Whistle To the Earth, You Guys Really Know How To Play

Chapter 41

Chapter 38: Howling wolf

Federal capital.

The short fat man stared at the two kneeling in front of him with a calm eyes: “Have you not found a clue?”

The man in the white military uniform said: “My lord! The Sentinel Academy has been thoroughly investigated, and there is no clue about the target person. I suspect that the target person may be promoted.”

The old dog said tremblingly: “Yes, my lord, Sentinel Academy or Guidance Academy will have faculty members who will be promoted every year. This year, Sentinel Academy also has medical staff who have performed well and will be promoted to Military Academy. It’s just…”

The old dog was hesitant to speak, and the chunky man said impatiently: “Go on! It’s just what?”

“It’s just… this military academy is not more rigorous than the Sentinel Academy or the Guidance Academy. The military academy has more rigorous supervision, and there are many big people. If you accidentally offend who… this…”

The old dog didn’t say any more, the short and fat man instantly took his meaning back. The military academy has the most high-end talents in various fields and professions. The research results are good for mankind and are admired by the world and protected by the state. For example, there are “weapons masters.” Known as Professor Charles, he has very strong mental skills and can forge extremely sophisticated, complex and lethal weapons. Most of the experts ask him to help build handy weapons; there is also the “first person in the spell card”. Professor Ian, Professor Irwin who specializes in human medicine, cell regeneration, and the retired former Imperial Corps commander, etc., these are not very offensive, and it is inevitable that there will be times when they will ask for them.

The chunky man pondered for a moment: “I remember, didn’t the Guidance Association put forward a bill to propose an annual citizen medical examination?”

The eyes of the old dog and the man in military uniform lit up, “My lord is wise! We can pilot the military academy first!”

The chunky man smiled with satisfaction. He rubbed his index finger on the ring with his thumb and said, “Go and do it, I will find a way to let him leave for a while on Scott’s side. This time…Don’t let me down again.”

The two replied respectfully: “Yes, sir!”

After the old dog retreated, the man in military uniform knelt on the spot.

“What else do you have?”

“My lord! There is news that…the youngest son of the imperial Duke Yongping died in the Ze’an Mountains.”

The chunky man had a meal and said with great interest: “Oh? Is it a strange animal or…”

“Both. Judging from the image transmitted after the emergency button was pressed, it was Judd who failed to frame him. A sentry kicked Judd at the eater. Generally speaking, it was Judd’s fault.”

The chunky man laughed, “Duke Yongping doesn’t care who is right or wrong, just mess up and mess up.”

“Dad!” The door was opened, and an urgent loud cry came.

Luo Jing walked in without evasiveness when he saw that his father was talking about official business, and he grabbed his father’s hand and started acting like a baby. “Dad, when did you say the guide you want to find for me will come? I have been awakened for 6 years. It’s still only Tier 1! The idiot Judd who was in the same class as me has already gone to the Military Academy at Tier 3!”

The short fat man, Luo Jin, winked at his subordinates, who bowed respectfully and retreated.

“My dear.” Luo Jin’s eyes stroked Luo Jing’s face obsessively, as if looking at a perfect artwork, “I will find it right away, trust Dad, I will find you the best guide in the world. ”

Luo Jing was comforted a little, and frowned again and said: “It’s really unfair, why are all father’s children? My younger sister can be promoted to Tier 4 at the age of 19. I am 22 or only Tier 1!”

Luo Jin patted him on the shoulder, “Good boy, but the guide, you are a sentinel, maybe it makes a difference because of this. Don’t be angry, say something that makes you happy, Judd died in the freshman experience .”

Luo Jing’s eyes lit up and said, “Really? Hahaha, let him laugh at me, it really deserves it!”

“Baby have you exercised well recently?”

“Dad, every time you talk about me doing physical exercises, it’s so annoying.”

“Hehe, Dad is also doing this for your own good.”

“I see, Dad.”

The father and son laughed together with identical faces.

It was another day of hard work in the Ze’an Mountains. The six-member team finished a sumptuous dinner, extinguished the firewood, and returned to the tree house to rest.

Mawson knew that Judd was killed, and the locator will start real-time video transmission after pressing the emergency button. Three days have passed. They must know that Judd is dead. Although the rescue hasn’t arrived in time, it is him. A kick to the man-eating bee, Duke Yongping will certainly not give up.

But… he’s not afraid! Mo Sen hugged his daughter-in-law and fell asleep.

It was nearly three o’clock in the night, the moon was blocked by a thin cloud, and a shallow layer of moonlight was cast down. The shadows of the branches in the forest shone on the ground, intertwined and strangely shaped, like the fangs and claws of ghosts.

There were several “jiji——” sounds in the **** air, as if the last struggle of life was sobbing.

A sharp-pointed claw lightly tapped the fallen leaves, and a pair of faint green eyes lit up in the dark forest, as they moved like ghost fires.

The little yellow in the tree house was anxiously talking in his sleep, “Woo, hoo!”

Hebrew was watching the night. He was sitting on a branch outside the wooden house, yawning, and then handed over the quilt to cover Xiao Huang’s body-quiet.

Originally this time period was Hebrew and Luo Fei’s vigil together, but Luo Fei fell asleep while guarding. As a responsible sentry, Hebrew took over the task of vigil alone.

The clouds were blown away by the wind, and the moonlight leaked out again, sprinkling on the ground, looking peaceful and serene, until-the sound of a rough wolf howling came.

The huge head wolf stood on the hillside, the moon reflected its outline, and he straightened his neck and let out a long howl:


A wolf behind it also howled:


It seemed to be the sound of an offensive horn.

Hebrew slammed the wooden house and shouted: “The wolf is coming!”

Mawson woke up when he heard the howling of the wolves. He quickly woke Qiao Rui and looked outside the house. The wolves had already begun to surround him.

Luo Fei rubbed his eyes and took a look, “This…isn’t this the wolf’s family?!!!”

Hebrew swallowed and said, “Should, right?”

Mawson asked puzzledly: “What are you talking about?”

Luo Fei said with a guilty expression: “I hung on a tree branch after parachuting that day and struggled for a long time before falling down. A gray wolf has been attracted by me. Fortunately, I met the Hebrew, otherwise I must have Dead, the Hebrew also stepped on wolf **** at that time. That area should be an active zone for wolves. We ran away quickly.”

Qiao Rui said: “Wolves are very vengeful social animals. If you kill one of their companions, they will follow you until they kill you.”

The Hebrew exaggeratedly exclaimed: “Damn, how many times have I washed the soles of my shoes? Are they dog noses? This can still smell!”

Mawson took out his longbow, “Stop talking, get ready to fight.”

The wolves had already surrounded them, snarling their teeth and slowly approaching the group of humans, with fierce light in their eyes, and a vibrating sound from the throat threatening in a low voice.

The author has something to say: a few cute nutrient solutions below the boots, hiccup drink so full.

“Mengmeng also Xiaohe” +1, “But the road is cool” + 2, “” +1, “But the road is cool” +1, “Zero and No. 1” +3, “Cool white open temperature w”+ 2. “Fat Cat” +5, “Isha” +1

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Reveal the correct answer yesterday:

Xiao Huang’s ability is to predict the dangers related to himself. For example, he can know that monkeys will bring danger to himself, but he doesn’t know in what form.

The first three cuteness related to foresight are: “Miaomiaojiang”, “Mouse”, “Wooden Baby”/”Wind Up” almost at the same time, reward a small red envelope.

Today is relatively short, because the stupid author has been out for a day and now just wants to lie down…make it up tomorrow!

Happy Christmas Eve, little cuties! ! ! !

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