Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 56

Chapter: 56

So, while I was busy creating the afterlife, I occasionally dropped by Mangsan Mountain.

Is it just my imagination, or do I actually see a few more people being buried every time I go? Or do we just have a lot of people popping their clogs?

Well, given the short average lifespan and the absence of proper medical care in this era, it’s probably not that surprising…

In one of the cities near Mangsan Mountain, there are so many deaths that one of the busiest shops in town is a funeral home.

At this rate, Mangsan Mountain might just end up being a massive graveyard with no space left for new burials.

“In that sense, what’s the current state of Mangsan Mountain?”

[Why are you asking that all of a sudden?]

“Well, I’m just curious. With people getting buried every day, won’t the whole mountain eventually turn into one big grave?”

Even though each grave doesn’t take up much space, if the numbers keep piling up, shouldn’t that cover the whole mountain?

[Currently… about 70% of it has turned into graves.]

“Isn’t that way over half? If the numbers keep increasing, the term ‘Mangsan Mountain’ might just mean a cemetery!”

[That’s already how the people in that city see it… But why do you keep coming here? Aren’t you busy with other things?]

Other things, huh. Well, it’s not like I’m swamped. Yes.

Talos is still busy digging out the space for the afterlife, and Thanatos along with the dark spirits are helping out, so there’s no problem at all.

Once the excavation according to my master plan is done, and we finish preparing the afterlife along with the staff for it, then it’ll be all good.

The nitty-gritty stuff… well, I plan to hand that over to the Grim Reapers now instead. I’m thinking of getting about three managers to tackle the bigger tasks.

One’s definitely going to be Thanatos. If I could get Seres and Mang aboard as the other two, that would tie everything up nicely… but neither has confirmed yet, so it’s a bit of a headache.

By the way, when I was pondering who to get for the afterlife manager positions, I shared my thoughts with Talos, who was digging away, and Talos paused the digging just to point at itself…

Hmm, did Talos’s AI glitch? Or did Talos just become self-aware?

Nah, that can’t be it. It’s probably just a glitch since it’s the very first golem ever made.

Besides, Talos has the super important job of guarding the afterlife from any unexpected intruders.

Anyway, right now, I’m on this important mission to scout Mang, a candidate for one of the managers of the afterlife.

I’m definitely not just slacking off here or taking it easy while I check on Mang. Nope, absolutely not.

“Visiting you is actually part of my job.”

[Is that so…?]

Mang seemed a bit taken aback by that.

[To be honest, the whole situation where the Creator Dragon God wants me so much feels pretty burdensome.]

“Hm? Why? I’m seeking you out because there’s no one else as qualified for what I want to do as you.”

Then Mang looked at me like, [What in the world are you talking about?]

Well, I can’t see his eyes since they’re covered by that cloth over his hat.

[How could I not feel weird if the one who ended the dragon era came to find me, a former dragon?]

“Hm… That means you’re desperately needed?”

[The real answer is that it feels extremely uncomfortable.]

Hmm, is that the case? I might have overdone it back then.

But that whole event happened because I was accommodating the wishes of the dragons! If they didn’t want it, I wouldn’t have done it!

Well, I kind of expected this reaction.

[The terror of losing my physical form, the fading of my consciousness, and the disappearance of distinction between allies and foes… I still can’t shake off those memories.]

Mang shivered a little. Just the thought of that moment is making him quiver.

Well, if the dragon babies who didn’t turn into spirits were scared, it’s no wonder how much more terrified the one who actually transformed must be.

[After struggling to keep my fragile self intact and wandering aimlessly till I found this mountain, now the Creator Dragon God, who orchestrated all that… needs me?]

“But I can’t resist someone with experience coming in as a newcomer.”

[What…? Experienced…?]

“No, just a personal thought, don’t worry about it.”

In this world, no one would get the whole experienced newcomer thing anyway.

[Even now, my identity as the mountain god hangs on being defined by this mountain. But if you, Creator Dragon God, give me another task… I’d have to leave this mountain, and wouldn’t that mean my identity blurs again?]

Hmm. So that’s why his identity stays intact.

It’s pretty impressive just that he managed to keep his identity until settling on this mountain.

“Then, if you can fully maintain your identity, would you accept my offer?”

That’d be relying on your kindness! Click here!

“Um… I’ll need to think more about this.”

Hmm. Looks like Mang still has some hesitation.

Well, that’s to be expected. Since he still has memories of being a dragon, it’s natural for him to be wary of me.

“Then, if I make you not just the god of this mountain but a complete god, will you lend me a hand with my work?”

[A complete god?]

“Yep. A complete… god of death.”

Wouldn’t all our problems be solved if he becomes a god of death managing souls, rather than just the god of a mountain soon to be buried under graves?

“If there’s anything you want, I’ll create it for you. How about it?”

This is a special offer just for you! Because I don’t want to miss out on talent like Mang!

[God of death… something I want… Hmm…]

After thinking for a moment, Mang carefully spoke.

[Then, could you create something that allows me to fully grasp the life of a dead soul?]

“The life of a dead soul?”

[Yes. I do hear stories from dead souls, but it still isn’t always enough. It would be helpful to have something that shows the life of a soul for easier work.]

The life of a soul… Oh! I remember!

One of the death gods from another world, King Yama, had a mirror like that!

Was it the Mirror of Karma? Or the Mirror of Retribution? I can’t quite remember, but I think it was something along those lines.

“If I make that item, would you cooperate with me?”

[Yes. How could I refuse when the noble Creator Dragon God of this world so desires me, a mere mountain god?]

Look at this guy! He kept making excuses for so long, but now that I say I’ll make something for him, he’s all in!

Well, it doesn’t matter. That means my scouting mission was a success!

[However, I cannot leave this mountain, so you’ll need to solve that problem for me.]

“Hmm. I’ve got a few ideas about that, so don’t worry.”

What will humans think if one night, a mountain full of graves just vanishes?

Wouldn’t they conjure up images of a godly figure in an incomprehensible situation?

With a little rumor spread on my part… I think it’s possible to turn the mountain god of a small burial mound into the god of death.

Well, I haven’t done it before, but here goes nothing!

While I’m at it, let’s change the name too. Mang is the name of this mountain, so it’s not really fitting for the name of a god of death.

Now, what should that new name be? King Yama? Or perhaps something to match with Thanatos… Moros?

Eh, either one would be fine. It’s not unusual for the same god to go by different names depending on the area!

Oh, and if we’re going for King Yama, there should also be a document listing the death dates of all living beings! The Book of Life and Death!

If he’s going to be a god of death, King Yama needs to have something like that!

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

One of the three managers of the underworld. Yama. Known as Moros in the west, this god of death is said to have a gentler demeanor than the other two death gods, but that’s only from the perspective of humans who haven’t sinned.

The souls transferred by the king of the reapers pass through seven layers of the underworld and, upon reaching the very bottom, are judged by Yama for their lives.

Yama is responsible for examining the life of a soul that has arrived in the afterlife using the Mirror of Karma, which reflects a person’s lifetime, and the Book of Life and Death, which contains everyone’s proper lifespan, to verify whether their life met a proper death.

When dealing with souls who haven’t committed sins, Yama listens to their stories with a gentle voice, reassuring them that their lives were not mistaken, making him the most nurturing god of death.

However, if the Mirror of Karma and the Book of Life and Death reveal that the soul has committed a grave sin… Yama will unveil the face hidden behind his crown and the cloth draped over it.

Yama, with a terrifying expression that could scare even the most notorious evil spirits, instantly turns into the most feared entity in the afterlife from that moment onward.

As Yama recounts each sin committed by the soul, the soul before him can do nothing but reflect on each misdeed.

Those who are shameless may deny their sins and fib about it, but before the Mirror of Karma, which displays their entire lives, and the Book of Life and Death, which has their true lifespan, their lies won’t hold up.

For such offenders, Yama imposes the punishment of contempt, pulling out their tongues right then and there before proceeding with the trial of their soul.

So let the reader of this book take heed.

The meaning of committing sins.

Even if a sin is hidden perfectly in life, it will be completely revealed after death.

– Records of Observations in the Afterlife.

The author of this book reportedly fell into a coma for several days, during which he claimed to have toured the afterlife.

The description of the afterlife in this text is quite detailed, even more so than the accounts of the ancient hero Rychlen’s adventures in the afterlife.

Some say that it’s an elaboration of the well-known tales of Rychlen’s afterlife adventures, while others insist that it’s a true depiction of an actual visit to the afterlife by the author.

However, the author passed away three days after this book’s publication, leaving the truth of the matter shrouded in uncertainty.

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