Whistle To the Earth, You Guys Really Know How To Play

Chapter 20

Chapter 19: Black Market Encounter (4)

The black market auction hall is located on the sixth floor of the Conner Commercial Bank. It is usually used as a venue for performances as a theater. When the black market auction is held, it becomes a black market auction house.

No wonder the entrance was not found no matter how the investigation was conducted. It turned out to be at the headquarters of the Conner Commercial Bank. It was true that “the most dangerous place is the safest place”, and I don’t know where the black market is.

Everyone in the auction hall wears the same mask. There is a red “mark up button” on the right side of each person’s seat for bidding, and a seat ID card for picking up things after the meeting.

Sitting down in his seat, Qiao Rui asked casually, “Old Xu, is there no other place to sell items except here?”

“Yes, there is.” Xu Hongbo did not doubt, “but there is a limited time for market opening. This time the market has just ended, and the latest one is estimated to be two months later.”

Qiao Rui wondered, “Limited time?”

“Yes, the market only opens five times a year, once for two days. The black market auctions are also held after the market opens. After this time, you have to wait for the next time.”

Qiao Rui turned his head and asked, “Old Xu seems to know this very well?”

Xu Hongbo sighed: “Hehe, thank you for calling me old Xu. I am just a waste of the Xu family. I am only a second-order after more than a hundred years old. The Xu family does not raise waste. Conner firm has signed a deed of sale, specializing in the identification of symbol cards. If there is no referrer in the black market, it is usually impossible to say. This rule is that the employees of our firm are responsible for their duties. However, since Mr. Bruce has been with us The firm has signed an agreement, and it can be regarded as a partner of our firm.”

After digesting the information on the black market, Qiao Rui turned his attention back to the stage, and the host on stage spittingly introduced today’s sixth lot.

“Next is our sixth lot today. What is it?” The male host slapped his palms twice, and a hot-bodied leather-clothed girl pushed a small car up, and did not forget to give it to the audience during the period. The audience blew kisses.

“Today, our sixth lot is-Crimson Cloud Grass!”

There was a tumult in the venue:

“Crimson Cloud Grass! This is a very rare material for spell cards. The Tier 5 skill attack spell cards made by our family’s spell card masters before added a little bit of Crimson Cloud Grass and the attack power surged, directly breaking the Tier 6 thorns. The defense of a snapping turtle!”

“That’s really a good thing, I have to take a few hundred plants to go home!”

“There are still a few hundred plants. Ten plants would be good! You can come out more to see the world. Is this crimson grass so good?”

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