Why is my Harem World a Yandere Nightmare

Chapter 26

As I feared for the worst Feon headed towards the door. She had already started to chant a few spells beforehand, acting cautiously towards whoever this intruder was. The air had gotten incredibly tense, I could feel the malicious aura leaking from the direction of the door.


Feon on the other hand was unfazed, she stood in front of the door unyieldingly. She was stalwart in her intentions to punish whoever disturbed her sweet time. I stared at the scene with worry, things were about to get messy real fast. 


Though Feon somewhat forced herself on me, I was still concerned about her well being. Her current state was most likely caused by my curse. I had to take responsibility in that regard. Feon getting hurt was the last thing I wanted to see happen.


It was also possible that the person behind that door was Adrian which could prove to make things even more terrible. Adrian wasn’t in a stable state of mind as of recently, seeing us in such a scene could worsen her problem. I couldn’t help but panic at the thought of it.

My imagination went wild, thinking of the worst possible outcome. I just prayed that the events wouldn’t play out as it went in my mind.


As I was thinking so the door soon burst open. I awaited the nightmarish scene which was about to play in front of me. But weirdly enough, there was no one there. Feon soon went alert. The enemy’s whereabouts were now unknown, it placed Feon at a disadvantage. 

“Lux Binding!” it was an oddly familiar voice, I felt a bit of relief knowing this invader wasn’t Adrian.

A ring of light shot out through the wall, showing the considerable amount of force behind the spell. Feon was caught off guard by the sudden attack, making her defences vulnerable. She tried to evade it but wasn’t fast enough, the ring of light smacked right onto her body and enveloped her entirely.


She now looked like a caterpillar made of light, wriggling around constantly. Thankfully it didn’t seem like a spell which could cause any injury to Feon, but it had incapacitated her completely. I was on my own now.


I stared towards the hole which had formed on the wall. The footsteps of the perpetrator could now be heard, it seemed as if she was heading towards the doorway. I nervously gulped, I mentally prepared myself for another possible fight. 


The opponent seemed pretty skilled but I had some confidence within me. As long as my debuff Before the Chopping Board doesn’t activate I could probably deal with her easily. Hopefully, lady luck is with my side on this one otherwise I had a feeling this could turn out pretty badly.


The slow trodding footsteps come to a halt right before the person could enter my vision. My anticipation was getting worse, why did she suddenly stop there? I stared at the door frame, knowing that she could be standing right there, inches away from my vision.


“You can do this!” I heard a slight whisper, was she talking to herself? Suddenly the figure dashed right towards me. I was ready to defend myself but when I saw her face I was shocked beyond words.


She leaps right into me and pulls me into her embrace. Her luscious body completely latches onto me, it was even more erotic than Feon’s. I could feel her soft breath on my face, there was a slight warmth emanating from it.


The girl before me had long white hair which had a tint of a silver colour to it. Her azure eyes felt calm and serene like a lake. It was the same gorgeous face I had seen numerous times but it had matured now.


Without a doubt, it was my-


“Alex I missed you so much!”

Seris hugs me tightly, so tightly that I could feel all her grown proportions pushing onto me. She starts smothering my face with kisses, it was truly overwhelming for me. It had been so long since I had last seen my sister and she had already grown into quite a beauty. 


I almost felt tears leaking out of my eyes as I smelt her nostalgic smell again.

“Seris!” I exclaimed as I hugged her back. She happily receives my hug, a wide grin had spread onto her face.

“I love you so much Alex, never ever leave me again! You don’t know how much time I had spent searching for you. I missed you so so much, I am so happy!”

“I missed you too Seris” I patted her head as I said that. She happily received my pats, tears also leaked out of her eyes. It was the reunion of a familial bond, the bond of a brother and sister, she was the only girl I could live with without any worries. 


But suddenly the ambience which was all happy and merry started to dim down all of a sudden. I felt goosebumps on my arms at the unexpected change around Seris’ atmosphere. Her eyes started to become hollow, those beautiful lake like eyes of her had turned into the abyss of the ocean, her grasp on me had tightened. That fascinating smile of hers had started to give off some eerie vibes.


My body screamed at me to escape, my eyes immediately shifted sideways as to avoid her gaze. I felt like a lamb before her, completely powerless.

“Alex, who is that girl…?” My skin turned pale from that question. Unknowingly my back was completely drenched from sweat. I gave her a forced smile as I tried to think a way out of this.

“Seris I can explai-”

“Oh, you can explain? Then tell me why was she completely naked? Why can I smell that whore’s smell from you? Did she hurt you? Should I kill her now? She isn’t someone important to you, is she? Do you still have your virginity intact? How many girls do you have around you now? Why is your pant’s crotch covered in her disgusting fluids? Weren’t you going to marry me? How do you want me to dispose of her?”


Seris asks several questions rapidly, one after the other. I was barely able to make sense of them. She had immediately rendered me to a helpless state after overwhelming me with these questions. I didn’t even get a chance to say anything.


“Wait, wait, Seris, calm down!”

“Calm? I am perfectly calm. You haven’t answered a single question of mine yet. Did this bitch seduce you or something?”

“Wait she is just a party member of mine, I can explain!”

Why did the scene change from a sweet and cute reuniting, to one where it looked like a husband was trying to defend himself from his wife’s accusations after having an affair?


I tried to slowly explain everything to Seris, her interrogations were nothing to scoff at. She tried to probe every bit of information I had. Though I confessed almost everything to her, I didn’t entirely tell the truth, in fear of jeopardizing Feon’s life. In an attempt to downplay how bad my actions with Feon were, I had decided to spew off some lies to my sister.


“So you’re saying that she was just laying next to you and nothing serious happened?”


Seris points at my crotch which was still wet from our prior indecent actions.

“So why is your crotch so wet then? How come her smell is all over your body?”

“T-that I ended up hugging her in my sleep. Y-yeah you know h-how bad my hugging habit is r-right?” I told to Seris, slightly stuttering from the intimidating air around her.

She stays quiet for some time, ruminating in deep thought.


“Alright Alex, you’re in the clear, for now,” Seris tells me in a threatening manner, putting clear emphasis in her last words. I give a sigh of relief knowing she won’t pursue the issue for now.

“What about Feon?” I ask Seris while eyeing the cocoon made of light. She was still desperately struggling as if her life depended on it.


“She will just have to stay here, the spell should wear off soon enough.”

“Stay here? You mean to say that we will be going somewhere else?”

“Yes brother, I can’t stay here for long due to troublesome matters, you won’t leave your sister alone right?” Seris innocently asks me, her intimidating feel nowhere to be seen. She uses her trademark puppy dog eyes on me as if begging me to go along with her demands. It reminded me of my old times when I was always with Seris. I dearly missed those days.


“Alright I guess, but not for long okay?” I helplessly gave in to her request.

“Yaaa! Thank you brother! I will surely fulfil all your desires!” Seris cheers joyfully as she says something vague. I pat her head to calm her down. Feon on the other hand seemed to be tumbling around with even more fervour. 


I was slightly worried for her but hoped that nothing bad happened to her while I was gone. It’s not like I was going away forever anyways.

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