Whistle To the Earth, You Guys Really Know How To Play

Chapter 12

Chapter 11: Blood Tarantula

The muscles of Mawson’s whole body were tight, full of explosive feeling, and he could rush out at any time.

He stared at the front and lowered his voice: “Everyone prepares!”

100 meters…80 meters…50 meters…30 meters…the blood tarantula is getting closer and closer!

It’s now!


With an order, the six people ran in the pre-arranged direction, gradually narrowing the encirclement, and enclosing the larger blood tarantula in the middle, and the smaller blood tarantula took the opportunity to escape.

The larger one is a female spider, and the smaller one is a male spider. Under normal circumstances, the female spider will be followed by multiple male spiders seeking to mate and mate. The spider eats it.

The spider corpse that was thrown out before was the unlucky spider that was eaten, and the other male spider ran away after mating and mating.

The 3-meter-high female blood tarantula stopped motionless, her abdomen eyes viciously looked at the humans around her, hissing-she was ready to have a full meal again.

Its eight slender feet are covered with fine hairs, which can feel the airflow and vibration, and the lower part is sharp as a spear-stab, shining with a metallic luster. There is no doubt that it can penetrate humans with just one click. Body!


With a sharp hiss, the tarantula’s two thickest forelimbs lifted up 2 meters and slammed into the ground fiercely. The concrete floor of the ground suddenly shattered and the stones splashed.

It is threatening the enemy.

Tian Jun, the nearest to it, swallowed, “Captain, are you sure we can deal with Tier 5 monsters?”

This is a genuine Tier 5 monster! Although one has 300 points, but life is more important!

Mawson said firmly: “As long as you follow my instructions, there is absolutely no problem.”

“Kerry and Tian Jun, you two are attracting its attention from the rear on the right, and Gail interferes with it from the rear on the left. It’s best to break one of its hind legs.”

The four formed a formation in accordance with the command station, took out their weapons, and released their spirits to assist in the fight.

Tian Jun: “Bite its hind legs!”

Tian Jun’s ancient giant crocodile and Kerry’s soft-armored hedgehog have good defensive power and bite strength, but they only have the strength of Tier 3, and they seem to be inadequate in front of Tier 5 poisonous blood tarantulas.

The ancient giant crocodile rushed forward to bite a hind limb, opened its mouth and bit two times, but failed to break the tarantula’s shell, but was kicked and flew out.

With a loud “bang”, the crumbling merry-go-round collapsed and dust splashed.

The ancient giant crocodile flicked his head and climbed up again, and continued to pounce, his thick tail whizzing away with the sound of ‘swish!”

Tian Jun and Kerry wielded a double-headed sledgehammer, while the other carried an octagonal alloy shield to cover each other and attack the tarantula.

The eight feet of the blood tarantula hit the ground with a “click, click”, avoiding the attack, making a sharp hissing sound in its mouthparts.


On the other side, Gail was approaching the blood tarantula quickly, and every stop point was as calculated as it could be to avoid the spider’s spear. The spider ran at the arthropod joints with one stroke, repeated dozens of times.


The tarantula uttered a painful cry. Its shell was comparable to the second solid Acrylic alloy today. It was impenetrable but had a fatal weakness, that is, the joints were extremely fragile.

Gail’s continuous prying made it painful, and this hind leg was afraid that it was going to be abolished, and the tarantula decisively mutilated its hind limbs and wanted to escape.

Mo Sen, who had been waiting for a long time, saw that the time had come and ran after him.

“Bobby, Ice Wall! Black, gravitational vortex!”

“Woo ”

Bobby and Xiao Hei rushed happily. The two spirit beasts were 5 meters long, and they were both kept greasy and slippery. When they ran, their muscles were beautiful and smooth, and their big tails flicked and flicked.

Two figures, one black and one white, are like two lightnings at the speed of light in the dark night.


A 3-meter-high snow-white thick ice wall suddenly appeared and blocked the way of the tarantula, and the tarantula turned his head and was about to run to the side.

“Boom! Boom!”

Two more ice walls smashed down.

The tarantula had to retreat back to get out of the three ice walls, but found that his long legs were sucked into the ground by a huge suction force. After pulling out one, the other fell into it!


The tarantula’s compound eyes stared at the surrounding humans as if poisoned, and the eight compound eyes turned around looking for a breakthrough.

It found that the height of the ice wall in front was a little lower than that of the other two sides. With the wisdom of its fifth-order alien beast, it could not figure out that this was to expose its abdomen.

It measured it, and it should be able to cross. It first pulled out the two strongest forelimbs and crossed the ice wall in front, and then struggled to pull out the back limbs.

Mawson shouted: “Hebrew, let Baker fly up to attract attention!”

Hebrew: “Received! Boss!”

Baker: “Tweet, twee, twee!”

With Hebrew on his back, Baker flew in front of the blood tarantula with huge wings.

One of the hind limbs of the poisonous blood tarantula was broken, and the other was injured by Tian Jun’s double-headed sledgehammer. It watched the dreadful bird that kept releasing small wind blades in the air to provoke it, and the spinner mouth below its mouthparts opened. , Spouting a very sticky spider silk.


Baker’s left wing is slightly tilted and he easily dodges. The female spider has eaten too many male spiders before. The silk is used to tie the male spider. There is no stock, otherwise the last male spider will not be allowed to escape, and it will fall to this end. .

Hebrew: “Baker, fly a little higher.”


The Hebrew holds two sharp darts in his hands, covered with a thin layer of mental power.

Just as the blood tarantula stretched out its forelimbs toward the air in a rage, the Hebrew wrist slammed hard.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two darts slashed through the air at great speed, and shot towards the compound eyes of the poisonous tarantula.


With a crisp sound, the tarantula’s forelimbs directly blocked the two darts and bounced away, leaving only two thin white marks on the shell.

Hebrew: “I rely on! Why is it so hard! Boss, rely on you!”


The tarantula looked at the furious Hebrew, with its hideous mouthparts open, as if mocking humans in the sky.

At this moment, Mawson shouted: “Poppy, stairs!”

“Woo ”

Rectangular ice boards appeared at Mawson’s feet one after another, and every step Mawson took, the ice board ladder could be connected tacitly.

In the air about 4 meters above the ground, Mawson stopped.

He took out a silver-white big bow from the space ring. The bowstring of the dragon tendons was tight. This is a longbow made of bit alloy extracted from the shell of the ninth-order iron beast. The bit alloy has nothing other metals. Its toughness, but at the same time has the sturdiness of metal, is a good material for bow.

The dragon tendon bowstring is not a real dragon tendon, but the tendon of a ninth-order forest giant anaconda.

This bow can only be opened with a force of 3000 kilograms. With Mawson’s strength at the beginning of the seventh rank, he can only pull 700 kilograms, but this is enough to deal with this end of the road. The poisonous blood tarantula.

Mo Sen firmly believes that every alien beast has its weaknesses, and as long as it is used the right method, it can be killed in one blow.

The blood tarantula was attracted by Hebrew and Baker, and he didn’t notice a young man with black hair and dark eyes in the dark night sky not far away, who was aiming at it with a big killer.

The author has something to say: After the transition of this plot, you will enter the military academy copy. The two will go from online dating to meeting netizens, Keke.

Sao Nian, let’s take a photo first, what if I see the light and die.

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