Why is my Harem World a Yandere Nightmare


I was dozing away in my dreams, sleeping soundly like a child. Dreams are nice, you can forget all worries about the real world and lose yourself in delusions. But sometimes these delusions come back to haunt you in the form of nightmares. Thankfully, it wasn't one of those days. 

It felt like the best nap I have ever had. I always tended to sleep deprive myself just to play games and to read manga or novels overnight.

It had happened to take a toll on my body, thankfully today was a holiday, allowing me to take a break from my hectic life. On second thought, was today even a holiday?

While my eyes were shut, I was still conscious, but the coziness of my bed melted away any willingness to get up.

I don’t remember my bed being this cozy? No, I am pretty sure no bed I ever slept in was this cozy.

Panic soon filled my body as I jolted up to look around. There was darkness everywhere like I was in floating in space itself. 

There were many jittery sources of light floating all around me, but unlike normal stars, they came and fizzled out within a short duration.


“Awake yet, my sweet Prince?”


I turned towards the source of the genderless sounding voice. Sharp bright light entered my vision. I saw the silhouette of some kind of entity, blinding rays of light came out of it yet my eyes didn’t hurt staring at it.

Honestly, it was kind of like those generic forms of god you would usually see with no defined features. You could just say it’s a source of light and it won’t be wrong with that description.

Looking closely, I similarly looked like a source of light except my body’s features was more distinct and human-like.

Touching myself, I could make out that I had some facial features such as a nose, ears, hair.


“Done thinking yet?” the entity spoke again, I could almost feel like its stare on me.


“I know you have a lot of questions, Xer. But let me give you a quick rundown of things.”


Was my name Xer? I thought it called my supposed name sort of endearingly? But I just thought of it as me imagining things. 

After the quick rundown that I had gone through, it basically went like this.


First, the place I was currently in was the place where ‘souls’ end up when they died. 

Second, I apparently have a very high aptitude for fantasy related worlds. 

Third, it was now time for me to go to another world now? Wasn't the quick rundown a little too quick? I could barely grasp anything she said.


“Also, you might’ve noticed your body is much more defined than other lives, which you might see as sources of light. That’s mainly due to the aptitude of your soul. Anyways, would you like to see and spend your accumulated contribution also?”


Huh? Contribution? What’s it talking about?


“Ah yes, you won’t know about contribution, of course… Well, to put it in a nutshell, contribution is something that is granted to the positive impacts, your personal achievements or simply your experiences you have gained or committed during your ventures. I can open the profile window for you if you’d like.”

I gave a quick affirmation as a window popped up.


User: Xer

Status: VIP

Contribution: 8798990 + 627

Latest Venture: Earth


Venture List:

Biend Ink



Und ur Mien

Festun Ren Liet


Click to read more…



Alright, everything looking fine… LIKE HELL IT IS!?!?

Why do I have so much contribution! That’s like… around 10000 if you consider something around 600 to be the consistent score given for each venture… Does that mean I have gone through 10000 lives as of now…

As if knowing what was going through my mind, the entity looked towards me and responded to my thoughts.


“If you’re wondering as to why your contribution is so high, well it’s due to how high your capabilities are. This time you were given an unfitting world for your type, hence the lower amount of contribution was granted towards you this time. Also, your user is Xer because you wanted to grab those ‘3-letter rare usernames’ or so you exclaimed.


As we’re speaking, your soul is currently adapting to this plane. You’ll end up forgetting most of your previous life’s memories and remember your user “Xer’s” memories. We generally provide this type of greeting despite the adaptation process occurring so that souls do not panic before the adaptation process is complete. I hope you remember all the necessary information quickly.” 


After being provided with this information, I soon started to regain the said user or soul’s memories. My prior memory soon became very faded. 

I started feeling a sense of loss but despite that, I also felt as if I was very used to this process at the same time.

The experience that I was going felt like it had happened millions of times before. Each venture, I lost the memories of my relationship and previous lifestyles but I only end up retaining some hobbies and some other general knowledge of my most recent venture only, which was done so so that the soul isn’t heavily inflicted with a state of depression.

I gave out a sigh as I opened the shop menu. Last time I had decided to go as a clean slate venture since I wanted to try it out once in a while as a change of pace.

I often did so just because it had started to feel tedious to go with a very strong start.

Not that I needed it most of the time, especially if the venture I was about to head to was fantasy related due to my high attunement with it. Essentially I was a broken character in almost any fantasy world.


I scrolled around the shop knowing soon I would have to face my next inevitable venture soon. It’s not like anybody had the option to opt-out from it.

As I was staring at the screen, it showed dozens of strong traits and other related things.

Most of the good ones such as ‘High Appeal’, ‘Extraordinary Physique’, ‘High Intelligence’ were worth around 5-10 successful ventures. Broken ones such as “Maximum Intelligence” or “Special Ability: Random” was around 50 successful ventures.

There were many more even stronger perks one could go for but the cost increasingly grew along with it. Most of them didn’t catch my eye as I had at least used all of them at one point.

I skimmed through the shop and nothing new caught my eye. Well, that was until I reached the bottom of the list.


“World Creation -  2000000 (Warning: Experimental)”


My interest instantly arose upon seeing that. I don’t think they ever allowed to create worlds before.

I gave an inquiring look towards the staff and asked about it.


“Oh, that is the new product we hope to bring to commercialization soon. You should be able to see it due to your VIP status sir. It’s still in experimental phases so there could be some undesired effects, but it still works like what it promises. The creation of your own desired world which can be saved into your profile and entered at any point of time.”


I was immediately excited after hearing this. Creation of my own world huh… well, I also need to follow along with my plan of using every product in the shop at least once anyways.

Without hesitation, I clicked towards the World Creation item. Soon it appeared in my inventory from where I could use it. Selecting "use" opened a bunch of settings which one could choose to go. It was honestly overwhelming but I ended up going along with my desires, partially aligned with my previous life’s interests too.


So thus I created a fantasy harem world with the name of “Nymto” chosen through the randomize option. With settings such as everyone can easily fall in love with me… various fantasy based fetishes… a normal fantasy based leveling system… almost everyone being a very beautiful female… technological advancement comparable to earth with manga, games, light novels etc… The list goes on but essentially I might’ve created an otaku’s paradise.


I ended up having to set up a nonsensical asexual means of production also to keep a high ratio of women.

It ended up as something with the offsprings having 90% matching genes with the rest being slightly random in terms of asexual reproduction, though I left normal human means of reproduction also.

Turns out my previous self might’ve been an otaku after all. Though my interests in my previous life are based upon the desires of my body and mind, the core of those desires is still influenced by that of my soul.


I added some other miscellaneous things before I finalized my world draft. Looking at it it looked as if someone combined an easy difficulty harem eroge with a fantasy game. Definitely a top seller in my opinion.

I ended up taking the perk “Transfer User Memories” and "Male Gender" this time. Usually, I would avoid taking memory retention items since I would just end up getting bored at the middle age phase and have thoughts of killing myself, but I was sure this time would be an exception.

Little did I realize how much I’d regret doing this.

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