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Do you like him?

"Are you giving up before even starting?" Yuu asked freezing Shinobu in place.

"Watch me, You Bastard!!!" Shinobu got angry and started eating not minding the taste or the amount.

Yuu continued to eat at his normal pace as Shinobu ate quickly finishing all of her food.

"There ….Done," Shinobu said grinning, that was on the outside.

'This food is too much,' Shinobu was eating three times her normal intake and it was doing a number on her.

At 5:30, Yuu finished his food without an issue and the two went to the backyard to do the training after placing the utensils into the kitchen.

Aoi was shocked to find so many plates and bowls before the day even started. But she got a heads-up from Shinobu so it didn't really happen out of nowhere.

From 5:30 to 8:30 A.M. the two trained in the backyard with little breaks in between.

'I was so close to throwing up at the start,' Shinobu nearly threw up all of the food at the start but it got better in the middle and by the time the training time ended.

'I feel like I'll die,' Shinobu was lying down on the ground, the training was too intense. But she had been able to keep herself together.

"Here it is snack time," But the devil's voice came into her ears as Yuu came with a plate with more food.

'Noooooooooo,' Shinobu could only cry out in her mind as she looked at Yuu, she had to have such snacks every two hours, just thinking about that made her want to vomit.

After this Shinobu and Yuu took a bath in that order before looking after the patients in the hospital. Yuu helped as he had promised but it was only for the morning.

At noon Shinobu and Yuu had lunch which was hard for Shinobu since her stomach was still full.

From 12:30 to 2:00 the two again trained in the backyard, it wasn't as intense as the one in the morning but it was still taxing, after this, they took another bath and did whatever work they had till 5:00 P.M.

The intensive training started at 5:00 and finished at 7:00 P.M. as the two took another bath again before dinner.

Currently, at 8:00 P.M. Shinobu was in her room lying down on her bed.

'I can't move,' Shinobu was out of energy, she actually felt like she'll die as her body was hardly moving according to her will. All she could do was lay down on the bed.

"Seriously ...how does that bastard keep up with this daily?" Shinobu muttered hatefully as Yuu was working five times harder than her.

Shinobu had felt like giving up many times during the day, the training was just that hard. She could somehow do the physical training but the food was the hardest part for her, she couldn't eat that much and since the food was very different it only made it harder.

And she would've surely given up if it wasn't for Yuu. Every time he saw Shinobu on the verge of giving up he would just say 'Is that all you've got,'

"Watch me, I'll show you what I've got," Shinobu growled as she could still hear Yuu's words in her ears. That guy knew how to push her buttons and it was working which made her even angrier since she was played like a fiddle.

"I …..won't give ….up," Shinobu said slowly as she fell asleep straight away, her physical and mental fatigue had built up to the peak which resulted in this.

And just like that, 10 days have passed...

Currently, Shinobu was in Kanae's room, Kanae was sitting up on her bed and looked much healthier than before.

Shinobu came here in order to bring food for Kanae and ended up talking to her, and then her worst nemesis arrived...

"Shinobu-sama here is your snack. Tachibana-sama sent it," Naho came into the room with a tray.

"Ugh," Shinobu groaned while looking at the food, yep this was her worst nemesis now. Even though she had adjusted to a large amount of food intake, it was only slightly. She still had problems with the current amount.

But she started eating it while suppressing her misgivings. She had no other choice.

'I won't lose,' Shinobu psyched herself up, she did not want Yuu to say the words 'is that all you've got?', she hated it the most, it made her blood boil in pure rage.

"Fufu," Kanae laughed happily looking at Shinobu.

"Why are you laughing Nee-sama?" Shinobu couldn't understand her sister, why was she laughing when she was having a life-and-death battle here?

"No, it is just that Shinobu-chan looks so full of life," Kanae said as these last five days have been the most expressive she has seen Shinobu be in a long time.

'She matured quickly before because of the circumstances, but now she is acting more like her actual self,' Kanae smiled as Shinobu had tried to be mature in order to support her, she still had her childish side but it was very suppressed and something she only showed to her family.

But now in Kanae's eyes, Shinobu seemed much livelier than before, almost the same as during the time their parents were alive.

"In which world do I look full of life?" Shinobu wasn't joking she actually looked extremely tired right now.

"In my world," Kanae smiled making Shinobu sigh as she expected that, she continued to eat as Kanae looked at her with soft eyes.

"I heard you are getting along with Tachibana-sama," Kanae's words stopped Shinobu as she looked at her sister. 

"What does Nee-sama mean by getting along?" Shinobu didn't understand what Kanae was talking about.

"Hmm? Aren't you and Tachibana-sama eating meals together alone, training together in the backyard, and also taking care of the patients together?" Kanae tilted her head as if she didn't understand why Shinobu didn't get it.

'That does …look like we're getting along ....Damn it!! That does look like we're totally getting along!!' Shinobu could finally understand it after she thought of it from Kanae's point of view.

"Did you just notice it? My My, Shinobu-chan can be such an airhead sometimes," Kanae laughed looking at her younger sister.

'I'm being called an airhead by my older sister of all people,' Shinobu couldn't even roll her eyes at this.

"Anyway, I do not get along with him, As long as I am alive I can never get along with a hateful person like that," Shinobu's nose flared as she ate the food not noticing the smile on her sister's face. 

A few moments later, Kanae asked the question she had been meaning to ask for a few days now.

"So Shinobu ...Do you like Tachibana-sama?"

"COUGH* Cough*" Shinobu choked on the food as she couldn't handle what she had just heard, Kanae quickly handed her sister a glass of water quickly with a worried look.

Shinobu quickly drank the water as Kanae patted her back, a few minutes later Shinobu's coughs calmed down and she looked at her sister.

"…So do you li-" Before Kanae could finish her sentence Shinobu spoke.

"No!! There is no way I like him, That is never going to happen," Shinobu shouted in rage as she couldn't understand why her sister was thinking that, this was outrageous.

"Oh! You are denying it so strongly which means it is the opposite, don't worry you tell it all to Onee-chan, I can't believe this book was correct even the words are the same," Kanae smiled, even more, making Shinobu's face twitch madly.

Shinobu saw the book on Kanae's bedside table 'The Love that blossomed under the cherry tree' Shinobu couldn't believe her sister was comparing real life with some cheesy love novel.

"Ah!! Shinobu-chan, where are you going?" Kanae called out in surprise as Shinobu stood up and walked towards the door.

"I am going to return the plate and stop reading that book, Also I do not like him," Shinobu enunciated her last words with more effort wanting to get her point across.

"I see," Kanae smiled as Shinobu walked out of the room satisfied.

"Shinobu-chan is saying she doesn't like Tachibana-sama," Kanae muttered to herself while looking outside of the window feeling the breeze coming in and blowing her hair softly.

'I should work on the detailed report regarding the incident, I hope Oyakata-sama will consider my words,' Kanae thought as she had a lot of thoughts going inside her head currently.

In the evening,

"Hah* Finally done," Shinobu scrambled for air as she plopped down on the ground.

She had just finished the training and was fully drenched in sweat, she couldn't care less for any of that since she was exhausted.

"That was good work," Shinobu looked up at Yuu who was also fully drenched in sweat, he was using a towel to wipe it off but even then the sweat made the kimono stick to his body.

'He really has a great physique,' Shinobu thought as Yuu possibly had the best-defined body that she had seen till now.

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