Why is my Harem World a Yandere Nightmare

Chapter 2

"Brother you didn't give your sis a goodnight kissy" 


Of course, it was my annoying clingy sister. The following months her shenanigans were increasingly more clingy, even while training you could say she was latching onto my back.

She at least used to pray to this Palrene or whatever but she even stopped doing that claiming, "I don’t get to spend enough time with my precious brother" and then proceeded to snuggle onto me.

She now continually asks me to kiss her on the cheek, forehead or her tummy. Not to mention while she thinks I am asleep, she proceeds to kiss me on those aforementioned places and even around my mouth.

I am just glad she still understands the boundaries of brothers and sisters and doesn't go any more overboard than that.


"No, you already forced me to kiss you 10 times today."


"But you gave me 12 kissys yesterday if you don't kiss me I will die!"


What kind of logic is that and what does that damn church teach to their followers.


"No means no, now sleep."


Soon she starts creaking some sound and her crying performance starts.

This is not fair at all, I can't last against her crying face. This is totally not fair.


Sigh "Okay, okay, where do you want me to kiss..."


"Yay! Thank you brother! Kiss me on the back please!"


Out of blackmail, I lift her shirt and kiss her on the back. Is this even legal?


"Now huggy!"




This is tiring, if this continues I might not have much time to train. I might have to adjust my plans soon...

The following day after a long 1 minute session of thinking I finally came upon an answer.


"I want to join school."


"Wahhh *hic* n-no don't l-leave me *hic* brother!"


This lass thinks crying will work every time but little does she know I have a trick up my sleeves.


"Don't worry, we both can go to school. If sis goes to school, I think I might start loving her more."


hic "R-really...?"




"Yay! Brother and I will get married then."


I am not sure as to how she reached that conclusion but I didn't bother with it.

Heh, this lass has no idea about the world of adults and school. The chances of us entering the same class are as negligible as nigh impossible, with her being older than me by one year she will have to attend an older class and I can finally train.

Not to mention with there being around 5 sections boasting 45 students each.

Or so I thought but apparently, lady luck hates me.


"Aren't you glad you both get to join the same class?"




And here I was sitting with my sister clinging to me with the teacher eyeing at us. 

Apparently, 7-8 years old have to attend the same classes and they depending on how this school works we would end up getting promoted together.

Basically I am stuck with her throughout my school life here.




"Brother don't say bad words or I will have to kiss you."


I end up getting further embarrassed after my sister’s remark.

Well, it's not the end yet, Seris is probably there to avoid a game fail for my harem route hence her easy capture capability.

In the end I had planned to create a harem too so being with Seris won't be the end of the world.

Who knows she might be able to introduce some of her female friends to me.


As for the first day of school, I think the 'love me' setting was already taking effect. Numerous girls were staring at me the whole time, well it also might just be due to me being a boy.

As a matter of fact, I have yet to see a single boy.

While Seris was away or dozing off in class I planned to approach these targets.


Target number 1. Hielda.

Beautiful girl with black hair with long ponytail, yellowish-amber eyes, high potential for a beautiful figure (which something pretty much everyone has due to my settings).


Seris had to go to the bathroom so this was an opening I was ready for. I head straight to Hielda while the whole class was staring at me.

Soon I approach her, the tension in the air soon rises. I could even hear someone gulping in the background.

Hielda is there sitting. Her eyes were as wide as saucers staring at me. A slight pink flush on her cheeks, is it due to how attractive I might seem? I soon ask her.


"May I sit next to you please?"


She soon gives a slight nod and lowers her head as if hiding her face.

I sit right beside her and keep my bag next to me. While I was trying to sit our arms brush past together with a slight touch.

She immediately jolts away from her seat and stands far from me.


"Uh... is something wrong?"


She shakes her head sideways but it's obvious enough to see something is wrong.

She slowly approaches back to her seat with her stare fixated towards me. To confirm my suspicion this time I 'coincidentally' brush my arm against her.

She follows suit with the same reaction. She stares at me very disturbingly now.


Am I that repulsive...?


Nah it can't be, I made sure of my settings. It might just be her having an allergic reaction to boys, yes that's it.

Even if that might be the case it really hurts.


Seris soon returned so I had to put my escapades to a stop for now.

I waited until next period, knowingly that Seris would soon fall asleep like she always does.


Ok time for Target 2. Cheren

Silver hair like Seris but tone changes from white to pink, short size. Has red eyes and cat ears.


So this time I followed the same plan. She shows actions at Hielda at first but when I brush past her... same reaction...

Am I doing something wrong...

No Alex don't give up, I need to score a damn girl in an easy harem setting mode!


Target 3, Target 4, Target 5, Target 6... Target 20... Target 45...




Whenever I touch them they jolt away, whenever I talk to them they don't reply and only nod.

Not to mention they act meek and their face becomes reddish when I go near them. Could it be I mistook these actions? Could it be that those were signs for anger instead...?

So were those intense passionate gaze just gazes of disgust...?

This hurts my heart so bad.


But I won't give up, even if I am so disgusting they can't say no to my prowess and skill. Surely they'll be taken in by my strength right?

The following days occurred with me showing my skills, magic, I even went as far as gifting to my classmates in hopes to buy them over.

It was all to no avail.


Even when I tried to be romantic, sanitized myself of my smell and even saved my classmates from getting injured their reactions were still the same.

If anything I just saw those glares get even stronger. Am I doing something wrong, if I were to do those actions to Seris I am sure she would smooch me to no end then?


But I only receive their sharp dagger-like glares. Only Seris is there to heal my heart, Seris is only one who soothes my soul now.

I come downtrodden from another day of failure. That day I cried to Seris and she smooched me to no end while getting comforted by her.


I feel broken now.

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