Whistle To the Earth, You Guys Really Know How To Play

Chapter 3

Chapter 2: A couple and a couple! (Catching bugs)

Hebrew shouted: “Baker! Are you my spiritual beast!”

Mawson ignored the Hebrew call. He gently grabbed Baker and placed it in the bird house on the wall.

His upper body was barely stranded, showing solid arms and beautifully lined muscles, and a few beads of sweat flowed down his sideburns.

He turned around to reveal the orange mark on his left shoulder—a ring encircled a shield.

The imprint of the sentry is in the shape of a shield, the imprint of the guide is in the shape of a trident, and the combined imprint is in the shape of a ring, encircling the shield or trident inside.

At this time, Mawson’s shield and circle were all orange—orange was the sign of the chief sentry and senior guide.

Hebrew widened his eyes, “Boss! You have risen! My God! The 21-year-old chief sentry, hahaha, if those old guys in the Senate know about it, they must have their jaws dropped!”

A smile appeared on Mo Sen’s handsome face. He clenched his fists and said, “I should be able to punch up to 1,000 kilograms.”

Gail’s face was still slumped, he stood up and looked at Mawson’s mark and said, “Congratulations, but the combination mark seems to be more obvious?”

Hebrew tweeted: “You just said 14 words. How excited is this, Gail!”

Gail looked back at Hebrew with a palsy face: “…”

Speaking of the mark of union, Mawson said with a black face: “Since the union, the guide and I can sense each other. I just sensed that the guide was fatal when I was about to break through. Uncle Kutcher once said that there is a very small Some sentinels can temporarily distribute their mental barriers to the combined objects through mental connections.”

The mental barrier is a barrier to protect the five senses of the sentry, and it can also be used as a defensive method. The stronger the sentry is, the more solid the mental barrier will be. If there is no spiritual barrier, then a little noise from the outside will be good for the sentry whose five senses are different from ordinary people. It’s a great excitement!

Only then did the Hebrew realize that Mawson’s face was a little pale, and he asked: “Then you gave it to him?”

“Yes, but I’ve never done this before. I didn’t grasp the scale properly, which drained my mental energy. The noise from the outside almost drowned me.” He glared at Heber, who had just made noise. Come.

“At the moment when my mental energy was exhausted, I suddenly broke through, and I sensed that the guide also broke through.”

Gale calmly analyzed: “The more synchronized the mental frequency, the stronger the mental connection. You can combine to prove that your mental frequency compatibility should be more than 30%, and you can pass through the spiritual connection, and influence each other to promote and prove the spirit. The synchronization rate is not less than 80%. It is impossible for sentries and guides with a large difference in level to have such a high synchronization rate. From this point of view, the level of the guide is not low, and it may even be a high level corresponding to you. Guide, have you tried to communicate with him?”

Gail would only say so much in one fell swoop in his field of interest.

Mawson said grimly: “I can’t communicate at all. He has stronger mental power than me. He unilaterally cut off the spiritual connection between us and shielded myself. I can only vaguely sense that he is still alive somewhere. If it weren’t because he was in a bad state and couldn’t maintain the shielding state this time, I guess I wouldn’t be able to save him.”

Gal pondered: “It looks like a guide who doesn’t want to be bound.”

Hebrew: “Boss! Is that guide male or female? Is it fat or thin? Is it tall or short? You are already a senior guide, at least 40 years old or older?” Hebrew swallowed, “This, Love at dusk!”

Before he finished his words, a chestnut knocked on the top of the Hebrew head.

Withdrawing his hand, Mawson frowned, “I didn’t see his face clearly, he should be a man, young. I was not very aware of it at the time, and I can’t remember clearly.”

Mawson didn’t lie, he really couldn’t remember. At that time, he just left the banquet hall to get some air, and suddenly felt a strong spiritual resonance, which continuously called him-there! There is a guide who fits his spirit perfectly.

His body began to heat, passively began to combine heat, and when he became a little conscious, he experienced the popular way of eating bread in the future world.

The first is the baguette topping to the middle of the butter donut. At first the middle circle is a bit small. This is the time to test your work. When baking, keep the oven at a constant temperature of 200 degrees, and spread butter in the middle of the donut after cooking. Knead and massage to make the gluten soft, so that when paired with baguettes, you can get in with a little bit of strength. The cream suddenly overflows from the soft donuts and flows down the periphery of the donuts, and finally the baguettes are taken out.

This is the most popular bread pairing in the human world in the future.

Tasting the perfect bread, the mental resonance frequency of him and the guide is even greater. The two mental powers blend together, regardless of each other, until a white light flashes…

Before completely losing consciousness, Mo Sen vaguely saw a handsome face through the moonlight coming in from the window.

However, Hebrew did not believe it, “Boss, you are all combined. You really don’t know him? Isn’t it abandoning people?” Hebrew said with envy and jealousy: “How many sentries have no guides to bind in a lifetime, Boss. You still dislike it!”

There are about 36% of sentries and 12% of guides among humans. That is to say, in terms of high probability, there are two bachelors for every three sentries!

A couple in another sense, a couple!

Mawson was about to vomit blood, and his thick eyebrows frowned: “I hate it? I’m **** forced to bind, and I don’t even know whether he is a man or a ghost! He unilaterally cut off trying to contact him for three years! To say abandon, I’m the one who is used and thrown away, okay!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Mawson knocked Hebrew on the head every time he said something.

Mawson was also bitter. Compared with the guides and sentries of the same level, the spiritual power of the guides is often much stronger than that of the sentry.

The power of sentinels lies in their physical fitness and five senses different from ordinary people, and their mental power is only used as an auxiliary means.

The strength of the guide is that their spiritual power can be embodied into a spiritual touch wire, a spiritual thorn, etc. It can be said that the spiritual power is the guide’s attack method to make up for their weak physical fitness.

After teaching the Hebrews, Mawson clapped his hands, entered the room at random and put on a black T-shirt.

He raised his chin and said, “Go! Go to the training room and try the current body data.”

“Boss, wait for me! Baker keep up!”

“Tweet, twee, twee!”

Gail was at the back, closed the door, unlocked, and left.

The panther curled up its tail and followed lightly and gracefully.

The sound of conversation echoed in the corridor.

“Boss, where’s Bobby?”

“Sleep in the spiritual space.”

The Adventurer’s Guild of the Star Federation.

A thin figure wearing a black cloak walked to the window. He simply took out an iron-clad beast and a card from the space ring and threw it on the inspection table.

“Register and calculate credit points.” A clear and neat voice came from the cloak.

The tally clerk raised his eyes lazily and began to examine this rare iron-clad beast.

95% integrity of the shell

-You can make a small shield. After deducting the cost of production and raw materials, it is impossible to earn 5 times the cost of credits.

100% intactness of the iron ball at the tail and root

-It’s a pity that it’s a small iron-clad beast, no matter how good the tail is, it won’t be as useful as an adult beast.

Spiritual knowledge of the sea is 90% intact

—Yes, the crystal nucleus in the sea of consciousness is very well preserved and can be sold in one piece.

Hey, there is only one trace of penetration, and it can’t be seen that the man in black is still a guide above the intermediate level.

His breath is clearly only Tier 3, and it seems that he has used a certain method to cover up his strength.

The attitude of the tally clerk suddenly became a little more respectful.

“This sir, the Tier 4 monsters you hunted have been tested to be more than 90% intact in all aspects, accounting for a total of 700 credits, and they have been registered.”

“Thank you.” He took back the registration card, turned and walked to the second floor of the guild.

The second floor of the Adventurer’s Guild is a hostel, with 12 credits per day and 2 credits per hour. Registered card swiping is automatically deducted.

In the bathroom, the shower water fell from a high place, dripping on a smooth back.

Qiao Rui turned his back to the mirror, and the orange mark on his shoulder contrasted sharply with the surrounding skin. The orange was almost like fire.

He stared at the ring mark. The accident three years ago made him bond with a strange sentinel. Thinking of the confusion at the time, Qiao Rui blushed and closed his eyes and cursed: “Bangma !”

Sentinels are creatures with well-developed limbs and big breasts. (chest?)

Supplement-especially that group of chauvinist soldiers of the Roman Empire.

The Joint Guidance Academy is exactly the time to go to school.

“I don’t know where our prince Lean has gone.”

“I don’t understand, it seems that I disappeared a few years ago.”

“Pity our little prince, if the queen doesn’t give him inhibitors, maybe he will be a Tier 4 guide when he wakes up.”

“Oh, the queen is also very pitiful. The eldest prince and the second princess have both died in the beast tide. I can understand her feelings as a mother not wanting the little prince to go to the battlefield.”

Qiao Rui tightened the cloak tightly and walked quickly across the crowd.

Back in the dormitory, Luo Fei and Nat were reviewing history in the living room.

“When was the third world war since the record of the earth?”

“2304? 2403? 2043? Ah! I’m so annoying! Stop reading!”

A soft and waxy voice soothed:

“Don’t worry Luo Fei, the third world war broke out on the earth in 2043. This war is an important turning point in human history. It is called the’nuclear war’ in history. It has extremely important significance and must be remembered.”

“After the five-year’nuclear war’, the earth was devastated, with all kinds of dead limbs and broken arms of various plants and animals everywhere, and a large number of white-bellied corpses of marine life drifting on the sea, and the number of humans fell to less than 2 billion.”

“What’s even more frightening is that in the decades of post-war reconstruction, the animals and plants on the earth began to mutate under nuclear radiation, the animal temperament became violent and beastly, the plants seemed to have self-consciousness, and nature’s backlash began. ”

“Under the fierce attack of animals and plants, the number of human beings has dropped sharply to 1.4 billion. With new ecosystems and new biological chains, humans are no longer at the top of the earth’s food chain. It is not until the emergence of human mutants that we gradually have The ability to resist.”

Luo Fei asked weakly: “Will 2 billion and 1.4 billion be used as test sites?”

Nat is still so gentle, “Yes, and the classification of the human awakened person, and the classification of the spiritual body are also test sites! These must be memorized.”

Luo Fei wailed: “Ah—”

“Human mutants are called awakened ones. They are divided into sentinels and guides. They have their own specialties, but without exception, they all have mental bodies. The mental bodies may be animals or plants. According to the research of scientists, most It is a creature from a higher dimension, but why it became a human spirit is temporarily unknown.”

“In the following 1,652 years, human beings finally rebalanced with nature in the process of mutation. Nowadays, human beings no longer have the concept of different races. The two major human nations that exist today are…”

Luo Fei interrupted and said: “I know this! It is the Roman Empire and our Star Federation. At first, human beings had many survivor bases, and finally formed the embryonic form of two countries through continuous merging.”

Nat smiled and said, “Yes, that’s it.”

“But despite this, there will always be a wave of beasts attacking the human base every five or six years, especially the animals that were brutally killed by humans before seem to instill hatred on the next generation. Sea beasts land, land beasts attack, every time the beasts There will always be a lot of soldiers sacrificed in the tide.”

“In order to strengthen and complete the military discipline, supplement and reduce the number of people, all awakened sentry and guides must be sent to the sentry academy and guide academy jointly run by the two countries for study and training. Three years later, those who learn how to control the use of mental power can Proceed to the United Military Academy.”

Luo Fei was red-haired, lying on the sofa without a seat, covering his face with a history book, and wailed: “Ah! Graduation quickly! I hate studying! Studying makes me sad!”

Nat smiled helplessly.

“Little Green, where are you going?”

Little Green is Nat’s mental body, a Venus flytrap two meters high.

At this time, Xiao Lu bounced forward, stopped, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed a huge tiger head into his mouth.

-Oh! My friend you are back! happy to see you!

Noah struggled, paws gently pulling the stem of the Venus flytrap.

-Thank you, but please let me go?

The author has something to say: It has been slightly revised, and it does not affect reading.

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