Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 9

Chapter 8: “White Sugar, Look Here.”

So Bai Tang looked at the installation in front of him, a little confused, two long bandages went around the pillars on the bathroom ceiling and hung down and tied into a knot, from a distance it looked like they were going to hang themselves together.

“This is to let go.” Jiang Yunshu pulled the shorter one and then the longer one, “This is for the feet, be careful, the wound should not touch the water, Don’t fall.”

After he finished speaking, he frowned and thought for a while, then said seriously, “How about I help you wash it?” As a doctor, he didn’t have much emotional fluctuations in the face of other people’s nakedness. To put it nicely, it’s just a mass of muscle tissue with its own strengths.

“No need!” Bai Tang only thought of something to toss himself, just like before, Jiang Yunsu put him in a bathtub full of water, and when he choked, he lifted it up and admired After a while of his embarrassed demeanor, he pressed his lips together cruelly, repeatedly, completely treating him as a plaything that could provide some fun.

White sugar only remembers the desperation of suffocating and drowning, the warm yellow light illuminates the bathroom, the water that wraps him is hot, and the hand that holds him is also hot, but he is like falling In the cold cave, I don’t know how much water he drank, and finally he curled up weakly on the cold marble floor.

The initiator sat casually on the chair with Erlang’s legs crossed, looking at him with a sullen face and a little disgust, as if he could bring so little entertainment.

Jiang Yunsu put on slippers, kicked his soft belly, said get out, and said you stained my floor, and he would kneel down and apologize: “I’m sorry…cough, thank you sir. ”

Thinking of the past, Bai Tang’s face paled a little, and she struggled to the death without hope, “Sir, I’ll just wash it myself, I’ll pay attention…”

But I didn’t expect Jiang Yunsu to speak very well today, so I only heard alpha say: “Okay, call me for something.”

The sound of the water came from the bathroom. Jiang Yunshu waited outside the door for a while before leaving. He found a large box and moved it to the bedroom, opened the third cabinet door, and put the inside The **** was thrown into the box one by one, and when I took it out, I could even see dried blood on several iron bars.

Jiang Yunshu didn’t know what he was in. He had never been so angry before, but in his anger there was some powerlessness and fear. If he hadn’t been reborn, how long would Baitang suffer from inhuman treatment?

When he looked at the trophies in the glass display cabinet, he was in a different mood. He took out these trophies and put them in the third cabinet that had just been cleaned up. Close the door with a bang.

The outside is very beautiful, but the inside is tyrannical and arrogant. Jiang Yunshu has seen many such hypocritical and incompetent people, but he never thought that he would be in such a person’s body.

But he couldn’t figure it out again, if ‘self” is really bad for Baitang, why is Baitang still reluctant to divorce?

The sound of water in the bathroom has not stopped, Jiang Yunshu sat in the living room, took out his mobile phone and asked a question on the online search engine: Why is omega unwilling to divorce? Click Search.

Then he was shocked to find that this problem did not appear in the era of big data network in a lot of mixed information.

What does this mean? On behalf of this world, no one will have this question.

No one.

Jiang Yunshu frowned and looked at the line of words on the page “The relevant content was not accurately searched”. After a while, he clicked the option of “Publish the question immediately”.

“This question has been sent to 157879 users.”

Someone will answer soon.

Anonymous User: The title is a beta, right? Are you an adult?

riccardo0714:A divorced omega is like a used snot paper, after all, who wants a marked omega? Or to put it another way, which alpha can endure an omega covered in other people’s scents?

Anonymous user: The birth rate of the world’s population has been negative for nearly 20 years. The number of omega’s only accounts for 5% of the total number of people. Abandoned omegas are forcibly sent to centralized fertility centers.

Anonymous User: We can’t live without omega.

Centralized Fertility Center… Jiang Yunshu murmured, shouldn’t it be what he meant?

He typed these five words into the search engine word by word, the page refreshed, and an introduction similar to Baidu Encyclopedia popped up.

As a contemporary young man in the 21st century, Jiang Yunshu was so shocked that his pupils trembled. He read it over and over again in disbelief.

This? how come? legal? What about human rights in omega? How could this kind of organization pass? !

In this world, passed.

Why, Jiang Yunshu can find it as soon as he checks it, because there are more than 300 people in the nine major organizations that can propose legal proposals, and none of them are omega, even 60%, gender is alpha.

Jiang Yunshu has been in a trance for a long time, but he still can’t accept this fact, why Baitang is still unwilling to divorce after living so miserably, because after the divorce, only exploitation awaits him, whether it is body, organs or human rights.

Until death.

This world is deformed.

Jiang Yunshu clenched his fists, his endless anger and constant sense of powerlessness made him firmer in his belief in protecting sugar.

It has been ten minutes since the sugar came out. His hair was wet on his face, and his collar was stuck in the lining. Nearly tripped over the bandages.

Jiang Yunshu glanced at the collar that was unacceptable for OCD, and finally said nothing.

If he reminds Baitang, Baitang will definitely apologize nervously and immediately tidy up, but he doesn’t want this, he wants to create a warm and casual family environment, and wants Baitang to put down his guard and recover The relaxed gesture I saw that morning.

He took a dry towel and handed it to Sugar, and said, “Did you get the bandage wet? Wipe your hair.”

“No!” Bai Tang took it in fear, rubbing his hair with his left hand, and quickly said, “I was very careful…not to get wet.”

“I see.” Jiang Yunshu said, “It doesn’t matter if it gets wet, just change it later.”

Jiang Yunshu took a few steps back to make sure that Baitang could see the whole of him, and he would not be frightened by the rash gesture of raising his hand, he stretched out his hand: “Come, carry you downstairs.”

The wet hair was sticking to the thin and thin shoulders, and Baitang did not dare to disobey Jiang Yunsu’s order, standing stiffly on the spot, passively waiting.

Holding his master, his fair and round toes curled up slightly, moving around uncomfortably.

Feel what bumps.

But this direction… Baitang is a little nervous, the destination is the door? Are you going to throw him out, sir? Bai Tang’s eyes widened, he involuntarily grabbed Jiang Yunshu’s clothes, and looked at Alpha’s jawline in fear. When he reacted, his plea had already blurted out: “Sir, don’t throw me away…”

Jiang Yunshu was stunned for a moment, put down the white sugar by the wall, and said helplessly: “What are you thinking?”

Suddenly his feet touched the ground, and Baitang stumbled and quickly stood on one foot, only to see Alpha went upstairs again, took out a box of things, and walked towards him.

When Bai Tang saw it, his whole body suddenly stood up, and he quickly flashed the miserable state of being tortured and tortured by these things, bright red blood, strong rust smell, suffocating darkness, unable to break free Restraint… His legs weakened, he took a step back uncontrollably and clinging to the corner tightly, grabbing the clothes on his chest like he was holding on to a life-saving straw, his heart was beating fast, his breathing was short and hard, like he was just scared before he died. rabbit.

“Bai Tang,” Jiang Yunshu walked outside the door, calling Bai Tang’s name again and again, gently and cruelly letting Bai Tang look over, “Bai Tang, look here.”

Baitang’s face turned pale, gasping for breath, slowly squatting down in the corner, tears gushing out like broken beads.

The black shadow smashed by the iron rod, the sound of bones shattering, the broken left wrist hurts, he shook his head like a collapse, and kept apologizing: “Woo… I don’t want, sir, I’m wrong… sorry Sorry…”

Jiang Yunshu couldn’t bear it, but he had to ask Bai Tang to see it with his own eyes, “Bai Tang, it’s alright, come over.”

How long Baitang resisted absentmindedly, Jiang Yunshu comforted him for a long time. He watched Baitang’s violent stress reaction and gradually frowned. The original owner brought Baitang more mental damage than he imagined. is much more serious.

Jiang Yunshu had to make some moves to break the current stalemate. He took out an iron rod from the box and threw it into the trash can vigorously. , raised his eyes and looked at it blankly.

Seeing the reaction, Jiang Yunshu threw it again and again, and the muffled sound echoed in the empty night.

“White sugar,” Jiang Yunshu stared at the omega huddled in a ball in the room, his voice calm and powerful, “Can you see it?”

He lifted the heavy box and said to White Sugar, “Sugar, see clearly, it’s these **** that are going to be thrown away.” After speaking, he squeezed his wrist, the box was tilted, and the contents inside were scattered. It fell into the trash can and banged on Bai Tang’s heart.

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