Whitebeard Mission: Family? Marry A Wife And Take A Concubine To Give Birth To Oneself

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Sea Circle Calendar 1472, 12 Children Born


“The Roar of the Black Dragon!”

Akunologia let out a deafening roar, and a blue-white energy wave burst out of his mouth, covering the distance of ten meters in front of him. Although he still looked very immature, the attack in Aike’s memory was already is very similar.

“Sure enough!” Aike said secretly; “It’s almost as I guessed, these talents really come from other worlds, but they are more in line with this world.”

Aike came to his own inference, but applauded approvingly.

“Big sister!”

Akunologia wiped the corner of his mouth, and was about to show off to his big sister when he heard applause.


Both Arturia and Akunologia turned their heads curiously, and saw Aike walking step by step with a smile.



The siblings both ran over quickly, and because Akunologia ran too fast, the little one almost fell down.


Aike looked at the two siblings, and smiled gently: “Lily, Aku, especially Aku! Did you research this yourself-?”

“Of course!” Akunologia said proudly: “Father, I have researched this all myself!”

“It’s really outstanding!”

Aike rubbed Akunologia’s head, and said gently: “Although you have your own ideas, you still need to learn some skills that should be learned, which is more suitable for you to develop yourself in the future. ”

“Okay!” Akunologia nodded obediently and said, “Father, I understand.”


Aike nodded with a smile, looked at the siblings in front of him, sat down, and said gently; “Lily, Aku, do you know? For the whole family, you two children are the most outstanding, in fact! Many When the time comes, the responsibility of your brothers and sisters is even greater!”

“Father!” Arturia said very seriously: “This is my duty. As a big sister, I have to protect my family and my younger siblings. This is what I should do!”



Hearing what the big sister said, Akunologia also hurriedly said: “I will also protect all my family members! Kill all the enemies!”


Aike smiled lightly and said, “Don’t be so nervous, Lily, I know your hard work and excellence, but don’t rush, let alone be so nervous, take your time, all family members will understand Those who help you, remember! Don’t put everything on yourself, your father and I are still alive, there is no need to do this.”

“As for Aku, the best way to protect his family is to kill all the enemies.”



The two siblings nodded cutely, while Aike shook his head. Being a father is not easy. My eldest daughter is too serious. How big is this? I need to change her habit, my little one The character of the son is needless to say.

That’s a pure thug, let him understand that family affection must be protected, and this is all that I, a father, need to consider.


Aike is also enjoying it. As a father, these things should be done by himself. Instead of giving birth to a bunch of tool people, he needs to take care of and train each child a little bit.

As for why only the eldest daughter and the youngest son are taken care of?! Because except for the eldest daughter and the youngest son, the other children are all bear children. Let them grow up honestly at a young age and learn slowly in the future!


There is still a childhood that should be had, or that sentence, the situation of my daughter and son is quite special.

Sea Circle Calendar January 1, 1472.

a new Year.

New beginning.

“My lord!” The little maid came to report, and said respectfully: “Mrs. Xue Linna, it’s on.”


“I see.”

Aike stood up, stretched his muscles and bones a little, and walked towards the hospital, whispering softly: “After Xue Linna gave birth, there is only Snake Princess who has not given birth in the family! If you count the time, it has already passed It took nine months, and Snake Princess was going to be shoveled in six or seven months at most.


“The time is enough. Next, it’s time to go to Wanokuni. The information on the Kurozumi Ten Clan and Wanokuni’s permanent pointer nautical chart have been purchased through the black market.”

Aike is thinking about everything in his mind, and it turns out that as long as you spend money, you can really buy a lot of things you want in the black market.


On the black market, you can buy everything you want.

His twelfth son, Edward Akunologia, the second monster of the family was born on April 12, 1471 in the Sea Circle Calendar.

After that, everything returned to calm.

By the beginning of July, Sally’s pregnancy time was about the same, and other children began to be born gradually.

The time gap before and after is not that big.

Sally, Sharon, and Mu Lin all gave birth in July.

【Edward Guy】

[Identity: Thirteen Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar July 12, 1471】

[Talent: C+ almost drowned in the water]

【Qualification: C+】

【Edward Perry Noah】

[Identity: Fourteen Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar July 15, 1471】

[Talent: C+ I am good at raising children]

【Qualification: C+】

【Edward Evine】

[Identity: Fifteen Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar July 29, 1471】

[Talent: C Talent]

【Qualification: C】


These three children are the three children born in July. Among them, Evan is the first child with extraordinary talents, and Aike is also a little dazed. He doesn’t really understand what this talent represents, and it is The first child with C-level talent + aptitude.


After Luo Ruilin, Wen Cong, Tang Na, Sandy, Betty, and other five girls gave birth in August, I understood what it meant.

【Edward Ewing】

[Identity: Sixteen Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar August 1, 1471】

[Talent: C Talent]

【Qualification: C】

【Edward Ivan】

[Identity: Seventeen Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar August 15, 1471】

[Talent: C-Excellent]

【Qualification: C-】

【Edward·Lanma Locke】

[Identity: Six Girls]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar August 17, 1471】

[Talent: B I fell in love with King Kong]

【Qualification: B】

【Edward Wu Wenying】

[Identity: Eighteen Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar August 22, 1471】

[Talent: C Talent]

【Qualification: C】

【Edward Geraint】

[Identity: Nineteen Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar August 31, 1471】

[Talent: C-Excellent]

【Qualification: C-】

With the birth of five children in August, Aike understands what this talent means. To put it bluntly, C-level talent: extraordinary talent, and, C-level talent: extraordinary, I understand it through research , These two talents, to put it bluntly, means that you have the aptitude of this talent, but do you have any special abilities?


My Lily and Aku can transform into dragons, Bertolt can transform into a giant titan, Gao Wen is extremely powerful in daytime fighting, plus Reiss can drive wolves, these are talents, and talent + superiority, this is It means that you have no talent, you only have aptitude beyond normal people.

Regarding this situation, Aike also expresses his understanding. It is normal for his child to have such a relatively weak talent. He is suitable for eating Devil Fruit to better enhance his own combat power.

【Edward Dagonit】

[Identity: Twenty Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar September 3, 1471】

[Talent: C-Excellent]

【Qualification: C-】

【Edward Eckert】

[Identity: Twenty-one Sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar September 15, 1471】

[Talent: C-Excellent]

【Qualification: C-】

【Edward Tower】

[Identity: Twenty-two sons]

【Birthday: Sea Circle Calendar September 25, 1471】

[Talent: C-Excellent]

【Qualification: C-】

In September, the children of Emma, ​​Claire, and Karla were all C-level talents, that is, C-level qualifications. For this qualification and talent, Aike There is no problem.

after all!

I am very clear that no matter how good I am, my wife’s talent is only a little bit improved after all, and besides, I am not particularly outstanding, and I am improving slowly.

In this way, it is normal for every child in my family, I will find suitable Devil Fruits for them to eat, so that they can display more strength.

Of course.

After the birth of these 11 children, it can be regarded as falling into a temporary calm.

after all.

Aike also knows that his wives and concubines need time to gradually adapt and grow, and he is also gradually stabilizing this point, which is also very normal, but before that, Xue Linna is indeed going to give birth up.

Sea Circle Calendar January 1, 1472.


Xue Linna also entered the delivery room for the second time.

Arturia stood quietly outside the delivery room. Although she looked very well-behaved, this big sister was still very nervous. This is her mother! Although all the aunts are very good to her, the others The younger siblings are also their own younger brothers.

But the problem is.

This is my mother, and this is my half-brother r sister.

…asking for flowers…

“Lily.” Aike walked step by step, and said gently; “Are you in a hurry?”


Artoria said cutely and cutely: “It’s okay, the doctor has checked everything, mom will be fine for sure!”


Aike also said gently: “Don’t worry, nothing will happen, don’t worry, Lily.


Artoria nodded obediently, she also knew that there would be no accidents, and soon, the other concubines came with their own children, and suddenly became awkward

Chattering, Aike sat there, listening to the voice in his ear, a smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

It is undeniable that they are all my wives and concubines, and they are all my children. Every child is very cute and well-behaved. I saw that some of them can already run and jump

After all, the older ones are all 3 years old, plus they are all talented, so there must be no problem.

The child Akunologia was also standing there obediently. He seemed out of place, but his eyes were looking at his brothers and sisters from time to time.

Aike knows that this child has such a character, he just looks indifferent, but he actually attaches great importance to his family.


The doctor walked out of the delivery room and said respectfully: “My lord, ladies, ladies, young masters, Mrs. Xue Linna gave birth to a little princess.”

“I see.”

Aike stood up, and walked towards the delivery room with strides. Except for Artoria, everyone else was waiting outside. After all, there are not so many people

It is better to go in, it is not a good thing to disturb the rest of pregnant women.


In the delivery room, Serena lying on the bed looked very weak, but she looked much better than when she gave birth to Artoria, with a smile on her face, she said softly: “I’m sorry




Aike chuckled and said, “It’s not a big deal, just take a good rest, Lily, go and see your sister.”


Artoria couldn’t wait to see her sister, and Aike walked to Serena’s bed and sat down. Serena leaned on Aike’s body and said,



Arturia looked at her younger sister, shook her head silently, and said, “It’s so ugly! Except for Aku, every younger sibling is so ugly!”


Aike and Serena couldn’t help laughing when they heard Arturia’s complaints. They had to say that their eldest daughter’s complaints were really hit the nail on the head.

after all.

Not every child is a human dragon or a dragon-type person.

Aike is also full of helplessness, but he is observing the panel of his little daughter.


[Identity: Seven Girls]

【Birthdate: Sea Circle Calendar January 1, 1472】

[Talent: A residual nutrition of the Red Dragon King]

【Qualification: A】

Aike was silent, how should I put it, the talent is not good? Very good! A-level talent, if you put it in your own home, it can be included in all, after all, except for Lily and Aku

, that is, Bertolt and Rahm are A-level talents.

But the problem is…

This talent sounds really bad!

A-level talent: the remaining nutrients of the Red Dragon King.

Good guy!

To put it bluntly, this is part of the power left after the eldest daughter of my family was born, so it affects my youngest daughter?

I really shook my head helplessly and didn’t say anything.

never mind.

never mind.

It’s better not to complain, there is no need, after all, this is the youngest daughter of my family.

“Father!” Artoria came over and asked curiously, “What name do you want to name my sister?”

“In terms of name…”

Aike looked at the child, thought for a while and said, “Just call it Mordred.”

Aike feels that this name is most suitable for his youngest daughter. As for the original relationship of the name, is it important?

It’s useless to have opinions, it’s useless at all, Aike’s attitude is just like this, love is whatever!


Artoria murmured the name, while Serena said gently: “My husband, I can feel that Mordred is a child.” She actually has a certain relationship with Li

Li is very similar.

“Lily.” Aike said suddenly; “You can go out with Mordred in your arms, it’s fine.”


Artoria hugged her sister happily and went out, while Aike said softly: “In fact, to some extent, Mordred is the continuation of Lily.

Not too much. ”

“Husband…” Xue Linna blinked and asked, “What does this mean?”

Aike explained: “Lily is a red dragon, after she was born, she still has power remaining in her body, part of which transformed your body, and part of it was absorbed by Mordred.


“After the birth of Mordred, this power also disappeared.”

“Scared my concubine to death…”

Hearing Aike’s explanation, Serena let out a long breath.


PS: The fourth update on the first day of release, a 5,000-word chapter, brothers! The author is begging for the first order! Various data support small!.

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