Why Did It Have To Be Yu-Gi-Oh!?!

24 – Regionals Part 1

It's finally time for the first major dueling tournament arc! I hope you are all excited! 

Please vote in the poll at the end for the cards you wish to see added to Toshi's deck! I will be picking the top 2 rares, top ultra-rare, and top secret-rare as his picks!

The Yu-Gi-Oh! anime story has officially begun and all the pieces are in place. What effect will Toshiaki have on the story as we know it?

Let's dive in and find out!

Theme Music For This Chapter:


24 – Regionals Part 1

I stood in my Anubis costume before a massive marble and steel colosseum.

The path leading up to this giant domed Dueling Arena was lined with a red carpet, walled off by velvet ropes, and had at least 100 stair steps leading up to the top of the raised worked-stone platform supporting the building. The steps had landings every 10 steps that stretched for about 5 feet before continuing into new steps, so the building took up an absolutely enormous space within the packed Domino City.

Paparazzi and fans of all kinds and from all walks of life lined the velvet ropes on either side and cheered or jeered the Regional competitors as they passed. From the start of the path, I could see several dedicated fan groups settled in giant clumps and cheering wildly for some of the more noteworthy or charismatic competitors. 

'The Walk Of Champions...' I think again with a bemused shake of my head as I start my own trek up the path. 

This was a tradition that was never talked about in Anime or Manga, as far as Toshi or  Josh remembered anyway, and so it had taken me completely by surprise when I found out about it. Apparently, at the start of both Regionals and the World Championship Tournament competitors would do this runaway walk and meet-and-greet shtick.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that it makes sense for them to hype up this tournament, as those who make their way to the top 16 gain automatic entry in the World Championship Tournament in December, but it just seemed...so unnatural to me.

Sure, I realized that Regionals was a huge, multinational event only slightly less important than the Duel Monsters World Championship Tournament itself, but I never thought of how popular such an event would be to the citizens of a Dueling-themed world. It was like the big sporting events back in Josh's world for basketball, football, or soccer, only there were just 2 of them a year instead of multiple for many different sports.

2 official tournaments anyway. There were a ton of smaller and themed tournaments that happened unofficially throughout the year.

...but it just seemed a bit silly to me. No matter how I tried to justify it in my head, I couldn't figure out why a card game was more popular than literally ANYTHING else...

'No, no. Don't go down that rabbit hole, Toshi. Once I start questioning the logic of this place, I will never know peace...' I think with a deep sigh.

I had received instructions on what to do today from Nobu, and I was aware of the opening ceremony that would happen once all competitors completed their Walk Of Champions. He also passed along my new copy of Pot of Greed per our deal at the same time. 

As for the instructions?

Nothing much. I just had to walk the red carpet, climb the steps, and line up next to the other Regional competitors on the edge of the raised colosseum's platform while the mayor of Domino City and the tournament officials gave speeches. After that, we move to final registration and check-ins, we will be given our own suite inside the colosseum, and we are told to wait in isolation with only our allowed entourage that will be separated with us until our first match.

We still have everything we came with, but the rooms have no WIFI nor do they allow phone service. Basically, we are quarantined from the outside world until our matches to make sure nothing and no one can influence us.

The security here was no joke, and, since the government allowed bets to be placed at these events and took a hefty 20% tax off the top, the emphasis on fairness and the integrity of the bets were placed at the highest priority. Not to mention the anti-cheating tactics they used here could put a casino to shame. Duelists caught cheating or who were discovered to be involved with fixing the betting system were not just punished, they were banned from any official dueling event for life, and most faced hefty jail time as well.

When I found out there was betting, I was elated...Unfortunately, competitors could not bet on themselves or others while we competed ourselves... That didn't stop me from *ahem* encouraging Ishizu to place some bets on some of the competitors that I strongly felt would make it to the round of 16. 

She didn't need the money, but she hadn't ever gambled before either, so she was excited about the experience. Kin and Ren were going to be with her, so I wasn't too worried. 

Kin was still a little pissy about the prank Ren and I had pulled on him, but, hey, he had it coming.

See, we started making obvious mistakes and slip-ups in our conversations at school over the last week so that we could trick Kin into thinking he found out my secret: That I was Anubis. We made sure that only us 3 were around when we did this, and sometimes, even then, we waited until we were sure we were alone. I appreciated Ren's dedication to keeping my secret, past this little prank of ours.

So, the plan was to trick him into believing I was Anubis, however, as soon as we provided a clue about it, we would then also provide 2 or 3 red herrings to keep him just slightly off track. 

For example, for our hushed conversations and misleading slip-ups we could say something like, "Did you end up winning last night?" or, "Don't you think the black and gold look cool?" while for the fake clues we would say things like, "She was a martian all along!?!" and, "And that was the second part of the dream."

Kin was not a dumb person and picked up on the messages and our weird behavior immediately. Ren made sure that all of our interactions and whispered words were done in full view of him. She also would be extra affectionate to him afterward so that he didn't get the wrong impression or assume the wrong secret.

Kin started narrowing his eyes at us and asking us over and over again, "So, what's new?"

From there, it escalated into him making his own assumptions. He would casually try to ask us about them, but we would reply like we had no idea what he was talking about...then, soon after, Ren or I would make another mistake that confirmed his theory.

By Thursday night, last night, he was ready to confront us. He brought us to a deserted classroom after school and stood tall with his arms crossed and a Chesire grin on his face as he prepared to share the fruits of his detective work.

The conversation went something like this:


Kin: "Ren! Aki! There is no point in denying it! I figured you out! You didn't think I would, but I totally did! I have a big, macho brain! Haha!"

Aki: "Oh no! Not my secret!"

Ren: "But we did so well in hiding it, I thought!

Kin: "Fufufu~ You cannot hide the truth from my eyes. They don't call me Kin "Godeyes" Yamagata for nothing!" 

Ren: "...Who has ever called you that, and how much do I need to pay to make them stop...?"

Aki: "*Cough* Yes...Well then...Let's hear what you think you figured out, oh smart one!"

Kin: "Honestly dude, not cool telling Ren first...I totally get it. A man's romance...Urg! I want to wear an awesome costume too!" (pouting)

Aki: "C-Costume? W-What are you talking a-about?"

Ren: "N-No way! We were so quiet about it..."

Kin: "haha...hehehe...Hahaha! Bwahahahahaha! I got you now! You can hide it no longer! You are-"

*Crash* *Bang* (Covering his mouth noises...?)

Aki: "Yes, yes. You got me. I want to dress up as Anubis for Halloween."

Ren: "Jeez. Don't go shouting about it, dummy."

Kin: "..."

Aki & Ren: "What?"

Kin: "The secret I have been trying to uncover all week...is that you want to dress up like Anubis for Halloween?"

Aki: "Yup."

Ren: "Duh. What did you think it was?"

Kin: "..." (Blushing and looking away)

Ren: "What is it? What did you think??? Hmm? Hmm~~???" (Following after him and not letting him hide his embarrassment)

Kin "Thought he was..." (Mumbling)

Ren: "What was that~?"

Aki: "Gotta speak up man."

Kin: "I thought Aki was Anubis..." (Face now in hands in embarrassment)

Aki: "Oh, I am."

Ren: "Yup, good guess!"

Kin "Nani1"What" in Japanese!?!"


I have to hold back a laugh when I remember the face he made. I only wish I took a picture of it.

Anyway, back to Regionals.

With 64 of us at the start of the tournament, the first 3 days would be dedicated to the preliminaries and working towards the round of 16. 

This is where I hoped to reach. It was not likely, but I just had to win 2 duels to get there. I figured I can probably win one, depending on who I am put up against, but that is all I am confident in. If I get a big-named duelist as a competitor, I am done.  

'Just, please, don't put me against Rex or Weevil in my first round...I don't want to lose against the finalists right away...' I pray as I start my way forward on the red carpet after a signal from one of the security guards. 

As I walked, ignoring most of what was going on around me, an eruption of shouts and cheers halfway down the pathway grabs my attention. 

I nearly stumble and fall. 

There, dressed in all kinds of black and gold clothing, all of it Egyptian-themed, are a group of well over 100 people. They hold signs with my name on them, wave gold and black flags, and sport paper mache Anubis masks. 

'I...I have a fan club...' I think in bewilderment. 'Wait, I have a fan club!?! I thought the rumors of them were because I would always go back as my other personas and clean up the same shops right after Anubis did...?'

When they saw me walking up to them, several of the front ones quickly formed a line and held up signs. Each sign had a different letter on it.

They spelled out, "GO ANUIBS!"

'Well...A for effort.' I think with a chuckle. I decide to be a bit showy with this and bow deeply to them. This earns an explosion of cheers and I send them all a wave as I keep heading on down the path. 

About 100 feet away from the fan group, I notice 3 familiar faces in the crowd. The first two wave at me, which was drowned out in the sea of other cheering Regional Fans, but the last one stole my full attention. 


Ishizu, dressed in a black and gold cheerleader outfit. 

Ishizu, dressed in a black and gold cheerleader outfit, and shaking golden pom-poms in my direction with golden Ankhs panted under each of her eyes. 

I tripped and fell.


Look, it took all I had to not grab my face and roll on the ground there and then, okay! I was not ready!!!

'My Girlfriend is too cute! I am unworthy!' I scream internally as I get back up and dust myself off. 

It has gotten quiet around me after I fell, and I knew the crowd was waiting for an excuse or for me to play it off. 

I just shrug and say in my deep Anubis voice, "I am a bit nervous. This is my first Regionals, after all."

The people nearby laugh goodnaturedly, but I ignore them as I look back over at my 3 best friends.  

Ishizu was now crouched on the ground, trembling, and bright red in embarrassment as she hides behind her pom-poms...

Kin and Ren put an arm around each other and shoot me a thumbs up while waggling their eyebrows.

'Ah...So this was their doing...*Sniff* Good work. As long as she wasn't forced into it, I suppose I will have to thank them later. It was absolutely adorable, after all.'

I catch Ishizu's eye one last time before I start walking away (Playing it off as me checking my outfit for scuffs or broken pieces) and she blows me a quick kiss and gives me a wave before she is lost once more in the sea of people all around. 

'Damn. I got it bad. I'm actually considering ditching this just to go spend more time with her...' I think with an internal chuckle. 

But now, it was time to focus. 

I had a job to do and I knew there was a lot at stake here. 

By now, the story should have progressed passed the first episode of the anime. 

I was not 100% sure the YugixKiba Blue Eyes vs. Exodia match had happened, but I was fairly certain it did since Kame Game was closed 3 days ago. I was going to stop by and check my mail, but it was closed and locked up, so I assume that is when it went down. 

Either way, that means 1 thing:

I was out of time to prepare. The anime had started and events were progressing whether I wanted them to or not.

I had to do well here to get into the Duelist Kingdom tournament, and I needed to win a ton of points so I could afford to upgrade my deck on or before the 31st.

This was a hugely important moment for me and my future. I had to save my (Josh's) dad and I needed to grow in strength to protect my friends and family. I still planned to do it as mysteriously as possible for as long as possible, and, due to my own efforts, I had started on the perfect foundation. 

This tournament was also a chance for me to drop my biggest red herring yet, just like my prank with Kin. 

'They wanted me here for entertainment...So I better give them all a good show.'  I think with a giant grin as I joined the rest of the Regional competitors on the pedestal of the Domino City Dueling Colosseum.

The Duel Monster's Regional Tournament had officially begun. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Let me know what you think in the comments and please be sure to vote on the cards in the poll!

You can pick 2 rares, 1 ultra-rare, and 1 secret-rare! I had to restrict the card pool to fit in the poll, but that is probably for the best. 30 cards are easier to choose from than 100. lol

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