White Dragon Lord

Chapter 112:

The sea water shot fell into the sea like rain under the action of gravity.

The eyes of the Sea Caller were gleaming, the magic that the white dragon used was unheard of, and the Draconic Tongue he used to cast a spell differed from the current Draconic languages. Could it be...?

"Ancient Draconic Tongue?!"

With doubts in his mind, Caller directly asked Amos.

Amos raised his brows, neither admitting nor denying.

But Sea Caller regarded that as acquiescence.

In ancient times, time had lost its meaning. Every ancient dragon was like a god, smashing the Star Realm, relying on the Ancient Draconic Tongue magic that could directly summon the power of the law.

But now, the bloodline of the dragon clan had degraded, and ordinary dragons long could not get the inheritance of Ancient Draconic Tongue magic from the inheritance of dragons. Only some lucky dragons with extremely pure bloodlines could get such a little gift from their distant ancestors.

The ability to get the inheritance of the Draconic Tongue magic showed that the ancient dragon bloodline in the said dragon's body was very pure, and his future achievements were not comparable to ordinary dragons, such as the silver dragon in front of him.

Sea Caller took a deep breath, and his killing intent skyrocketed!

Sea Caller stared at the white dragon with cold eyes, and its body gradually sank until it disappeared after being submerged in the sea.

Amos felt a terrifying magic power spreading in the sea, covering the entire offshore area.

As the indistinct sound of the spell echoed, the sea water churned like boiling water. Rings of seawater shells with a diameter of ten metres shot out from the chaotic sea obliquely upwards, forming a dense barrage and attacking the white dragon on the shore.

Facing the dense, many, and fast water cannon barrage, Amos found that no matter how much he dodged, he couldn't avoid it perfectly.

Finally, the first cannonball hit the exorcism barrier, and Amos felt the energy intensity of a single cannonball, which was about the same as master magic, but this type of large-scale magic with countless projectiles was fatal to the extent of compelling an exorcism shield to break.

The exorcism barrier devoured the magic energy in the shell, and the high-speed projectiles hit Amos on his head and face. Seeing this, he quickly closed his nasal cavity to prevent the sea water from pouring into his nose.

Even if it had lost its efficacy, the impact of the water cannon was very impressive under the influence of potential energy and weight. The water bombs hit the white dragon one after another, and his skin was numb, making it impossible to maintain balance.

The instantaneous ice shield could only stop it slightly. Under the impact force, the ice shield instantly shattered, but it also successfully intercepted it.

The water bombs were endless, and so was the Ice Shield.

While the white dragon and the legendary murloc mage were exhausted, the pet of the legendary murloc mage, Gajelaus Giant, came to Pele city.

The twenty-metre-tall giant murloc walked directly across the walls of Pele City and entered the burning inner city.

Ignoring the scorching flames, Gajelaus' giant tide smashed the burning houses all the way. Among the burning building fragments swirling in the vicinity, he charged the Earl's Castle with a terrifying momentum.

The people on the city wall felt very troubled when they saw their houses knocked out by the murloc. With such an enormous size, even with no professional bonus, its lethality was extremely terrifying.

Sea Caller dared to let it attack the Earl's Castle alone, which showed that it had enough confidence in the giant murloc. If it came close to the castle, then the human civilians and the ordinary monster army in the castle would suffer.

It must stop!

Ghoul-Garu took out the long-lost inheritance staff from the dimensional bag and stroked his precious staff (wood stick) with his big hand.

According to the White Dragon Lord, trump cards cannot surface in the human world, so it tried not to use the legendary staff, so as not to attract the attention of people with ulterior motives.

In addition, the ogre chief had never encountered an opponent who was qualified for him to take out the [Caucasus Battle Staff], so this super legendary equipment had never been useful.

And now, this giant murloc would be the first lucky person (unlucky) to taste the legendary staff.


Ghoul-Garu activated the last passive magic on its armour.

Dragon Wings!

Ghoul-Garu stretched out a pair of huge dragon wings behind him. The dragon wings birthed violent wind currents and broke through the black smoke caused by the burning. The legendary staff stretched forward and flew towards the murloc.

Although Gajelaus Giant was huge, his intelligence was not high. It was provoked when he saw a small man who was not as big as his arm holding a stick. The anger in his heart was set ablaze and sent a fist into the ogre.

There was no huge loud noise, no earth-shattering explosion, and no dazzling brilliance. In silence, it broke the terrifying power of the giant murloc down by even more terrifying legendary magic before it could even deal any damage, becoming a cloud of tiny dust.

If Gajelaus Giant could be resurrected again, the first sentence when he wakes up must be: I have died so wrongly!

It was a pity that the big splitting technique was a terrifying legendary magic that decomposed the body and soul together, so it couldn't be resurrected.

Below the surface of the sea, the legendary murloc mage trembled and sensed that the magic contract link between himself and Gajelaus Giant had disappeared.

Shit! These damn humans actually killed my pet!

Apart from the heartache, Sea Caller was more puzzled.

No one knew the horror of giant murlocs better than its owner, the enormous power of crushing rocks, the perverted magic resistance, and the scales with amazing defensive power.

Even if it was himself, he would take a lot of effort to kill the giant murlocs. In such a short time, how did everyone in the city do it?

The legendary murloc mage speculated about various possibilities, but he couldn't think of an explanation.

Could it be that the legendary professionals of the Lowe Kingdom have arrived, so why didn't it remind me?

Or is there a master hidden in Pele City?

Out of fear of the unknown mighty power, Transclawrak Seacaller made up the image of a reclusive human powerhouse, and believed that he had found the correct answer.

But this did not scare him. The surrounding sea gave him infinite confidence. As a Sea Caller, he believed that as long as it was in the sea, even if it was facing a high-level legend, it would have no life worry.

The white dragon couldn't take it in a short time, so it might as well take revenge on the humans in Pele City.

The legendary murloc mage, with a decision in his heart, stopped shooting the water cannon.

"White dragon! Didn't you say that you are their protector? I want to see how you can protect these damn humans!"

The long and vast sound of cursing sounded like a call from ancient times.

Call of the Tide - Powerful!

With the special abilities of the legendary murloc mage and the blessing of super magic skills, it was originally just a master-level wave call, exerting the power of legendary magic!

Watching the 20-meter-high terror tsunami gradually taking shape, Amos's scalp became numb.

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