament with such blessings. That’s just unfair! Totally cheating! That won’t fly!

It’s more like a penalty! Getting used to a body strengthened by my blessing for a year means he’ll feel weak when he goes back to normal!

If he ends up winning again after all that, though, then that would be pretty impressive.

Anyway, the great warrior who won the martial arts tournament praised the name of the Creator Dragon God as he transformed into a dragonkin. The Lizardmen, filled with emotion, realized that the Creator Dragon God hadn’t forsaken them.

And here’s another twist. The birth of an Archmage who can hear the voice of the Creator Dragon God.

A Lizardman with exceptional skills at communicating with spirits and a friendly personality was chosen as the Archmage, which stirred excitement among the Lizardmen once again.

Of course, I didn’t give any blessings to the Archmage. I just helped a bit to ease the communication with spirits. The talent was purely the Archmage’s to begin with.

After that, I could only share my voice with the Archmage… The birth of the chosen Archmage who can hear the voice of the Creator Dragon God!

Oh, and the term for the Archmage? For life, unless a Lizardman with more impressive talent shows up, or unless they decide to quit.

And quitting is totally chill! The benevolent Creator Dragon God guarantees personal freedom! No restrictions on things like marriage either!

But if they pull something shady in the name of the Creator Dragon God, there will be consequences.

Through the great warrior and the Archmage, the Lizardmen gradually regained their faith in the Creator Dragon God, and the era of prosperity began with the Great Chieftain, the great warrior, and the Archmage.

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After wrapping up with the Lizardmen, I casually glanced at the names in the GodTalk list.

World Tree Yggdrasil. The guardian god of the Elves.

The forehead of the world, Sagarmatha. The sacred mountain worshipped by the Dwarves.

God of Light, Shamash. The god of light, law, and justice.

And the rest was just blank.

Hmm… It seems like a few more names should get added to this list. Specifically, about three.

Yggdrasil is like a god to the Elves, Sagarmatha is treated as a sacred mountain by the Dwarves, and Shamash is the god of light and justice to humans…

It’s a bit sad that Sylphid, Ifrit, and Thetis aren’t being worshipped as gods. Yeah.

I roughly understand the reason, though.

After all, those kids are in environments that make it hard for humans to treat them as gods.

First up, Thetis.

Location-wise, it’s a disaster. It’s a giant whirlpool far out in the middle of the sea, nowhere near the land where humans live.

Heck, humans don’t even have the sailing skills to reach Thetis! Right now, they’re just paddling around the coastal area on some flimsy rafts!

Unless navigation improves by leaps and bounds… they probably won’t even find Thetis.

Next is Ifrit.

Well… Ifrit’s surroundings are just plain brutal.

Ifrit’s true form is a flame that’s always burning. Its temperature is off the charts, so no creature can survive around it… well, kinda. Hmm.

Sure, there are some creatures that have adapted, but none of them have the brains of humans.

Most plants are either dried up or burnt to a crisp. It’s a place where only heat-resistant life forms can live.

The result? The area near Ifrit has turned into a desert.

At least it’s good that the desert isn’t too vast yet… But a hot desert around Ifrit even at night? What the heck is that? Isn’t it supposed to be cooler at night?

Ahem. Anyway, since the environment around Ifrit is pretty harsh, humans have found it tough to settle there.

Because of that, there are no Ifrit worshippers around.

Unless someday humans manage to thrive in this steamy desert. But right after the Stone Age? Probably a long shot.

Lastly, Sylphid.

How on earth can you worship a wind you can’t even see?

Plus, how can you worship Sylphid who’s always on the move and doesn’t settle down?

Sylphid definitely has strong power, but how do you worship something that doesn’t even show it?

To worship something as a god, you need a sort of trigger, you know.

And Sylphid? Such a trigger hasn’t happened yet.

Someday, if people come to fear or admire the wind, maybe Sylphid can finally be recognized as the god of wind.

Not sure when that’ll happen… but it doesn’t seem too far off.

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