Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 239

Chapter 239: We Can Get Along, Right?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Things really had gone surreal.

Baiyi had no idea how to react anymore, so he helplessly returned the form back to Baldy and shrugged, “I really had no idea that HQ accepted students like these.”

“Oh, it’s nothing, Great Sage Hope,” Baldy replied flatly. “‘No child left behind’, that’s the motto, right?”

“Er, but these…?” Baiyi hesitated. How could he phrase the statement in a way that it would not hurt their feelings?

“Great Sage Hope, please understand. These students of different species are even more valuable than humans. To achieve what others could achieve, they have had to work even harder. This dedication alone makes them truly exceptional students. Our poll even substantiates this! Besides that, teaching them has been quite a pleasurable experience, and many back at headquarters have lamented their departure…”

‘Oh, yea? Then, explain to me why you people didn’t just make them stay there? Why send them over to a random vagabond to “teach”?’

As though Baldy had ready Baiyi’s thoughts, he proceeded to explain, “There is another reason for sending them over, you see… At the end of the day, they are not humans. We cannot make them stay in the library or mage towers forever; that’s against their nature — a cruelty that we cannot bring ourselves to do…”

‘Fine, fine. This at least makes a modicum of sense.’

Baiyi turned the idea over and over in his head, and then he turned his head to face them.

The new students were looking at him with really pitiful eyes. It made him realize that for all the ire he seemed to harbor towards them, these creatures still looked up to him.

Baiyi felt his stance soften, and after much hesitating, he said, “Alright. I suppose I understand where you’re coming from. However, I also have my own students, and I’m not sure how they would take this—”

“Oh, look at that big beautiful doggo!” a familiar cry rang out.

Little Mia had heard Baiyi quarreling with someone outside, so she had come out to see what the fuss was all about. Naturally, on arrival, she was easily distracted by the beautiful fox, and she immediately leaped toward it.

“Doggo is so cute!” she huffed, and she boldly ruffled the kitsune’s soft fluffy fur. In return, the kitsune turned to Baiyi, feeling helpless, and gave him a smile of resignation, as though it was sighing.

The expression was so human-like that it struck a chord in the Soul Armature. ‘Perhaps it is a pretty good idea to have them as students. Baldy may be onto something here. Plus, creatures that understand mankind, and are willing to learn the ways of man, are more valuab le than human geniuses…’

Baiyi finally made his decision, and when he looked back, he saw Baldy lightly nodding his head, as though he had deduced Baiyi’s decision.

‘Alright, last question.” Baiyi turned to the only normal human of the bunch — Little Miss Deep Pocket, Vidomina.

‘Or, maybe she is not human, after all. Look at her! She’s neither tall nor too old, yet that body has gotta be the most voluptuous that I have ever seen; that white robe can’t even conceal her assets! …Is that even something a normal human should have?’

“Ah, Ms. Vidomina volunteered to be your student,” Baldy explained. “I think you two have met before, right? You will like her a lot.”

“Mentor!” Vidomina said as she stepped forward. “I’m forever indebted to you for your deed, so when I heard that you were looking for students, I was the first to enroll.”

She continued with a few more standard politician-style speeches, and then after that, she produced a small box from her robe. As she handed it to Baiyi, she added, “Please accept this little token of my thanks.”

Baiyi opened the box, and his eyes widened in disbelief. The box was full of papers with various official stamps. A closer inspection revealed the papers to be a land contract — the land that his mansion was built on!

Although Tisdale’s place was not in one of the higher-end areas, it was in one of the areas closest to the Celestial Fortress Academy; hence, there were a few dozen families living here. Most of them were middle class or lower aristocrats. However, being able to gift the land contract of the entire street as “a little token of thanks” was just too generous.

No wonder the neighbors had been moving out of their house so happily these past few days!

‘Bloody 1%… You think you can do everything just because you’re a billionaire?’

Vidomina wore an expression that implied ‘Oh yes, I can totally do everything because I’m a billionaire.’

“Alright, let us all just get inside.” Baiyi opened the door and invited the new students in. As Little Mia passed by, Baiyi pinched her ear and said, “Never pull its ears again, you hear me? It was trying so hard to hold back its tears!”

After a while, after everyone had settled down in the living room, Attie hurriedly carried a tray full of tea sets from the kitchen for her new guests.

However, as soon as Attie caught sight of the visitors, she was given a big fright, and the tray fell from her hands.

Suddenly, the sunflower moved its body and released a bolt of mana that stopped the tray in mid-fall, with its tea sets still in place. The owl that had been perching on top of the kitsune spread its wings, flew to the tray and grasped the teapot with its talons. It proceeded to skillfully pour tea in every cup. Finally, the great big fox swung its tail, sending the teacups flying into the hands of everyone there. Baiyi first, Baldy next, then everyone else, and itself last. Its front legs gently held the delicate cup, and its tongue silently lapped its tea. An expression of contentment surfaced in its face.

‘These fellas are pros! Baiyi could only secretly nod in admiration.’

“I told ya, they are really exceptional students.” Baldy blew the steam off his tea and beamed.

Thus, it was decided. Baldy handed over the information on the new students and left, and the day continued with Baiyi’s lessons.

Just like in every normal class, Baiyi started with a classic self-introduction. Of course, due to some of his students being special cases, he could only sift through their information and help them introduce themselves.

“Okay, lemme see… So you’re… Sunny 1 ?” Baiyi asked the sunflower. After watching the sunflower wriggle in glee, he continued reading out the information, “Race: soul-eater plant. Talents: druid magic, apothecary, herbology, illusions…”

‘Why do you look like a sunflower in the first place?’ Baiyi wondered as he set down Sunny’s information and took up the owl’s.

“Your name is Potter? Why even name you Potter? Why not Johannson?” Baiyi commented. “Your race is listed as — hmm, interesting. You’re a Shadownyx Owl, very rare indeed. I may need your feathers for some experiment — not now! Not now, later! …Talents: martial arts/magic, aerial battle, adventuring, and magical items study…”

After introducing two of the four non-humans newcomers, it got to the turn of the only, and arguably, normal human — Vidomina. She leaped up from the couch so confidently, and just as swiftly, the jiggle physics on her chest bobbled.

The jiggles were noticed by Little Mia and Tisdale, and after jolting themselves from their silent moment of astonishment, they both hung their heads in shame.

“I’m Vidomina. I presume Mia remembers me? I’m a human, and my talent lies in curses and hexes. Unfortunately, I’m not as much of a polymath as my seniors here,” she said in a bold tone. Then, she patted her own chest, making a deep booming sound, and added, “My words carry incredible weight in this city, so if you’ve got any problem you need settling — you know who to call!!”

Copying her gesture out of curiosity, Attie beat her own chest, but all she heard was the sound of a hollow space.

‘Vidomina, you are not gonna be able to make friends easily this way…’

Last but not least was the great big fox and the fairy who had hidden her entire head underneath her great witch hat.

The kitsune purred, making some unfamiliar animal sounds, and turned to the fairy. It proceeded to stroke the fairy’s back gently with its long bushy tail — as if to comfort her.

“It…Its name.. is… Zakum…” The fairy mumbled really softly as she translated the kitsune’s words, but the girls had to really lean in close to hear her — and even then, they did not really hear her clearly.

“I-I-I…I’m Nota Siniorius… Just c-c-call me N-N-Nota….” the fairy continued with her chronically mosquito-like voice. She seemed very afraid of strangers, seeing as she did not even raise her head as she spoke.

The kitsune suddenly swiped its tail, shoving the witch hat away from her head.

A stream of light, aqua-colored hair blossomed at once, flowing down gently on a breathtakingly beautiful face that could only have been crafted by nature.

“Ahhh!” Nota cried out in embarrassment, and she hurriedly looked for the hat, but the sly fox had already placed it somewhere that she could not see. Meanwhile, everyone’s were was directed right at her.

Her face turned red almost in a second—and her eyes followed suit. She looked very pitiful 2 , but also quite adorable.

‘Oh come on, you’re too feeble-minded. Your chronic shyness is a mine for bullies! …Besides, wasn’t one of your talents ‘aerial battles’? How do you work with that? By killing them with cuteness?’ Baiyi thought, feeling a little unimpressed.

Just as the fairy was about to burst into tears, the two girls who had with natural ‘healing’ properties came to her rescue. Mia and Tisdale each grabbed one of her porcelain-like hands and rubbed them softly, trying to calm down the timid girl.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. We are classmates now, and we are gonna be friends. Friends don’t hurt each other, right?”

“You’re so pretty, Nota! I’m Mia; I want to be friends with you!”

Their smiles were probably the best relief anyone could ask for, and just like that, Nota’s tears halted, and a bright grin blossomed on her face.

Baiyi watched with optimism. ‘Looks like my students are gonna be fine, after all.’

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