Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 89

Chapter: 89

The giant snake was a powerful monster, but it was no match for the hero.

The snake charged at the hero like a massive dump truck.

However, such a simple attack posed no threat to the hero at all.

Despite the repeated attacks, did it not realize they were all pointless? Just because it gained size and strength, it was still just a beast.


But this time was different; after the hero dodged to the side, the snake zipped past him and tightened its coils.

This was the snake’s hunting method. Wrap around and squeeze the prey to death. But being such a massive snake, wrapping around alone was more than enough to cause devastation all around.

If it were an ordinary human, they’d be swept away, dozens or even hundreds of them! But this attack was targeted only at the hero.

No matter how quickly the snake constricted, the hero’s escape was surely much swifter.

“Too slow!”

In fact, the hero evaded the snake’s constricting attack with a swift jump, and the snake, in turn, tried to strike back with its tail.

It was almost the same situation as their first clash. Relying solely on size and strength like this? Such clumsy attacks were useless against the hero. Especially considering that they had already been foiled once.

But the snake chose a different path.

Instead of whipping with its tail, it aimed to pin down the hero who had jumped up.


The hero quickly swung his greatsword and sliced at the tail, but…


Even as the snake shrieked in pain, it didn’t stop pressing down with its tail.

Like a lid clamping over a huge pot, the snake’s trap was trying to squeeze the hero inside.


Only then did the hero realize the snake’s scheme, but the snake was a tad faster. The hero was slow to catch on.

Hmm, maybe he’s getting a bit too comfortable living it easy in the village? He wasn’t this sluggish when I was training him.

The snake tried to crush the hero, and…


With a battle cry, dozens of slashing attacks burst forth from inside the snake’s coils.

To the hero, being trapped meant he could hit in every direction – effectively rendering the snake’s attack useless.

Simply flailing out with his sword nullified the snake’s constriction.


The snake screeched again. With its thick, strong scales now wounded, it was experiencing a sort of pain it had never known before. The unfamiliar agony was all it could focus on.


As the snake finally loosened its grip, the hero emerged unscathed, wearing his silver armor.

While the surrounding foliage was getting scorched by the venomous blood of the snake, the hero remained standing confidently, showing no sign of harm.


The snake lunged at the hero again, and its scales, constriction, and tail strikes couldn’t hold a candle to this opponent. It brought out its last weapon: its poisonous fangs.

But the hero calmly watched the snake charge, then…


Evading with just a small leap, he smacked the snake’s left fang with the back of his hand.

That fang, usually sharper than any dagger, snapped easily against the blow from the hero’s armored hand.


Did it feel the shocking pain of a broken fang? The snake began rolling on the ground, howling.

“Phew… Deactivate transformation.”

The hero shifted back, reverting from armor to greatsword, and turned to look at the monstrous snake.

The once-mighty snake was now a ragged mess. Its scales were tattered and torn, its tail was battered and bleeding, and one of its venomous fangs was broken, leaking venom.

In stark contrast, the hero had no scratches on him. Just some dirt kicked up by the snake’s thrashing.

Hmm. I did train him, and he’s turned out quite disciplined. He trained enough to take down monsters with relative ease.

Training this slowpoke was a total pain, but… as iron is hammered, it hardens.

Even someone dull can reach this level with enough effort.

Let’s just gloss over the fact that the training process was a real nail-biter for a human. There were multiple times during intense training when the hero’s heart nearly stopped!

Well, restarting his heart was easy enough. I had that resurrection spell all set up, after all.

Anyway, it’s clear who the victor is in this brawl.

Seeing the snake’s spirit faltering, the hero said, “That should be enough. Don’t thrash about any more and scram!”

Even after the hero’s words, the snake remained cautious. It didn’t seem to grasp human language… but perhaps it was starting to understand this situation, since it slowly began to slither away.

Hmm… Even though the hero is kind, letting a monster like that go… isn’t acceptable.

That creature will most definitely attack others later, even if it manages to escape now. Hmm.

Should I just zap it with some divine lightning if the hero lets it go? From the looks of it, it’s not too hurt despite being sliced by the hero’s sword, so it doesn’t seem to possess a fragment of darkness.

I could just finish it off with a bolt from above. Just in case, I’ll do it while the hero’s not looking.

We’ll just trust in your kindness! Click here!

Just as the gigantic snake put some space between itself and the hero,


A deafening roar echoed, and a gigantic shadow darkened the sky.



The hero covered his ears from the thunderous noise, while the colossal snake hastily coiled its tail and started to retreat.

But the massive shadow, as if refusing to let the snake escape, shot a fireball that struck the giant snake, engulfing it in an explosion and sending it flying far away.

“Is that… a dragon…?”

No, it’s not.

It’s not a dragon; it’s a wyvern.

It only has one pair of legs, right? It’s flapping its wing-like front legs to fly while balancing with the back legs and tail. Definitely a wyvern.

But its size… is about three times larger than a normal wyvern. If you ignore the other details, one might even mistake it for a small dragon!

“Could that beast also have been driven away by the dragon…?”

No no, it’s a wyvern! You can make that mistake only because you haven’t seen the real thing!

Tch. Not that I can reveal my true form either. Ugh…


Flames flickered around the wyvern’s mouth. However, its gaze was no longer directed at the giant snake.

Instead, it was fixed on the hero, more specifically, on the hero’s sword.

Hmm… I wonder if that wyvern contains a fragment of darkness?

Is it sensing the darkness inside the hero’s sword and targeting it?

Not entirely sure, but it feels like there’s a possibility.


The wyvern roared again, and the hero clasped his hands over his ears once more.

The roar was so powerful it felt like it was shaking the air itself—likely a signal that the wyvern planned to hunt the hero.


The hero gripped his sword again. He had already been in one fight but showed no signs of weariness.

However, the enormous wyvern in front of him wouldn’t be an easy opponent. This was an already strong creature that could be called a dragon, and it now had a fragment of darkness as well.

But… he was the hero. I didn’t raise him to be weak.

So he should be fine.

I stood from my spot, ready to teleport at any moment, and began to watch the hero’s battle unfold.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The wyvern was first to attack.

“Grrrr…. KYAHAH!”

With a growl, it unleashed a fireball at the hero.

The hero swung his greatsword, slicing through the fireball, which exploded harmlessly behind him.

Hmm. Just those fireballs alone won’t pose any threat to the hero.

I threw far more powerful fire orbs at him during training.

If he could be hurt by those wyvern flames, my fire orbs would’ve crisped him to a nice char.

They were lacking in speed, heat intensity, explosive force, and range.

No, now isn’t the time to compare the firepower of a wyvern.

The hero leaped at the wyvern, who responded by raking its hind claws at him.


Sparks flew between the sword and the claws, with the wyvern’s claws shattering into pieces.

Hmm, even if it’s been strengthened with a fragment of darkness, it can’t possibly match my hero’s sword.

Seeing this, the wyvern distanced itself from the hero. It must have thought the hero wouldn’t be able to fly.



Thanks to my grueling training sessions, the current hero has the ability to leap into the air a few times!

Of course, this is possible because of his magically-enhanced strength. Without that, it would be quite the struggle.


The wyvern spun its body and whipped its tail, while the hero thrust his greatsword towards it.


The greatsword sliced through the wyvern’s tough hide, diving deep into its tail, causing the wyvern to writhe in agony mid-air.

The tail was thrashing violently. The hero clung to the tail by pushing the greatsword deeper, but soon found himself in a situation reminiscent of hanging from a whip. He couldn’t hold on for long, and before he knew it, the greatsword flew free.


And thus, the hero plummeted toward the ground.

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